Women 200lb+, Let's Make March Meaningful!!!



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    Happy St Patrick's Day!!!! ☘️

    I had a "moment" yesterday. Around lunch time I felt stressed, annoyed, etc. and went into a mini binge. First, my habits I've been building seemed to stick because even on a binge I weighed out my chips and pretzels. Second, I had my fill... granted it was 3 Red Vines, 2 Reese's mystery shapes, a kit kat bar, a serving of chips, a serving of pretzels, and whipped cream cheese for a "dip." But once I hit a point where I was done... I was done. I logged it all. Reevaluated the rest of my day. Made adjustments. And I still finished below my 1800 calorie boundary.

    I still don't know my exact trigger that made me feel like I needed all the junk but I stopped as soon as I felt done and didn't let it mess up the rest of my day. I ate within my boundaries. I still went to Zumba class. I still stopped for the day at 8pm.

    Pulling myself back from the edge of what could have been a really bad calorie day feels like a huge win. My blood sugar was higher than I want and I didn't bother to weigh this morning. But it's only one day and I still stuck to my calorie and time boundaries and I still got exercise.

    @mling84 I feel that. My A1C is strictly diet and exercise controlled. If I have a month or two of not logging or not staying on track that number definitely reflects it. Congrats on putting back the donut holes!

    @KrekolAnjel Great job getting to the gym!

    @UrFavoriteMelissa Welcome! This is a great group. So glad you found us.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everybody. This is my first post on this group.

    SW: 270
    CW: 208

    About me: I'm 76 years old and have been on my weight loss/healthy eating plan for 2 years, and although I'm thrilled to have lost 62 pounds, I haven't budged much in 5 months. I admit that I haven't been as strict as I once was, but my goal is 170 and I wonder if I'll ever get there.

    Now that spring is here and I have a lot of yard work and gardening to do, I hope the exercise and fresh air will do the trick. I also have access to a pool and perhaps I can do some swimming and pool exercises. I need to work on walking more too as my lower body strength isn't very good. I joined the gym but don't like to go.

    I guess this is a plateau but it seems like my body likes this weight (I don't) and is resisting my efforts to lose more. Also, my appetite has been stronger than usual and it's getting harder and harder to keep it under control.

    Any comments or suggestions?
  • Keto_Sonia
    Keto_Sonia Posts: 2 Member
    SW: 299
    CW: 286

    Goals for March:
    ⬇️ lose 2-3 pounds
    💪 walk 5000+ steps every day
    🥛 meal prep/plan on Sundays
    🤩 ride my bike and have a picnic in the park
    🧹 spring clean
    💵 renew credential

    I could really use some accountability buddies. Below is my WhatsApp. I also have an Apple Watch for challenges.

  • KrekolAnjel
    KrekolAnjel Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning everyone! I survived the staff breakfast potluck this morning and went for a 40 minute walk last night. I managed to get away with some really small portions of everything and maximized fruit, coffee and water.

    Today is gym day for me as well. I will check in with you beautiful people later.

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 359 Member
    QUESTION TO THE GROUP: I took my measurements today and although my weight has remained constant for 5 months, my measurements are larger than 2 months ago. Could I be holding fluid?
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    QUESTION TO THE GROUP: I took my measurements today and although my weight has remained constant for 5 months, my measurements are larger than 2 months ago. Could I be holding fluid?

    @BarbMessimer That is certainly possible. Especially if you haven't lost any weight.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Hi everyone! I am starting over for like the fifth time. I get close to my goal weight and then boom I totally sabotage any progress I’ve made and end back at my start weight. Happy to have found a motivating group to keep up with.

    Welcome Melissa.
  • Rzilient
    Rzilient Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2023
    New here! Just found it. Love the vibe!!!

    SW: 261.4
    CW: 246.8
    GW: 180-200 (depending on how I look & feel)

    1/5: 261.4
    1/30: 259.4 (reeled in my nutrition starting here)
    2/6: 257.9
    2/13: 257.5
    2/20: 254
    2/27: 253.3
    3/6: 252.9
    3/13: 251.5
    3/17: 246.8!!!

