Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Ahhhh that makes sense. I do the same.

    It was my 50th birthday on Saturday. We went away for the weekend to Vermont. I love it there. It is so easy to eat a vegan diet there as there are a lot of options in many restaurants. (I am not fully vegan but try to eat vegan when I can. I eat predominately WFPBNO but on occasion flip back to vegetarian.) The inn we stayed at had a gym. My daughter got up with me every morning and went with me to the gym. It was really cute. She was too little for a few of the machines but she enjoyed the treadmill and weights. We went snowshoeing and snow tubing and did a lot of walking around town. We also visited the Ben and Jerry's factory for a tour. I tried their vegan ice cream and it was delicious! There were so many things we had wanted to do but didn't have the time for them. Next time we go back we plan on staying longer. My daughter loved it there too.

    I was gifted a new cookbook for my birthday - Forks over Knives. I made bulgur stuffed tomatoes on Monday from the book. They were really delicious. I am looking forward to making and discovering new recipes.

    My plans for this week were originally to change up my workout routine and start doing some of my workout dvds. Monday I was so busy doing laundry, cleaning, food shopping and putting together valentine's for my daughter's class I didn't have time to workout. But I did get my 10K steps in for the day. Monday night I began to feel a bit off with a sore throat. I decided to take it easy yesterday as I still was not feeling great and do my regular bike routine. My goal for next week is going to be incorporating my workout dvds.

    I hope everyone's week is off to a good start!
  • nyxxie2509
    nyxxie2509 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! First post here. I’m Nyx. So, quick overview, I guess. CW: 298 GW:250 Eventually down the line 170. I’ve had this app for years but it’s been inactive for several. A recent death in my family and his request beforehand motivated me to get my health on track. I have Bipolar Disorder and Binge Eating Disorder (not ashamed of them) so the medications I need to live a successful and safe life seem to work against me in some ways so that I have to work harder when it comes to managing weight. I could really use accountability/motivation friends so if you feel inclined, I’m open to adds.

    Goals for the week: Hit hydration goal daily; Log food daily; Meditate/journal over why’s; Meet minimum step requirement; Accept failures WHEN they come.

    I got hit with a nasty sinus infection so exercise has been practically nonexistent this week.😔
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    @JNettie73- wow what a roller coaster ride with your appliances. I’m glad you’re getting everything figured out.
    i’m sorry that your families been so sick the beginning of this year and the end of last year. I hope everybody stays healthy for a while.
    Awesome news on your bloodwork and your A1c numbers.
    I’ve always wanted to go to Vermont maybe not in the winter cause I hear it’s worse than Minnesota but I bet the fall is beautiful. sounds like you’ve got in a lot of fun stuff. Oh, I don’t know how I would’ve made it with only one choice of ice cream from the Ben & Jerry’s.
    We are very close in age I turned 50 in March.
    @nsk195- I hope February is going better for you. I also hope that you’ve been able to get out a little bit more this month. I hadn’t heard you talk much about the volunteering thing. Did you decide to continue or stop? Maybe I did read something about it and I’m just not remembering. That’s a story of my life lately.
    As my 50th birthday gets closer, I feel like I’m just constantly reminded of being alone.
    as for my car issues girl I have decided that I’m not putting any more money into my car as far as repairs. I’m just going to do oil changes in the basics and then from there we’ll figure it out if something goes wrong. I’ve added a car note to my budget that should be put into savings each month. Well, the month of January that didn’t happen because it snowed 15 inches in like two days so I had to pay somebody to roof rake my house because I was too short to get the roof rake to reach the vents on my house. That cost me almost the entire amount of money that a car payment would’ve. And this month my heating bill went up drastically due to the 35% increase and heating costs so there went half of that car payment to savings back to the utility company. I don’t really I’m starting to wish that I didn’t want to be a homeowner as bad as I did because it’s really starting to become super super annoying I guess especially when you don’t have a lot of money and you’re considered poor . There are days I want to just go back to apartment living, but it would cost me more to rent an apartment than it does from my house payment right now.
    Oh, so for my job, I work for Optum insurance, it’s a health care company. I the program I actually work with allows vets to go to doctors other than at the VA hospital and it is my job to make sure that those doctors get their paperwork turned in on time so vets can get their benefits. It’s also my job to call the hospitals and get the medical records sent to us. It’s a job that just requires you to sit and stare at a computer all day. The plus side of it is I get to work at home in my pajamas. I don’t know much about the military lifestyle so that sometimes makes it a little bit more challenging for me to understand how what I might be doing is actually helping people . My dad was in the national guards so that’s slightly different. It is still a military type branch but it’s not the same as having family that is in like the Navy or the Marines or Army.
    as for me, I was hoping to be also at Wonderland by my birthday I felt that would’ve gave me a whole year to lose 83lbs. I will not reach that, but for the first time, I am not disappointed in myself. Because I know what I have done to contribute to not losing that weight versus excuses and blaming others or other things. Can I just tell you, though for someone who loves the heat I can’t wait for all the snow to melt and summer to be on its way.
    I hope everyone has a good rest of their week and a good weekend
  • igoldy2022
    igoldy2022 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a returning user. I'm losing weight this time to improve my overall health. I have fibromyalgia and mctd. Exercise has been difficult due to the pain. I'm trying to go back to moderate exercise, low calorie meals, and finding ways to reduce my inflammation. I've never been a part of a community and thought it would be wonderful to have people who support your goals and help support other like-minded individuals. This is also an important lifestyle change that I feel needs to be permanent. I want to be able to be active with my family again.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi all! Welcome @nyxxie2509 and @igoldy2022 . Good fortune on your weight loss journeys! As you both well know .. it's often a bumpy ride! Fasten those seat belts! Keep going!

