how often do you weigh yoursel?



  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    I weigh every morning. But I only record/count my monday weigh ins
  • lmethven
    I am trying to stick to once a week but at the moment it is every couple of days
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Every. Dang. Day.

    Sometimes - I don't trust the number - so I step on 2 or 3 more times.


    I WEIGHT EVERY DAY TOO! The way I look at it, I will see fluctuations, but I understand that. When that scale moves up just a tiny bit, its my motivator to turn it back around! When it goes down, even just .2 of a lb, I am remotivated in that way to keep it up!!!

    I have rechecked 2-3 times too! :D
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm just curious as to what everyone does.
    i know i should do it weeklyl, but i feel like if i dont do it daily I wont stay on track.

    There's no "should". Weigh yourself as often as YOU need to stay on track. For some people that's daily. For others, once a month.

    Personally, I weigh several times a day - at night before bed, first thing in the morning after y'know.....I also have insomnia so if I wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes I'll weigh just for the hell of it, and then go back to bed.

    I like knowing how my body reacts to things. The official weight I track here on MFP is the morning one - and I can see patterns in how it works. My weight bounces up twice a month - at the beginning of my period, and again when I ovulate. I have weighed like this for 6 years, and for 5 of those, I maintained a 5 lb range. Since joining MFP, I have started losing more weight.

    I don't stress about the numbers - I use them as decision-making pieces of information. Am I at the top of my 5 lb range? Okay, I'll pass on the dessert tonight. Am I at the bottom of my 5-lb range? That blueberry cream cheese pie looks delicious - I think I'll have a slice. It's like a weather report - sunny & 75? I've got a cute sundress to wear! Raining & 45 degrees? Where did I put my new sweater?

    The difference between nighttime and morning is typically 2 lbs.
  • rcvinluan
    once a week, in the evening, right after exercise...
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    several times a day... even tho it drives me nuts lol
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Weigh every day to keep me on track, but only log once a week.

    I do this too! But I think it is important to recognize that your weight fluctuates. With that said, if you do this do not be discouraged if you see the number slightly higher than the day before. I do it also because if I notice the numbers going down it gives me that little extra push that I need.

    I also do my measurements once a week as well, the same day I weigh in. I find this is really encouraging because there are times I do not see the scale going down much (maybe a few ounces) but I notice my measurements have!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday Morning. Please remember the scale does not lie but it does not tell you everything. Just don't be bound by it or dictate how your day will be. When you first see someone and they look great, the first thing you notice is how fit and slim they are not how much they weigh. Buy yourself a pair of jeans that will be your goal to fit and feel sexy in.

    Very true. Thanks for making that point!
    I'm NOT obsessive/compulsive.

    Now that I got that out of the way, I weigh myself multiple times per day. It's not because I obsess over the number, but because I want to understand my body's rhythms. So, If I'm at 181 in the morning, it's OK that I'm at 183 at night...I know that I'll lose two pounds overnight. And, if not, it will work out over time. I'm eating right, exercising right...the rest will come.

    But, I'm a numbers guy by profession & temperament. I just like having a lot of data points.

    The general advice is to only do it the same time of day.

    And, I'm STILL not OCD. But, I did have to sort my M&Ms into colors before I ate them (back when I ate them). :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

    Love this! :heart:
    But if you weighed yourself everyday, wouldn't you get discouraged if say you gained a couple of pounds? Especially when on days when you thought you had exceptionally well only to find out you hadn't? Just wondering.

    I don't let that get to me. I remind myself that my weight fluctuates from time to time. I also do my measurements so I remind myself that those numbers have gone down too! I find it is really motivational for me if I notice the number on the scale getting smaller. But that is just me, everyone is different!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Every morning when I wake up. I use the hacker's diet website to track the trend, and have an excel spreadsheet.

    I created an excel spreadsheet too to track my progress! I find it very helpful when watching my progress over time. :happy:
  • ashreneeknutson
    I weigh twice a week and record it both days. I weigh on Mondays and Thursdays. This way I know where I need to make adjustments.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Daily. It helps me stay on track.
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    I was doing it once a week but I realize that it isn't moving and so I get discourage and give up so my new thing now is either every two weeks and if that doesn't work then I am going to do it once a month!!!!!! I guess it all depends on the person

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  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Every. Dang. Day.

    Sometimes - I don't trust the number - so I step on 2 or 3 more times.


    I do exactly this...but if I really don't believe the number I will move to a 2nd scale...because I'm that obsessive! :-)
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Between once and twice a week.
    Weighing myself isn't something that is important to me.
    It used to be when I first started on here.

    If I weigh myself less regularly, then I am a lot happier when I finally do because I see a nice big loss :)
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    1X every 3 weeks. Might soon change that to 1X every 4-6 weeks. I go by how I feel more then anything. If my clothes keep getting bigger and the new ones keep getting lose then I must be losing somewhere.
  • Babbella10
    every day...but that is crap cause you can fluctuate from fluid retention.......
  • missyouhoo
    missyouhoo Posts: 33 Member
    Feels like every morning but now every other morning
  • i_like_snow
    i_like_snow Posts: 64 Member
    Every. Dang. Day.

    Sometimes - I don't trust the number - so I step on 2 or 3 more times.


    Ditto. I always weigh myself twice each morning. Sometimes the number changes for the better on the second attempt! Haha.
  • cinnamonbunz87
    I used to do it daily; and then weekly; and now daily again. It helps to get a scale that rounds to the nearest decimal point...that way every day you should see a slight decrease and can monitor your progress better!
  • Jeliica
    Once a week, same day, try to do it same time. Also I weight in every time I go to the nutritionist or WLS doctor. When I first started going to the doctor, I wasn't permitted to weight myself at home at all. The scale number is not supposed to be as important as learning to pursue my nutritional and exercise goals. Your weight can fluctuate as much as 8-10 pounds per day and it will drive you nuts if you weight yourself daily.

    That's so true. I do weight myself a day and during the morning it says I lost 2 pds and in the evening it says I gain 2 pds. So I just stop doing it. I only change my weight when I go to the doctor and they tell me how much I am.