LESS Alcohol ~ JANUARY 2023 ~ One Day At A Time



  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    edited January 2023
    I tend to collect things, maybe even accumulate things; I try not to hoard. I go through some parts of the stuff from time to time and try to figure out what I'm holding and why. Sometimes I see the reason in letting stuff go, other times I tell myself I'm saving this or that for whatever purpose. Some stuff is sentimental value, some stuff is probably kinda stupid to be saving. Some stuff I save because look, I spent PERFECTLY GOOD MONEY on that stuff and it would be a shame to throw it away even if I never got any use out of it.

    When the Filthy B got stolen, I had a closet full of motorcycle parts and bike-specific tools and odds and ends, purging that hurt a little, and for a few days, the process of going through it all kept my blood boiling. She wasn't a great bike, and we had some trust issues, but dammit she was mine. When she was gone, of course I didn't need all the little bits and pieces and take-offs and tools and spares and such, but it just felt wrong getting rid of it. After all, what if I got another Sportster? (Yeah, no. I'm done with Harleys, so much unreliable. Sorry, not sorry.)

    Music stuff, same thing. I have bins and boxes full of guitar parts, I have miles and miles of cables, some of them I don't even know where they came from. Bits of amp and speaker hardware, case hardware, tools and pieces and odds and ends....but gotta keep it all, it might be useful. Rack units and MIDI controllers and things that I haven't used in years and will probably never use again, but hey, they still work, and nobody will buy them for a fair price so I might as well keep them, right?

    Clothes and shoes aren't too hard. I save concert tees and my old Hein Gericke leather, everything else is pretty much fair game for the donation bin or the trash pile when it gets worn or no longer fits right.

  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,959 Member
    edited January 2023
    January accountability: 11 days AF
    Alcohol: 16 days (40 drinks)
    Goal: Limit 2 glasses per day; 20-25 AF days this month. I usually target 12-16 AF days each month which is usually a challenge … hitting 20 days since DH backed out of his dry January commitment is definitely influencing me to join him on weekdays I had not planned when setting the goal. Going for it anyway!

    1/27 - AF 1 Clausthaler non-alcoholic beer

    Mindful Drinking Fest: A festival that was all about drinking and having fun — without being fueled by alcohol.

    I've not heard of this event but would love to go one day ... or maybe they will bring it to other cities!


  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 712 Member
    I went through knock down drag out battles over getting rid of things that literally would not fit into the apartment my aunt was moving into, and now even those things are sitting in a storage unit because she ended up in the hospital the same weekend she moved here, and now is permanently in a nursing home where none of those things will fit, but I had no time to find ways to get rid of them because I was too busy dealing with her health problems. Definitely purge unless you have a grudge against your children! And sending strength to those going through it now.

    I found this round up of mocktail recipes for anyone with the patience. Some sound great! https://apple.news/AWa4m83J7SRq9aL4KOWiPKg