Operation: Sexy Claus Challenge Week #1 9.19.11 (Closed Grou



  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Wow! I can't believe how much we are chatting on this thread, I love it!
    I missed yesterday's question about "perfect size". I am thinking I would be super happy at a size 10... I think I was this size in high school for a minute or two when I lost weight in grade 12 then gained it back! At this point though I would be very happy with a size 12. It may sound big, but anything smaller than what I am now is a bonus. I am happy with what I have achieved so far but still have a way to go.

    As for self- image... this is an area that Is a real challenge for me. I still see myself as he fat girl, even with having lost 39lbs so far. Rarely I am able to see what I have achieved, even in pictures. My husband took a picture of me behind my jeans that I thought I looked good in at my heaviest weight.... and I can see my weight loss. I will post it on my profile in the next day or two if you would like to see it. I will continue to work on this area. One way that I am working on my self image is through exercise and seeing what I can do now physically that I couldn't do last year. Baby steps....

    As for exercise this week all is going welll and have gotten in exercise for at least 30 mins a day this week. So I am happy.

    Let's keep up the momentum we have so far.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! LOVING the participation on the thread...it is pleasing to me! :)

    Topic of the Day: Let's talk about self-image...how did you feel about yourself when you were at your "highest" weight vs. how you feel now? I know this may be a deep question for some to answer, however, I have noticed that in my own journey it is also important to tap into these types of questions in order to be truly happy when you do hit your "goal".

    Missed yesterdays: Question for the Day: What is your ideal "size"? I know a lot of people have their ideal size number that they would like to be, so what is yours and why?
    My ideal size a 10 or a 12 I just dont want to be PLUS size anymore shopping sucks!

    Todays Topic of the Day: Self-image ...... I still see myself has fat, unpretty, and unhappy. There are days that I feel good about myself but sometimes I just let the pressure of being overweight and the stress of it not coming off just get to me. Self-image is really something I need to work on for myself and nobody else. I am truly blessed and I really need to focus on the positive.

    First of all I think you are gorgeous hun! So never say that about yourself ok!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! LOVING the participation on the thread...it is pleasing to me! :)

    Topic of the Day: Let's talk about self-image...how did you feel about yourself when you were at your "highest" weight vs. how you feel now? I know this may be a deep question for some to answer, however, I have noticed that in my own journey it is also important to tap into these types of questions in order to be truly happy when you do hit your "goal".

    I am going to start this one off by saying - Krys, of ALL the topics, this one?! on day 3? really?! Do you have something out for me?!
    (J/K K! You know I <3 you!!!)

    Truthfully, i felt the same @ 174 as I did @ 145... I may have felt a little better when I was 135, but I was in High School and I was a jock, so it's tough to call that one. Even now, I sometimes look in the mirror and cry...

    I have had terrible self image since I was in jr. high and was called terrible nick names like "twinkie" and " rolls on rolls"... Worst part is, I haven't grown since the 7th grade and I only weighted 120 back then... Kids can be so cruel and totally oblivious to the long term effects... and I DEFINITELY take a good part of the blame for it (not the name calling, but the long term effects). I lied to my parents about how school was because I didn't want to disappoint them. I lied to myself, saying I didn't care. i pretended I liked being different and on the outside. I embraced my "alternative" culture - dressed goth, shop lifted, drank and did drugs. But truth was, I carried around the humiliation of not fitting in for the 3 years of jr. high.

    By the time I got to high school, I was used to being different and not fitting in. I was a jock who was in band and drama. I stayed in to watch start trek with my family and then would go out to the club. I would sew my pink barbie Halloween costumes while watching football. I thought I had finally become comfortable with just being me.

    I however was forever worried about what people thought of me. Not my personality (which I must say is GLOWING! :laugh: ) but of what I looked like.

    Confession - I have not worn a swim suit without shorts since I was 10...

    To this day, I am terrified of what people think of what I look like. Horrified about the way I look. I play the "In only so many .... (days, lbs, sizes) I will be happy with me" game.

    And I never am with who I am physically. And it worries me that once the weight is gone, it will just be something different that I move onto in terms of my physical looks... God willing it will be hair cuts and not anything plastic....

