What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    @Djproulx -- that trip sounds wonderful! Glad you got to unwind!

    Just two days of easy steady state cardio for me -- yesterday and today after my hard workout on Monday. Neck is feeling much, much better. Feeling like myself again.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Yoga (15min)
    Kettlebell swings - 10x10(100)
    Dips - 5x6(30)
    Chins - 5x6(30)

    HSPU - 5x4(20) later tonight...
  • Notmyachillesheelg
    Notmyachillesheelg Posts: 59 Member
    Crushed a 20 minute Peloton Ride so far. Love AT’s Hip Hop rides
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.02 miles, zones 2 & 3.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    edited March 2023
    Climbing. 2 hours. I was a bit disappointed in the session. I guess it wasn't bad; I got two new v4s and vast horde of v3s. It was all really hard, I didn't flash anything; one the v4s took about 20 goes. This one was about 10 moves, which is long by my bouldering standards.

    2.75 hours
    Again, my flashing skills were poor. However. I did get 3 new 6B routes. One took me about 20 goes; I fell off the top a lot. (The top wasn't hard, but it was also very long. So I was always pumped when I got there.) Good fun.

    My slab climbing seems to be pretty strong at the moment. Another new route only had about 3 holds, but in my previous 7 sessions I couldn't work out how to start it. (I was trying to dyno ti a poor thumb catch; by shifting my feet against the volume I could do the move slowly.)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Doing the usual stuff, haven't posted.

    Monday: Stationary bike, an hour plus cool down, 100W average, 16.4 pseudo miles, Z2/Z3. PT shoulder exercises.

    Tuesday: Rowing machine, 5,329 meters, 2:24.0 average pace on the pieces, Z2-Z4. Stationary bike, hour plus cool down, 91W average, 15.8 imaginary miles, Z2. PT exercises.

    Wednesday: Physical therapy appointment, very strength-y. Stationary bike, hour plus CD, 93W average, 15.1 miles, forgot to start Garmin but I'd bet on Z2. PT exercises.

    Thursday: Rowing machine, 5,365 meters, 2:29.8 average pace on the pieces, Z3. Walked with a friend, just over 2 miles at 2.9mph. Intentionally extra easy stationary bike (fueled with enchiladas and sangria again!), hour plus CD, 85W average, 15.4 miles, Z2. PT exercises yet to come, before bed.

    Not sure I'll get in a workout tomorrow: Complicated schedule.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did a quick 6 X 5 minute hard interval cardio session yesterday (one minute rest) -- my new favorite if I can't row -- I row on my deck and the winds were like 30 MPH yesterday. No way I'm rowing in that wind. Did first two intervals on treadmill, next on LateralX and last two on Assault Bike. Gradual HR climb from first set at around 80% max to last one at 92% max.

    I have a handyman coming today. Hope to get a lift in and a steady state cardio session at lunch. We'll see, will have to play it by ear.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    Yoga (15m)
    Jumprope (10m)
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 9.99 miles, zones 2 & 3.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Did an early morning workout with my trainer yesterday, then an evening ride on Zwift with some Tri club friends. The 60 minute ride wasn't too bad, since we chatted about upcoming races to pass the time.
    Hit the pool today for a short swim of 1400 yds. Swim fitness is returning slowly. A couple more weeks of easy sessions and I'll be ready to build volume.
    Weekend weather looks iffy, so it may be indoor workouts.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited March 2023
    Handyman came and went in time for me to get my lunch hour 60 minute cardio session in. I did have to shorten my lift from five sets to four, but that's fine. Not a terrible disruption from my routine!

    You know you got the workout bug when the first thing that ever comes to mind when scheduling something is, "will it interfere with me getting a workout in??".
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    You know you got the workout bug when the first thing that ever comes to mind when scheduling something is, "will it interfere with me getting a workout in??".

    I agree. I make most of my appointments, on my days off, for the afternoon so I can do my elliptical upon waking up.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Stationary bike again (of course) . . . another one of those times when the surprise isn't that it's a great workout (because it wasn't: 64 minutes, 82W average, 15.3 pseudo miles, nearly all Z2) . . . but that it happened at all, starting at 9:40PM, after a very busy day, so I was already kinda dragging.

    Concept 2 Mud Season Madness Challenge completed as of yesterday, 5000m RowErg or 10,000m BikeErg (or a combination) on at least 25 of the 31 days in March. Still on an MFP team that's in the 3/15-4/15 World Erg Challenge. (We're not distinguishing ourselves big time, but doing OK for a tiny team.) I'm not very into team challenges, but I don't think I'm dragging the team down currently, so that's OK.

    Winter(-ish) will end . . . soon, I hope - so I can do funner stuff, not so much use schedules, challenges, etc., to stay active and engaged. :D
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »

    You know you got the workout bug when the first thing that ever comes to mind when scheduling something is, "will it interfere with me getting a workout in??".

    I agree. I make most of my appointments, on my days off, for the afternoon so I can do my elliptical upon waking up.

  • _mytime_
    _mytime_ Posts: 27 Member
    30mins incline walk & 30mins Elliptical this morning to get that sweat on!
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 996 Member
    Climbing. I went to Vaux East, my first time there in a while. It was a bonkers good session. I got 3 v4s and a shed load of v3s.

    It was a long session, just under 3 hours. I was doing a v3 overhang at the end on the highest wall, with the crux at the top. I fell embarrassingly three times, and then decided to do easier stuff.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I waited most of the day for the rain to stop, so I wouldn't have to do an indoor bike workout. The weather improved around 2pm, so I saddled up and managed to squeeze in 27 miles at a 16.6mph pace. It was really very pleasant today.

    Swim and run on the schedule for tomorrow.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    Sticking with the plan, 3 x 1500m machine row, total 5,389m. 113W average, 2.25.8 split, 21spm on the 1500s; then 63 minutes stationary bike easy pace, 85W, an alleged 15.4 miles. Still need to do PT shoulder exercises. Rest day tomorrow (that I almost shifted to today, but no).
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Started with a 1000 yard recovery swim, then an 80 minute trail run this morning. This was the first week of a training build to an Olympic distance race in June. This past week consisted of 3 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs and 2 strength sessions.

    I plan to stick to a 6 day/week plan. Swim and run distances are modest at this point, as I refocus on weight loss before doing any real volume work. My bike fitness has remained fairly solid over the winter, so I'm not too worried about that discipline.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.11 miles zones 2, 3 & 4.