Women 200lb+, Let's Be Jubilant This June!!!

🌼Hello, ladies, and Happy June!!!🌼

🌼Summer is here again (for most of us anyway)!

🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any concerns or things that might be a problem this month?

🌼We're trying to have a jubilant June, so what are the things that bring you the most joy?

🟡If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM!, you're one of us.

🟡In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🟡All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🟡Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🌼This June, let's be jubilant, joyous, and get the job done!!!🌼


  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,643 Member
    40 years old
    SW: 300 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
    CW: 190s ~ I actually haven't officially weighed in the past month or so. When I was at the doctor last though I was still below 200 fully dressed so I feel confident saying I'm in that 10 lbs. I'll make myself weigh in soon.

    🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any concerns or things that might be a problem this month?

    For June I need to get back to keeping the basics. I said that in May and I kind of just kept at the maintenance and a lot of letting things slide. In my defense, it was the last month of school for my daughter and that is always crazy busy. I swear, the last month of school is almost as crazy as Christmas with all the things to do. Awards days, half days, register for next year, bringing things home, field trips, and all the rest.

    Summer as a whole has the goal of my staying in the right mindset and moving at least a bit almost every day. Even if it's just walking around the block or doing a few laps in the living room. I don't want to set anything hard and fast until I keep to the basics for a bit again. In July I'm supposed to be support on the Ride to End Alzheimer's 3 day bike ride. I am NOT riding a bike for 3 days over that many miles. I'll be in the van and checking on any stragglers, helping as needed when the riders can't finish, etc. I hear there is a ton of food during that event after each day finishes. I'm worried about how that will go and my will power.

    🌼We're trying to have a jubilant June, so what are the things that bring you the most joy?

    I'm currently working remotely (and taking a break on here for a few minutes) poolside while my daughter and her friend swim on the first day of their summer break. Honestly, the fresh air, some music, and hearing the girls giggling while I'm working through some spreadsheets is bringing me quite a bit of joy right now. I'm asking myself why I always wait until her summer break to take my laptop outside and why I didn't do this on any of the beautiful days we had last month. I can't do it all day, every day as I need multiple screens for a lot of things. BUT if I can do it for a couple hours twice a week during the summer I can do it in the spring and autumn.

  • serenecompassion2663
    serenecompassion2663 Posts: 59 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    53 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 220.6
    GW: 140

    I just dropped my goal weight by 10#. I think it’s actually possible.
    The probability that I will break the 200 mark by the end of the year has me very excited. I’ve actually started trying on skirts and dresses again, though I’m not confident enough yet to actually purchase any.

    I was hoping to increase my Ozempic dose in May, but had a Monday snaggle morning the Wednesday of my appointment at the Bariatric Institute, so I ended up canceling that appointment completely. I will have to wait until June 21 to adjust my plan.

    🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any concerns or things that might be a problem this month?

    My goals for June:
    🌻 Drink 80 oz water daily. I failed miserably at basic maintenance in May.
    🌻 Increase my fruit and vegetable intake by at least one serving per meal.
    🌻 Decrease my intake of processed carbs.
    🌻 Cook most meals at home. In May I relied heavily on our Meals on Wheels kitchen site here in my building. I would eat breakfast in my apartment, then have lunch in the community room downstairs, then snack on crap at night….or simply bread, noodles, or rice. Slim, slim month. I’ve got a menu plan for June, including breakfast, lunches, and dinners. I’m going grocery shopping at Walmart out on the other side of town this morning with a friend, and since we have to use the bus, I’m going to try to break it up and go shopping weekly.

    I’m praying we can get back before 10:00am. Today and yesterday we have an odd weather alert here I’ve never seen before: an Ozone Alert. Since I have asthma, I have to be careful. I have to go shopping, otherwise I will spend what little I have on convenience stores. So I will pack my inhaler and spacer.
    🌻Get in the pool at the Kroc Center twice a week for 20 minutes.
    🌻Walk 30 minutes 5x/week
    🌻Read two For Fun books
    🌻Start an AA meeting here at Lampe Hi-Rise
    🌻Continue the No Convenience Store Challenge

    🌻For the whole summer, I hope to get outside and enjoy mornings more.

    We are already seeing 90s here. The weather is a concern for me, with my asthma. The Ozone Alerts are a new twist. I used to love love love being outside. I need to find a way to get up and out in the mornings.

