Daily Accountability Challenge!



  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello everyone! Linny, hope your husband's cardioversion puts him back into sinus rhythm.

    My mom's bday is today (I type this late Th, but really early Fri A.M.) She went to urgent care today, had CT. Wasn't spleen/kidney's...either internal pulled muscle, or another bout of shingles (which is super painful...she's had 2, one time near her optic nerve which could have blinded her but luckily didn't). Dad had a bad day too. Meanwhile contactor texting me, bugging us about choices, after being awol for better part of a fortnight...I said: "Ultimately choice is mom's and she's in too much pain right now to care."

    So, my 3 things today: 1) still caught up on my coding, was day 40 of 100 days of... 2) also, made crockpot chili today, which was a big hit (icky stormy weather, icky ill health, etc.) 3) thinking about going to a spiritual conference in a couple of weekends that 1 went to once about a decade ago, but it's *right* after one-year of putler re-invasion of Ukraine, so might be traumatic in the timing, plus it's across the state in Detroit area, so logistics issues that need to be conquered, esp. if I bring my blind friend that went with me last time. But even if I don't go, it's fun to read the workshop descriptions, so off to do that! Have a good Friyay & weekend.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    3 things: coded, set up mom's bday (very low key, but she's still in pain), let dad sleep for better part of day (still sick)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all!

    I know I've mostly been gone this week. Given that our lives imploded for a few days... I'm just going to pick back up here. My 3 things are for the week then.

    1) husband came home. He's better, not great and all in A Fib, but no chest pain and heart rate is down.
    2) I stayed in my calorie boundaries all week!
    3) I actually got to get out last night and go to my book clubs painting party. I needed that outing. Attaching a photo of all the signs we made.

  • ryfit626
    ryfit626 Posts: 21 Member
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Coming back to the forums for some accountability. I'm really struggling with binge eating and sticking to my calories.

    Today I'm going to the gym so my kids can run out some energy and I can workout and I'm sticking to my calorie goal of 2500 calories today.
  • MattyVonB
    MattyVonB Posts: 13 Member
    We got this! Everyone no matter how grand or small your goals are, each step is a win, being on this app and having the courage to reach out is already an amazing step. Do not ever thing even the smallest step is not a goal you have reached. I am working hard to believe in myself, and I want you all to believe in what you can do and can achieve. I struggle backwards, I move forwards, but no matter what, I get back on the horse and saddle up and move on. WE GOT THIS!
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Hi guys , been a little awol but still hanging on…, I have not been keeping to my calorie count so need someone to slap me around. Did do a two hour dog walk today. Me and Marley. LOL. So cold! 3tq71uq9xax0.jpeg
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all!!! Husband is doing well.

    My 3 things for today:
    1) I was able to fast until the kids birthday party today. That made it easier to stay within my boundaries.
    2) Enjoyed seeing other moms who are actual friends of mine.
    3) Home and ready to relax by 6:45pm. I need the calm for a bit after a party with 27 kids. 😱 That mom gets major kuddos because I would have lost my mind.

    I'll read the above posts later on. I'm just exhausted at the moment.
  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2023
    My 3 things: 1) reached out to my friend re: going to conference 2) stayed in bounds 3) got coding done

    PS: SO glad your husband is doing well, Linny; cute dog & good for you for 2 hour walk...just a reminder to everyone and myself not to over-do when it feels so easy
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I love the photo @DawnCumm

    1) Attended a Galentine Brunch and went outside my comfort zone some to ask questions. That ended up being great though because I found out I could get chicken sausage which was half the calories of regular. The chicken is only listed on the catering menu.

    2) Took my girl and her friend to Jurassic World Tour Live after Brunch. They lived all of it and I loved getting to take them to a show.

    3) My super bowl snacks have been pretty healthy and I'm right at my low end of calories even with all the events today.

  • SeleneMoon333
    SeleneMoon333 Posts: 62 Member
    My3: 1) got outside today 2) prepped many kiwis 3) NSV: starting to see stomach smaller & w/ stretch marks
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all!

    Three positive things today:
    1) I made a stir fry using spaghetti squash instead of any rice or noodles. I always forget how much I enjoy that.
    2) I got back to Zumba after a week away. It felt good to really move.
    3) My daughter had her monthly counseling appointment. After all the crazy last week I asked her how my daughter is really for l doing. I know she shares more private feelings with the counselor. She told me that we're all good and she's working through her fear pretty well.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    edited February 2023
    Man! Just as I thought my life could mellow out things went nuts again. It's all good though.

