Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Jillian_PM
    Jillian_PM Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All! I originally lost about 86 lbs but have gained some back over the years. Looking to get started again and get my health and energy back! I would love to have some friends to encourage on here! Feel free to add me!
  • PowerlineConcert21
    PowerlineConcert21 Posts: 5 Member
    Heyyyy. Looking for friends to encourage and chat with now and then on here! Needing some motivation but doing good on my journey this summer!
  • Saunders2485
    Saunders2485 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm starting over and looking for some friends to help keep me accountable. Also to help with tips and meals 😊
  • Notmyachillesheelg
    Notmyachillesheelg Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone! I’ve been here before, multiple times. Need consistency and accountability partners and most of all some damn dedication! Let’s be friends and work towards our goals together!
  • MaryWitherell
    MaryWitherell Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new here. I'd enjoy having friends for motivation and support. I have about 30 pounds to lose, plus all the extra inches. I also want to increase steps. Any help or advice is appreciated.
  • 99q9p25b2s
    99q9p25b2s Posts: 3 Member
    I could use a MyFitnessPal friend! Hi! Name is NatBbell, currently on my journey to being a better lifter, and taking my goal seriously, just need a little help on what to cook, meal-prep, the who-what-when-where, and how’s! Lol! If there’s any insight I can provide and be resourceful as well, I can try to research it!
  • skinny809
    skinny809 Posts: 3 Member
    Earned 1 yr badge 3 times over! Lost 20 lbs--I'm stuck there now. In the past I always quit at 200 lbs. FROZEN in fear of success?
  • mjsnow12
    mjsnow12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Newish here! Have used mfp before but trying again. Pretty fit but would like to lose 3-5 lbs and just be stronger. Thanks for the welcome!
  • Victoriaestrella91
    Victoriaestrella91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I’m Estrella. I’ve been here before but took a year break and need some new friends :)
  • alexwwilson
    alexwwilson Posts: 4 Member
    Took a long break from myfitnesspal. Was focussed on training (and overlooking diet/ nutrition). And not realise I shouldn't have stopped.

    looking to share fitness and diet tips and see if it can help motivate myself / and others to stay on track! (unsure how to follow/ add people to network)
  • a_janelle
    a_janelle Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys, I’m new on here. I been using this app for about 35 days now and I have already lost 10 lbs by just watching what I eat.
  • Starting afresh. Some day I’ll stick with it and reach my goals
  • Dleasock
    Dleasock Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. I’m Dawn and I’m new again. I was on a few years back. Looking for inspirational, motivated individuals for fellowship on our journey together. Looking for friends. 😊
  • MsUniquelyDesigned1
    MsUniquelyDesigned1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone
  • salvadorsernas13
    salvadorsernas13 Posts: 5 Member
    New here, add me😁
  • Jayhoney1977
    Jayhoney1977 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I'm Jay, 45 from the UK - Made huge progress a few years ago, then massively dropped the ball through Covid - Back on here now, pushing hard and would love friends to help keep me focused and encourage me to push harder
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Here yet again, but more determined to make this a life style change. 48 yrs old and let me tell you it sure is taking longer to take off this weight. Please friend me if you are looking for friends to help support you in your journey as well. Let do this!!!
  • deshawnlove
    deshawnlove Posts: 18 Member
    Looking for new friends..
  • Madistic
    Madistic Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know how to add or find friends,
    and I need motivation.
  • csmcozart
    csmcozart Posts: 50 Member
    I’m back after a hiatus. Started CrossFit at 48 and quickly found that I had to track my food/macros after hitting a wall during the workouts over the first week. I’m open to advice on nutrition and general discussions as we support one another. Feel free to add as a friend if you’d like. I’ll need motivation.