
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    fmfdfa2020 wrote: »
    musicsax wrote: »
    clprieur wrote: »
    Christine from Burlington, Ontario, Canada 😊
    6th Round
    Age 53, 5’5”
    Heaviest Weight: 345+ lbs (my highest known weight prior to gastric bypass in Aug 2005)
    Weight in March 2022: 220 lbs
    Weight beginning this Round: 148.4 lbs
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs

    This round's daily goals:
    1. <1500 calories 10/10 days - ☹☹☹☹
    2. 14K steps 6/10 days - 😊😊😊☹
    3. Attend work 6/6 days – 😊☹☹😊
    4. Gym/strength-training 3/10 days - ☹ ☹😊☹
    5. 7 cups fluids 10/10 - ☹😊😊☹
    6. 5 mins affirmations 10/10 days - ☹☹☹☹
    7. 10 mins meditation 10/10 days - 😊☹☹☹
    8. Iron 5/10 days - ☹😊☹😊
    9. Vitamins/supplements 10/10 days - ☹😊☹😊
    10. 60+ grams protein 10/10 days - 😊😊😊😊

    3/3 – 148.4 lbs – Well, I am really pleased with my progress! I was looking back and I started these challenges on January 13, 2023 and I have lost 9.2 lbs since that time! Thanks @quiltingjaine! Considering the time of year (poor mental health + bad weather usually = annual weight gain, for me), and the fact that I am pretty close to my goal weight, this is wonderful! I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am TWO HUNDRED POUNDS LESS THAN I WAS IN 2005. Like wth? That is so bizarre. So bizarre. I mean it has been a roller coaster of losing and gaining since gastric bypass, for sure, but still. And now I have a glimmer of hope of being able to maintain this weight (145-150 lbs) by just continuing to log my calories, and walking every single day. I mean, it’s a pretty simple formula. It’s not rocket science. LOL! Anyhow, honestly, if I can lose 0.8 lbs by the end of this challenge, that would mean I have lost 10 lbs in 2 months, and that is more than okay by me! 😊 You will see that I have set A LOT of goals for this round. What I did was look back over the last 5 rounds and put together every single goal I have attempted since January 13th. (I left out a goal I had originally set about calming down on ice-cream sammiches, as I have completely stopped eating those.) Some goals I have been very successful at, some I didn’t achieve even once. So, I thought that for this round I’d try to go all in and challenge myself! The only new goal I’ve added is getting to the gym. I have reinstated my gym membership and I want to get back into the habit going 2-3 times per week. Anyhow, in the spirit of the success I have had over the last few days by posting this up in the morning and then feeling like I need to live up to all the “happy faces” I’ve projected for the day ahead, I am going to give myself all happy faces above and then do my absolute best to stay the course. Let’s go people! Let’s do this!! 😊
    3/4 - 149.2 lbs – First of all: HAHAHA at myself for being so raring to go yesterday morning and then finding myself eating McDonald’s chicken nuggies and fries by the end of the day!! Like what the heck!! Where did my motivation go??? I only got 4/10 happy faces yesterday, AND I ate over 2500 calories!! Sheesh! Well, I guess you win some, you lose some. Let me try to do better today. However, I am a bit concerned because we are in the middle of another frickin’ blizzard and I am not even sure how I am going to take my dog out for pee-breaks, let alone walk him (and he is used to 1-2 hours of walking per day – pray for my sanity). It’s treacherous out there and I can see it is white-out conditions and I can hear the wind howling. So… this is going to be an interesting diet/exercise day. I don’t think am going to hit my 14K steps goal today. Wish me luck. Today is supposed to be a gym/strength training day according my schedule. I haven’t been there since before I rescued Goliath on January 2nd. This is going to HURT. Luckily my gym is just about a block away so I can walk over, if I can trudge through the snow on the sidewalks. I could use the weather as a reason to skip it, but I had planned to go today and I am really looking forward to starting up again. Because I had gastric-bypass, I am at high-risk of developing osteoporosis, so in addition to taking my supplements I am also supposed to be doing regular weight-bearing exercise to try to keep up my bone density. So it’s important to build this into my weekly schedule and stick with it. Oh, and you will see that my weight is up today. I am very close to going over the upper-level of my goal range. This is VERY motivating. I do NOT want to creep up. I need to nip this in the bud. With all your support, I know I can do it. 😊 I put in my pre-planned “happy faces” above and now I am going to post this so you all can hold me accountable! HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!!
