Loosing 70 pounds

Hello! I was wondering if anyone was also trying to lose at least 70 pounds. If anyone has any suggestions let me know!


  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    Hey there. I've lost 12 lbs so far, looking to lose 77 more. I'm just counting calories and trying to get my steps in. I occasionally do some Nintendo Switch Ring Fit and also some weights.
  • to2sassy
    to2sassy Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I have lost 42 lbs so far and have 70 more to go. I started intermittent fasting in Oct. Initially I was fasting 20 hours but not tracking meals. I was losing but not as consistent as I would like and any little slip up would result in gain. I also was tired of being hungry most of the time and eating when not hungry during the fasting period(so not developing good habits recognizing hunger/fullness cues) I did some research and learned that it's not that much benefit for women to fast for longer than 16 hours. So I switched to 16 hours and started tracking my food. I think this is much more sustainable and I have had steady loss even with 1-2 "cheat" days a week. I have a very active job and I am trying to exercise 3 days a week. My favorite exercise is water aerobics.
  • cindy387
    cindy387 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 55 yrs old, this is my second time doing intermittent fasting I'm 16:8 5 × a week and 2 × 20:4 I do not eat a specific diet I just stay away from junk food and outside, and processed foods and stay within 1200 calories I doing HIIT exercises 3 days a week just start 3 days ago already lost 7 lbs
  • Notmyachillesheelg
    Notmyachillesheelg Posts: 59 Member
    I’m looking for 100lbs or so. Always down for help lol
  • bjulienne
    bjulienne Posts: 1 Member
    I am in for 70lb!
    46 years old woman. Hope to find some likeminded people on the same path:-)