

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Lisa and anyone else dealing with this crazy weather. We are waking up to ice and light snow but nothing like the weather was showing in the west part of the country. Stay safe!

    Kitchen faucet in. Yay! It looks way better than the one with the flex seal tape!
    Trash taken out. Was close to water goal. Met step goal. I am going to call it a successful day!

    I love all of your support, sharing of experiences, advice, and encouragement. Have a great day!

    Kylia in wintery Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,951 Member
    January 2023

    Walking/Running Distance (km): 77.9
    Walking/Running Time (min): 966.6
    Cycling Distance (km): 245.1
    Cycling Time (min): 816.9
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 63.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 45.4
    Other Time: 210.0 (Gardening and Weights)

    Total Distance (km): 323.0
    Total Distance (miles): 200.7
    Total Time (min): 2038.9
    Total Time (hr): 34:58:53

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,371 Member
    Sue in WA - congrats on your weight loss! It nearly slipped by me :) 13 pounds in 6 months is stellar and you are seeing good health benefits 😉

    Barbara - And a hearty pat on the back for your lower BMI! Well done! Have you found a new rain jacket yet? When I was younger, I thought my dad was funny coming in for his "second breakfast", I'd never heard that term. But now, there are days that I also get really hungry a couple hours after I've eaten breakfast. I think, I must have inherited this from my dad! Good to know Joe is on the same wavelength. :D

    Kylia - good job on the plumbing repair, these things can be tough, awkward under the sink. :# I have many memories of "Hold the light! No, not there--can't you see what I'm doing here?" I avoided being plumber's or mechanic's light bearer as much as possible. DH was lucky the heavy flashlight didn't slip and whack him on the head. ;)

    My main bathroom sink faucet needs replacement, I have a container in the cupboard to catch any drips. Thankfully, there are very few right now.

    I got the new shower head attached in the master bathroom, but the plastic coupling that I attached it to has a hairline crack and squirts water out the side. It's pretty cemented/screwed onto onto the metal pipe that comes out the wall. A plumber could probably break it loose, but I'm not going there. So I found a can of Flex Seal in DH's collection and have carefully sprayed that crack a couple times, we'll see if it holds. May need to wrap it with some Flex seal tape; the whole shower needs to be replaced at some point. I can stand a few drips, just don't like the squirts which aim right at my eye as I step into the shower! :D

    Ginny - sorry to hear about the tooth. I have ancient crowns that I hope will stay put for as long as I need them!

    Jenni regarding going to the gym, what are your goals? Debbie had good suggestions, starting out slow. Do you want more cardio, strength, flexibility? I go to my gym whenever I can to walk on the treadmill and they have a "lady's circuit room" which is neat, the machines are hydraulic and I don't have to mess with free weights. And there's rarely anyone in there. The gym has "silver and fit" classes which I haven't attended but lots of folks like them and they are a kind of social gathering too. :) I have the ability to do some cardio and strength training at home so don't feel the need to hit the gym every day. Several ladies in this group also use walking videos a la Leslie Sansone and others. Good luck to you.

    Machka you are made of tough stuff to sleep through the MRI thumping. :) Crossing fingers the test results will be fine.

    Debbie - I was just thinking how neat it would be if your DH would walk with you, even for a little while. Just getting away from his mom, and other distractions. I'm crossing fingers he'll catch on to the idea one of these days. Maybe if he's working full time again, his mom will back off some wanting him over there so much - at least now he has an excuse if he'll use it.

    My cleaner called - her DH tested positive for Covid over the weekend and now she's feeling poorly herself so I probably won't see her for a week. I can chase Rosie around with the vacuum cleaner if I get desperate, lol.

    Think I'm caught up for now. Have a wonderful day!

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 617 Member
    OMGosh... January is over! This is nutz! Love you guys. Have a great day!

    31 Now try to "meditate" (sit in silence) for ten minutes... NO PROBLEM!
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,948 Member
    Jenni4w wrote: »
    I’m looking forward to making fitness a habit once again, or as many times as I need to reconnect. It feels heavy to set my goal to go to the gym every day or to add it to my mornings. Has anyone had a struggle like this?

    :) It helps me to have a plan that is marked "daily-ish" so I don't feel like a failure if I miss a day. Keep reading this thread for ideas of fitness that might be more to your liking. Examine your day to see what other times might work for exercise. Look for other kinds of exercise if the gym doesn't feel right. Consider listening to something while you exercise. Pairing exercise with something you like makes the time more pleasant. If walking or going to the gym means listening to your audio book or podcast or music, you will be more likely to do it.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Machka, good luck on your MRI results.

    Rain here. But I need to get spinach for my mango smoothie. That has worked very well in terms of eating leafy greens and more fruit.

    I need to cancel my gym membership. I haven't been since before Covid. I have my dumbbells in the basement, and enough room to walk around for my videos and such. Jenni I highly recommend exercising at home with YouTube videos. Leslie Sansone is a favorite because she is so full of encouragement, which helps me enjoy it. And yoga with Adriene is calming and so friendly. There are lots of others, depending on whether you have any equipment, or any joint restrictions ( I have a bum knee.) Good luck on your journey!

