Anyone need a push in the New Year?



  • TNT52822
    TNT52822 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2023
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    I need a lot of help and support!!!

    First of all, Miss CurvyEmmy, let's talk about how beautiful a smile your have. You are struggling with what a great number of people in this world/group struggle with including me. In this forum, I am sure you will have the support, love. help and prayers you are searching for. I cannot speak for all and I cannot promise they will always be here at the very moment you need them but everyone will be rooting for you.

    Dig deep within yourself and take one minute at a time. And, I meant minute. When you can make it past the minute take ten then 15 then 30 before you know it you will have made a day. Set some goals. They will not necessarily be easy, possibly find some easy ones. Standing longer each day is an accomplishment with great strides. Possibly for you, it's starting with only one task (goal) then working to the next feat which may be your meal plan and all of this may be visa versa; in other words, you prefer starting with meal plan over standing; obviously this is your choice. All of this is Your Choice. And, we are her to support YOU.

    Sorry if I rambled. And, I apologize if I am out of place. I truly am trying to be supportive.

    You have an absolute beautiful SMILE. :)
  • MyBodModProject
    MyBodModProject Posts: 255 Member
    2022lynne wrote: »
    Hey I'd love for you to push me around!

    Nudge Nudge
    TNT52822 wrote: »
    I have not tried intermittent fasting. It happens to me occasionally, on days when I am way too busy to stop and eat. I imagine starting out is really tough.

    Actually, it isn't bad at all, I start it at bed time and have it stop first thing in the morning that way breakfast is a little later. Not certain if I am achieving the true "intermittent fasting" that will provide results but I am trying it. :)

    So most of the fasting is while asleep. I like that! That must make it easier.

  • TNT52822
    TNT52822 Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2023

    So most of the fasting is while asleep. I like that! That must make it easier.


    Exactly, so easy and that is why I wander if it is really consider fasting... hehe. I am working so hard at it. lol But if so, I want to share my secret.. hehe.
  • SusannahMorgan82
    SusannahMorgan82 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there!! I love this idea! I am getting back on my healthy lifestyle journey and could use all the support I can get!

    A little about me: My name is Susannah. I’m a 40 year old mom of two teenagers. I work 3 jobs so time is not something that I have a lot of! I have used MyFitnessPal in the past and really liked it & had some success but alas, bad habits have a way of creeping back in…
    I recently had a doctors appointment, for the first time in way too long, and found that I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I’m borderline diabetic. I also have sleep apnea and knee & back pain. I know that I need to make changes for my health, and also for my happiness. My doctor prescribed me Trulicity for my blood sugar and also to help me lose some weight. I had my first dose on Wednesday, so we’ll see how that goes! But my main focus is eating more fruits and veggies, lean proteins, fiber and moving more. MyFitnessPal will help me track my progress and give me accountability.
  • MyBodModProject
    MyBodModProject Posts: 255 Member
    Hello Susannah! Welcome back to MFP. Your list of ailments sounds a lot like mine, as do your goals. So, here's to more fruit and veg! And accountability.
  • mdlcmj
    mdlcmj Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Mike from Long Island NY, 63, retired and began my weight loss journey 09/01/2021 at 455 lbs, I currently weigh 250 so I'm down 205 lbs in 16 months. I've been averaging about 12 lbs per month but this last month December I only lost 5 lbs so I guess I've hit the dreaded plateau. I exercise three times a day a mile walk after breakfast, two miles on a treadmill before lunch and another mile after supper. I eat about 1700 calories per day evenly split between lean protein healthy fats and my carbs all come from fresh fruits and vegetables. I have not had any bread or pasta, pizza or beer or soda since I started this journey so that's me, anyone have any ideas how to get past my plateau?
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,290 Member
    mdlcmj wrote: »
    December I only lost 5 lbs so I guess I've hit the dreaded plateau...anyone have any ideas how to get past my plateau?

    A 5lbs/month plateau is something most of us would be pretty happy with. :)

    At 455 lbs a 12 lbs loss is a little over two percent. At 255 lbs a 5 lbs loss is right at two percent.

    To readjust to losing 1 to 2 percent per month until you get to a stable weight might be a more helpful way of monitoring your journey.