    3/5 – 148.8 lbs – Well, yesterday was a decent day – 5/10 happy faces - and I am glad the scale is down a smidge. I did go over my calories yesterday by 330 cals, but I also walked almost 26K steps so I am not too worried about that. What I am worried about is the fact that I invited my sister, her daughter and daughter’s fiancé over for lunch today, and I said I’d order Chinese food. Now I am worried about the calories in Chinese food and wondering if I should a) just eat my Jenny Craig food while they eat Chinese food or b) try to cook us all something healthy. I am not much of a cook but I recently purchased a Ninja 13-in-one which is pretty easy to use. I’ll keep thinking about that and let you know how it goes. I mean, I know “treats” are okay sometimes, but on the other hand, I can enjoy their company and feed them healthy food instead of salty, greasy, (delicious) Chinese food which will result in a bump up on the scale tomorrow. I still haven’t been to the gym and I am actually motivated to go right now, which I think I will do, even though I feel weird about it because I have walked my dog every day at this time since I brought him home from the shelter. I feel bad leaving him behind. Also, I usually enjoy my walks with him around 4-5 AM as he is dog-reactive and we don’t run into many other dogs at this time, so it is our best walk of the day. So if I gym now and walk him later, being a Sunday morning, we will definitely run into other dogs, which is inevitable but also markedly less fun. Anyway, I am not going to pre-log my happy faces this morning, as I have no idea how the day is going to go. Obviously, I am a little indecisive this morning. LOL. Wish me luck.
    3/6 – 148.6 lbs – Well, the Chinese food lunch yesterday did not go as planned. Let’s just leave it at that. On the flip side, I am super proud of myself for getting back to the gym yesterday morning. And I am also impressed with myself for being proud of getting back to the gym instead of fixating on the fact that I didn’t do my entire routine or beat myself up for the fact that I needed to do less weight and fewer reps. I was just happy with myself for making it there. That is a HUGE improvement in my attitude and I feel like it shows significant progress. 😊 In addition to going to the gym, I also got in 23k steps. So overall it was a good day for exercise. I am a bit concerned with the fact that at some point yesterday I just gave up on logging my calories. I lost track with the Chinese food and after that things kind of went to hell in a handbasket, which is NOT a sign of progress. LOL. It is that old mentality of “oh well, the day is already ‘ruined’, I might as well eat anything and everything now, especially since I stopped logging for the day!”. It is not a wise approach, as I have learned time and time again in my weight loss journey. Er, weight-gain journey.

    **thoughts for next challenge: journalling, Grow With Jo videos on cold days, X pages of reading, neck stretches, no devices for 60 mins before bed

    @clprieur Yes,yes,yes.....I do the EXACT same thing. If I blow ANYTHING, ANY MEAL, EVEN A SNACK, the rest of the day I eat everything in site. My day also goes "to hell in a handbasket." Why I feel I have to be perfect, I have a few ideas dating back to childhood. But it's just not true. We can make one mistake at one meal and not blow the rest of the day. This is where @quiltingjaine and others use the mantra "Its not a diet, its a lifestyle". We are not going to know our calories in some restaurant foods. We are going to eat things off our "normal menu" at social occasions (holidays, birthdays etc). We are going to travel. We are going to go to restaurants. It's okay. What is not okay is when I go off the rails because of them. I, too, have to figure this out. You are not alone!

