to count or not to count that is the question??



  • lizajanetoo
    lizajanetoo Posts: 44 Member
    You need to be eating something for breakfast. oatmeal, eggs, fruit.

    You need to add some fruit to your daily diet, also some whole grains and dairy

    Remember you need to eat to lose weight.

    I eat fruit and yogurt or an omlete for breakfast.

    Snack is a piece of whole grain bread with Laughy Cow cheese and olives
    or english muffin pizza.

    Lunch is usually some veggies, and a protein.
    Maybe a tuna sandwich on whole wheat low cal bread and some carrots

    Sometimes a fruit snack.

    Dinner I eat lots of fish. Love salmon and shrimp.
    Add veggies, or tofu noodles, or whole wheat noodles.

    Nuts are a good source of calories as well.

    I eat 1200-1400 calories a day.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Apples are healthy, eat too much of it you overload on sugars and that's not good - so OF COURSE log it.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    Yes everything that you eat and drink counts towards your calorie count.
  • cjw6
    cjw6 Posts: 94 Member
    It might be worth investing in some scales- they don't have to be expensive. Once you get the hang of it its easier and you won't need to weigh everything, but when you're starting out its really easy to massively underestimate how much you are taking in and I wouldn't be surprised if thats why your calorie count appears so low.
    Also what do you mean by a salad? Do you mean just a green salad with lettuce/cucumber/tomato etc, or are you talking about something else? I can't see how you could get through the day on just a green salad- you definitely need some lean protein in there.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    100 calories of carrots is 100 calories ... anyway you look at it. Some calories are better for you, but in the end calories are calories. Count 'em.
  • nomorefatbitch
    In the mouth = in the diary.

    I don't log water, though. I keep track of it on my own and I drink a LOT!!
  • quigonnjae
    It might be worth investing in some scales- they don't have to be expensive. Once you get the hang of it its easier and you won't need to weigh everything, but when you're starting out its really easy to massively underestimate how much you are taking in and I wouldn't be surprised if thats why your calorie count appears so low.
    Also what do you mean by a salad? Do you mean just a green salad with lettuce/cucumber/tomato etc, or are you talking about something else? I can't see how you could get through the day on just a green salad- you definitely need some lean protein in there.

    A typical salad for me is a bed of ice berg lettuce , cucumbers , carrots , green peppers , some ham and some form of fat free dressing
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    if you bite it write it!!!
    Sometimes, you may think something is healthy eg. nuts, then find out you can be overeating on that particular food and going <300 calories over allowance

  • sarkris
    Your diet seems very low in protein and healthy fats. You need fat! Your brain is lipid(fat)-based. It also insulates nerves and stimulates their function, helps your body absorb vitamins and keep you full and mentally stable. I would add in a little cheese to that salad and swap your fat-free dressing (which would be FULL of sugar and chemicals btw) for a tablespoon of high quality olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon. Add in some fruit and more protein as well. You do not want to live on so few calories - it's not healthy or sustainable. Just my $.02
  • JRMcCaghren
    I agree with sarkris, you need to be eating more. If you're just starting out, it will be easy to eat like this for a while. But, when the momentum is gone, you'll want to be eating more calories so you're not tempted to cheat.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    thanx guys for the advice.. a "Typical" day for me lately has been a coffee cup of instant oatmeal for breakfast.. lunch (my biggest meal of the day) is a "takeout box" sized salad with fat free dressing and NO cheese and/or coutons ... and dinner is usually just a serving of the whatever meat the rest of the family is eating for dinner that night .. This WITHOUT the salad would account for about 600-700 calories for the day ..

    Any suggestions for maybe a better strategy?
    I learned a lot from viewing other peoples food diaries and asking questions about what people were eating. I sought out friends who had open diarles and were good supportive people. You can learn some essentials by paying attention to the good forum topics and really doing research on proper food balances - for example, I never gave up carbs because I know they are essential to a healthy diet, but I changed my carbs to be the good kind.

    Good luck