    And I am SO happy that you decided to pour it out girl! You are a brave woman for bearing it all! :). Love ya!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Bump so I don't lose it
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Woo some deep stuff ladies! I am so happy that we had so many willing to share. A few times I was near tears reading the responses because not only do I know the feelings that you all have had, but also because as women we tend to hide behind a smile so many days. That was really the point of talking about your self-image because I want everyone to be able to look back at this and see how far they have come and to be honest with how you feel. It is so crucial to self-improvement. I applaud you women for sharing! So strong and so honest...
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    hey ladies! hows everyone doing? i missed yesterdays topic, but im new to this challenge thing, so im still getting familiar with the threads.

    I'd say my ideal size is an 8-10, im by no means petite, so anything lower than that is probably unrealistic. I want to be fit, not famished.

    As far as how I felt at my biggest and lowest... i dont want to have a pity party but I guess this would be a good time to vent and move forward.

    I was always'bigger' than everyone else, taller, thicker, whatever you want to call it. So I always felt different, but it wasnt until high school that I really started thinking that it was weight, or maybe even my looks that was so different about me. Im not sure how I came to that conclucsion, because I realize now that there is nothing wrong with me - but I felt ashamed, and almost embarassed for thinking I was as good as the 'pretty girls', or could get the same boys, or have the same friends, or whatever is so life-changing in high school. I have my bad days where I have horrible self-image issues, but I know that that is what I think of myself, not what anyone else thinks, and thats something that I truly need to work on. When I was at my thinnest, which was a size 10 and by no means "skinny," I felt great because I was active and fit. Thats where I want to be again - confident, happy, and proud to be in my own skin!

    Sorry to anyone who didnt want a big, sentimental repsone. If you dont like it, dont read it! :))

    Good luck everyone!

    You know what's funny is you look so much like my son's Godmother who is built the same, curly hair like yours, everything and I think she is GORGEOUS! And I think you are so beautiful! But she, my son's Godmother, has the exact same sentiments about her self-image. Girl you look great in my eyes...but I know it is all about how YOU feel about yourself!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    Lows: I didn't get to go jogging this whole week like I had planned, due to the yucky weather! So my whole routine was out of wack! I didn't get in the exercise that I wanted

    Highs; I did way better with my water intake! I was chugging it down all week. I also was more cautious about what I was eating and made sure to have breakfast every morning, something I had struggled with for the past few months. I feel very good going into the weekend and next week. I really want to hit my mini-goal of 205 by the 30th. :)
  • maipai21
    Good morning!

    Lows of this week: I wasn't able to exercise on Wednesday due to some changes in my schedule

    Highs of this week: I've been drinking all my water! I finally broke the 204 mark and got to 203.2 (I haven't seen that number in years!) and I'm confident that I can cruise into onederland any day now if I just keep pushing!

    Have an awesome day!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    I love this high and low friday question ... and btw Krys you are an angel for putting this together. You are helping so many people.

    Lows of the week: I was not able to squeeze in any exercise, just couldnt find the time. I need to figure out a way to allow myself at least a half hour. I am always doing so much for my family that I tend to shove myself on the back burner.

    Highs of the week: I rejoined WW. I always learn a lot about food and why I eat the way I do. MFP has a WAYYYYYY better support system so I will be using both as learning tools to help me along this journey.

    I hope everyone has an awesome weekend :)
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    Lows... messed up my eating a few days this week. Got pretty much no exercise in because I've been so busy and overwhelmed. I will figure out a way to sneak in exercise, I just need to get the rest of my routine set first.

