Daily check in for support and accountability



  • gloxinia666
    gloxinia666 Posts: 1 Member
    I have about 100 pounds to lose...but I am breaking it down to 10 pound segments. First goal is therefore to lose 10 pounds. Thank you for the platform to express myself and be part of the journey with you all. [/quote]

    This is a brilliant way to look at it! I also have 100 lbs to lose. But losing 10 lbs at a time sounds so much better! 🥰

  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    I'm back - had a lovely relaxing holiday and am now ready to get back on track with my food and exercise - didn't do too bad on holiday either so that was good - I will check the chat to see what's been happening! :-) Oh one thing I wanted to say - whoever was talking about the set point thing? Well in "The End of Overeating" David A Kessler explains that it is a thing - but - it is over-ridden by the reward element, where eating has to be enjoyable else we'd all starve right? And the desirability of, and ease of access to, ultra palatable foods - foods which are deliberately made to make us want more of them - with just the right balance of sugar/fat/salt - overrides the set point theory - not that it is a theory - it is a real thing in our bodies which can't work unless we ditch these ultra-palatable stuff...
    ok - ttfn
    Annie in the UK :-)
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Happy Monday!

    It’s been a busy weekend. Church kids Easter party, neighborhood Easter egg hunt, volleyball, friend’s birthday, church, and the circus with a group of 13 taking up an entire section. I’m so tired.

    This week on any downtime I find I’ll need to work on cleaning and organizing the house some before my parents arrive after Easter. I hate deep cleaning, and I’m not very good at it. My parents are both super organized and my dad is a “the wall has a handprint, I’ll repaint the whole thing” type of clean. Probably why I don’t dust but once every 2 months or so. It’s like I’m still in revolt. My house isn’t filthy or buggy or anything like that. Just that I don’t always pick all toys up immediately, I don’t dust every week, and the dishes might wait until the next morning to be bothered with. A lived in type of chaos that is mostly normal…. But will drive those visitors up a wall. Why do I already feel another revolt coming on already????

    If you haven’t noticed from the previous posts and this one…. This visit is seriously stressing me out on every possible level and it isn’t even happening yet. Sorry.

    Tonight my kid asked for tacos. I’ll have to make a grocery run because my husband killed off the lettuce and cheese over the weekend. What is everyone else having tonight?

    @gloxinia666 Welcome! Breaking things into smaller goals is so much better. It makes it easier to celebrate those milestones.

    @JuneWalks Welcome back! I hope you tell us more about your holiday. I need to live vicariously through someone who gets away for a while since it will be months before I have a getaway.

  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,
    A busy weekend and a lot of eating out. I stayed reasonable for the most part and tried to do some extra walking. I'm into my 5th week of consistent logging and things are getting a little more routine. I have my moments of reverting back to old habits but I catch myself and try to make better choices. The weight loss has been slower than I expected but I'm not being drastic about cutting calories so there should be no surprise there.

    @pampered- I can empathize with the stress created by a visit from your parents. My parents are also extremely neat and organized and I don't spend as much time and energy as they do cleaning and scrubbing. As a parent myself, I would feel bad knowing my visit was causing so much stress on my kid. I guess we all want our parents'approval, even when we are grown adults. I hope you are able to set aside some of the angst and try to enjoy the visit. As I get older I realize how valuable the moments/memories we have with our loved ones are and not worth stressing over a little dust (or even a lot) :smiley:

  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    @pamperedlinny - ha ha! Well we went to Cornwall and it rained all week! But we did enjoy our time away and both feel better for it.

    There seem to be a lot of people joined us recently - anyone up for a roll call?...
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2023

    Ooh look - there are lots of us here on the "Daily Check In For Support And Accountability" discussion... Is anyone up for a daily check in? I will if you will :-)

    ttfn - Annie in the UK (BST)
    Focus on the process and the results will take care of themselves
    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫

  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    Good morning everyone

    @pamperedlinny - tonight? Tonight is chicken cooked in a jar of Loyd Grosman Korma curry sauce, brown rice, broccoli and cauli, followed by cherry pie and custard :-)

    @dogwalker157 - well done on all that logging!

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK (GMT)

    From The Message -
    "Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.
    Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you."

    Yesterday: Eat anything at 3 meals ✔ No snacks ❌ Fregs ✔ Walk ✔ Enjoy ✔

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  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2023
    Just a coupla little photos of Cornwall :-)




  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @JuneWalks back in the house!! We do have some new folks. Isn't that cool?! I don't know what roll call is, but... Present?

    I'm over here on day 4 of my wegovy chugging along. I've had no side effects, but the primary effect of slowing my appetite is already taking I think. Seems like it must be too soon, too low dose. But I only managed to get 900 calories in me before 7pm. I got a no-no note from mfp lol.

    From reading others' reviews, it seems I'll need to watch the nutritional content of my calories. That's already difficult since I'm vegetarian and have a hard time getting protein. That said: who has a low sugar protein supplement to share? 😁

    Happy to have the new folks and their stories. Can't wait to hear more about new York and Cornwall and parent visits!

