Garden thread



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,241 Member
    One of my annual chores is 80% done. I had to take a break to let my hands warm up. They get so cold.

    I cut down all the old canes from my Marionberries. I laid out all the new canes and untangled them. I picked five or six that were healthy and growing up near where the trellis starts and weaved them through the trellis and up onto the fence. I tied up a couple of the ones that went east; I need to go tie the ones that go west. I also need to tie up the final ends.

    I also cut off the ends of the canes I saved if they were too branched or if they had roots growing out. I will keep the rooted cuttings alive in case anyone wants to plant some. I usually do that.

    Then I cut out all the remaining canes that don't have room. I also cut out any blackberries that sneaked in. Even with thick rubberized gloves, I got a few holes poked in my fingers and hand. I think the rubber coating is failing; time for some new gloves perhaps.

    Yesterday I raked the last of the leaves. I keep most of my leaves and pile them up near the trees to add nutrients back to the soil. The exception is the Black Walnut. I really don't like that tree. It's under power lines, and it's right on the property line. I'd love to see it gone. In the meantime, we keep cutting it back. The roots exude Juglone, and so do the rotting leaves. Those walnut leaves go out to the street for collection. The oak leaves take a long time to compost, but they do. They are such good leaves. The filbert leaves fall apart really quickly. Fruit tree leaves are sort of intermediate. I'm glad those chores are done, and I'll go finish the Marionberry canes after the sun comes out.

  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,241 Member
    January is the quietest month in the garden...But just because it looks quiet doesn't mean nothing is happening. -ROSALIE MULLER WRIGHT

    What's going on in YOUR garden? I need to think about doing some fruit tree pruning as well as grapes. I need to heal up for several more weeks first. The grapes really would be best served to wait until February anyway. Same with the raspberries. Marionberries are done. Fruit trees? They need a LOT of work. I might have to hire it out this year if I can't get on a ladder or pull a pruning saw.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited January 2023
    These are the peppers in my first ever attempt at over-wintering. All except one are slowly but steadily turning brown. Not sure if this is normal in dormancy or if they are dying. They get 12 hours of artificial light per day and are also near large south-facing windows. The room is ~9°C/48°F. I water them every week but do not soak; the soil remains fairly dry. They are potted in fresh fertilised commercial potting soil.
    Does anyone here have any experience over-wintering peppers?
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    I'm wondering if they are a little on the dry side. I'm thinking this because the soil is pulling away from the pots. If you were to rake the soil with a spoon tip I think it would crumble. I know you do not want them standing in water but I'd probably try a little more, probably double what you are giving now. The soil is looking pail. I have no idea about your growing conditions, does this surface look similar to the ground they came in from?

    If you were to take a pair of sequiturs to the very brownish one and snip a little of the remaining growth off it this should show you if the wood is dried out. I would try giving that one more water too because the roots and main stem might still be viable. Yours is a worthwhile experiment.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited January 2023
    Thanks. The soil is darker than it looks in the photo since the light is so bright. Those pots are black! You can see the true color of the soil in the farthest plant. I will give the brown ones more water. Every online resource recommends keeping the soil on the dry side... but I've nothing to lose with the brown ones. Also wondering if I should try moving the brown ones into darkness.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,241 Member
    I was initially thinking about daylight length. I didn't realize that capsicum is actually a perennial that doesn't respond to photoperiod.

    Definitely hydrate the soil. Maybe set the pots in a bucket of water until they saturate, then let dry back out. I often only water houseplants once or less than twice a month in the winter, but when I do water, I sometimes water two or three times over a one or two-day period to make sure to fully wet the soil. What they really don't want is wet feet, but they may need good moisture over a shorter time. Fine balance.

    Good luck!
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I have been enjoying this thread!