    Yeah me too, I'm not so much a "what the hell" if I go off plan, but it just starts me wanting more & more & more & even more to infinity!, it's the slippery slope of a start of a binge for me. I don't know why I do it?, it always leads me to have a bad nights sleep and my body feeling really uncomfortable, gross and even ill, I know it is not doing me any good.
    At the moment I am really trying to train myself to just have one thing and then stop, I need to keep telling myself that there will still be tomorrow and I can have a treat again then, just one. I am also scared to say that it seems to be working at the moment, but I know if I drop my guard then off I'll go again!!
    On reflection I think what I am trying to say is that I am a foodaholic (if there is such a word?) and this forum is an analogy of FA or Food Anonymous, it is therapy and maybe I ought to include how many days I have been binge free in my daily 'report' ? LOL :D:D:# Thank you my friends for the support, you are the best :wink: <3

    @musicsax You laugh at your comment of tracking how many days you've been binge free, but I think that's actually a great idea! I'm going to add this as a accomplishment to track beginning on tomorrow's update. I think this will motivate me not to binge (I hope - fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc.) Thanks! @clprieur @deepwoodslady

    @fmfdfa Oh, those binges! I don't know if I could even FACE THEM!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    musicsax wrote: »

    Yeah me too, I'm not so much a "what the hell" if I go off plan, but it just starts me wanting more & more & more & even more to infinity!, it's the slippery slope of a start of a binge for me. I don't know why I do it?, it always leads me to have a bad nights sleep and my body feeling really uncomfortable, gross and even ill, I know it is not doing me any good.
    At the moment I am really trying to train myself to just have one thing and then stop, I need to keep telling myself that there will still be tomorrow and I can have a treat again then, just one. I am also scared to say that it seems to be working at the moment, but I know if I drop my guard then off I'll go again!!
    On reflection I think what I am trying to say is that I am a foodaholic (if there is such a word?) and this forum is an analogy of FA or Food Anonymous, it is therapy and maybe I ought to include how many days I have been binge free in my daily 'report' ? LOL :D:D:# Thank you my friends for the support, you are the best :wink: <3

    @musicsax I've been on that same slippery slope so many times, and usually without my hiking boots! I think what I hate most about going into the foodaholic (yes, it's a real condition) binges is that it puts me back into the hunger and cravings all over again. Starting over is so hard!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    @CamandJarvis I am from Michigan but have never heard of Taco Pizza. Please describe toppings.
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Round 216~Fri Mar 3 2023 ~ Sun Mar 12 2023

    Round 216
    Mar 3 2023

    My name is Tish.
    Age: 66
    Height: 5'7.5"
    USW: 260
    2023 Start Wgt:Don't know (Jan 1)
    RG: Try to be consistent with 97g protein and 80ozs water

    Th•March 2 2023~ 211.8
    ▪︎Day1▪Fr Mar 3- ¤DNW

    ( Th•83g Prot; 96ozs water)

    ▪︎Day2▪Sa Mar 4- ¤DNW

    (Fr•60g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day3▪Su •Mar 5- ¤DNW

    (Sa• 72g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ▪︎Day4▪Mo•Mar 6- ¤213.1
    (Su• 63g Prot; 40ozs water)

    ▪︎Day5▪Tu•Mar 7- ¤213.1

    (Mo• 73g Prot; 64ozs water)

    ■Day6▪We•Mar 8- ¤

    (Tu•78g Prot; 48ozs water)

    ▪︎Day7•Th•Mar 9- ¤

    (We•g Prot; ozs water)

    ▪︎Day8•Fr•Mar 10- ¤

    (Th•g Prot; ozs water)

    ▪︎Day9▪Sa•Mar 11- ¤

    (Fr•g Prot; ozs water)

    ▪︎Day10▪Su Mar 12-¤

    (Sa•g Prot; ozs water)