    Happy Belated birthday @JNettie73! I miss my workout DVD's .. I bought the whole series of 'Sweating To the Oldies' back in 1988 or '89 and did them a lot. My mom used to the the Stretching ones with me. I still have the DVD's, but not something to play them on. Maybe I can do something about that!

    @mnwalkingqueen, you have a birthday in March ... so do I.... However, there is a 28-year age difference between you, JNettie and me. ... I will officially be 78 years old on St Patricks Day. Lordie-Me, where does the time fly and how fast it does seem to have gone by. I can so understand and relate to your issues with cars and houses! And with the realization that it's all overwhelming to handle single-handedly, but not being able to find a way out because of timing and circumstances! ... I hope things smooth out for you; like soon!

    AFM ... I am starting to get ticked off with myself. That's a very useless emotion unless it is used to put drive and energy behind some sort of action. Hopefully into productive and helpful action and not the sort that is unhealthy. My weight is not going in the direction of my desires; but it IS a true reflection of the patterns and habits I have let lead me into the types of behaviors that lead to poor weight-management results! ... Like eating a late evening snack, or waking up for hours in the middle of the night and a snack then too. And those snacks are, realistically, another meal; one that my body doesn't really need at all, but my mind tells me I want it.

    Yes, I am still volunteering for the Alzheimer's Respite Day ... the one I go to is only held 1x a month. Last month the person I was to buddy up with didn't come. It was an extremely cold day and a lot of people who had been signed up for the day ended up not coming. So I felt a bit like a fifth-wheel but joined in helping out and partaking of the activities and ended the day feeling very good for having been a part of it all. I've made myself available on 3 days a week to help out at the Office for the Aging (Senior Center) volunteer program and am awaiting a need for the service I can offer and deliver. They need volunteers in some ways that I cannot do because of my own physical limitations but I know something will crop up sooner or later that will fit.

    Saturday is my official weigh-in day for the week. Till then.!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I apologize I use talk to text a lot on my phone for the app and I didn’t see that there were new people that joined. Welcome new people and good luck on your journey. My best advice is that every day is a new day and never beat yourself up. I know sometimes that’s easier said than done.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Saturday Check-in ...
    My weight is down, like 1.2 pounds so far the 2023 from where I started on January 1. It's been in maintenance mode after being in a slight gain mode from June till the end of 2022. ... I am eating more often. That's what I have decided is the culprit. But .. .now I ask myself .. When did this pattern or eating more often creep in? What happened in June that wasn't a part of my lifestyle habits before then?
    I was down to a new all-time weight-loss journey scale weight of 216.2 pounds in June before I started to creep back up. That weight gain actually almost cancelled out what I had lost during the first half of 2022 . ... I've had experiences like this in the past ... lose #n pounds and gain it back, or most of it, or sometimes even more ... that's why I've been on a weight loss journey for the past decade and still haven't reached a weight in "Onederland" ... which is where I was striving to get to back when I first joined MFP under a different name. OK .. confession time is over ... now it's time to sort through what I think might be going on .. besides the fact that I am turning 78 next month and thus don't need as much food as I did in the past. Especially as I am less mobile now, and have to use a wheeled walker to be able to stand up and walk. Still, I was using the walker last year as well, when I was still in my own house instead of an apartment. And actually, living in the apartment makes me take more steps to get to my car ... It's a 300 foot walk to the car instead of 14 feet from door to door.