    Highs... did well on my water intake everyday except Tuesday... that means 8+ cups every other day. Although I may have been over my calories several days, I did exercise much better portion control than the "old me". Also, I had no emotional eating episodes!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    Lows of this week: My exercise schedule bust...I did walk during lunch as much as I can, took the stairs and did some at my desk exercises I saw online when I found the chance .....Work was crazy as usual

    Highs of this week: My new job is going spetacular...its alot of work but I feel great at what I'm doing and I'm really getting into it now...I ate under my calories everyday except Thursdays and I drank 80oz of water.... ohh and my baby was 2 years on Wednesday :happy:
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Lows for the week: I'm not getting hardly any sleep :( I have a 6 week old who thinks he doesn't need to go to sleep until 1 or 2 am even if he has been awake most of the day and I have a 2 yr old who is getting jealous, taking pacifiers, trying to sit in his little brothers chairs, wanting to get in his crib and all of a sudden wanting to sleep in mommy and daddy's room and will throw a fit and scream bloody murder when I try to get him In his room. Then the 2 yr old wakes up early and then 6 week old decides not to nap when the older one does so I can't even get a nap. So all of that on top of working out everyday is leaving me Exhausted...

    Highs for the week: I have gotten some type of workout in everyday even on days I just wanted a break. Told myself it was ok to take a night off but after sitting there for a few minutes trying ti justify it my mind couldn't/wouldn't let me take a day off. I want this more than ever and I am going to do whatever it takes to get where I want to be!!!

    I hope everyone has had a good first week!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Lows of the week: I had a super busy day and night yesterday and had to get a desperation dinner at 8 PM and went through the drive thru at Mc Donald's and got a McChicken Sandwich. This was a sandwich I used to get A LOT seven months ago. Bleh! It had no flavor!

    Highs of the week: Because of the above, I have solidified to myself that I have a new appreciation of food and what qualifies as healthy fuel for my body. And given my past relationship with food... this is a definite high. :smile:
  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    LOWS- I only was able to work out this week but it was a hell of a workout!!!

    HIGHS- I'm still losing, so that overpowered my LOWS:drinker:
  • miss_amy
    lows: it's been such a busy week at work, i've been working OT all week (and have to work tomorrow, bleh) and that has been taking so much of my energy (and time) that i've had to fight myself to work out when i get home. i also haven't had time to go grocery shopping this week so a few of my food choices haven't been the best.

    highs: i've worked out HARD monday, tuesday, and yesterday so far. i feel SO good, like i can climb a mountain! lol i plan on working out after work tonight and tomorrow too. i feel like i am starting to finally grasp what works for my body, nutrition + fitness wise and i couldn't be more excited. the scale is also cooperating so far.

    also, i refuse to blow it this weekend with my food choices. i WILL be good! :)
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Lows: I went over just a little bit (but it was still over) yesterday. Eww even with a workout. I was actually pretty disappointed.

    Highs: I have been really good about leaving the scale and not weighing myself. I was itching to check last night after my workout, just to see if there was any change. But I just kept thinking it will be so satisfying to wait and see the number on Monday.
  • Stephinow
    Good morning and Happy Friday, everyone!!

    Lows: My exercise routine got thrown completely off for various reasons, and I just couldn't get it back together. My son was even telling me, Mom, you have to! :heart:

    Highs: Well, because I couldn't exercise the way I'd planned, I focused even more on eating right, so I did really good this week on that front.
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    Low: Ummmmmm the realization that even with all the work I have done on myself over the years, I am still seeing myself negatively. Also, I did not get to work out nearly as much as I was hoping to, so I am pretty down about that.

    Highs: I managed to join a gym this week and plan to do Zumbas with a girl @ work every wednesday! Pretty excited about that... And my eating was pretty good this week. While not great, I avoided an all out binge, which is a big deal for me!


    Krystle, you're awesome! Thanks for everything girly!!!
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning lovelies! Hope everyone is doing well and rocking it out...I know you all are!

    So Fridays will be the official "highs and lows" day! I want us to share our lows for the week (it does not have to be health/fitness related) and our highs...this gives an opportunity to get feedback and advice going into the weekend.

    So my lows this week didn't work out as much as I would have liked going through a relationship that needs to come to an end. So I'm kind of distracted and haven't worked out as much as I would have liked. Got to deal with this issue so I can get my focus together.

    My highs this week this morning I had a biometric screening at work and my cholesterol was in the healthy range as was my blood glucose and blood pressure. I need to get my body fat and bmi down but overall I was pleased with my results. I managed to get all my water in everyday and didn't eat to bad!!!