    It was actually super motivating to write this post and check my weekly weights. (I weigh myself daily and obviously it fluctuates so it was nice to see that my weekly weights have always been trending downward despite the ups I see here and there!) (I seem to macrocount and do very well Monday to Friday and then on the weekend I try to allow myself a little more flexibility but I have to find a good balance between "a little more flexibility" and "overboard" because for an example on March 9 (Thurs) I was 247.7 I had an awful eating weekend and then my weights for the week leading up to today was just me playing catch up again when perhaps if I hadn't eaten horrible on the weekend I'd be even lower.

    3/13: 251.5
    3/14: 250.6
    3/15: 248.8
    3/16: 247.6
    3/17: 246.8

    I'm not sure how I should feel about that. Good to have the more flexible weekend instead of being too harsh with myself ? (Because if I was a perfectionist 7/7 days a week, perhaps I'd be more likely to have an even worse slippery slope??/longer durations?)
    I don't know.

    But I'm trying to mainly just focus on the fact I'm trending downward, I'm eating well MOST of the time, indulging SOME of the time and I'm working my butt off in the gym! If I can keep up this 8-10lbs a month I'll be noticing changes in no time and once the results come it starts getting addicting!!! Plus 1-2lbs per week is still within a healthy range. So..... It's March 18. 13 more days do hopefully lose 6 more and see 240 on the scale!!!

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    Good morning everyone, happy Saturday!

    Saturday weigh in day:

    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 3/1: 175 (176 average)
    3/4: 174.8 (175.5 average)
    3/11: 173.6 (175 average)
    3/18: 174.4 (174.8 average)

    🍀 March Goals! 🍀

    🍀 March GW (average): 174

    💚Log everything in grams ✅
    💚Do at least three fitness classes a week ✅
    💚More than 100g protein every day ✅
    💚No doomscrolling after 7PM each night ✅
    💚At least 64oz of water a day ✅

    Look at all that green for March. My biggest wins this week (which is a thing I'm going to start doing, I like thinking about what worked) were that I 1) ensured I met my protein goal, and 2) my biceps are GREAT right now. Which is what comes with protein and working out with weights, but man, I love having visible biceps again. I'll have to take a picture next time I remember, last night I saw them just out of the shower, so no pics, haha.

    Things to improve on for next week: make smarter choices about snacks. If I'm going to eat more because I'm hungry, I can make sure those snacks have protein and fiber, instead of chocolate and sugar (although those things are great, and definitely have their place! For example, I try to have something sweet with my coffee every morning. This morning, it's one ferrero rocher). That way, hopefully even while eating when hungry, I can keep my calories a little lower.

    I find honoring my body when it's telling me things is so important, even if that means my progress will be slower. I just have to honor my BODY and not my HEAD, which is likely to say things like "there's this great cheesecake here, let's have another piece." Whereas my body is likely to say "hey man I feel real weak right now, you should eat something."

    Today is poles class and then a booty class called "hard *kitten*" :lol:

    After I'm done with gym and the kids are done with gymnastics, I'm going to be making cheeseburgers with my new bob's burgers cookbook, and I may be skipping the bun to save calories. Especially since the cookbook has a homemade fries recipe and Whatsisface and I drink a beer together on Saturdays :yum: We'll see.

    Tag party time!
    @UrFavoriteMelissa welcome to the best thread on MFP!

    @pamperedlinny this is a great response to One of Those Days, we've all had one. Congratulations on taking the reins back immediately!

    @BarbMessimer hi! Welcome! Advice about appetite and plateaus: Let's see, ooh, I came across an article yesterday I meant to share: it's a kind of sateity ranking. When you find that you're hungry, prioritize protein (good for muscle building) and fiber (good for being "regular," sorry TMI). Both keep you fuller (most of the time- for some people, whole grains keep them fuller, experiment with what works for you!).

    It's also worthwhile to see what times of day you're hungriest. For me, I know I like to snack when I'm home at night, so I try to keep almost half of my calories for after work every day, so that I have room to snack where I know I'll want to snack. Then just make sure you structure your day so that you have the calories where and when you need them.

