Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 221



  • JacquelineC53
    JacquelineC53 Posts: 157 Member
    Back for another round. My goals for this round will be a bit different. I’m flying back home on April 26 for my mum’s memorial (my mum passed away in mid-February 😢). I’m there for a week and will be staying in a hotel so won’t be able to weigh in for the second half of the round. My goal is to log everything, even while I’m away, just so I can stay accountable. And hopefully it will help me maintain the progress I’ve made so far.

    SW RND 218 152.4 lbs. EW 147.8 lbs
    SW RND 219 148.4 lbs. EW 146.8 lbs
    SW RND 220 146.6 lbs. EW 145.6 lbs
    SW RND 221 145.0 lbs

    4/22 145.0 lbs
    4/23 145.8 lbs.
    4/24 146.8 lbs.
    4/25 144.6 lbs
    4/26 144.8 lbs.
    4/27 DNW
    4/28 DNW
    4/29 DNW
    4/30 DNW
    5/1 DNW Last day of trip as I fly home tomorrow. Gave up on logging again today. Just wildly guessing on everything! Dealt with some estate stuff but did get in a lovely walk on my favourite trail. This round was a bit of a write off since I’ve been away for half of it. Will be back for next one.
  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F42, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    RGW: 148.0lbs
    UGW: 140lbs (trend)
    UUGW: 122.4lbs

    Past Rounds
    R160 SW:162.8 GW:164.0 EW:DNW
    R161 SW:162.0 GW:159.5 EW:158.2 (-3.8)
    R162 SW:160.2 GW:156.5 EW:154.6 (-5.6)
    R163 SW:154.4 GW:152.4 EW:152.4 (-2.0)
    R164 SW:151.8 GW:151.0 EW:150.2 (-1.6)
    R165 SW:149.0 GW:148.4 EW:149.0 (-0.0)
    R166 SW:148.4 GW:147.0 EW:147.0 (-1.4)
    R167 SW:148.2 GW:146.5 EW:146.6 (-1.6)
    R168 SW:146.6 GW:144.0 EW:146.2 (-0.4)
    R169 SW:143.6 GW:143.0 EW:142.0 (-1.6)
    R170 SW:143.0 GW:140.0 EW:140.6 (-2.4)
    R171 SW:140.0 GW:139.6 EW:138.6 (-1.4)
    R172 SW:141.4 GW:138.6 EW:145.0 (+3.6)
    R173 SW:145.2 GW:142.8 EW:141.0 (-4.2)
    R174 SW:141.0 GW:139.6 EW:142.2 (+1.2)
    R175 SW:141.6 GW:139.6 EW:140.0 (-1.6)
    R176 SW:139.6 GW:139.0 EW:138.4 (-1.2)

    R177-R210 DNW regained 26.6lbs 😵 Never again!
    R211 SW:165.0 GW:163.0 EW:160.8 (-4.2)
    R212 SW:161.4 GW:159.0 EW:157.6 (-3.2)
    R213 SW:158.0 GW: 156.0 EW: 156.8 (-1.2)
    R214 SW:154.4 GW:153.4 EW:154.4 (0.0)
    R215 SW:153.4 GW:152.4 EW: 151.6 (-1.8)
    R216 SW:150.8 GW:149.8 EW: 151.6 (+0.8)
    R217 SW:151.6 GW:150.6 EW: 150.2 (-1.4)
    R218 SW:150.2 GW:150.2 EW: 148.8 (-1.4)
    R219 SW:149.2 GW:148.2 EW:151.4 (+2.2)
    R220 SW:150.2 GW:149.2 EW:148.4 (-1.8)
    R221 SW:149.0 GW:148.0 EW: 146.8 (-2.2)


    4/20 150.0 (trend 150.2)
    4/21 148.4 (trend 150.0)
    4/22 149.0 (trend 149.8) Started the round with a bit of a binge-fest last night, so that's not good! We had a trip to Oxford in the afternoon, so I got in a 3 mile walk along the river while waiting for OH to finish with his doctors appointment there.
    I had the house to myself in the evening, so I took full advantage of stretching out on the sofa, watching tacky films until the wee small hours.
    STEPS 7,134

    4/23 149.4 (149.8) Had a slow morning, then got to the gym after lunch for a lower body workout. Totm started yesterday, and it affected most of my sets as I had to lower the weights on my lifts, so that was annoying. Got out for a 2 mile walk around town in the evening with OH, then a small pizza and a few beers with a film. Pretty much ate at maintenance, no tmi is probably why the gain today.
    STEPS 8,564