    So, I repeat ... But .. .now I ask myself .. When did this pattern or eating more often creep in? What happened in June that wasn't a part of my lifestyle habits before then?

    The only thing I can think of at the moment is something that's been playing in my thoughts as I've thought on this issue of how I let this happen. ... Lunch at the Office for the Aging on two days a week. ... But, how can that be? It's not like I'm eating extra meals just on those days .. my extra meals are happening is a short period of time AFTER supper, and again on many sleepless middle-of-the-night periods where I turn to food as a way to help me fall back to sleep again.

    So ... what will I do to change that? What can I do? ... My thinking cap is on. My mind is open to suggestions.

    Till next week ... everyone have a great week.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited February 2023
    @nyxxie2509 @igoldy2022
    Welcome to the group. We are glad to have you join us! Be sure to come back from time to time and let us know how you are doing!

    Vermont is absolutely beautiful! I've been twice and only in the winter. Both times it was cold but tolerable. I have not been there for any of their big storms though. I would love to go back in other seasons to see what it is like. There is so much to do there.

    The people at Ben and Jerry's only give out one free sample on the tour but you can go and purchase what you want in their ice cream shop. There were several dairy free/ vegan friendly flavors that I could buy. Honestly, I got a small and it was way too much ice cream for me. There small was what I imagined a medium ice cream would be. My husband, who can put away the food, said the same thing.

    My grandfather was in the National Guard too! He retired a brigadier general.
    Do you have anything fun planned for your birthday? I love that you are not disappointed with yourself for not reaching your goal but are proud of yourself. You have been working so hard and all of your effort definitely pays off! I am proud of you!

    Thank you for the birthday wish.
    Oh my goodness, Sweating to the Oldies!!! My good friend and I were just talking about that the other day. We used to do those workouts in my house. My mother would tease us whenever we did them. But they were good workouts. You definitely got your heart rate up and sweated!

    I can relate to where you are and how you feel about the weight loss. I found myself in the same position. I lose, gain a few lbs back, lose again. At times I feel it is a never ending cycle. I know it is normal for our weight to fluctuate but what I was experiencing was not that. I did a lot of reflecting. The truth of the matter came down to I was not being honest with what I was eating. I was eating healthy but I would snack frequently. I think some of it was from boredom. Granted my snacks were healthy, but they add up over time. I definitely was not keeping track of what and how much I was eating. I know I mentioned it before, I find I do best when I take the time to use my food scale and accurately measure/ log my food. I have been really good with exercising regularly. I love it, it makes me feel very alive and happy. But I do other little tricks to help me get moving more when at home or outside of the house. Whenever I go to work or the store I intentionally park at the far end of the parking lot this way I am forced to walk a little bit extra. Friday is my big laundry day. I fold the laundry all in one room. Rather than put in a basket and take to the room it needs to go I bring one pile at a time - pants, shirts and so on. It's a lot of multiple trips and walking, not the most time effective method at all but I am okay with that. When I am in the kitchen cooking I turn on music and dance while I am cooking. I also find myself cleaning a lot more when I am home. I've gotten to the point that it is rare that I just sit down to relax or watch tv anymore.

    As for me, I have been fluctuating with my weight since the new year began. Like I mentioned above, it was because I was not being honest with myself. This past week I have been focusing more on my diet, more specifically how much I was eating. This morning I got on the scale and it seems that I lost a pound. It was a nice surprise to see. My plan is to keep it up and get back to logging my food honestly. Tomorrow I am starting my workout DVDs too. (I don't know if I mentioned but I was not able to start them like I had intended this past week.)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    edited February 2023

    Here are two pictures from our trip.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member

