Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 213



  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    refactored wrote: »
    HSW: 211.6 lb (Aug 2021)
    SW: 191.1 lb (Oct 2022)

    2/2: 170.4 lb
    Not sure why the sudden bigger drops in weight. It is unusual for me but I have just finished TOM. I expect my weight will level or it bounce up in the next few days. I have discovered dried apricots are relatively low calorie and I am enjoying having a few with my cup of tea. I always feel I need something with my tea so the apricots work well.

    Hey! I recently read that apricots are pretty good for iron intake! Dried Apricots: 7.5 mg, 42% DV, to be precise. Lol. :)

  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    edited February 2023
    gomifune wrote: »
    HW 206
    GW 146

    2/3 201.3 (can’t wait to break into the 190s, was sooooo close on the 1st!)

    GO GO GO!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!
  • clprieur
    clprieur Posts: 270 Member
    edited February 2023

    Apparently I can't walk and talk at the same time.

    OMG, I do not mean to laugh at your misfortune but I did chuckle at this because I am the very same!! Hope your ankle feels better soon!! <3
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,615 Member
    Round 213 (my 48th)
    February 1, 2023 - February 10, 2023
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    Previous Rounds:
    R164 SW: 164.7, EW: 162.3
    R165 EW: 161.2
    R166 EW: 157.4
    R167 EW: 157.0
    R168 EW: 153.7
    R169 EW: 154.3 - Thanksgiving week
    R170 EW: 149.9
    R171 EW: 151.0 - Travel almost the entire round
    R172 EW: 149.7 - Christmas holidays
    R173 EW: 148.6
    R174 EW: 146.8
    R175 EW: 145.5
    R176 EW: 143.5
    R177 EW: 142.4
    R178 EW: 140.2
    R179 EW: 139.6
    R180 EW: 137.6
    R181 EW: 135.6
    R182 EW: 136.2
    R183 EW: 134.9
    R184 EW: 134.9
    R185 EW: 135.4
    R186 EW: 132.7
    R187 EW: 132.1
    R188 EW: 133.2
    R189 EW: 133.8
    R190 EW: 134.3
    R191 EW: 132.5
    R192 EW: 132.9
    R193 EW: 132.5
    R194 EW: 133.4
    R195 EW: 132.7
    R196 EW: 133.6
    R197 EW: 134.9
    R198 EW: 132.3
    R199 EW: 130.7
    R200 EW: 130.5
    R201 EW: 130.7 (last weigh-in before traveling)
    R202 EW: 134.5
    R203 EW: 132.9
    R204 EW: 134.0
    R205 EW: 132.7
    R206 EW: 133.2
    R207 EW: 134.0
    R208 EW: 134.5
    R209 EW: 134.3
    R210 EW: 131.8
    R211 EW: 131.3
    R212 EW: 132.9
    RSW: 132.9 pounds (1/31/23, EO Round 212)
    RGW: < 135.0 pounds
    UGW: 130-135 pound range

    2/1: 131.4 - Okay, focused on eating yesterday with good results. Today is a travel day
    2/2: DNW - Successful travel day despite our flight being delayed by over an hour. Got a workout in and kept the calories down.
    2/3: DNW - Got my exercise in including weights. Ate pretty sensibly all day but had a mini-binge of some caramel peanut M&Ms (who knew those existed). Didn’t go too far into the binge and accounted for all of it on my diary.
    2/4: DNW -
    2/5: DNW -
    2/6: DNW -
    2/7: DNW -
    2/8: DNW -
    2/9: -
    2/10: -

    Total round weight loss/gain to date from EO last round: - 1.5 pounds
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    edited February 2023
    Congrats on goal!!! Hitting that 200lb milestone would push me to lose the extra 5, too. Haha. I've thought about how to maintain many times throughout my yo-yo journey.... not that I've ever come close to my goal weight.... but I know that I'll always have to track as well. Or perhaps I'll continue to weigh and have a weight range that I'll allow myself to fluctuate within. Idk how people do it.
  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @gomifune I feel ya girl, I feel ya. I’m right there.