    4/24 150.0 (trend 149.8) We decided to skip breakfast and go for a walk and pub lunch. Did a 6 mile walk around a reservoir and didn't end up eating until 4pm, had Hunter's chicken with chips and salad, then overdid it with some snacks in the evening. I'm going to try my absolute hardest to stick to 1200 calories this week.
    STEPS 15,684

    4/25 149.2 (trend 149.7) 2 mile walk in the morning, then upper body workout. Made a huge batch of hot and sour chicken and vegetable soup, which should help me get back on track. Stayed within calories and only just got my steps goal.
    STEPS 8,531

    4/26 148.4 (trend 149.6) 2.5 mile walk in the morning followed by 1hr lower body workout at the gym. My daughter made mini chocolate muffins, which I couldn't resist, so I had 2. I had to estimate the calories for these, 260? Stayed within calories, so long as my estimate was close. Not getting enough protein at the moment.
    STEPS 8,733

    4/27 146.8 (trend 149.1) Ooo, nice drop! I was over calories yesterday, so I'm not sure why this has happened. I woke up feeling dehydrated, so it might just be that. I'll have to wait until tomorrow's weigh-in to find out. I'm excited to reach 10½ stone and have my bmi below 26 at last, and less than half a stone until I reach my goal!
    3 mile walk in the morning followed by 1.5 hrs upper body workout.
    STEPS 11,256

    4/28 147.8 (trend 149.0) 1lb bounce back, I'm not surprised or particularly disappointed as I suspected yesterday was mainly dehydration. I'm very glad to see that I'm still below 148lbs though, I've been stuck around the 151-148 range for what feels like months! So, I'm cautiously optimistic that I may be finally leaving the 150s behind. Only 1.5 mile walk in the morning as I was short of time, then 1hr lower body at the gym, but I only managed half my exercises as it was really crowded for some reason. Had a go at Bulgarian split squats but couldn't get the form right, and it felt really awkward. I think I need to incorporate more weighed squats or lunges as my knees and balance weren't enjoying the action. Stayed within my calorie range but I did have some chips last night which were very salty. OH ordered a massive kebab with chips and I didn't intend to have anything, but chips are my kryptonite so I stole some off him!
    It's the weekend, good luck guys!
    STEPS 10,017

    4/29 145.8 (trend 148.6) What?! After 5 rounds of basically bouncing back and forwards around 150lbs, things are suddenly moving downwards at last, yay! I'm not sure what's triggered it, maybe just adding in the walking was enough? Except I didn't walk yesterday morning as the weather was grim. Did 1.5hrs in the gym, upper body. We walked into town in the evening and went for cocktails at a new bar, happy hour so I had 3, oops! Didn't have any dinner, so feeling a bit worse for wear today.
    STEPS 9,600

    4/30 148.2 (trend 148.5) We skipped breakfast and went for a 3 mile walk in a woods. It was very muddy but incredibly beautiful with all the swathes of spring wild flowers. We had a late lunch at a carvery and I did my best to load up on veggies and just a couple of potatoes with turkey and half a Yorkshire pudding. Then had veggy sticks with houmous and a few low calorie crisps in the evening. The 2.4lb gain from yesterday is hopefully only retained water and fibre still in my system and I still stand a chance of reaching my goal this round. I've met my step goal already but probably won't be able to fit in any walking today as I have to take OH to the airport, he's going to India for 10 days.
    STEPS 7,701

    5/1 146.8 (148.3) I'm really pleased with my progress this round, -2.2lbs, I think I'm finally going to be able to leave the 150s behind me next round.
    STEPS 6,627

    STEP total: 93,847 / 85,000 round goal
  • refactored
    refactored Posts: 399 Member
    HSW: 211.6 lbs (Aug 2021)
    SW: 191.1 lbs (Oct 2022)

    Results from previous challenges ...
    Round 208 EW: 175.5 lbs (-0.5)
    Round 210 EW: 173.7 lbs (-1.8)
    Round 211 EW: 173.2 lbs (-0.5)
    Round 212 EW: 172.0 lbs (-1.2)
    Round 213 EW: 167.6 lbs (-4.4)
    Round 214 EW: 167.1 lbs (-0.5)
    Round 215 EW: 165.3 lbs (-1.8)
    Round 216 EW: 165.1 lbs (-0.2)
    Round 217 EW: 163.1 lbs (-2.0)
    Round 218: DNW
    Round 219: DNW
    Round 220: DNW

    After taking a diet break for 3 rounds, I am back around 1 pound heavier. We had a lovely holiday at the same time which involved lots of eating out but also lots of walking. It was so nice to relax and not worry about food or counting and I am really surprised I haven't gained more. It gives me some hope for maintenance.

