What To Do When You Are Really Hungry?



  • cinnamongrn
    cinnamongrn Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2023
    Depending on the time I would either have a black coffee or a fruity tea as they can have really as low as 3 calories depending on the type
  • Miles_to_Go
    Miles_to_Go Posts: 48 Member
    Have a boiled egg or low-fat homemade Greek yogurt. Usually when I’m really hungry it helps to eat protein
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I don't want to make assumptions, but if you're a person with a cycle, you may want to investigate how that affects your appetite. During the luteal phase you can crave more calorie dense foods. Adding some extra calories in your budget can help with those cravings, stabilizing them so you're not just super hungry and end up with unplanned binging/overeating.

    Yes, when I still had a cycle, I ate at maintenance for a day or two when my appetite spiked premenstrually, and since I bled excessively, the first few days of my cycle as well.
  • wswallace
    wswallace Posts: 2 Member
    Apples naturally suppress your appetite, but you need to eat the skin.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited March 2023
  • FlaCntryGrl
    FlaCntryGrl Posts: 13 Member
    I like getting a cup of light fat free yogurt usually blueberry and I add a 1/3 cup of granola.
  • stpatill1
    stpatill1 Posts: 1 Member
    1 slice of turkey breast with a pickle spear, and avocado drizzled with mustard. I wrap it in a seaweed sheet. ~100 calories and won’t spike your blood sugar.
  • Jan1936
    Jan1936 Posts: 534 Member
    I make a LARGE veggie salad, cucumbers, spinach, celery, kale, tomatoes - any veg I have on hand I chop and put in a large bowl- I am allowed to snack as I go because the calories are few and the nutrients are dense - dry cottage cheese or a hard boiled egg for a protein and what ever calorie reduced dressing I have on hand. Toss and enjoy!
  • cryonic_273
    cryonic_273 Posts: 81 Member
    I find if im snacking - its because im not eating a filling meal.
    I make a pot of Chilli and eat half and use the other half for next days lunch or dinner.
    I pretty much never want to snack at all after a dinner thats a large helping of chilli.
    500g 5% fat pork mince.
    can of sweetcorn.
    can of kidney beans.
    can of chopped or plum tomatoes.
    Worcester sauce and spice mix to taste.
    No oil just simmer.
    A large half portion is around 600kcals
  • berrrygal
    berrrygal Posts: 2 Member
    If you have to eat, eat protein.
  • laceyblow11
    laceyblow11 Posts: 2 Member
    if you are hungry eat.. theres nothing worse than feeling deprived and hungry, it makes healthy eating and sticking to a plan more likely to fail. dont forget calories are flexible and so is your diet- your body doesnt have the ability to say "omg she ate 50 more calories today, how dare she" thats all in your head. Borrow 200 calories if you need to and cut back that 200 calories over the week which is probably equivalant to 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. If you know there are certain days that will be harder than others (the weekend) eat less during the week and use thise calories. its all still a deficit . good luck
  • royekd
    royekd Posts: 6 Member
    A lean protein. I find that if I batch cook chicken breasts or tenders (I season with salt, garlic powder and onion powder), a 2oz piece is often enough to quell the hunger.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Don’t snack! Embrace the hunger! Change your relationship with food by changing your behaviour. If the hunger is difficult, go and do something else like go for a walk or some other activity. You’ll notice that your hunger will come and go in waves. Be strong, stick to your plan and you will achieve your goal. Wishing you all the best!
    PAPYRUS3 Posts: 13,259 Member
    These are things that work for me- Eat an apple/banana. Focus on the total calories of the week as well as each day. Eat and pay it back later in the week. Eat high density low calorie foods. (fiber) Small amounts of fat will sate you. Fage 5% fat, 140 cal per serving has gotten me through a few hunger craves. Avocados (100g) provides 160 calories, 2g of protein, 8.5g of carbohydrates, and 14.7g of fat. Find healthy recipes for roasted veggies. I eat a ton each night and can barely leave the table. Check my food dairy. DONT TORTURE YOURSELF OR YOU WILL FAIL. If 1200 is difficult increase 200 cals. Be patient. You didnt become over weight over night and you wont lose drop it night.

    Do you track your macros?
  • kcox269
    kcox269 Posts: 38 Member
    Cherry toms,
    Spoon of peanut butter weighed and logged
    Lentil crisps
    Plain jacket with balsamic vinegar
    Bag of stir fry veggies with chopped chicken and soy sauce or homemade PB2 made into sauce
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,901 Member
    Sometimes, hunger can be assuaged through flavor or a chewing motion. Enter a stick of gum, providing both. My kids use it regularly when they cannot wait for dinner to finish cooking.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    benol1 wrote: »
    Don’t snack! Embrace the hunger! Change your relationship with food by changing your behaviour. If the hunger is difficult, go and do something else like go for a walk or some other activity. You’ll notice that your hunger will come and go in waves. Be strong, stick to your plan and you will achieve your goal. Wishing you all the best!

    This ^ is good.

    I like this a lot.

    "Embrace the Hunger" - awesome
  • BrightEyedAgain
    BrightEyedAgain Posts: 258 Member
    edited June 2023
    I check my weekly totals to see if I have any unused calories there. Usually I do, and that's why I'm hungry. If so, I have a snack I think will give me the most bang for my buck while staying within those calories.

    If I'm not underbudget for the week, I may still have a snack, but I take a hard look at my macros to figure out WHY I'm hungry. Over the long haul an occasional overage isn't a big deal. It's your habits that matter. But the learning process is key. So whatever you do, be intentional about it and watch for patterns.
  • vvicki
    vvicki Posts: 2 Member
    s8ntdeer wrote: »
    The Duke Diet and Fitness center (now closed forever) has cookbooks that have incredible snack/dessert recipes. Every meal in any of the menus is under 400 calories and they have some incredibly simple recipes too. I was the Exec Chef there for many years and only wish they would have allowed the actual people who did the work to put their names on it! One of the reasons why I left.
    Anyway, if you cannot find it hit me up and I can email a copy of one or 2 of them. Since they are out of business now its not illegal for me to just give it away. The amount of money people spent to go there to lose weight was mind boggling! No insurance, all cash baby!

    I'd like a copy. How can we arrange that?
  • lululovesbread
    lululovesbread Posts: 2 Member
    I cut up an entire romaine heart, sprinkle some balsamic vinegar on top and 1/2 can of tuna packed in water (drained). It takes a long time to eat that much lettuce so you feel like you're eating a lot