    Mix in some strength training in your upper body. Building muscle is more metabolically active, and should keep you humming.

    What a great story, you are inspiring!!! Have a happy New Year.

  • mdlcmj
    mdlcmj Posts: 11 Member
    I never thought of it like that, I'll keep that in mind. I do lift weights three times per week M W F, I just forgot to add it to my story.
  • SusannahMorgan82
    SusannahMorgan82 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow, Mike! What incredible progress you’ve made!! And to have that kind of discipline is pretty impressive! I agree with Chris, at 250lbs losing 5lbs per month is great. In my experience when I’ve reached a plateau sometimes eating a little MORE calories is helpful. I’m not saying get back on the beer & pizza wagon (although how you’ve managed to go so long without splurging is mind blowing and amazing to me!) but maybe try a few bigger portions of healthy foods or try mixing up your workout…maybe a martial arts class or CrossFit for a change. But even if 5lbs a month is your new average, good for you! What an inspiration 👏🏻👏🏻
  • sherig_70
    sherig_70 Posts: 10 Member
    Hiya. I'm certainly looking for some support and encouragement and would love some friends in this regards. I'm an English teacher (in France) and a counsellor.

    Hi Nicole. Great! I’ma HR professional that needs to lose about 45lbs.
  • sherig_70
    sherig_70 Posts: 10 Member
    TNT52822 wrote: »
    I believe we are all thinking on the same level. We are all in wanting the same for all, encouragement, motivation, support; however, struggling to make the next move. This is all new to me. Do I continue to post what's happening to me?.. not an easy thing for me, but that's on me I can warm up to it. ( hence why I posted an end of day pic?

    How do you communicate with each other collectively? I read each other's posts and at this point, with it small can connect to each and everyone's story. :smile: :)

    Any guidance?

    I liked what Chris said, it seemed he felt we were headed in the right direction. woohoo

    So guess I will also start with this too.... is anyone trying the new Intermittent fasting???? I just started.


    Hi T! I have tried intermittent fasting but I don’t think I have it enough time to see if it made a difference. Unfortunately I’m a stress eater so I’m trying to manage that piece. Let me know how you feel about it or how it’s going if you’ve tired it.

  • sherig_70
    sherig_70 Posts: 10 Member
    CurvyEmmy wrote: »
    I need a lot of help and support!!!

    I’m just too out of shape to be able to exercise - even just going up the stairs or standing on my feet for more than a couple minutes, is too hard for me to - I always need to sit down and rest and catch my breath.

    I am trying to make baby steps to change my eating habits but I struggle with emotional binge eating. My appetite is ferocious and my cravings feel painfully intense, so restrictive dieting is really not an option for me!!!

    Hi Emmy.

    I felt your post. I gained 50 lbs during the pandemic and I’m still struggling. I’m about 174 and 40% body fat. I’m huffing just walking. Sometimes I feel there’s so much to focus on…working out, eating right, mindset, house stuff, work…etc. it’s often overwhelming. I definitely want to lose weight and get healthier. So glad you’re sharing your story. We got this lady. 💪🏼

  • Sharsou
    Sharsou Posts: 8,845 Member
    Hey, count me in.. I was going great till Nov and then I hit the roadblock and just lust the will and rigour. Hoping to drag myself back to where I was. It would be amazing to be surrounded by like minded people and make this journey great!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,533 Member
    sherig_70 wrote: »
    My post is centered on bringing myself to a healthier version of ME for 2023. (LOL! That rhymes.... hahaha)

    Ok so I read this in a sing-songy voice hahaha. Cracked me up.
  • mdlcmj
    mdlcmj Posts: 11 Member
    How is everybody doing? I hope 2023 is successful for everybody. Let's together make it a great year and achieve our goals together.
    Emmy, you can do this when I started I was in the same situation I had difficulty standing my knees ached all the time but someone once said that every journey starts with the first step so in my case I just started very slowly and built-up on as time went on. I think the best advice I got was to stick with it, consistency to keep at it even when you don't feel like it seems to work in the long term. I began with a stationary bike so I could sit and work my knees I still use it. I hope you find something that works for you.