LESS Alcohol ~ MAY 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,634 Member
    lmlmrn wrote: »
    Thank you all for the input on the treadmill's. I am still shopping and comparing notes.

    AF today, but house buying is turning out to be stressful. Too much story to write here but know my mental state has had its ups and downs. Caused by our realtor LOL I can giggle now.

    hugs to everyone

    Oh no!!!! As if moving isn’t stressful enough. Hope it all smooths out. It’s always pins and needles until the contract is signed!!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,634 Member
    @joans1976 hope you feel better!

    I finished the podcast and it really is fascinating. Besides the info on alcohol’s effect on neurodegeneration, it also does a number on our gut biome. What struck me the most is that my daily drinking habits, making me a “light to moderate” drinker, which I always assumed wasn’t that bad…. Kinda is.

    Had drinks last two nights at work (boss had a wine delivery and after an especially tough day on Wednesday, we all unwound with an impromptu wine night). I slept terribly for the last two nights, but the night I abstained (Tuesday) I slept like a baby. Lack of sleep also means nothing is getting repaired properly, further exacerbating the effects.

    It’s really a lot to think about. One thing is I’m going to make sure I don’t lapse on taking my probiotic , and to make sure I am drinking on a full stomach!

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,664 Member
    I found a really interesting article on sleep, which I promptly lost and couldn't find again.
    I have had sleep issues since I was 7 years old, so it was interesting to me.
    What I can remember from it was that we wake up 3 times each night for different reasons. The last wake up is early in the morning, and it is our large intestine emptying. Take deep breaths and go back to sleep. Hmm. Good food for thought. Still searching to find that article again.
    Not having a permanent evening job I am back to getting up around 5am this week, even though I did pick up two dinner shifts at Spice Hut.
    Sleep is so important, but illudes so many of us.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,664 Member
    I am Dawn, I live in South Eastern British Columbia.
    I joined this thread in November of 2018, a daily drinker at the time
    My primary goal with drinking less is weight loss.

    My usual goal is 16-20 AF days for the month,
    I had 16AF days in April.

    I do this diary style, I normally post the next morning.

    Monday May 01 - AF - I wanted drinks, it seems that I pretty much always do. Willpower won out, so that is a good thing. I don't want to repeat last month's behaviour where I toploaded the month with daily drinking and wasn't really able to try hard enough not to, and then I found myself trying to play catch up nearing the end of the month to get those AF days in. A short-lived 2nd job kept me AF for 4 days. When I don't have anything pressing the next day, that is when I struggle to not have drinks. Such will be the case this week, I will endeavour to dig deep and not give in to the craving.
    Tuesday May 02 - AF - As usual, I felt like having a couple of drinks, but didn't.
    Wednesday May 03 - AF - Someone in the afternoon asked me to take their dinner shifts for Wednesday and Thursday, so I was glad that I abstained on Tuesday night. It also made it easy for me to be AF Wednesday night since I will have a long-ish day Thursday.
    Thursday May 04 - AF - Rain is in the forecast for the entire weekend, so I am aiming to get the grass cut and hopefully a bit more planted this morning before work. Planned drinks for the weekend. Pedicure Saturday afternoon, piccolo of prosecco already chilling in the fridge.

    Rolling total - 4AF day out of 4 days.
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 566 Member
    edited May 2023
    Happy Cinco de Mayo all —

    @Womona agree about the super interesting podcast on alcohol consumption…. I’m almost finished. Lots to ponder whether abstaining from A or a light to moderate drinker. I immediately took my probiotics as well! I do take several vitamin supplements like B12 and folic acid.

    @joans1976 hope you feel better very soon!

    @GaryM_25 this transformation you are undergoing is fantastic! It’s nice to hear all these positives on how you feel and look. Your diligence and focused hard work is definitely paying off!

    @RockinRobyn672 you did so well with your goals in May! Your plan of LA reminds me to keep to my limit to reduce those unwanted calories.

    @lmlmrn the zoo with the grandkids sounds fun!

    @dawnbgethealthy your weekend with a pedicure and Prosecco sounds lovely to me.

    @itladyee great reminder to plug in calories to MFP to plan ahead of time.

    My weight loss has been very slow but steady - at least going in the right direction since January. LA is definitely a better path for me in many ways (sleep, weight, mental clarity, energy). Happy I’m finally learning this!
    This week I took two long walks for exercise and did a Pilates workout. Want to break out the weights for light strength training today and try for 5 miles today.

    Enjoyed some planned red wine last night with dinner and a movie with DH. Kept to my limit which is a new priority for May. Looking forward to seeing our grandkids this evening for a slumber party.

    A - 1
    AF - 3
    May goal - 22-23 AF days
    Limit to 2 glasses
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,524 Member
    MissMay wrote: »


    @MissMay I love this! I need to steal this and send it to all my work peeps! Perfect timing on your part. Thank you!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,344 Member
    5/1-5/2-5/3 - AF
    5/4-5/5-5/6- A
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,664 Member

    Please post a photo of your this year's Kentucky Derby hat : - )
  • SunnyDays930
    SunnyDays930 Posts: 1,505 Member
    @Womona I have lost the taste for red wine only. I still want white. However, after listening to a third of that podcast I don't think I even want that at this point.