    I just bought these two planters and replanted 2 of my plants. I am obsessed with them.
    We have had an unusually warm winter. I am starting to get excited for spring to come. I just purchased all of my seeds. Last season I bought myself a small greenhouse. I am going to start all my vegetables from seed this year and grow them in there until it is warm enough to plant in the ground. I am so excited!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited February 2023
    @jnettie33 ... your planters are really cute ... and what's growing inside them are 2 of my favorite houseplants that were always a part of my collection back 'in the old days' .. Purple Passion and Prayer Plant is what we used to call them back then. Brings a smile to my face!
    PS .. and your adorable daughter is a miniature 'mommy's' double! Seems to look just like I would think you did at her age.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thank you! The top one is tradescantia and the bottom is maranta. I had a beautiful planter that was gifted to me when my mother passed away last year. In the planter were several plants. I've been needing to replant them. The maranta was one of the plants from that collection. Yesterday I replanted the rest of the plants into their own pots. The pots aren't as cute as these though.
    Awww thanks about my daughter. There are times I think she looks like me but a lot of people say she looks just like my husband. We had a mommy and me day earlier in the week. We went walking at the mall and she decided to get her ears pierced. We had such a great day!

    I have been listening to a weight loss summit all week. The summit focuses on a plant based diet. The speakers are leading doctors and researchers in the field. A few of which I own and read their books. One of the presentations yesterday was led by the writers of Mastering Diabetes. MD is what initially got me to change my diet to WFPBNO. It was wonderful listening them speak and explain things.

    One of the things I find interesting with this summit is the doctors are saying not to calorie count when you are on a whole food plant based diet. Their perspective is you can eat as much as you want as long as you are eating WFPB. I don't know if I am ready to embrace that theory. Though if you look at my food diary there are several days/ weeks where I have not logged my food at all. Some days I've logged one or two meals out of the day then stopped. Based on my experience, during this time I have lost weight and have been able to maintain my weight. Though when I do not calorie count the weight comes off super slowly. Which brings me to another point that was made by one of the speakers, a nutritionist. She said that weight loss should not happen quickly. That it is perfectly normal to lose 1/2 a pound over the course of a month. Her premise was saying that slow weight is better for the long term ability to keep it off. I am finding this all very interesting. I am picking and choosing with points and methods I feel are right for my journey and going from there. I am not ready to stop calorie counting, even though I am not always consistent with it. I am also not ready to embrace a very slow weight loss when I have so much to lose. The summit is very informative and giving me hope and inspiration. I know when I do get to that point that I will be able to do it on my own and keep my weight down.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited February 2023
    @JNettie73 ...that's very interesting to me about WFPB eating. Especially what you heard about it and diabetes. ... I am diabetic and have been advised to go as low carb as possible ... which is not possible on WFPB, as that is a vegetarian method of eating I do include 'creature' proteins in my about a third of my meals.

    Is there anything you can share that you heard about diabetes and your new method of food choices?
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    A little background. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I saw a endo and nutritionist regularly. The program the nutritionist had me on was not working with my vegetarian lifestyle. Vegetarianism is something very important to me and not something I am willing to give up. I was hungry all the time, stressed over every single meal but I kept at it and did exactly what she told me to. Each visit with the endo I kept getting negative feedback. The endo kept putting me on higher doses of insulin that I had to inject into my stomach. (I have a needle phobia) It was a horrendous time. Once my daughter was born my GD went away. I stopped going to the endo and nutritionist because I didn't find it was helpful at all and each time I left I felt like a big failure. I also went back to my old eating habits. With a new born, I just ate whatever was quick and easy. 6 years later it finally caught up with me when I received my official diagnosis. I had a panic attack because there was no way I could go back to living life like that again. I decided to go against my doctor's advice and did my own research. I began researching vegetarian diabetics, joined a few groups on Facebook and tried to learn how people like me were combatting their disease because like you said eating low carb is impossible to do on a plant based diet. That is when I came across Mastering Diabetes. I bought the book, began reading and following their program. It goes again everything the doctors tell you to do. I was skeptical because how could all these doctors who went to school and studied this give incorrect advice? I decided to give it a try because in my groups there were hundreds of people like me who had a lot of success on it. My results were a bit slow because I've had a lot of events that derailed me from being 100% compliant. But my results were there. If I were completely compliant it would not have taken me 2.5 years to get there. Every 3 months I had blood work drawn and met with my doctor. Each visit my numbers on everything decreased. From there I graduated to seeing her every 6 months and eventually was told I met goal. I still have blood drawn every 6 months and test my BGL on my own. I feel testing helps keep me on track as it would be very easy for me to go off plan and think it is okay then be shocked at my next appointment.