    Michele thanks for the encouragement!

    Annie in Delaware
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,269 Member
    Barbara - Many congratulations on that BMI number. I know how much dedication that takes. <3

    And any others (Sue?) who have managed to drop pounds. A great job. :D:):D

    Bea pick up today. Leaving in about 30 minutes. I have to take ibuprofen at lunchtime to allow myself to get there and back, or the return journey is pretty hard. Luckily, my flare up seems to be retreating.
    Bea is exceedingly fussy about eating. She loves pesto and pasta, especially farfalle, the butterfly shape. That is so hard to find, so I got some from Amazon yesterday. It's a bit smaller, but should do.
    Of course, we are doing extra minding tomorrow, for the teacher's strike, but we are happy about that.

    Sorry Lisa about your cold snap. :# We see a bit colder than I thought we would be, but not at freezing. Hope your colonoscopy goes ahead OK. :o

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2023
    I expect a trip to Walmart some time in the next couple of days. Just now I need immodium. It looks like an unpleasant morning ahead for me. :noway:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It is a sunny morning here in Illinois. There is still snow in shady places that I can see from my windows. I’m hoping to go shopping with our daughter in the next day or so. I have a shopping list ready to go. 🤞🏻 ⭐️ 🤞🏻
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,486 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    A bitterly cold and wintry day has given me the perfect excuse to huddle with my laptop and catch up with all of you over the past couple hours. Thanks for all your photos, stories, encouragement and memes.
    With so many of us contemplating upheavals, and others of us dealing with the death of family and loved ones, I think many will be glad to say goodbye to January and start our clean slate here in February. At times like these, when I see each of us reaching out with love and support, experience and advice, I know once more why I'm here. There has been no other group of people I have ever known like this, and none that I have valued as I do all of you. Thank you all for what you give each day, whether it's expressed in words or not. Knowing you're there is enough.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Ditto! Lisa, you always seem to know how to phrase what I'm thinking.

    January was an up and down month. I have been listening to back episodes of Feel Better Live More podcast with Dr. Chatterjee. One guest talked about adjusting our eating, sleeping and exercise to correspond with the seasons, and I had an epiphany...d'oh! I don't have to exercise at 9:30 every morning, especially after working till 11:30 the night before. I don't have to eat raw veges or salads for lunch, when what my real yearning is for a loaded soup, stir fry or frittata. My friend has confessed she just can't work up enthusiasm to hike during our cold, snowy spells, so we both enrolled in the Row House, just to give ourselves an indoor gym experience that works different muscles. I love the rowing machine, and have one in my condo I can use for free, but the chance to do this together gives me something to look forward to. Since adjusting to be in better alignment with my natural circadian waves I feel great and have dropped over a pound.

    Lanette: I never used to be comfortable walking barefoot, but since developing Morton's neuroma in one foot years ago, I am very picky about the fit of my shoes. Wide toe box is a must. Often I cut the tops off my socks, too. Recently I experimented with a pair of minimalist trainers, and find that I can exercise very well in those. No pain in feet, knees or hips while wearing those, and absolutely no annoying neuroma feeling on the bottom of my food. Slowly extending the time I spend in them, and learning to walk on different terrain. Balance is great. Interesting to 'feel' the ground beneath wearing a shoe built more like a moccasin.

    Thinking of all of you who are dealing with difficult family situations. Hope you take care of yourselves, especially your loving, generous hearts. May forgiveness prevail in all your interactions and peace envelope you and yours.

    Hugs to all who need them. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    Thanks for checking in now and then with us.👍🏻💖🤗. We love ya! Living seasonally. I like that. There is a reason , deep in our DNA, that calls us to the "stick to your ribs" foods during the winter months. I proudly cook soups these days, and it satisfies my soul.💖
    Hugs to you and all the positive things your doing!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,371 Member
    Barbara, Kudos for the BMI success. I know you are pleased! One of my goals this year is to get into a normal BMI range. Despite 40lbs last year, I am still not there. The newness of our new digs is starting to wear off, including the draw of the delicious daily food menu in the Bistro here. There will always be delicious food here. If I am a bit more choosy, I will end this weight stall. I am exercising a lot because of the free classes, the 4 dog walks/day, etc., and am feeling more fit.

    Hugs to everyone.

    Karen in Virginia

    Karen - I think you're at a good place. You've done a great job losing 40 lbs and are smart to be reassessing your environment and figure out where to go from here. Sometimes not gaining is a better goal than losing, in my opinion. At least that's where I'm at. :D

    Are you still liking/wearing your Crocs? Mine arrived yesterday. I like that fact that they aren't super cushy and are plenty wide. Not sure what I think about the nubbins :p other than maybe I need to wear heavier socks.

    Lisa - Corey and that icy bridge gave me the willies yesterday. Glad they cancelled your procedure for now and you can have some normal eating days.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,486 Member
    Time to wish January Adieu'! Can you believe it?? This month has gone by fast. Too fast!
    It's snowing here on Whidbey. Husband just returned from the gym, and said the roads aren't too bad. I just hope it melts all before we have to go out later in the week to shop.