    I admit I am struggling to get back into the weight-loss mindset so for this round I am just going to focus on counting again and getting 22 active minutes.

    4/22: 164.2 lbs

    4/23: 164.2 lbs

    4/24: 163.4 lbs
    This loss of probably just from eating less. I really struggled not to snack on the afternoon. Afternoons are my kryptonite. I can hoover up calories very quickly in the afternoon even if I am not hungry. I will try to replace any afternoon snacking behaviours with ginger and lemon tea and see how I go.

    4/25: 163.8 lbs
    I was offered cake and being a good guest I ate it. But then I decided I didn't need to count for the rest of the day! In hindsight I should have just not counted the cake and continued counting for the test of the day. If I include a calorie estimate of the cake in my diary, I think I will get too hungry then feel like bingeing. So I think I will just try skiping counting junk food I am personally offered in social settings then go back to counting normally for the rest of the day.

    4/26: 162.9 lbs

    4/27: 162.3 lbs

    4/28: 162.5 lbs

    4/29: 163.6 lbs
    It was pizza night,
    Home cooked pizza too tempting,
    Regret fills my mind.

    4/30: 163.4 lbs

    5/1: 163.4 lbs
    A 1.1 pound loss for me this round. I am 0.3 away from where I was when I took my diet break. I have a confession: I did not count calories. I just couldn't get back in to it this round. It's not the work involved but in, my mind, the freedom that I can't let go of. I need to reframe my thinking some how. I am still overweight but I am not that unhappy with how I feel. I am still carrying 20 pounds more than I should be which is a lot. I need to pick up a 20 pound weight and imagine that weight on my body and what effect it is having on my joints and spine as I get older. So I will reframe it as calorie counting is a vehicle to help my body and not a restriction. Hopefully I can get back to it next round. See you all next round!
  • NuggetBrain
    NuggetBrain Posts: 526 Member
    MFP SW: 297
    R200 EW: 291
    R201 EW: 286.4
    R202 EW: 283
    R203 EW: 280.2
    R204 EW: 273
    R205 EW: 274.4 (yikes!)
    R206 EW: 268.2
    R207 EW: 265.6
    R208 EW: 260.2
    R209 EW: 256
    R210 EW: 252.4
    R211 EW: 248.6
    R212 EW: 249.2 (booooo)
    R213 EW: 245
    R214 EW: 241.4
    R215 EW: 237.6
    R216 EW: 235.8
    R217 EW: 235 ( :neutral: )
    R218 EW: 231
    R219 EW: 228.2
    R220 EW: 224.2
    4/22: 222.8
    4/23: 223.8
    4/24: 225.6
    4/25: 225.6
    4/26: 226.2. Vacation has taken it's toll.
    4/27: 226
    4/28: 226.4
    4/29: 224.8
    4/30: 223.6
    5/1: 223.2
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,410 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 154.0
    UGW: 132.2
    04/20 - 157.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 6.03 miles in 112 mins
    04/21 - 157.3 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    04/22 - 159.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...haircuts w/daughter then Ronan's T-Ball game w/family
    04/23 - 158.4 at 9:00 a.m. ...7.59 miles in 147 mins
    04/24 - 156.0 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    04/25 - 157.2 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then monster headache
    04/26 - 155.4 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    04/27 - 154.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 5.84 miles in 112 mins...it was hot out there!!!
    04/28 - 151.9 at 8:00 a.m. ...not feeling good so zero!
    04/29 - 153.2 at 7:30 a.m. ...1.92 miles in 37 mins to Ronan's t-ball game w/family
    04/30 - 154.9 at 7:00 a.m. ...7.01 miles in 138 mins
    05/01 - 153.6 at 5:20 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    Good luck everyone!
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited May 2023
    I am about 11 kg along the way to lose 32 kg. I use multiple tape measurements (cm) around my body because they aren't affected by salt intake. Apparently I've been trying to lose weight since September 2012, the last time I was at goal weight. Let's see if stopping eating sugary food is going to change things.

    Heaviest ever 1st Jan 2021, goal+31.8 kg

    Here are my measurements, bolded means a number chosen to be a comparison for following rounds and the number is used to sum the total measurement

    100.5 91.0 102.5 57.5 47.5 57.0 46.5 101.5 92.5 103.0 28th
    102.0 92.5 103.0 58.0 48.0 56.5 46.0 103.0 94.0 103.5 29th
    101.5 91.0 101.5 57.0 46.5 57.0 46.0 102.5 92.5 102.0 30th
    Total is 801.0 cm