    🌼We're trying to have a jubilant June, so what are the things that bring you the most joy?

    🌻Watching my cats play together
    🌻Spending time with my girlfriends
    🌻Creating art
    🌻Playing with interior design

    One more huge win for me in May was I completely rearranged and decluttered my bedroom. It was a Memorial Day Weekend Challenge set by my Sponsor, and we both succeeded in transforming our bedrooms.😁 The energy flow is Completely Different.😁

    Blessings to you all!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,387 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy June!
    🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any concerns or things that might be a problem this month?

    Mostly trying to get back on the wagon. May was a mess adherance wise, and my lack of prelogging caused me to go over my planned calories a lot of the time.

    Nothing really big I'm looking forward to- we already had our big vacation for the year, so the next thing to look forward to is Little's birthday cookout two weeks from now. It'll be her first big birthday party since COVID. I've started prepping myself, the house, and everything else.

    For summer as a whole, I'm trying to be as present as I can be, and enjoy this time as much as I can. The years go so quickly, somehow, it's already summer.
    🌼We're trying to have a jubilant June, so what are the things that bring you the most joy?

    🟡 nailing a trick at the gym
    🟡 having a clean house and being able to spend quality, unworried time with Whatsisface and the kids
    🟡 my houseplants growing
    🟡 my morning routine of coffee, podcasts, and knitting before anyone else wakes up

    So what I'm hearing is, more houseplants, more work on tricks, and keeping the house clean so I can focus on QUALITY time with the fam, instead of cleaning time with the fam, lol. Maybe implementing the "close down the kitchen"/house strategy will work- a good solid half hour at the end of every day after I get it clean the first time should get me there most days. Maybe I'll play "Closing Time" at the start of it and burn a candle when it's all finished, lol.

    So, back to basics weight-loss wise, and shut down the house, those will be my big goals for June! I've restarted my goals in MacroFactor to be a little more aggressive.

    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 6/1: 174.9 (173.6 average)
    6/3: 173.8 (average 173.7)

    🌼 June Goals! 🌼

    🌼 June GW (average): 172.5

    🟡Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week
    🟡Log everything in grams
    🟡 Shut down the house every night

    Today is three ( :open_mouth: ) classes at the gym, after being at the gym the last two days as well, lol. I don't like going back to back like this, I'm generally a Monday/Thursday/Saturday, but this week just worked out like this.

    Run up to the end of the school year in progress, run up to a big cookout in progress, busy busy busy.

    Time to go prelog my food for the day, get ready for the gym, and then run errands and clean, before burgers and beer tonight! I think my burger will be turkey, no bun, a la burger salad I used to do:

    oh yeah, that's going to do it. I wish I wasn't blocked from this site at work, it's so hard to find the time at home to sit down and post, but I think of you all often.

    Anyway! Tag time!
    @pamperedlinny back to basics for both of us! Remote work sounds so nice.

    @serenecompassion2663 all your joys sound wonderful. And it sounds like you're on your way toward spending more time with girlfriends- errands hangouts are my favorite hangouts, and I wish I had more local friends to do errands with. Maybe one day I'll be able to dedicate myself to cultivating that.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • ojade9800
    ojade9800 Posts: 14 Member
    Been a few weeks since I posted but still weighing in

    SW: 124.4KG (274LBS)
    GW: 75KG (165LBS)
    CW: 120KG ((264LBS)

    My loss has slowed over the past few weeks and I had a not fantastic week last week which is probably going to reflect on the scale at some point. I had my days off at work changed so it was difficult to keep on track with exercising. Combined with family drama everything for the most part went out the window. This week everything is back to normal so I'm hoping I can get back out on the bike again. I need to crack down with what I'm eating, I've been having a lot of sugars and such but still mostly sticking to my calories, so im going to meal plan this evening when I get home.

    My goals are still the same, I've been struggling to remember to drink more water so I need to find a different sugar low cordial to pop in it. I want to get to a healthier weight I'm not seeing much of a change other than on the scale, which I'm not going to lie has discouraged me. I did my first set of pictures after dropping 3 kilos. So hopefully I a few weeks time I can take another set and see some differences.

    Thank you for reading and happy weight loss! 💓
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi! I’m Bonnie, 34. Chronic illness warrior and dog mom.

    SW: 288.8 (February 2022)
    CW: 210.4

    5/29- 210.4
    6/5- 210.4

    🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any concerns or things that might be a problem this month?