    Congratulations on your success so far! Sometimes, after a lot of losing, you might consider kind of "resetting" yourself by purposefully eating what you believe are your maintenance calories for a week or two, then you'll be more motivated to start losing again, after you've been purposefully eating a little more. There's a thread in here somewhere, titled "of refeeds and diet breaks" that can tell you all about it. Just search for it in the mfp discussions.

    Your measurements might also be bigger even though weight is the same because if you've been doing any resistance training, your muscles might have grown a little bit! We call that "newbie gains," and it gets harder to build muscle after you've been doing it for a while, but in the beginning, it's a little easier to "shock" the muscles into growing.

    I hope to see a lot more of you in this thread, as your big loss is such a huge inspiration.

    @Keto_Sonia I love that you've got spring cleaning as one of your goals, it should be one of mine :lol: welcome!

    @KrekolAnjel oh man, breakfast potluck sounds awesome! And congratulations on facing the temptations head on! I see you friend requested me, but I don't use this app for logging, I just use the community, so I wouldn't be a good friend. Thank you though :heart: I use MacroFactor for logging.

    @Rzilient hi, welcome! Congratulations on your progress! you sound like you have exactly the right mindset, and weekends are difficult for everyone. If you'd like to lean into having more calories on the weekend every weekend, you could see if you can stand to reduce your calories a little more during the week to "bank" some extra calories for the weekend. That's what I do, and it works out for me, but it's not for everyone. Something to consider.

    I think that's everybody, have a good Saturday, everyone!
  • onhaltn
    onhaltn Posts: 28 Member
    First time here.

    SW 279
    Nov 2022 SW 272
    Late Nov start Mounjaro at 2.5 dosage (now in March at 7.5 dosage)
    CW 231
    1st GW 225 (I remember how I looked at this weight)
    2nd GW 199 (below200!! And obese but no longer morbidly obese)
    3rd GW 165 (move from obese to overweight)
    Fantasy GW 135 (upper limit of normal weight)

    I know the key to improving health is to exercise more. I wish I didn’t dislike it so much! But at least it’s getting easier with each 10 pounds I lose. Not as out of breath walking as I was, though still not great. Stairs and hills still a major challenge.

  • mling84
    mling84 Posts: 35 Member
    @pamperedlinny Great job on the turnaround yesterday!!! thank you for sharing, it is a needed reminder on how unexpected food intake can be course corrected!
  • Rzilient
    Rzilient Posts: 2 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe - is there a way to turn notifications on or saving this group? Instead of having find it everytime not to mention scroll through the whole thing to see if anyone replied ,?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    @Rzilient you can bookmark the thread, look on the top of the page next to the title for the little end of the ribbon button. Then you'll get notifications whenever someone posts!

    @pamperedlinny OMG :heart: :smiley:

    @onhaltn finding exercise you like to do is so key to continuing to exercise. Play around with stuff you really like doing that is also exercise!
  • mling84
    mling84 Posts: 35 Member
    Happy weekend everyone!

    I usually think weekends are for "fun foods" and food as reward since I "worked hard all week." But my thinking is shifting to weekends are for recharging, creativity, fun learning, social connections. those things feed and nourish me better than binging/overeating

    Victories from yesterday:
    1. completed my goal of 2x strength training for this week
    2. I skipped out on the Safeway sale on their bakery cakes (that is $5 saved that I would normally spend with this sale)
    3. Declined an invitation to go out to lunch with a friend for today since I am going out to lunch tomorrow with another friend. I felt I am more likely to be triggered into overeating/cravings if I went out to eat 2x this weekend and also needed today to catch up on things.

    Gratitude for today:
    1. I am grateful for a roof over my head
    2. I am grateful for the opportunities to catch up on things this weekend
    3. I am grateful for my healing
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    175 this morning, might be water retention, gonna buckle down a little bit this week anyway.

    Maybe I'll go for between 80-100 g protein, and I'm still going to try to go for better snacks.

