
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Rosemarie - so sorry for your loss. Glad your DH's passing was peaceful and family were with you.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
    edited February 2023
    Another dull morning, but it’s still early, so may brighten when the sun rises properly.

    Katla: MFP has glitches all the time, so don’t feel stupid.

    Yesterday went well. I finished a painting of calla lilies, and sketched out a landscape for my next one. My group are putting on a display at our next monthly meeting, so I am organising pieces for that at the minute.

    Grief: It’s part of being human, and can hit us many years after the person has passed. It shows that we care deeply. We don’t ‘get over it’, we just learn to cope with it.

    DH has to go for a kidney scan at 10am. It’s part of the monitoring process for his prostate. He’s a bit anxious as he had to drink 2 pints of water this morning.

    No commitments today, so will work on prep for the week ahead.

    Intentions for today
    📍Creative Writing prep
    📍Shakespeare prep - read Julius Caesar
    📍Latin prep - grammar
    📍Declutter bedroom surfaces
    📍general chores
    📍solid habits

    Virtual (((hugs))) and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for all those those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Rosemarie, so sorry to hear of your husband's passing, but glad it was peaceful.

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I am awake much too early again. There was a little noise, but I should have slept through it. Oh well. Now if I move too much Teddy will wake up and need to go out. That starts my day.

    I found a video of the Strong Women Stay Young exercises. My book is due here on Thursday. So far, the program looks interesting, but the slow pace is killer. And I am wondering how it could integrate with my current dumbbell routine. The exercises overlap but the timing is all different. And it's only 30 mins instead of 75, so it burns fewer calories by MFP tracking.

    Annie in Delaware

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited February 2023
    Katla, Great! I have an iPhone. I am going to try to walk you through this one step at a time. Since you have figured out how to sign out, please do that.

    Does the Member Login screen appear on your phone after you sign out?

    If so, continue reading. If not, let us know what you see after you sign out.

    Do you recall if you used Facebook when you made your Katla49 account, or if you created it without using Facebook in any way?

    If you remember using Facebook to create your account, click the Continue with Facebook bar.

    If you don’t remember using Facebook to create your Katla49 account, try typing Katla49 in the Email Address box and see what happens.

    You may have to tap on a tiny keyboard icon down in the corner to get the keyboard to come up so you can type in Katla49.

    (If that other account name that you don’t like appeared in the Email Address box, delete it before you type in Katla49 - just touch the name of the wrong account and keep holding your finger down until a little box appears that says "Select All". Touch "Select All" and then “Cut”. Then type in Katla49).

    If dots appear in the Password box after you type Katla49 into the Email address box, touch the Log In box.

    If the Password box is still blank, and you remember your password, type it in and then touch the Log In box.

    If you don’t remember your password, touch "Forgot Password" and then type in your email address in the box that appears.

    Do you know how to go to your email account? There should be an icon on the main screen that looks like an envelope and says Mail under it. It should be the same email account MFP has on file for you, so if you have more than one email account, you may need to check each one.

    There will be a recent email from MFP instructing you to click on a link to reset the password for Katla49. Do that and follow the instructions to reset your password for Katla49.

    If you aren’t automatically directed back to the Login page, touch your Safari icon (looks like a compass), (or if you use Google or another internet site, touch that icon). Your MFP Login should come back up. In the Email Address, type in Katla49 and then the new password. (You may have to touch the tiny keyboard icon to be able to see the keyboard.) Touch Done. Touch Log In.


    Katla, If you can’t log in as Katla49 with these instructions, show this post to someone who is tech savvy and they will help you.

    Karen in Virginia

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited February 2023
    Photos of my last landscape of Lindisfarne, and the calls lilies I finished yesterday.


    Beautiful ... and Lindisfarne is a suburb of Hobart. :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Exercise Totals:

    Exercise time each day

    I added in my commute walks

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Only if you're interested in doing something like this as we go along ...

    Feel Good Feb and/or Exercising the Alphabet in February
    Feel Good Feb

    Exercising the Alphabet in February

    In other words, on February 1, you'd walk to a street that starts with A or do an exercise video hosted by someone whose name starts with A or something ... A.