    My daughter caught a stomach bug on Monday night so on Tuesday I kept her home from school and spent my Valentine's Day checking in on little miss. However, I have my positives ready to go too!

    1) I got my next recipe blog posted yesterday morning. It's even a vegetarian friendly recipe! If you want to check it out it's at https://www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/creamy-red-pesto-dip
    2) My husband brought me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries. He even asked me on Monday night if I wanted some this year since I've been doing so well. I told him only a few, no extra toppings, etc. He brought me exactly 6 and no extra toppings or anything. Enough for me to enjoy it but not enough to go overboard. I loved all of it.
    3) My daughter's basketball team won their game last night. Even if she couldn't go play last night we still checked in and they get to move on to the next game of the tournament.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I have my three for today too! ☺️ And why is it so quiet in here lately?

    1) I got my recipe for the next blog perfect. My super picky husband even had extra.
    2) I got to have a somewhat low key day. I need more of those in my life.
    3) Even with some dessert in the house I've stuck to my boundaries.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Love seeing the pictures and notes. Been away on a few day’s vacation and totally have blown my diet regimen. At least you guys are doing well. Need to get back on the bandwagon

  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Restart in progress. Weight is up 2 lbs. it amazes me how much I can fluctuate so quickly. But my vacation is in a month so time to get it together.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Happy St. Patrick’s day!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Sorry, I got sidetracked and didn't check in for a few days. My daughter had her first-ever real school dance this week and that consumed some time. We had to buy new shoes, sew part of her dress since it is a bit too big, and all that fun stuff. 🙃 It was a Daddy-Daughter Dance and she just liked so grown up to me.

    In other news, my weight hasn't shifted at all this week. Not going up works for me. As long as I'm not gaining I'm all good.
  • DawnCumm
    DawnCumm Posts: 212 Member
    Such cute pics Linda! And a great dad! I have gone up slightly but I anticipated that since I was on soft foods for so long. I do need to focus on me a bit now and improve my diet. Torn rotatory cuff is a issue with exercise but I can walk. :#
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    We had a weird weekend.... especially since I thought we had zero plans and ended up having lots of last minute plans. I'm going to try to get back to checking in just about every day though. Sorry I've spend so much time AWOL.

    Friday was calm and we stayed home. Nothing going on at all and we all definitely needed the break.

    On Saturday our neighbor held a last minute, only about 90 minute long, birthday party for her son. He wanted to go out and have a "guys day" with dad and cousins but some of his family wanted the party. So at the last second we got in invite to come on over. It's only 2 doors down.
    Then we had our belated Valentine's meal out. We NEVER go out on actual Valentine's Day. Always a few days before or after. All three of us (myself, husband and daughter) decided to go out together to Chili's. We hadn't been to a Chili's restaurant in a few years and it used to be one of our favorite chains. It was delicious and I actually stuck to my limits. I pulled out about 1/4 of the chips so I wouldn't keep dipping into the basket, I ordered the Ancho Salmon plate with Mexican rice and broccoli, I only ate half the rice, drank water. It was also really nice to have family time that way. When I'm not cooking, worrying about the dishes, etc. Just for us to sit and joke and enjoy. Afterwards we dropped our daughter off at her best friend's for a sleepover. In the evening I ended up out with some people at a FRIENDS themed trivia night. So for a day with no plans we ended up pretty busy.

    Sunday we went to church, picked up the kid and she brought that friend back to our house for another sleepover. They rode bikes, played with other neighborhood girls, I made tacos, things went really well. Around 9pm the friend got a belly ache and went home. But the drama of multiple girls all together had me wishing for a nap all day.

    Anyway, that leads me to my 3 things:
    1) even with all the stuff that came up I stayed in my calorie boundaries.
    2) our team may have been near the bottom for trivia night but getting out to a new place and new people (I only knew 1 lady out of our group) was fun.
    3) reminding myself that no food is really off limits was good. Forcing the self control to keep to a small amount was hard but I let myself enjoy the chips and salsa without really focusing on how I couldn't have more of them. It's a lesson I need often. If I tell myself "never" then when I get something I go nuts. Allowing a small amount meant I could enjoy, indulge, track and not feel guilty like I had done something wrong.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all! Yesterday was pretty calm. We ate soybean pasta instead of regular pasta for dinner. I wanted to snack so badly. I had some things but stayed at my calorie boundaries.

    Tonight my ladies bible study group starts our spring book. That means dinner with all of them. I have no clue what we'll be eating or anything other than dinner is served at 6:30. I'm trying to keep everything I eat today low so that if it's something high calorie I can keep myself in check.