    *Round End Weights*

    {Mar 19~Round 34- lost 2.8 lbs~215.8}
    {Mar 28~Round 35 - lost 2.4 lbs~214}
    {Apr 7~Round 36 - lost 1 lb~212}
    {Apr 17~Round 37 - lost 5.6 lbs~206.4}
    {Apr 27~ Round 38 - lost 1 lb~205.4}
    {May 6~ Round 39 - lost 3.4 lbs~202}
    •••Transition Round⬇•••
    {May 17~Round 40 - lost 3 lbs~199}
    {May 27~Round 41 - lost .8 lbs~198.2}
    {Jun 6~Round 42 - lost 2.6 lbs~195.6}
    {Jun 16~Round 43 - lost 1.4 lbs~194.2}
    {Jun 26~Round 44 - lost 1 lb~193.2}
    {Jul 6~Round 45 - no loss~193.2}
    {Jul 16~Round 46 - lost 3.6 lbs~189.6}
    {Jul 26~Round 47 - lost 1.4 lbs~188.2}
    {Aug 5~Round 48 - lost 1.8 lbs~ 186.4}
    {Aug 15~ Round 49 - lost .8 lb~ 185.6}
    {Aug 25~Round 50 - lost 3 lbs~ 182.6}
    {Sep 4~Round 51 - .4 lb gain~ 183}
    {Sep 14~Round 52 - lost 2 lbs~ 180.8}
    {Sep 24~Round 53 - lost 1 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 4~Round 54 - lost .8 lb~ 179}
    {Oct 14~ Round 55 - gain .8 lb~ 179.8}
    {Oct 24~Round 56 -lost 3.2 lbs~176.6}
    {Nov 3~Round 57 - gain 1.6 ~178.2}
    {Nov 13~Round 58 - gain .2 ~178.4}
    {Nov 23~Round 59 -lost1.2 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 3~Round 60 -gain 3.4lb~180.6}
    {Dec 13~Round 61 -lost 3.4 lbs~177.2}
    {Dec 23~Round 62 - lost 2.8lbs~174.4}▪2019▪

    {Jan 2~Round 63 - gain 2.8 lbs~177.2}
    {Jan 12~Round 64 -lost 1.2 lbs~ 173.2}
    {Jan 22~Round 65 - gain 1 lb ~174.2}
    {Feb 1~Round 66 - loss 1.4 lb~ 172.8}
    {Feb 11~Round 67 -gain 2.4 lbs~175.2}
    {Feb 21~Round 68 - loss .6 lb~174.6}
    {Mar 3~Round 69 - gain .4 lb~175}
    {Mar 13~Round 70 - lost 3.2 lb~171.8}
    (Lowest weight 171.2~March 17, 2019)▪RETROSPECT▪This is the point when I looked too bony to myself. I purposely wanted to gain back 10lbs. I'd lost 89lbs in a little over a year, but I thought it was too fast, even though it didn't seem fast during the process!

    {Mar23~Round 71 - gain .4 lb ~172.2}
    {Apr 2~Round 72 - gain 2.6 lbs~ 174.6}
    {Apr12~Round 73 - gain 3.6 lbs~178.2}
    {Apr 22~Round 74 - lost 2.8 lbs~175.4}
    {May 2~Round 75 - gain 1.8 lbs 177.2}
    {May 12~Round 76 - lost 3.2 lbs~ 174}
    {May 22~Round 77 - gain 4 lbs~ 178}
    {Jun 1~Round 78 - lost 2 lbs~176}
    {Jun 11~Round 79 - lost .2lbs 175.8}
    {Jun 21~ Round 80 - gain .2 lbs~ 176}
    {Jul 1~Round 81 - gain 1.4 lbs -177.4}
    {Jul 11~Round 82 -gain .8 lbs -178.2}
    (*Round 82 • LIFE STRESS ROUND* gains begin)