    This year I signed up for a few catalogs because I just need something pretty to look at in the dreary gray winter. My small vegetable garden is converted flower beds, plus a few pots and deck boxes for herbs and lettuces on our porch. This year I am attempting a few new medicinal plants - calendula mainly, and I will see once I sketch it out if I want to be brave enough to try something else. I try to restrain myself to one or two new plants per year to not overwhelm myself with either the growing or harvesting and preserving. I am not always successful with restraint. 😅
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,241 Member
    Calendula is a good one. Not only is it nice to look at even though the color palate is somewhat limited, it is edible and it has medicinal qualities. It can reseed easily if you don't deadhead all the blossoms, so they come back. It can get weedy if you leave too many seed pods, but it isn't that difficult to control if it does. I wonder if any will come back when I remove the clear plastic I put on my garden last summer to solarize it in an attempt to kill off some of the difficult weeds after my garlic crop failed and I thought it was maybe time for a garden reset.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,241 Member
    The end of winter is nearly in sight. Here's some clues:
    • I have seen a couple English daisies blooming in my lawn.
    • Catkins have been hanging from the Filbert tree for a few weeks.
    • Snowflake plants have plenty of leaves coming up; flowers will be coming soon.
    • Indian Plum, the first native tree to blossom, has broken initial buds; flower to follow soon.
    • Daffodils are up, and buds are swelling.
    • Hyacinth are coming up; I can see flower clusters starting to swell.
    • Belladonna lilies are up all over; I hope more of them bloom this year.
    • Hellebore and Corsican Hellebore have flower buds that are so fat I can't believe they aren't open.
    • Buds on the flowering cherry tree are swelling enough I really should take some cuttings to bring in and force.
    • Madrone tree is threatening to start flowering
    • I had to mow the back yard last week.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,241 Member
    I should have taken a "before" picture, but I did get the raspberries done. Cut out all the primacanes from last year. Selected some of the floracanes from last year to become this year's primacanes, and tied them to the wire.

    Nice day.

    I'm going back outside to enjoy one last hour of sun.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    These are happening here in Michigan's palm, a little earlier than average (the first one popped open in mid-January). There are lots more now.

    As long as it stays not-too-warm, they'll last a long time, too. They even melt the snow around them, if it snows after they bloom - tough little things.

    (Galanthus sp. - Snowdrops - usually the earliest bloomer for me, but probably usually first one's sometime in February . . . or later.)
  • SuzanneC1l9zz
    SuzanneC1l9zz Posts: 451 Member
    <cries in zone 3>
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,166 Member
    <cries in zone 3>

    I'm in 5. Hang on. Spring is comin' for ya. ;)
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,335 Member
    Yesterday I planted 7 different pepper plants, 3 cucumbers (2 different kinds), 2 (different) eggplants, one Genovese basil, and a Lima bean plant that my son seeded in pre-K. Strawberries from last year are growing and mint is growing like a weed again.

    I am feeling optimistic this year.

    I'm trying to share a picture of strawberries but cannot, will try again later.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Our weather is all over the place. We had a dry, very dry February and now we are having it rather wet.

    LovelyChair you are so fortunate to have planting weather. I had been thinking about growing things again this year only having our hands full with children, having done no planting prep this back end with such variable weather condition, I'm not so sure now.

    Anyone do Permaculture? The edible eco-system, I've been given a book and wondering if anyone has any ideas, please
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Its so good when a plant comes back despite all the odds.

    We had a dog who ate peas in pods and another which ate gooseberries. I wonder, how many other peculiar food choices some dogs have made?

  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,335 Member
    In years past, there have been flowers I thought were dead only to bloom again. We had a couple of days of weird weather and it claimed three cucumber plants and one cantaloupe.

    My peppers and one tomato are thriving. I had basil that I wasn't sure about, nor, the eggplant. I left them alone and they're all coming back.

    I think it had to do with beds and location of plants.

    My dog chewed up one of my entire pepper plants, only one I lost. Yes, they will eat weird things sometimes.
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hmm. I may simply prune back my "dead" eggplants from last year and see what happens. I can't plant much outside until May. Indoor seed have just sprouted.
  • nanerkay
    nanerkay Posts: 725 Member
    I'm thinking of starting a small garden what grows good in pots? I don't have a lot of room to plant much.