    Last month I only lost 0.8 pound. I did wel so not sure what that was about but of course a loss of any amount is a positive. This past week I maintained for some reason, doing well with eating and even got more movement than normal 🤷🏼‍♀️

    My goals for June:
    ⬇️ lose 2-3 pounds
    💪 keep up with PT exercise at home 3x per week
    🚶‍♀️ short walk outside at least once a week
    📖 read at least 3 books
    📚 keep up with Bible reading
    🏊‍♀️ go swimming at least a couple times (good news- they opened the pool on time this year for the first time in many years)

    Not sure what my goals are for the summer. The amount of appointments I have could be a challenge. This week I have four on four different days. I’m going to OT for my hand twice a week, therapy once a week, so at bare minimum for a while is three appointments per week.

    🌼We're trying to have a jubilant June, so what are the things that bring you the most joy?

    My dog brings me the most joy and spending time with my nephews and having them tell me about their lives and happenings. And hanging out with my nieces, hopefully we get some time to do that.
  • Inky_one
    Inky_one Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, I'm Sarah and I'm back again. Serial starter, I have been in holiday mode since last September and I need to get back to a place where I feel comfortable in my body.

    Current weight - 242lb
    Goal weight - 190

    🌻 My goals for June: I want to get into some healthier habits. Drink more water, eat more fruit and veg. I'm hoping the sunny weather helps me want to avoid the chocolate and sweets!

    🌻 What brings me joy? My dog, who I thought would like walks more than he does! Maybe I just need to take him on more of them! And crochet, which I'm picking up on an evening to try stop me from snacking!

    🌻 What's coming up this summer? Loads. I've got my sister's Hen Do in July (cocktail making), a city break in August along with a few big birthdays. And - part of the reason I want to lose some weight - its my sisters wedding in September. My bridesmaid dress fits, but I'd like for it to fit nicer!
  • frhaberl
    frhaberl Posts: 145 Member
    Here's to a Jubilant June!

    SW - 228
    GW - 155
    CW - 208 (20 lbs down! Yay!)

    I've been doing pretty well with eating more healthily, though I had some hangry days and had a heart to heart with hubby about not letting dinner time slip past 6:30-7pm. We spent last week at the lake with my in-laws and they and the kids have a tendency to snack all through the day and not be feel the need for firm meal times. Since I try to "save" calories for dinner so I can eat (mostly) what the rest of the fam is eating, not having a set dinner time is difficult.

    I have been loving my lunch meal prep. On Sunday I make up a big batch of Thai Crunch Quinoa salad (lots of shredded fresh veg, garbanzo beans, and quinoa) and divide it into 5-6 containers. Then I don't have to think about what I'm going to have for lunch during the week. I just pull out a container, put the peanut dressing on, and get 15 g of fiber and lots of micronutrients.

    I've also been playing with different chia seed pudding recipes. My family teases me, but I actually like the texture and it's another way to pack in some fiber and satisfy my sweet tooth.

    Goals for June -
    Hit fiber goal most days.
    Continue to average over 7500 steps a day.
    Survive trip to see family week of 19 June.
    Stay on track to see "One-derland" next month.

    What brings me joy? My "basement child" (20 year old who is struggling to figure some things out) bought me matcha tea powder. It was a very sweet and unexpected sign that he was listening to my story about Starbucks being out and took the extra effort to brighten my day. We went through a really rough time with him about 6 weeks ago, which makes this even more special. My hubby, other kids, and dogs also make the list of joy bringers, but it's hard to top the joy that comes with answered prayers.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    still here, still trying. Still cheering you all on!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    June! Halfway through the year already.

    SW: 271
    CW: 211
    Goal: 150-ish.

    I was traveling the last week, so I have no idea where I actually ended May. But I tried really hard to log everything and stick to reasonable portions of foods that I adore and really struggle with portion control on. And it was really hard to get the amount of fruit and veg that I've gotten used too cooking for myself the last months. But I did my best and came home to a pretty significant scale loss. Onederland suddenly doesn't seem that far away.

    My goals for this month are mostly just to log as best I can and keep avoiding the sugar. And to really see if I can figure out some way to get some resistance work in to protect my muscles.

    What brings me joy? Of late, it's been getting outside and doing stuff that I couldn't do six months ago.