    I have an overnight to Detroit (Windsor Canada really) to handle my mother in law's estate with hubby. 8th trip to Canada. Been 3 years since she died - RIP, Bobby. Bobby had a little house in Terrace, British Columbia. So that required probate; and she picked the son in the US to handle her estate. She died in the panic period of COVID (heart attack, not COVID related - I always want to know how people die). You wouldn't believe how much trouble Canada caused hubby who is a dual citizen by the way. Anyway point is: gonna be stressful this weekend. So we're flying in Friday after work and back home Saturday afternoon. (Bank open Saturday in Windsor.) Hopefully he won't even notice what happened. Food will be tough as it always is on the road. Gonna take a couple of supplements and find a restaurant that serves veggies. Think I'll go find one now.
    Night y'all!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Hey, Ladies. I am still here, but don't have the mindset right now to type something long and personal. Tomorrow, maybe. I am actually going to work today to stuff customer statements and then I am getting my hair cut this evening.

    @harringtona1 On behalf of all Canadians, I apologize for our government....on so many levels! I am about two and a half hours down the 401 in Tillsonburg, Ontario.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all.

    Last night I had birthday cake, m&m's, cheddar popcorn.... I just completely went off the rails. Worse, the cake we ate as a family but the other stuff I didn't say anything. Like I hid from my husband (who will support me no matter what health or not so healthy path I choose) that I was eating the rest. I don't know what went through my head to not only eat off the rails but to hide it like I was ashamed. I can do better and I will. I'm more worried about wanting to hide my indulgence than having a bad night. Certainly not my best day ever.

    I also posted this as my status earlier today. Just need to remind myself that accountability is part of why I’m on here and that in order to move forward I’m owning up to my bad moments. Honestly, I think the stress of the upcoming parental visit during my daughter’s spring break, coupled with having just finished my fiscal year end for work, plus shark week starting any moment pushed me over the edge of reason. I’m trying to start fresh today as though nothing happened and not dwell on it too much.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @pamperedlinny that shame thing. That sucks. I wish I had any insight. I had the same thing. I don't feel like eating at night anymore or I would still have it. What is that about, I wonder? It's like I think I haven't earned a treat. And I won't have earned it or deserve it until I am in reasonable shape. I do that with more than food. I won't watch TV on the weekend until I'm substantially progressing on chores. It aligns with my need for justice and order. Maybe that's not helpful. But maybe it is. I certainly feel for you. Let it out any time you need. I'm here for ya.
    @HASWLRS you don't have to spill it here. Just let us know how we can help. You have your journals for the long stuff 😉 (I'm here for it, though, if you wanna spill)

    Go grab up that health, everyone!

    Night y'all
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Morning all!

    I had a better day yesterday and stayed on track. We had ladies bible study night and the dinner was southern breakfast casserole, grits swimming in butter and cream, fresh fruit salad, fruit dip, and chocolate chip cookies. I hate eggs so I didn’t touch the casserole. I don’t love grits but I don’t hate them either so I started to have some but 2 bites in I changed my mind. Not something I even wanted. I ate a bunch of fruit and a single cookie. Then I broke my “no food after 8pm unless there is an event” because I was hungry. I had a small meal around 4pm knowing that I wasn’t having dinner until 6:30. Normally I eat dinner between 5:30 & 6. So… by the time I got home at 8:30 that fruit just didn’t feel like enough. I still stayed fully in my calorie allowance and by 9pm didn’t have anything else. Still not too bad. It felt good to be back on track yesterday.

    Today I go to a new dentist. I haven’t been since early 2020 and I’m not really happy with where I had been going. I told them I had an issue with a tooth. They said they could see it on the xray and would fix the filling that came loose. I had explained I didn’t think what I felt was a filling but they pointed to it on the xray and told me it was the same tooth I pointed at. Guess what, it was the tooth next to that one. So for 3 years I’ve avoided eating on one side of my mouth, especially really hot or really cold stuff. Today is a cleaning but I’m hoping they can bring me back pretty soon for that one tooth. It’s starting to ache almost daily now. Funny thing, until the past few weird years I go to the dentist every 6 months like you should. I often have zero cavities or issues for years at a time. Even the “fix” they did in 2020 was a cavity from a decade before. So for me to have a really bad tooth ache is pretty weird. Hopefully they will see and fix it at this dental office without telling me it’s a different tooth.

    @harringtona1 I’m thankful I pulled myself back in yesterday. I hate when I have those weird off the wall days where I just can’t seem to control myself.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    My scale is evil and I almost threw it out this morning. Then I decided to look back at my food diary for the past week. My calorie goal is 1700 but I'm averaging closer to 2000. I have been eating calories gained from exercise. Also, I've been eating a lot of fat (went out to eat several times). So this week I'm going to focus on sticking within my budgeted calories (not eat back extra from exercise) and cut back on the amount of fat. I have really avoided processed foods but I overdo it on the nuts. Hopefully next week the scale will be kind. On a positive note... my blouses are fitting better.