    Alright, making my meal plan for the breakfasts, lunches, and snacks for the week, we're going to try my protein powder with water, to save on a couple calories. It should work.

    Visible bicep bump! It looks better in real life, lol.

    Made picadillo for the first time last night- so good. And brown butter chocolate chip cookies, incredible. Burgers got pushed to tonight, and I am ready for them.

    In order to "afford" the burger, I am leaving off the bun, and moving breakfast to a more brunch timeframe, making it a bigger meal to tide me over until dinner.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 65 from Pennsylvania.
    Been MIA for a few months but still logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.

    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused. I bought a NEW to me, gently used, Commercial PreCor EFX 835 Elliptical. It was delivered the beginning of November, as others here know I wore my previous 10+ year old one out from my extensive workouts. Back up to 150 minutes on my 3 days off per week.

    Good to see some familiar names here and glad to see some new ones too!

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs
    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs
    2/1/23- 207.4 lbs
    3/1/23-201 lbs Yippee!

    3/5/23- 200 lbs Elliptical Thurs, Fri & Sun 150 minutes for just over 10 miles each session. Finally glad to see a drop. I was hoping for Onederland though. Oh well, it's inevitable. Can't complain about 7.4 lbs since 2/1, in 4 1/2 weeks.
    3/12-23- 205 lbs. Too many carbs lately. Elliptical HIIT setting on Friday & today (Babysitting on Sat) 150 minutes each day, just over 10 miles each day.

    3/19/23- 206 lbs Having trouble keeping my carbs low like before. :-( Elliptical HIIT setting on Thursday, Friday & today (my off work days) 150 minutes each session for 10+ miles each.

  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 359 Member
    @Rzilient you can bookmark the thread, look on the top of the page next to the title for the little end of the ribbon button. Then you'll get notifications whenever someone posts!

    @pamperedlinny OMG :heart: :smiley:

    @onhaltn finding exercise you like to do is so key to continuing to exercise. Play around with stuff you really like doing that is also exercise!

    How do you reply without placing it as a quote?
  • mling84
    mling84 Posts: 35 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    I was over calories goal by 500 on Saturday and today (Sunday). I am feeling discouraged and ashamed right now. thinking "why can't I just get it together." Weekends are hard for me to stay on track :(

    trying to put in perspective that I am in a general calorie deficit for this past week though even with being over yesterday and today and that I followed through on healthy actions that are usually difficult for me. I refuse to entertain further judgmental thoughts about myself because that only fuels unhealthy stress and shortcut behaviors.

    So here's what I would like to improve on for this coming week:
    1. Choose one candy bar/sweets I really want and would enjoy instead of buying multiples at the store. When I buy multiples, I feel compelled to eat "a little" of each esp in the middle of the night. the anxiety of having multiple sweets around at this point is enough to cancel out any enjoyment anyway.
    2. Support my body in recouping/recharging by not eating in the middle of the night, even if it is within calorie goals
    3. Challenge negative thoughts/false beliefs about my being overweight

    Victories from this past week:
    1. Signed up for a glass blowing class as a non food reward/fun
    2. Followed through on strength training goal
    3. took 10 min walks on my lunch when weather/time permitted
    4. Passed on a lot of junk foods on sale at the store I would normally buy
    5.Practiced re-directing from all or nothing thinking.

    Respectful feedback and shares about your own experiences welcomed on being over calorie goal! ❤
  • coffeeandtruecrime
    coffeeandtruecrime Posts: 20 Member
    SW 284
    CW 268
    GW 150

    Goals for this month
    Work out most days (everyday was not completely sustainable)
    Eat more veggies

    I did eat a beyond burger today (vegan burger) but I stuck with only eating one when I would normally eat two and then still be hungry. I also wasn't going to weight in until April (every two months, I don't want to get caught up with numbers) but I applied for TSA's precheck and I figure my "excuse" probably won't fly with them. Things I did to get ready for my trip in September, I got a new weekender style bag, and compression packing cubes, I'm trying the one bag thing. :)