    In a few weeks, I'm going on a bit of a road trip with my family, including some wee'uns who have never seen me. So I'm looking forward to that a lot.
  • cmathur
    cmathur Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2023
    Hi everyone! I'm Chandrika, mom of 2 and 39 this July. I'm trying real hard to get this weight off that's creeping back up.

    SW: 235
    CW: 216
    GW: 140

    I've been doing IF but I don't think I've worked through my food issues. I basically eat the whole time during my eating window. So I'm buckling down and going to eat 3 meals, no snacking. If I need to snack, I'll add it to one of my meals. Also I'm going to food order, so I'll eat protein and veggies and fat first, then my carbs. Lots of mindset work to be done, but I think I am finally formulating a plan that will work for me.

    I always say, fasting and exercise are simple (not easy!), but food is the real kicker for me! So focused now on my food, what and when and in this for the long haul. Can't wait to be in onederland.
  • ojade9800
    ojade9800 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello again everyone!

    Had a big shock this week when I weighed in but im so proud and if anything it's motivated me more!

    SW:124.4KG (274LBS)
    GW: 75KG (165LBS)
    CW: 119KG (262LBS)

    A few more kgs to go and im the lowest I'll have been for a long while! I've seen some slight changes, my wrists look skinnier and I've not noticed a little bit of sagging skin on some parts of my legs. So here's hoping I can start doing some toning.

    I'm keeping up with water intake but not fully set on 2 litres a day, I find water boring 😅

    Part of me wants to join the gym but I have gym phobia so maybe this month I'll challenge myself to go at least once.

    I've been busy and not doing much cycling recently so I need to start back with that again, hopefully I can get one in today.

    Next week I think I'll gain some weight but I'm fully prepared for that, I'll be disappointed if that's the case because I've slacked a lot recently with the food I'm eating. But as of this week definitely I'm more mindful. But otherwise I'm on a MFP 43 day streak which is a record!

    Thank you for reading and happy weight loss ladies! 💓
  • jpiercey1987
    jpiercey1987 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I am new here, found this group and figured you would be my people! haha. I have struggled with my weight my whole life, I honestly don't remember ever seeing a number less then 200 on the scales. I have tried many "diets", none of them worked long term and I have never lost enough to get below that 200 number. But.....I am here and I am committed, I will see that number drop below 200 and I would love to help support all you beautiful ladies on that same journey.

    SW: 280.1
    CW: 263
    GW: 180

    Goals for June:

    * Go to the gym at least 3 days a week
    * Stay within my calorie deficit 6 days a week
    * Drink at least 60oz of water a day

    Good luck to you all in achieving your goals this month. We can do it together <3

  • frhaberl
    frhaberl Posts: 145 Member
    I'm feeling chatty today, so thought I'd do some tagging:

    @cmathur I definitely hear you on the struggle with food. I was "white knuckling" it for a few weeks when all I could think about was food and it was really hard to watch the rest of my family eat some of my old favorites. Something that has been helpful for me is to focus on adding new foods rather than focusing on the foods I'm reducing or subtracting. It also helps to make those foods as convenient as possible. Foods where I don't want to have to drag a scale out every time get pre-portioned into baggies or containers. Some things that I've recently added (or rediscovered) - Cheerios, garbanzo beans, shredded cabbage, brown rice, quinoa, chia seed pudding, coconut milk, strawberries (will switch to other berries as they come in season), jicama, and generally more fresh veg and spices.

    @ojade9800 I decided to kick my full sugar soda habit and agree that water is boring.....unless it has bubbles! So I pulled out my Soda Stream. I happen to like just plain carbonated water, but I sometimes add some crushed mint leaves to make it extra refreshing (my kids tease me about drinking "grass water"). I also drink hot tea and have found some that have some natural sweetness to them.

    @jpiercey1987 Welcome! One-derland may feel like uncharted territory, but it's so much easier to envision getting there when you find a group that is on the same road.

    I'm still working on finding my communities (IRL and virtual) and wanted to let all of you know how much I appreciate what you share.

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey all! It's been a week since I posted on the boards at all. My parents have been to visit and are flying out today. I have to admit that I haven't weighed in at all, have eaten kind of horribly, and don't really want to know where I stand as of today. I just.... don't. I said I needed to get back to basics, then I stress ate over the weekend and then family arrived and it didn't get better.

    So.... I really do need to get back to basics, checking in throughout the week, being back to tracking everything. I'm a mess.

    @jpiercey1987 Welcome!!!!