    {Jul 21~Round 83 - gain 2.8 lbs-181}
    {Jul 31~Round 84 -loss 1 lbs - 182}
    {Aug 10~Round 85-gain 1.6 lbs-183.6}
    {Aug 20~Round 86 - gain .6 lbs - 183}
    {Aug 30~Round 87- gain .6 lbs -183.6}7 1.2 lbs -184}
    {Sep 29~Round 90 - lost .8 lbs -183.2}
    {Oct 9~Round 91 - gain .4lbs~183.6}
    {Oct 19~Round 92-lost 1.8 lbs 181.4}
    {Oct 28~Round 93 -gain 1.6 lbs~183}
    {Nov 8~Round 94 -lost .4lbs~182.6}
    {Nov 18~Round 95 - gain 1 lbs~183.6}
    {Nov 27~Round 96 -lost lbs~183.4}
    {Dec 8~Round 97 - gain 1.8 lbs -185.6}
    {Dec 18~Round 98 - 185.6}
    {Dec 25~Round 99 -185.6}

    {Round 136 - 215 EW}Dec 31 2020(1/01)
    {Round 137-209.8 EW}Jan 11 2021
    {Round 138- 209.5 EW}Jan 21 2021
    {Round 139-  DNW EW}Jan 31 2021
    {Round 140-   EW}Feb 10 2021
    {Round 141-  211 EW}Feb 20 2021
    {Round 142-  215  EW}Mar 2 2021
    {Round 143-  215  EW}Mar 12 2021
    {Round 144-  215  EW}Mar 22 2021
    {Round 145-  214.3 EW}April 2 2021
    {Round 146-  DNW EW}April 11 2021
    {Round 147 - 216 EW}April 21 2021
    {Round 148 - 216.3 EW}May 01 2021
    {Round 149 - DNW EW}May 11 2021
    {Round 150 - 216.7 EW}May 21 2021
    {Round 151 - DNW EW}May 31 2021
    {Round 152 - 216.2 EW}June 10 2021
    Round 153 - 215.6 EW}June 20 2021
    Round 154 - 216 EW}June 30 2021⬅
    Round 155 - 212.6 EW}July 10 2021
    Round 156 - 209.4 EW}July 20 2021
    Round 157 - 208.8 EW}July 30 2021
    (???? is diet break)
    Round 158 - 206.6 EW}Aug 9 2021
    Round 159 - 204.6 EW}Aug 19 2021
    ????Round 160 - 202.6 EW}Aug 29 2021
    Round 161 - 200 EW}Sep 8 2021
    Round 162 -196.8 EW}Sep 18 2021
    Round 163 - 198 EW}Sep 28 2021
    Round 164 - 197.6 EW}Oct 8 2021
    Round 165 - 195.2 EW}Oct 18 2021
    Round 166 - 197.6 EW}Oct 28 2021
    Round 167 - 197.4 EW}Nov 7 2021
    Round 168 - 198 EW}Nov 17 2021
    ~illness spanning next 4 rounds~
    Round 169 - DNW EW}Nov 27 2021
    Round 170 - 188.2 EW}Dec 7 2021
    Round 171 - 189 EW}Dec 17 2021
    Round 172 - 191 EW}Dec 27 2021
    Round 173 - 193.6 EW}Jan 6 2022
    Round 174 - 194 EW}Jan 16 2022
    Round 175 - 196 EW}Jan 26 2022
    Round 176 - 197.8 EW}Feb 5 2022
    Round 177 - 199 EW}Feb 15 2022
    Round 178 - 199 EW}Feb 25 2022
    Round 179- 205 EW}Mar 7 2022
    •March 15, 2002- 202.5lbs
    Round 180- 203 EW}Mar 17 2022
    Round 210- 210.4 EW}Jan 11 2023
    Round 211- 211.7 EW} Jan 21 2023
    Round 212- 212.5 EW} Jan 31 2023
    Round 213- 215 EW} Feb 10 2023
    Round 214- 212 EW} Feb 20 2023
    Round 215- 211.8 EW} Mar 2 2023
    Round 216- EW} Mar 12 2023
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    _JeffreyD_ wrote: »
    Male: 65
    OSW: 237.8 (Nov. 2016)
    OGW: 199 (just to say I did)
    Maintenance Range Goal: 200-205

    Goals for this round:

    1. For 2023, avoid a repeat of 2022 lack of discipline.
    2. Log my food daily… That is how I lost my weight before.

    Round 216 Posts
    This is my posting format….