    On February 2, you'd go swimming at a Beach or play a game of Baseball or something ... B.

    On February 3, you'd go Cycling or Climb some stairs or something ... C.

    and so on.

    There are, of course, 26 letters in the alphabet and 28 days in February, so you'd have 2 free days if you didn't exercise those days or couldn't fit in the next letter of the alphabet.
    I have listed several January highlights so that meets the calendar suggestion for February 1...

    And I walked to the Asian "dollar store" next to the Asian grocers and bought Art supplies at lunch today. That'll be my A. :)

    Put myself in someone else's shoes --- I've been treating my difficult work colleague with kindness by talking to her about her son, complimenting her skirt, talking quietly and gently to her and so on.

    And today, I walked to Bathurst Street to Buy some Books. I also climbed stairs in my Building. :)

    Watch a movie that reminds me of kindness --- probably not tonight!

    C is for Climbing and walking on Collins St!

    Take a picture of three things that make you happy --


    D is for exercising Downstairs!
    Rowing - 16 minutes
    Walking - 38 minutes
    Weights - 10 minutes

    Be kind to yourself -- Sleep, gardening and cycling! :)

    E is for Exercising!
    Plus we cycled on Endeavour Ave and the Esplanade. :)

    Start a conversation with someone new --- I'm not the sort to strike up random conversations, or conversations at all. But I did chat with a person I met recently and one I haven't seen in a few months today.

    And ... F!

    Consider a current struggle. Write down two thoughts that bring you comfort.

    Hmmm ... A current struggle, like only one? Let's go with waiting. I feel like I spend most of my life waiting.


    And a walk to the botanical Gardens through the rose Garden!

    Consider and celebrate diversity! Does that include people who look at things completely differently than you do? If so ... woohoo! I've had that opportunity today!

    H is for Hobart - walking around. And Hanging clothes outside.

    Identify a role model who embodies perseverance and find 2 ways to emulate them.

    Well, I don't have role models ... and I've persevered as much or possibly even more than many people I know.

    However, today was brought to you by the letter I. I did walk by and around IMAS (Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies).

    Check an item off your to do list this weekend!

    YES! I tidied a shelf in the kitchen. I've been meaning to do that for months but finally did it today. There was a large quantity of rubbish on that shelf ... more than I thought. So, much of the cleaning process was just throwing things out.

    I've also been dusting our entertainment unit and all the stuff on it.

    And I went outside and tidied the area right in front of our front door which involved moving a whole bunch of pots and other garden things to a different location and then sweeping out a year's worth of leaves and stuff. I climbed up and down and up and down stairs doing that.

    This evening I made an attempt at digging the area I want to plant things next to my dry stream. I got a new spade which is great, but even so, there are so many roots, I'll need to use something else to break it up.

    Just getting rid of Junk and Jabbing the Soil

    Make twice as much for dinner and either invite guests or deliver a meal to a friend ...

    We're actually doing that sort of dinner thing on Tuesday.

    Meanwhile, all my exercise was in K ... Kingborough today!


    Heaving a heavy mattock in the garden:

    And walking our Kitty, Rhody. :)

    Make a list for the week ahead so you stay focused.

    I have one massive ongoing things to do list with the most urgent things at the top.

    Walking exercised my Legs.
    Gardening exercised all my Limbs!

    Consider a recent disagreement. Did you extend forgiveness?
    I don't like being at odds with people.

    Meandering around Bunnings.
    Moving the Mattock.

    Express creativity! I finished another version of my Project Plan!! That's as creative as I had a chance to be today.

    N = Nowhere
    I walked the stairs to nowhere and the road to nowhere.

    If you are in line today, let someone go ahead of you. I do every now and then. :)

    O - walking Rhody near home.

    The next time someone does something you appreciate, let them know. I did today! :)

    P - Perusing the shops today while it rained outside and Purchasing a few things.

    Offer a helping hand to someone such as holding the door for a stranger. I do this now and then ... probably about once a week. :)

    Q is for Queen.

    My lunch walk was around the Queen's Domain!

    Share about a recent book you read and what you learned.

    The recent books I have read have been fictional mystery/suspense, and I have confirmed I like this genre for relaxation and stress relief.