    @harrington- glad to hear no side effects and you're doing well. Wegovy seems to have the potential to be a real game changer. I read that it makes it very difficult to overeat even if you want too.

    @Haswlrs- Glad you're still here!

    @pampered- Nice to hear you had a better day yesterday and hopefully this dentist is more attentive and fixes the issue.

    Have a great day All
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Here it is...

    I really, really need to watch what foods I bring into the house. We went to a fundraising banquet/auction on Saturday. We ended up winning (translation"buying") a wagon full of booze, which came with some nuts and Pringles, and a pecan pie (separate item). Sunday, I was fine. My husband is home on Sundays. I ate differently, but I was still in my calorie range. Until he went to bed before me, that is. And then again while he was at work on Monday. I ate so much that I actually threw up in the evening, a few times. I believe the technical term for this is "rock bottom"; I thought I was pretty low, but apparently, I could go lower! People in my real life think I just had a little bug (even my husband). It is only through the anonymity of the internet that I can confess to all of you what really happened! And just so you know, I am not a big drinker at all. The alcohol is not my problem! We have no idea what we are going to do with all that booze. We are going to bring some of the wine and the coolers to Easter dinner this Saturday, for starters.

    Tuesday I ended up going to work in the afternoon to stuff some customer statements and do some filing. I didn't eat anything until 5 pm, and stayed well within my range.

    Today, it was supposed to be raining when I got up and it was supposed to rain all day. It wasn't (and isn't!) so I actually went for a two mile walk before I even had my first coffee!! There is nowhere to go but up from rock bottom!!

    Last Wednesday I weighed in at 211, I think. Today I weighed in at 207.4 :)

    @pamperedlinny I am so glad you got yourself back on track. I have also done the "hiding while scarfing down crap food", but because my husband is not home a lot, I really don't have to hide to not let him see my shame :'(

    @dogwalker157 Going back to look at one's food diary when the scale doesn't cooperate, is a wonderful exercise. Numbers don't lie!!

    @harringtona1 Love your positivity, thank you!
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    edited April 2023
    Hi everyone

    @harringtona1 - Hope your weekend trip goes well. I keep thinking I should make it a thing where I do some chores before I get to do what I enjoy. The chores don't get done as often as I'd like around here, and then I think I feel anxious, unsettled etc because I know the chores need doing, whereas if I did the chores - just a little each day would keep it in reasonably good order, I would feel fine... would burn more calories too and may even eat less if I felt more at ease in my surroundings...

    @haswlrs - enjoy your hairdo :-) Perhaps next time don't go to the fundraiser - just donate instead?...

    @pamperedlinny - I can relate... We just have to try and reason with ourselves - worrying doesn't help - it only takes your energy and makes you eat stuff you don't really want to eat...
    I hope you get on well at your new dentist. If you've got decay you should be able to see it on the x-ray? It's a black blob...

    @dogwalker157 - glad your blouse is fitting better! Such a lovely feeling :-)

    ok - ttfn - Annie in the UK (GMT)

    From The Message -
    "Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.
    Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you."

    Tuesday: Eat anything at 3 meals ✔ No snacks ❌ fregs ✔ Walk ✔ Enjoy ✔

    ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ ¸.•*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨)✫ (¸.•´ .•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫ •*¨) ✫ ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.✫

  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    Forgot to say I weighed today (I'm a Wednesday weigher because of the BLCs I do here on MFP, and then continue weighing on Wednesdays cos they also put on an interim challenge for us) anyhow, I weighed half a pound lighter than I was before we had our hols so pleased with that :-)
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Well done on the weigh-in, @JuneWalks !

    Yesterday was a good day. Today I did a walking video for another Challenge. I haven't done any sort of exercise video for such a long time and I am realizing how tight my hips abductors are. So, stretching needs to be on the menu!
  • JuneWalks
    JuneWalks Posts: 33 Member
    Hiya - just to let you all know I'm going to be closing my MFP account soon - I love chatting to you all and doing the challenges, but it's not really helping my weight loss, and I feel I could be doing something more productive with my time right now. Have a lovely Easter weekend. Annie in the UK x
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    It has gotten quiet around here. I am going to chalk it up to the long weekend.

    Friday, April 7th

    Logged and Under: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, went for a walk with my husband and then did some raking up of leaves that had been under the snow and in flower beds.
    Water: 10 cups
    Steps: 16,746

    I am sore this morning, but I knew I would be the second I picked up that rake! Today we are going to my in-laws' for Easter dinner. They are having it catered so I do not have to prepare any food to take, which is nice. We are bringing a selection of wines and coolers from our booze wagon instead :) My strategy is to eat very little before we go, and then have a small serving of only the best offerings. (I have no idea what is on the menu!) We shall see if this pans out!