    The premise of Mastering Diabetes is WFPBNO eating. Whole food plant based no oil. Personally, I have found the no oil is the biggest part of this component. That effects me more than eating processed foods, though I still avoid those the best I can too. They have a chart of foods that fall into green, yellow and red light categories. The green ones are the foods you can have all the time - your fruits and vegetables. Yellow you can have in moderation - these are nuts, seeds and avocados, plant based milks, sprouted bread, pasta and so on. Red light foods are things you need to avoid completely -meat products, dairy, processed foods, refined white foods. Here is the link so you can see it in more detail - (You will have to scroll down to see the visual chart outlining this) Eating this way reduces your insulin resistance as well of reducing your cholesterol. It reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, medications. Everything they discussed was what I read in the book 2 years ago so it was a refresher for me.

    If it is something you are interested in I would recommend seeing if your library has their book. The book is filled with a lot of information and explains it a lot better than I can.

    Based on my personal experience, their method does indeed work! I am so glad I've found it. It has saved my life!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thanks @JNettie73 ...I will researchthat book and the website link you provided. Glad it worked for you. Even more glad you have found a way of eating that you can live with for the rest of your life.

    AFM .. Saturday Check-IN ... According to my scale, I lost weight this week, but according to previous entries in my logbook, it was actually 'stay the same' because I had an uptick in scale weight from going out to eat at a restaurant with some friends on Saturday evening. I had the most wonderful tasting Fish Fry at Tully's and then the 4 of us shared an ice cream/cookie/whipped cream with a cherry on top dessert ... one cookie and one scoop vanilla for each of us. ... Wow ... that ended up being my only meal that day because it was so calorie and food filled! Still, my weight shot up 5 pounds within 48 hours of that meal, then started dropping again as I was back to my normally consumed foods.

    This past week, I had to cancel going to one of the Sr Center lunches because of bad weather, and because they were closed on the other day. Even though it is right next door, I wouldn't have been able to walk over because of ice and snow on the ground. The rolling seat/walker is great to get me upright and supported while walking but the wheels don't go through that kind of ground mess. Snow or slush jam up the wheel mounts and then the wheels won't turn. ... And, I think I learned something that I have been suspecting ... the meals are at 12 noon and high carb, low protein, no salt, no fat. They are usually tasty enough and filling .. and are one of two changes in my diet this past year, since the program reopened in May after Covid related shut-down. ... 1. I stopped being able to follow through on the program I'd been following with Intermittent Fasting, and 2. I started craving more carbs, having more acute hunger signals ... And, with just not having been to the lunch since last week Thursday, I was able to go back to my fasting routine with no issue, and my cravings have stopped. ... So I am going to have to stop going there two times a week and maybe not go at all. When I first started in May, I only went twice a month but it evolved into twice a week because of the fun socializing and activities after the meal. I had felt the socializing was more important to my overall health than fighting cravings; that I could adjust my foods the rest of the day to compensate ... it didn't work. Now .. was this a fluke? Did I really hit on something or just am seeing what I want to see about it because I've been blaming the lunches for my behavior around food? ... Well ... March will tell. I am not going to all the lunches, but will go to half of them. And now that I am back into a fasting routine, I'll see how it seems to work out during March.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy March 1st!
    My starting weight this month is 205.
    My goals for this month are:
    1. Gilad Xcelerate 4 Dvds
    2. 45 minute outdoor activity at least one time a week - weather dependent
    3. Focus on water consumption
    4. Make time at least 2-3 times a week to read my books
    5. Start taking progress pictures and monthly body measurements again.

    My Gilad Xcelerate 4 - is a program consisting of 4 dvds. Each one is approximately 35 minutes long. Each workout focuses on working different muscle groups. Ideally I would like to do one of these a day in addition to my bike. I started these last week. So far I like the workouts a lot. One of the workouts, abs and buns is really difficult for me. I struggled greatly and felt frustrated but I stuck with it and didn't give up. I am really proud of myself for not giving up. I know the next time I do the workout I will struggle again but have confidence over time it will become easier and before I know it I will no longer struggle.

    I have several books that I want to read. The first one is titled How Not to Die. It focuses on plant based eating and how it effects our health and assists in combatting diseases. I attended a virtual summit last week. The author of the book was one of the speakers. I am excited to get reading.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I wonder if that 5lb gain was related to water retention. I find when I eat out the food is very high in sodium which is often reflected on the scale. Then the next day it disappears.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I am taking the morning to do something I usually don't do. Just sit and relax!