    Month/Day: Scale Reading - First thing today after bathroom visit before getting dressed.
    / Logged Food; Exercise – yesterday / Comment

    Previous posts:

    3/3: 220.6
    /logged all; lots of slow walking/ Ok, so my walking was at Bass Pro Shops. It was actually more brain exercise than anything.

    Today is a day of eating out. Lunch with a friend at Cracker Barrel; Supper with a few “alumni” from a firm I used to work for 25 years ago (an adult beverage may be consumed.); Followed by a euchre get together with another set of friends. No adult beverages, but plenty of trash to eat and some possible sleep deprivation.

    And the whole day is stacking up to be “introvert behavior” deprivation. That will wear me out. HA!

    3/4: 223.2
    3/5: 222
    3/6: 221.6
    // without this challenge, I would be sunk.

    3/2: 221.2
    Starting weight at “end” of last round.

    3/7: 222.2
    /logged most; walked at gym/ Still a lot of water retention from recovery and from salt. And… some lack of progress due to a general lack of commitment. I wonder if I can finish this round strong? Come on Jeff, have a little self-respect!

    Pity party done. No hugs please.

    3/8: 222.2
    /food logged; no exercise/ frustrated because food was way under yesterday.


    Historical Averages:
    R 94: 210.7 (20191108 = date of the last day of the round)
    R 95: 210.3
    R 96: 210.5
    R 97: 211.3 (20191208)
    R 98: 212.7
    R 99: 212.5* (some ghost vaycay entries)
    R 100: 215.0* (ghost vaycay entries) (20200107)
    R 101: 216.0* (some ghost vaycay entries)
    R 102: 212.6
    R 103: 211.9 (20200206)
    R 104: 210.9
    R 105: 212.5
    R 106: 211.2 (20200307)
    R 107: DNF
    R 115: 215.6 (20200605)
    R 116: 213.7
    R 117: 213.1
    R 118: 212.1 (20200705)
    R 119: 212.4
    R 120: 211.5
    R 121: 207.9 (20200804)
    R 122: 207.4
    R 123: 207.3
    R 124: 209.4 (20200903)
    R 125: 208.9
    R 126: 209.6
    R 127: 209.1 (20201003)
    R 128: 210.0
    R 129: 210.6
    R 130: 210.7 (20201102)
    R 131: 211.5
    R 132: 209.2
    R 133: 211.7 (20201202)
    R 134: 211.0
    R 135: 211.5
    R 136: DNW (20210101)
    R 137: DNW
    R 138: DNW
    R 139: 215.7
    R 140: 215.2 (20210210)
    R 141: 213.6
    R 142: 212.8 (20210302)
    R 143: 211.5
    R 144: 212.2
    R 145: 211.6 (20210401)
    R 146: DNW – scale broke during this round.
    R 147: 213.1
    R 148: 212.3 (20210501)
    R 149: 209.7 (vacay 2nd half)
    R 150: 210.4 (vacay 1st half)
    R 151: 210.7
    R 152: 211.0 (20210610)
    R 153: 210.7
    R 154: 210.6
    R 155: 210.0 (20210710)
    R 156: 210.9
    R 157: 210.6
    R 158: 207.8 (20210809)
    R 159: 207.9
    R 160: 205.9
    R 161: 206.2 (20210908)
    R 162: 205.9
    R 163: 206.8
    R 164: 207.1 (20211008)
    R 165: 207.0
    R 166: 207.3
    R 167: 207.8 (20211107)
    R 168: 206.2
    R 169: 207.3
    R 170: 208.2 (20211207)
    R 171: 208.6
    R 172: 207.4
    R 173: 210.5 (20220106) Mostly estimated
    R 174: 210.5 Mostly estimated
    R 175: 211.8 Mostly estimated
    R 176: 213.6 (20220205)
    R 177: 214.6
    R 178: 213.7
    R 179: 213.7 (20220307)
    R 180: 213.7
    R.181: 214.2
    R 182: 216.4 (20220406)
    R 183: DNW
    R 184: 216.2
    R 185: 217.0 (20220506)
    R 186: 216.8
    R 187: 215.9
    R 188: 217.1 (20220605)
    R 189: 216.2
    R 190: 215.5
    R 191: 217.3 (20220705)
    R 192: 217.9
    R 193: DNW
    R 194: 215.2 (20220804) Some guesstimates early I the round with no scale.
    R 195: 216.2
    R 196: 213.8
    R 197: 216.0 (20220903)
    R 198: 213.6
    R 199: 214.7 (partial round)
    R 200: 215.4 (20221003)
    R 201: 215.6
    R 202: 214.8
    R 203: 215.7 (20221102)
    R 204: 216.7
    R 205: 217.2
    R 206 DNW
    R 207: 217.4
    R 208: 218.6
    R 209: DNW (20230101)
    R 210: DNW
    R 211: DNW
    R 212: DNW
    R 213: DNW (20230210)
    R 214: 222.5 (post-surgery date)
    R 215: 221.5 (20230302)

