Anxiety and depression

Anyone else out there struggling with mental health? It gets the best of me and interferes with what I want to accomplish health wise. Trying to overcome it and get healthier and strong. Glad this app has so much support!


  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    i do. fighting with it constantly. can be all consuming. i am in therapy. it is definitely a battle. i do meditate and get as much exercise as possible. listen to podcasts and sassy music that tells you what a bada$$ you are. i am beginning to have more good days than bad, but family issues are causing that to topple. you are definitely not alone. <3
  • littletahoma
    littletahoma Posts: 27 Member
    Yes…one thing that helps me get through the tougher days or times is to think of what I’m grateful for. Also, give myself some grace, it’s ok to sometimes clear your calendar, or cancel a plan when I need rest. Knowing my limits and having boundaries has made a big difference in depression. I get anxiety still, it’s really physical in my body, that’s a tough one and I often have to just breath through it, deep breaths and excercise does improve this.
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    @avatiach the idea of the tight spirals has me intrigued. can you tell me more about what that does for your anxiety? thanks! :)
  • NolanBB
    NolanBB Posts: 1 Member
    I had problems with anxiety though I don't anymore. In a short comment, I can't explain exactly how I got rid of my anxiety, but I can offer a tip that may work for you. (Disclaimer: not a medical professional) Perhaps it may be useful to think through what exactly is causing your anxiety, and try to rationalize that thought. Often times in my experience the anxiety-inducing thoughts are irrational, and once I realize that, my anxiety is greatly alleviated.
  • OccultOrange
    OccultOrange Posts: 2 Member
    I also struggle with anxiety, and have most of my life. I can absolutely relate!

    Medication was by far the biggest help to me in terms of getting my anxiety down to a manageable level. Now that I've got that leveled out, I've been able to better focus on my goals as well as other strategies for working on my anxiety. It's still a work in progress!

    Meditation or some form of mindfulness, daily affirmations, and having a creative outlet have also really helped me.
  • finleycats
    finleycats Posts: 7 Member
    Lots of good tips here. I have to be cautious of meds as they have the opposite affect with me. One thing I've learned is I have empath tendencies and take on the emotions around me. So when I don't know why I'm having anxiety, I look around at the people I've been around. Knowing it's not my anxiety helps a lot (going to Walmart can be a real trip). Otherwise, for me getting into nature is HUGE, especially if I go walking. And sleep, OMG getting enough sleep! Aside from those, I also use Crystals, essential oils, and counseling when needed. Good luck! Took me years to get to where I am (the more you do what you need to do, the quicker it would happen) and I still have relapses (currently my one of my jobs plus fur babies not doing well and dying).
  • avatiach
    avatiach Posts: 291 Member
    @avatiach the idea of the tight spirals has me intrigued. can you tell me more about what that does for your anxiety? thanks! :)

    @shann55437 apologies I am just seeing this now.

    It is basically a meditative centering exercise. I found this interesting piece written about it:

    I like that you can do it anywhere!

    You can also Google “Lynda Barry” and journaling or curriculum, she has some interesting YouTube videos based on a class she teaches (and a book too!).
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    avatiach wrote: »
    @avatiach the idea of the tight spirals has me intrigued. can you tell me more about what that does for your anxiety? thanks! :)

    @shann55437 apologies I am just seeing this now.

    It is basically a meditative centering exercise. I found this interesting piece written about it:

    I like that you can do it anywhere!

    You can also Google “Lynda Barry” and journaling or curriculum, she has some interesting YouTube videos based on a class she teaches (and a book too!).

    Thank you so much @avatiach !! I will definitely read about that. I am all about knocking my anxiety off its block some!
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 346 Member
    As NAMI Connection Support Group says, Mental illnesses are medical illnesses that may have environmental triggers. There’s no shame in having to take medication for them, just like there’s no shame in taking insulin or heart medication.
  • crystallynnlu
    crystallynnlu Posts: 10 Member
    I have bad anxiety
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    As NAMI Connection Support Group says, Mental illnesses are medical illnesses that may have environmental triggers. There’s no shame in having to take medication for them, just like there’s no shame in taking insulin or heart medication.

    thank you for saying that. it's nice knowing there are people out there who don't listen to all the hype that just because i take meds must mean that i am crazy. <3
  • renew0127
    renew0127 Posts: 47 Member
    I have bad anxiety

    i hope you find this is a place that can help you. everyone is very supportive and have great insight with different ideas to help. <3