    I use Fitbit to track my steps. In the app there are some groups. I just joined a 75 day challenge group. You can either do a challenge you set for yourself OR you can do the challenge they set. I am doing a combination of mine and theirs.
    1) Workout 2x a week outdoors - weather permitting. This can be anything - a structured workout, gardening, washing the car and so on.
    2) Drink 8 glasses of water - I am working on just increasing my water intake
    3) Stick to your chosen diet
    4) Read 10 pages of nonfiction - I am working on reading 2x a week as reading daily doesn't work for my schedule. To do so I am compromising time with my husband.
    5) Gilad Xcelerate 4 dvds - do one dvd a day in addition to my bike.

    The catch with this is you miss completing a day you have to start all over at day 1. It is a lot harder than I anticipated it was. I started then had to restart several times. I am still on day 1. LOL I am hitting most of the goals but was finding a hard time meeting their goal of water and reading. Especially reading. I was also finding I was falling asleep while reading. Those things were causing me to have to restart again. I just revamped those goals to make them more realistic for me and match my goals that I have on here. I am hoping that does the trick and I can move past day 1. LOL

    I've been doing my Gilad dvds every day. I just finished my second rotation with them. I am amazed that only after a week I feel like I am getting stronger. I noticed the parts of the workouts that were extremely hard for me last time were not as difficult for me this time. That within itself is extremely motivating.

    I've been cooking my way through a new cookbook. So far every recipe we have tried has been fantastic! I feel like my nutrition is back on track. Between better nutrition, more water and changing up my exercise I feel a lot better. I have mental clarity, my mood has improved and I have a lot more energy.

    I had my husband take progress pictures of me this month. I have not put them into a collage and compared them to my previous ones yet. This morning I took my body measurements. I wanted to get that done because my dvds work on a lot of strength training. I thought it would be really interesting to see how my body changes over the course of the next month. The last time I took body measurements was in November. I was surprised to see my measurements went down a half an inch, some measurements went down 1 inch.

    I am feeling really motivated and happy. I am looking forward to all the good things to come!
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Saturday Check In ... So, I didn't eat at the Sr Center this past week. You need to sign up a week ahead of time and I didn't do that ... and then someone from there called me and I signed up for just 1 day this month. That's just as they have gone to serving lunch 3 times a week! ... LOL ...

    I have a doctor appointment coming up soon and I so want to be lighter on the scale there than I was 3 months ago!

    No weight-report this week ... except to say it's 'holding steady'.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday.

    Starting weight: 270 March 2021
    Total loss to date: 64.2

    March 2023 Start Weight: 205.8
    March Goal Weight:202
    Ultimate Goal Weight: TBD

    Happy 2-year anniversary!

    March 5: 204.3
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:

    I have been doing really well and feel like I am completely refocused. My page says I have lost more weight but that doesn't account for the loss and regain cycle. 3 more pounds until my lowest documented MFP weight. 4.3 more pounds until I hit Onderland!

    I am glad that I have been keeping records of my journey. I was trying to figure out how long it has been since I've started. I thought I was on year 3. I started becoming a bit sad when I thought about my progress so far and how long it has taken me. For 3 years I feel like I should have been a lot further long in my journey and started feeling like I let myself down. I know I shouldn't think like that and do believe progress is progress no matter how slow it comes. But realizing it is actually 2 years not 3 makes it feel a lot better for me.

    I have been sticking to my new routine. Some days I find I am just not drinking enough water, those days I tend to be extremely busy. I do need to get a better control on that. I have been making time for myself to sit and read my book. I am finding the book very interesting. This morning I was reading about preventing heart disease and cholesterol, which resonated with me. My doctor has been suggesting I go on medication for it even though my cholesterol is good. She says it would be as a preventative. I feel that I've been controlling everything through diet and exercise. Each round of blood work shows what I am doing IS working. My numbers continue to drop and are now in good ranges. I don't see the point of having to take a medication when I can control it with diet and exercise. If there comes a time that what I am doing is no longer working then I will agree to the medications. It was reassuring to read my exact thoughts in a book written by a medical professional with scientific studies backing it up.

    I am feeling really good about everything. I feel like I am going to experience a lot of progress this month. I feel like I am in an excellent place.

    Best of luck to you with your doctor appointment. I hope it goes well!