Welcome New Members!



  • BayBlue22
    BayBlue22 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi - I am 53 and in the process of starting over, trying to balance weight loss via eating better (and less) with strength training and some cardio (first to get a base on the treadmill - then to add some swimming , group classes and try out some new activities ) I have about 50 pounds to loose to arrive at my ideal weight. Any one in this thread please feel free to add me.
  • kbmnurse3
    kbmnurse3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, new here. Retried RN. Maintaining 22 lb weight loss is a challenge daily. I am constantly prepping food/meals, exercising and drinking water, water and more water. I do try to limit carbs to < 90GM daily as suggested by a nutritionist. Rarely drink alcohol which I do not miss at all. Now I am the DD, LOL.
  • email2nirmalar
    email2nirmalar Posts: 4 Member
    Hello... I'm new here, joined today.... Hoping to lose some weight and get healthy...
  • dorotheahos
    dorotheahos Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, here to lose some weight and stay healthy.
  • milasmith0123
    milasmith0123 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi members!! I am a 15-year old recovering anorexic. I'm trying to maintain my weight and gain muscle. any tips are appreciated!!
  • sodogirl
    sodogirl Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm a long time user, off and on. Looking forward to getting my health in line and my eating habits honed in. Need to lose weight! Currently on Optavia! Is there a group and how do I find it?
  • LaurynA3
    LaurynA3 Posts: 5 Member

    My name is Lauryn and today is my day one! I’m looking to ultimately lose 85 lbs and get in shape. Quick facts: I am a married mom of three, dog momma, RN and struggle with PCOS. I am currently setting up a home gym and look forward to creating better wellness overall.
  • MozzerellaPearl
    MozzerellaPearl Posts: 6 Member
    First post here, however have been an MFP member since 2013, from way back when it was My Plate 😅
  • madim1201
    madim1201 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to mfp. Currently focusing on intermittent fasting and would like some friends in my feed who also do the same!! Please add me or comment so I can add you. I Currently use the 12:12 IF method, and have lost 3.6 pounds in four days. I am obese so I have a lot of weight to lose.
  • michellemccarley4244
    New to this. Long term I'm looking to loose 150lbs but short term 50lb in 5 months. I've struggled in the past because I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, work as a nurse and have to eat on the run. I need to work on meal prep for low carb diet and increasing my daily step count. Hello to everyone and enjoy your journey
  • khetib
    khetib Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everybody;
    My name is Youcef, I do low carb, Intermittent fasting (18Hrs) and soon start HIIT workout. All in parallel, I'm 235lbs and want to get to 180lbs.
    This is my first week of Low Carb and Intermitent Fasting, I make my own dishes:
    - Mediterranean Salade I called it Salade St Joseph.
    - A lot of fish ( Salmon, mahi mahi, Swordfish, Swai fillet, Lobsters and Schrimp).
    - Brocolli or Showiflower as a side for the fishes.
    - lots of water, some coffee or thea and Lime juice.
    - I do not exceed 1600 Calories a day. ±10%
    - I try to walk 1000 steps a day but it is not easy with the snow.

    I live in Grand forks, North Dakota, please to not hesitate to get intouch so we share our findings.
  • craftygeekgirl
    craftygeekgirl Posts: 180 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am a 37 year old professional who works shift work. I have been a member of MFP off and on for over 10 years but I have a bad habit of deleting my account when I get fed up with myself. My New Year's Resolution is to not do that anymore and stick with it as I know it works! Feel free to add me if you want to have some accountability, I know I need some myself!
  • Apellet1
    Apellet1 Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2023
    Hi, my name is Amy and I'm a recovering food addict. That totally sounds like the start of a bad comedy routine, but mannn...it has been a struggle. I've been heavy my whole life (yeah, always the last one picked in gym class) and off and on MFP for several years. I actually let my inner badass out one time though, and lost 70 lbs. Life was good. I was feeling myself. I thought, "You finally did it girl". Well, I'll spare you the details of my downward spiral, but old habits die hard and I gained it all back AND more. So here goes round...I don't even know. But I'm here. The Doordash sub is cancelled, and I've reached a truce with the cookies in the pantry. Let's kick some a**.
  • Mikedeb839
    Mikedeb839 Posts: 2 Member
    Back into MFP again and hoping that I will be consistent this time!! I am 70 years young and would really like to kick these BP meds!
  • nitinkhanna1984
    nitinkhanna1984 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi just joined the app with hope to lose 40 kgs
  • hollysmythe2672
    hollysmythe2672 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Holl I am 22 years old and have struggled with my weight since my early teens, my aim to be healthy both physically and mentally. I want to lose weight to also gain my confidence back and love my body again. I’m hoping regular exercise and healthy meal options alongside vitamins and P Powders will help me achieve my goals. I have a lot to learn in the world of fitness and love the idea of my fitness plan to record my whole journey with free plan options, I have selected strong thighs and glutes for this coming week 16/1/23. Wishing you all luck and happiness on your fitness journey & myself 🫶🏻x
  • Genie_B99
    Genie_B99 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi--new to MFP but was on SparkPeople where I lost 20 pounds (many years ago). Surprise! The pounds found me again and I'd like to lose them forever and get out of this sense of complacency. Have problems with portion control so that's where I'm starting.
  • KatethePostie
    KatethePostie Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, im Kate..and here I am back again. 🥴
    I have about 60lbs to shift. I started last year, about this time. Did well, was better with food choices, upped my activity and even joined a gym and had a few PT sessions there. Unfortunately for me my health was challenged, confined me to house regularly, add in some family issues and my mental health took a hit and as an emotional eater everything flipped. Activity and food choices hit the floor. Later end of last year I began therapy to help my mental health and address some issues including my weight and eating. Last week my blood sugars spiked. It was the wake up call. Im now on another medication for my t2 diabetes. So now im back, trying to get in better focus, move more, im back at the gym at least 2 times a week. So anyone with similar history and/or issues to me reach out! I need all the help I can get! 🙏🏻😃
  • MammySher
    MammySher Posts: 10 Member
    Years ago, I wanted to live a better lifestyle. I was at 240 pounds and joined a great community called Spark People. I was down to 150 pounds, and I felt great. Then they closed down. Now I'm up to 185 and feel really old. I want to get back to feeling like I did. Today after spending 2 days laying in bed watching TV, I was really upset with myself. So I went in search of a program that was like the program I had success with before and found this program. I work 10 to 12 hours daily, 6 to 7 days weekly. I homeschool my 11th-grade grandson, which really helps keep my mind active now. I need to get my body going. I have been homeschooling him for 3 years now. My mentally handicapped son also lives with us. It is a struggle sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. They need me as much as I need them.
  • howma
    howma Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! I joined years ago and was inactive for sometime so I came back today to get myself back on track!