Women 200lb+, Let's Flourish This February!!!



  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    Hello, hello.

    Well, I was hoping to go back into the pool this week, but I just got back from the doctor who said to wait a week. The good news is, he's taken me off the steriod I was on. It made me SOOOOOO hungry, I couldn't handle it and just ate everything in sight.

    This week, I'm going to try to get my cravings back on track and just log all my food.
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    Hi all. My husband was admitted to the hospital for his A Fib yesterday. They are doing a procedure this morning and I have zero clue if he's coming home today, tomorrow, Friday, or what. It keeps changing. This was unexpected and I'm pretty freaked, frazzled and trying to hold it together for our 9 year old daughter. If I go radio silent it's because I'm losing it. If I end up posting constantly it's for the distraction. I really don't know which way my brain is going to go. I'm just kind of holding myself together with duct tape and prayer today.

    Sending big hugs and prayers your way! Don't forget to breathe
  • KacyCarpe
    KacyCarpe Posts: 495 Member
    Hi all. My husband was admitted to the hospital for his A Fib yesterday. They are doing a procedure this morning and I have zero clue if he's coming home today, tomorrow, Friday, or what. It keeps changing. This was unexpected and I'm pretty freaked, frazzled and trying to hold it together for our 9 year old daughter. If I go radio silent it's because I'm losing it. If I end up posting constantly it's for the distraction. I really don't know which way my brain is going to go. I'm just kind of holding myself together with duct tape and prayer today.

    Try not to let your mind get ahead of you. pdd1216's advice to breathe is great advice. Sending healing energy to you and your husband, and hoping for a good news update soon. My thoughts are with you and your family. 💕
  • tahitig
    tahitig Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome, @coffeeandtruecrime!
    One of the most popular blogs on MFP a while back was The_Movie_Chair, about a woman who didn't like the awkward way she felt when she sat in a chair at the movies, and her friends were wondering if they should leave a space in between or not in the theater. That night at the movies inspired her to lose more than 100 pounds over the next two years, and she wrote about the experience with honesty and humor in a blog called The_Movie_Chair. There was no self incrimination (and no excuses) that she couldn't even walk around the block at first, only a burning desire to get healthier, have more energy, and to fit smoothly into the theater chair when she went to the movies with her friends.
    Your post reminded me of her -- the same candor and motivation for all the right reasons.
    #The_Airplane_Isle !
    Let us know where we can read your blog so we can follow your success, because I'll bet that success is where you're headed. Good luck on this journey - you'll find support here!
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 97 Member
    Well..this last week wasn't the best. Ate a bunch of junk, didn't track my food...because I knew it was junk. Ended up gaining a few pounds, some of it is hormonal...I PMS and I end up going after the junk food. So getting back into the better eating and tracking this week.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 65 from Pennsylvania.
    Been MIA for a few months but still logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.

    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused. I bought a NEW to me, gently used, Commercial PreCor EFX 835 Elliptical. It was delivered the beginning of November, as others here know I wore my previous 10+ year old one out from my extensive workouts. Back up to 150 minutes on my 3 days off per week.

    Good to see some familiar names here and glad to see some new ones too!

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs
    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs

    2/1/23- 207.4 lbs
    2/5/23- 207.8 lbs
    2/12/23- 206.4 lbs Elliptical Interval setting 150 minutes Fri, Sat & Sun for 9.89-10 miles.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,629 Member
    40 years old
    SW: 300 lb
    Prev Low: 195 lb
    Goal: 180 lb
    Feb 1: 206.8 lb
    Feb 6: 206.2 lb
    Feb 12: 201.4 lb

    I've been MIA on the community boards with everything last week. Thank you all for the kind words. My husband is back at work today so we're trying to find our rhythm again. We see his cardiologist on the 23rd so it's just a wait and and see how the next 10 days goes then check in kind of thing. The cardioversion didn't work so he's still in A Fib but the heart rate is no longer racing and he no longer has chest pains.

    I managed through everything at the hospital and stress, the busy weekend when we got home and all the events that were supposed to be going on to stay within my calorie boundaries for everything. Even I'm impressed. It took some real time thinking about my choices, telling myself the truth about why I wanted things and making plans in advance if I knew I was going out. In the end I somehow lost almost 5 lbs in the past week. I didn't get a chance to exercise at all with jumping from the hosptial to home with my daughter so part of it is probably muscles not retaining water like they do after a good hard workout. We'll see how it goes this week when I try to get those workouts back in place.

    @coffeeandtruecrime Welcome! I can relate to the airplane. The last time I flew was a few years ago and it was rough dealing with the seats. Kept trying to convince myself the seats got smaller rather than that I had gotten bigger.

    @tahitig I never read The_Movie_Chair but now I wish I had!

    @serenecompassion2663 I’ve been working through Barb Raveling’s book Freedom From Emotional Eating and she stresses truth journaling with your bible study time. Even carrying a book around to truth journal whenever you want to eat something or have something outside your boundaries. The journaling is hard because it really makes you think but certainly helpful. I’m diet and exercise controlled type 2 diabetic after I was pre-diabetic for about 10 years. Feel free to add me if you like.

    @Zamba07 That’s a lot to take in at once from the doctor. I hope they come up with a plan to help. You can do this!

    @clarkeje1 Congrats on 10 lbs down!!!!
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    @pamperedlinny - I am so happy to hear that your husband is out of the hospital and is doing better. You did great sticking to your routine as much as possible while managing the extra stress and disruption in your life. You are always an inspiration!

    @kelliward1 - Keep working toward your goals. We all have setbacks at times and all you can do is get back up and keep moving forward.

    @clarkeje1 - I love your realistic goals for this month. Also, congrats on the promotion to program director!

    @zamba07 - Welcome Hope! Getting fit and healthy at any age is a fantastic goal. My wife just turned 50 and with MFP is the healthiest she has ever been. It is absolutely an achievable goal!

    @serenecompassion2663 - Welcome to this wonderful group. It sounds like you have good support in your care team. I hope you can use the support of your care team and the ladies in this group to set and reach your goals.

    @cyn_love - not being able to buckle an airplane seatbelt and not feeling able to fit on roller coasters were some of the triggers that got me started on this journey. The last time I flew I was amazed at how much more comfortable I was and how much room I had in the seat. I can't wait to get back to a theme park where I can ride a roller coaster again.

    @coffeeandtruecrime - Welcome to the group! I love that your goal prioritizes health over being thin. You will be amazed at how fast your health will improve.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,629 Member
    @sandielewis2001 I love the photos! Missed seeing your updates. I love that you are using the Iron Forest term.
  • Hi everyone.

    I started Ozempic today.
    I’m not thrilled with giving myself a shot where I can see the needle, but I made it through.

    I met my calorie goal by the end of lunch today. It is now 5:30pm and I’m not hungry. We’ll see how this works.

    I will update you on my numbers next week when I see my dietitian.

    Andi in Illinois
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    edited February 2023
    Nov 1st: 260
    Dec 1st: 250
    Jan 1st: 243
    Feb 1st: 238
    Feb 14th: 243

    I've FINALLY been cleared to go back to swimming and I made it to the pool for the first time in almost a month! Woo!!! I was so excited, even if the water was a little chillier than I remember. 😆😆😆

    I definitely binge ate for the last week because I felt so out of control, but I've meal prepped dinners for this week and hopefully I'm back on track.

    I weighed myself this morning and I'm 5lbs heavier than I was on Feb 1st. I know some of that is water weight and bloating and some of that is just weight I put back on. I'm trying to stay positive and work as hard as I can for the last half of this very short month! 💗💗💗