    I like to track averages due to my wild fluctuations. For the same reason, I like to weigh daily so I can see the lows from time to time. It gives me hope.

    @_JeffreyD_ Get ready for your whoosh!
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    @CamandJarvis I live in Iowa & dd lives in OK. We can get taco pizza both places (at Casey’s..gas station, great pizza, and also Pizza Ranch in IA) Sometimes can get chicken taco, but usually beef taco. In answer to someone’s question, crust, sauce, refried beans (I think), meat, chopped lettuce, chopped tomatoes, cheese, crushed Doritos. Taco sauce packets optional. That’s the ones here.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,877 Member
    @CamandJarvis I live in Iowa & dd lives in OK. We can get taco pizza both places (at Casey’s..gas station, great pizza, and also Pizza Ranch in IA) Sometimes can get chicken taco, but usually beef taco. In answer to someone’s question, crust, sauce, refried beans (I think), meat, chopped lettuce, chopped tomatoes, cheese, crushed Doritos. Taco sauce packets optional. That’s the ones here.

    @RetiredAndLovingIt Thanks for the general recipe. I was wondering if there was something crunchy on top! My son would probably love this.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    @deepwoodslady You’re welcome. It is good for something “different”.
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,552 Member
    @cory17 - so sorry to hear you are having so many problems, sending you positive vibes to help you through and comforting hugs <3
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    39flavours wrote: »
    F42, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    RGW: 149.8lbs
    UGW: 140lbs (trend)
    UUGW: 122.4lbs

    We have booked a week in Portugal from 23rd March, time I started up my language lessons again, they've fallen by the wayside since I've been exercising more. There's an outdoor pool by the complex that I've not had the courage to use yet. I absolutely love swimming but look horrific in a swimsuit so very rarely swim and when I do it's in shorts and a t shirt, in rivers and sea. Being able to wear a swimsuit and use the local pool without feeling mortified is one of my main motivators.


    @39falvours When I went downstate in January for my brother's birthday bash there was a hot tub and pool at our hotel. I suited up in my very pretty bathing suit and thought I looked great in it. I had bought the suit many years ago and could never fit in it before. I really felt slim and beautiful in it, UNTIL I saw the pictures later! UGH. I just now looked over my records and found that I was weighing about 198 at the time. If I weighed your weight I probably would skinny dip! I say, Celebrate the 30 pound weight loss and go ENJOY the pool. You've earned it!

    Thank you for this xx I'm sure we both look perfectly fine and normal in our swimsuits, it's just us zooming in on our insecurities. I will give myself a talking to, get to work on a bit of fake tanning and make sure there's no cameras around if I do dare to dip! Now to dig out the cozzie and see if it fits.