Thin for the Holidays Group



  • Hi all,

    I hope everyone's Halloween goals are coming along nicely!

    I forgot to weigh in yesterday, but I had a really good day, so it made my weigh in today even better! I'm now at 163, only 3 pounds away from my next goal!

    I may gain some of that back this week though, it's my 25th birthday on Thursday, and I plan on indulging a little bit!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Yayyyy!!! Happy early birthday. Enjoy your 25th. You deserve it!
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    decided to reevaluate my goals since I didn't make my Labor Day goal.

    Starting Weight-207
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11-199 actual-203
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-195
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-185
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-180
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 179

    not my original plans but I will still be really proud!!!
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Hey All!

    I haven't weighed in yet and I don't want too! It's TOM and well, we all know how that works out if you're a female. I'm still eating healthy and exercising. I believe i'm losing inches but the number on the scale seems to be the same. I'm going to kick it into high gear once this week is over.

    I hope everyone is doing well and remember, don't be tempted by all that Halloween candy that has magically appeared in the supermarket to tempt us! =D
  • Hi, is there room for one more on here? I could really do with some support to lose weight in time for xmas.
  • decided to reevaluate my goals since I didn't make my Labor Day goal.

    Starting Weight-207
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11-199 actual-203
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-195
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-185
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-180
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 179

    not my original plans but I will still be really proud!!!

    Great!!! You will meet those goals!! Keep pushing!
  • Hey All!

    I haven't weighed in yet and I don't want too! It's TOM and well, we all know how that works out if you're a female. I'm still eating healthy and exercising. I believe i'm losing inches but the number on the scale seems to be the same. I'm going to kick it into high gear once this week is over.

    I hope everyone is doing well and remember, don't be tempted by all that Halloween candy that has magically appeared in the supermarket to tempt us! =D

    I totally understand. It will be TOM for me too next week and I am so not looking foward to the change in the scale. I seen the candy at the store and turned my head the other way. Lets just hope my head can stay turned into its all over lol
  • Hi, is there room for one more on here? I could really do with some support to lose weight in time for xmas.

    Jump on in and post your goals!
  • Hello everyone! How is it going???

    Congrats to all the losers on the board and to the ones who will be losing soon. I weighed in yesterday and lost 3.6 lbs. WooHoo!! I am really working hard on meeting that Halloween challenge. Hope everyone enjoy their week ahead!!!

    Congrats on the loss!! That is great!!! You are doing a fantastic job!! :D Halloween is still a ways away and I can't wait!! lol.
  • Thank you, this is just what I need to help motivate me for that christmas goal :)

    Starting weight: 213lbs
    halloween goal - (31/10/11): 204
    goal for thanksgiving - (24/11/11): 196
    goal for christmas - (25/12/11): 189

    I'm going for the goal of 13 and a half stones or in metric that's 85.9kg.

    Sorry in advance about putting the day/month in that order but I get all confused the way it's done in the US lol! Can't be getting my timeline all out of whack ;)
  • Thank you, this is just what I need to help motivate me for that christmas goal :)

    Starting weight: 213lbs
    halloween goal - (31/10/11): 204
    goal for thanksgiving - (24/11/11): 196
    goal for christmas - (25/12/11): 189

    I'm going for the goal of 13 and a half stones or in metric that's 85.9kg.

    Sorry in advance about putting the day/month in that order but I get all confused the way it's done in the US lol! Can't be getting my timeline all out of whack ;)

    Thin by Christmas you shall be. Good luck on meeting your goals. Please feel free to post anytime on anything. We are here to support each other!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    Weighed in today 146.4 pounds. I lost 3.2 lbs. since last week!
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Wow! everone is doing such a great job with loss and on their way to reaching the Halloween goals :)

    My weight is slowly coming off as I add more cardio (Zumba, C 2 5k, JM Ripped in 30 and elliptical) and I think I'm on track to reach my Halloween goal. So excited!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous week!!!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Weighed in today 146.4 pounds. I lost 3.2 lbs. since last week!

    Good job! Thats a nice loss.
  • Weighed in today 146.4 pounds. I lost 3.2 lbs. since last week!

    Great Job!!!
  • Hi everyone!!! Wow! everone is doing such a great job with loss and on their way to reaching the Halloween goals :)

    My weight is slowly coming off as I add more cardio (Zumba, C 2 5k, JM Ripped in 30 and elliptical) and I think I'm on track to reach my Halloween goal. So excited!

    I hope everyone has a fabulous week!!!

    Woo Hoo. Great job!
  • Hello everyone. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!!

    I weighed in this morning at 182......up a little but not quiet a lb. Its all due to TOM.....Uggghh. Im going to continue drinking my water, eating right, and try to incorporate more exercises and I know I will see a drop at next week weigh in. Look forward to hearing from you all! Enjoy your day/week!
  • Weekend was cool.

    I weighed in Saturday (I forgot about it Friday, lol) and I was down 4lbs! Which is cool, but seems a bit much for me. I think my scale is lying to me. But I can't afford a new one the one have will have to do since I bought it already :P.

    Bit of an NSV weekend too. Less than a month ago, my boyfriend made me buy a size 16 jeans. I tried them on when I bought them and well, to no surprise, they didn't fit me. I forced them buttoned but that was it (no zip possible lol). Then this Sunday I tried them on out of curiosity, and SWEETNESS they actually buttoned and zipped. They were a little snug, but they still fit!! I'm still pretty psyched about it lol. This just makes me happy. When I got those jeans I bought 2, but one was a size smaller than 16 I think cause those wouldn't go past my thighs lmao. But I can't wait to see my progress in those. I thought I would be discouraging, but it's not. It makes me want to work harder to wear my other jeans!! Lol. *mega-nerd*
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    FINALLY!!! I've lost 1.5lbs since my last weigh in. I've been avoiding the scale and on Monday I weighed myself and it was still the same, but today down 1.5! :) Now I don't regret eating that twix bar last night!
  • hwalter1
    hwalter1 Posts: 16 Member
    Is this group still open?
  • @vannabehr: Congrats on losing 1.5lbs!! That's great! I was stuck at the beginning of this month myself. No fun. And I LOVE Twix!! That shouldn't be a regret :P