  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 108 Member
    You are not a mess @pamperedlinny , you are a queen, and an inspiration to us all. You have come so far, I think you need to reframe this period as maintenance. You aren’t gaining weight, you are staying active, clearly many good healthy habits are now second nature to you, and you are very close to goal. it’s all good. Tell yourself how well you have done.
    I’m ina similar place really. Weight loss so slow to be almost invisible to the naked eye, but lots of good habits. Sadly I am still about 20 pounds away from getting out of obese and into overweight. My goal for June is to lose about 3 pounds before my hospital appointment on 29th. I am being much more active, but that is making me really hungry. My other goal is to increase protein, in the hope that it will help with the hunger.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,643 Member
    @sandramarshall200 Thanks. I think you might be right. I might need to think more about maintenance for a month or so and then adjust my goals. I've had stuff every month for a couple months and it's getting in my head that i'm failing. But I know you're right and really I'm not as bad off as I feel.
  • liz_ann13
    liz_ann13 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and I have had a lot of success with other programs in the past when I reached out and embraced community. I have lost the same weight over and over and when I get around 200, I am completely burnt out and end up slowly gaining it back. I always have that life-style change mindset, don't do anything crazy, but I end up falling back on bad habits. I recently weighed in at my all-time high and knew I needed to make healthy choices and get back on the bandwagon.

    I am so excited to find a group of ladies who are going through something so similar.

    SW: 240 lbs.
    CW: 237.2 lbs.
    GW: 135 lbs.
    🌼What are your goals for June? How about for the summer as a whole? Is there anything big that you're looking forward to? Any concerns or things that might be a problem this month?

    My goals for June are really simple. I am building habits, so my goals are to 1. track my food every day, 2. weigh-in every day (minus the 2 days I'll be out camping), and 3. take measurements every Saturday. I am already starting to make changes to my food and exercise habits because I am collecting that data. I want to let my body adjust then form more solid goals later.

    I am a teacher and I have time off for 5 weeks, so I taking this time to focus on myself so that I have habits formed before going back to school. I am looking forward to forming community on MFP, maybe try a challenge or two.
    🌼We're trying to have a jubilant June, so what are the things that bring you the most joy?

    What brings me joy is getting to stay home and spending time with my dog. During summer, I am able to take her on longer walks since I have more free time. I can't wait to explore some hiking trails over the next couple weeks.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,387 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Saturday weigh day for me!

    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 6/1: 174.9 (173.6 average)
    6/3: 173.8 (average 173.7)
    6/10: 173 (average 173.6)

    🌼 June Goals! 🌼

    🌼 June GW (average): 172.5

    🟡Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    🟡Log everything in grams❌
    🟡 Shut down the house every night✅

    I am having A Time, friends. I'm trying harder than I did last week. I guess there's that to say for me. So if I try harder this week than I did last week, we'll be doing well.

    Having a hard time managing hunger, and I think I just need to go back to large quantites of veg with lunch to keep me fuller. This week I really wanted chips with lunches, and I had them, but hard to stay full with 100 g of chicken and a single serving of chips.

    Still, we're going down according to the official numbers, and my average is waffling. But that's okay if we keep going downward.

    Today is poles and a twerk class. And I've got to maintain the cleanliness of the house. And we're going to the library today, get Kiddo a couple chapter books.

    I had a crazy day at work on Friday- I was enthusiastic about a project I'd heard about completely by accident, and before the end of the day, two different people approached me to recruit me for said project. It's going to be a stressful, tight deadline, hard work, but interesting, and aligned with my interests for process improvement. Some of the old guys (I'm the only woman in my department) were clearly talking crap about this project, there's about an even split of people in my department who think this is worthwhile and people who don't. My boss was out, to make things even more complicated.

    I feel like there's no downside to me going on this project temporarily. I'm bored doing the work I'm doing now, if the project succeeds I'll feel good and look good to the company, and if it fails I won't be penalized and I just go back to doing the work I'm bored doing currently. I don't really see a downside except for these old guys disliking me for being involved, and the tight deadline, and I don't know that I care about that. My boss's boss, who was there, gave me the weekend to think about it. My boss will be back Monday, and we'll see what happens. I'm pretty sure I'll feel the same on Monday that I do right now.

    Tag party time!
    @ojade9800 it can be disheartening once that initial loss slows down, but slow and steady is actually great for skin elasticity, so hopefully you can take some heart in that!