    R is for Rocks.
    Hauling rocks. Placing rocks.

    And walking Rhody.

    Show sincere appreciation when someone serves you food or drink. I always thank my husband when he serves dinner. :)

    S is for ... Sifting and Shovelling through Soil. Gardening ... I was gardening.

    Compliment someone today. I didn't have a chance today because there was hardly anyone around.

    T is for Target!
    It was raining again today so I walked through the shops.

    Where was I before I was swallowed up by work??

    Feb 21 - When you recognise someone is struggling, offer words of support.
    Frequently, with my husband

    U - Another rainy day so I walked up and down through the shops.

    Feb 22 - Ask for help. That's a simple way to express bravery
    I frequently ask for help. I don't often get help, but I ask.

    V - Vinnies!! I walked to Vinnies ... but didn't buy anything. 3.15 km plus commute walk.

    Feb 23 - Encourage your teammates to utilise their unique strengths
    Yes, and I thanked so many people today. :)

    W - Walked!! 2 km plus commute walk.

    Feb 24 - Reflect on steps you have taken to achieve past goals.

    Somewhat appropriate for today.

    In brief, I accomplish goals by writing them down and breaking them down into steps. Then I work my way through the steps.


    X - marks the spot!
    Spotted on my walk today!

    Feb 25 - Express gratitude today by thanking someone.
    Every day. :) And this week, I've thanked a lot of people! My husband for doing such a good job cleaning the house and doing garden work. So many people at work for giving me the opportunities and for being so warm and welcoming.

    Feb 26 - Think about the upcoming work week. How can you apply teamwork?
    By not being there? :lol: Hopefully my husband and I will be able to apply teamwork.

    In the alphabet exercise challenge I have Y and Z to go.

    Yesterday could have been Y ... Y not go downstairs and row given that it is pouring rain! We'll see if another Y presents itself today.

    Feb 27. Send or leave a handwritten thank you note to someone.
    This rarely happens. Pretty much the only time I handwrite is when I'm quickly jotting notes at work.

    Zipping around a local neighbourhood on our bicycles in a bit of a Zephyr!


    Feb 28. Giving constructive feedback is one way to ignite honesty.
    Yes it is, and I had a month of igniting honesty.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I am awake much too early again. There was a little noise, but I should have slept through it. Oh well. Now if I move too much Teddy will wake up and need to go out. That starts my day.

    I found a video of the Strong Women Stay Young exercises. My book is due here on Thursday. So far, the program looks interesting, but the slow pace is killer. And I am wondering how it could integrate with my current dumbbell routine. The exercises overlap but the timing is all different. And it's only 30 mins instead of 75, so it burns fewer calories by MFP tracking.

    Annie in Delaware

    You are supposed to lift weights relatively slowly, concentrating on good form and flexing the muscle.

    When you lift weights, what do you do for 75 minutes?

    M in Oz

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    Morning ladies
    Woke up to snow but no worries im over with mr Miles..
    Tracy went to work as did Kyle,Carmine is home from school.
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    Welcome newbies and returnees! (((hugs))) to those who need them.

    Kylia, that's what I keep saying to myself! I guess I am thankful I have a job I enjoy most of the time. (I just don't enjoy some of the people I work with some of the time)

    Terri, those are beautiful! Watercolor is one thing I never mastered.

    28-Giving constructive feedback is one way to ignite honesty... I try to be constructive. I just don't think people even like constructive anymore.
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Photos of my last landscape of Lindisfarne, and the calls lilies I finished yesterday.


    Oh my gosh, Irish Terri! These are spectacular!

    Karen in Virginia
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Machka I have about 35 different exercises and stretches including planks, crunches, chair squats, deadlift to upright row, 2leg lift variations, punches, bicep curls, row, overhead lift, calf raises, and many more. It takes me longer, but I log it as 75 minutes. I use light weights and move faster than "real" strength weightlifting. My goal is more about burning calories than building muscle.

    I don't know if I could handle the recommended slow pace. I'm too impatient and it makes me lose count when my mind wanders. Plus the fast way is working for weight loss. I'm probably not getting the full benefit, but I'm getting it done.

    Annie in Delaware