    @bonniemcc4 I think you're doing great!

    @Inky_one your plans for summer sound so fun!

    @frhaberl your salad sounds so good!

    @sargemarcori hiiiiiiiiiii

    @badnoodle ROAD TRIP how exciting!

    @cmathur and you can make it to onederland! It's a good revelation that timing doesn't necessarily matter as much as the effect it has on how much you take in. Something I sometimes have to remind myself, for sure.

    @jpiercey1987 welcome! You can do it!

    @pamperedlinny you're still around, which means you're still in it. Even if "in it" just means maintaining awareness and or weight. :smile:

    @sandramarshall200 protein absolutely will help. You can do it.

    @liz_ann13 welcome! So excited for you to have a little break!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    SW: 271
    CW: 209.5 (-1.5)
    Goal: 150-ish.

    It was a wonderful weekend for me. On Friday, I took advantage of a discount to try hot yoga for the first time. I'm in a college town, so I was *by far* the oldest and largest person in that room. And I was very, very confused by all the new terms. But the instructor was really good about suggesting alternatives and props for people who were less flexible or less strong. I don't really buy into the spiritual side, but it was a heck of a workout and I slept like a rock.

    I also picked up our first farm box of the year. The upside is that the veggies are local and ridiculously fresh. The downside is that you get whatever the farm is harvesting that week, so you have to figure out what you're going to do with it. Beets became Ina Garten's Summer Borscht, which is so refreshing and delicious I could eat a quart of it at once. I also got hakurei turnips for the first time, which I roasted this evening. They were delicious! Now I just have a ton of salad greens to eat the rest of the week.

    Today I took out the kayak for a nice 5 mile paddle. The creek is at it's best right now, with the hawthorns and early rhododendrons blooming and smelling wonderful. It also hasn't been stocked for awhile, so I had it almost entirely to myself to just enjoy being in nature.

    @CupcakeCrusoe if there really are as few downsides as you think, you should totally grab the opportunity to do something different. You never know where a door is going to take you.

    @liz_ann13 These precious weeks of summer break seem to fly by, but you get so much done. It's a great time to try to build habits. or try new things.

    @jpiercey1987 one of the best pieces of advice I got from the MFP community was to stop thinking of previous diets as failures. You have to eat, and you have to find a way to eat that you enjoy enough to stick with, even if it's restrictive in some way. The first ones you tried just weren't right for you long term.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,387 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 6/1: 174.9 (173.6 average)
    6/3: 173.8 (average 173.7)
    6/10: 173 (average 173.6)
    6/17: 173.8 (average 173.9)

    🌼 June Goals! 🌼

    🌼 June GW (average): 172.5

    🟡Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    🟡Log everything in grams❌
    🟡 Shut down the house every night✅

    I did end up taking the opportunity at work, and I also went up for an opportunity with the women's program at work, so now work is more interesting for me than it was. I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm kind of a border collie- if I don't have enough to do, I'll make up things to do or start destroying the house.

    The dance party last night at the gym was a blast, everyone had a great time. Someone brought a whole ice cream cake, the best one, carvel, so I had a piece and didn't feel bad- I ate at maintenance yesterday. This is why I'm not making progress, but life is like that sometimes. As long as I don't feel that old urge to binge on food, I'm learning how to live as smaller me, and some days that means over goal, some days under, some days on. It's been a stressful few weeks, what with all the events going on, and that doesn't help. Speaking of events...

    Today's my baby's birthday party, so I spent all of yesterday cleaning, staging, decorating, and hiding clutter in my bedroom, the only room in the house that no one will see but me, lol. I spent ... a lot! At big lots and lowes, buying some replacement patio chairs and clearance plants, but my front porch looks great, and I'm staging my back porch today.
    (ignore the cleaning supplies, lol)

    And my house is clean, thanks in no small part to my hiding all the bins of little things in my room, haha. I love burning candles in a clean house, and so that is what I'm doing currently before the madness starts.

    Both girls are up now, so time to get this day going. Wish me luck staying within my calories today- if I want a burger patty, a piece of cake, and a beer later, that's most of my calories for the day right there, lol. I'll have to keep high protein and fiber in mind and be strategic about eating today.

    @badnoodle sounds like you've found a good yoga class, and being the oldest in the room is great! I love seeing new older people in the gym than me- acquiring new skills has no age limit.

    Have a great day, everyone!