Daily check in for support and accountability



    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Monday the 5th

    Logged, under by 68 calories, no formal exercise, 5,736 steps. Couldn't fall asleep last night, so we shall see how functional I am on 4 hrs 46 mins of sleep. I am going to take my dad out for lunch today, so the coffee had better be working for my two hour (round trip) drive!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Weighed in this morning for "Weigh-In Wednesday" and I lost another (almost) two pounds! I am locked-in, ladies! Hoping you all have a wonderful Wednesday.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday:
    SW 234
    CW 208
    GW 150 but I'll feel good at 175

    Sooooo lazy feeling. I think I'm having some trouble getting it together after vacation. Not walking yet. Not really getting up on time in the morning. Fortunately, I don't have much work to do right now. But getting back into mfp logging. It's a start. My year of me is having about a three month stent (stint?) of extended family (vacation was for them), pets (a week of just pooping and peeing everywhere until we got settled in from vacation), sister (moving her into her new place), and hubby (preparing for surgery).
    Interesting thing - while I'm writing about my burnout, hubby turns to me (we're eating lunch together now) and says that he feels burnt out. LOL. He never says stuff like that. He usually doesn't know he's having a feeling let alone figure out what it is until I tell him. 🤣🤣🤣
    The struggle is real here. But from a weight standpoint, he cooks with me, walks with me, and helps a lot.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @harringtona1 Your post made me chuckle at the end there. I know I always have trouble getting back on track after a vacation. Your vacation time away from MFP also involved some stressful scenarios; maybe that is why it is harder than normal to get back to it, and why you are feeling burnt out. Give yourself a little longer grace period, if you need it. It is a marathon after all.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks so much, @HASWLRS
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    My parents visited for the past week and I have been so off the rails I didn't even try to accurately log. They fly out today. Every time they visit I end up messing myself up something fierce. *sigh*

    @harringtona1 Sounds like a lot going on lately. Hopefully you and hubby can take it easy for a bit.

    @HASWLRS congrats on the loss this week!

  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All,

    I was away on vacation for the last week or so. I tried to log some but wasn't keeping up with much of my usual schedule. Overall, I have been doing okay. I haven't been on the scale in awhile so I'm not sure where things stand in that department. I'm guessing I probably maintained through vacation but now I'm ready to get back to it.

    Sorry to hear about your knee- that stuff can slow us down some, but it sounds like you're doing well with eating and that is really great!

    Harrington- it sounds like you're juggling a lot of stuff. Nice to hear from you and see how things are going.

    Well, I'm off to walk the dogs. Have a nice day, Dianne
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I went to another wedding shower for my nephew's fiancee on Saturday. I didn't go crazy, but it did get me out of my routine. I was not going to have much, or anything for supper, but I ended up eating two of my husband's Popeye's chicken strips. (He was comped three extra strips for a slow kitchen). Then I had a cupcake that I brought home from the shower. I was only going to bring two things of dessert home for my husband, but the hostess gave me a full plate because she had so much left over. After my husband went to bed, I got into his corn chips and his cheese curds. That was the most concerning of all. I don't really like corn chips and I don't feel great when I eat too much cheese (I guess no one really does), so my choosing them is a behaviour that needs to be changed. A little bit of the same behaviour on Sunday, but overall fewer calories. I was also feeling a bit sorry for myself as my knee was quite sore...so much for "feeling a bit better"! On the flip side, I have a bit of an external motivator now. At the shower, the three of us were talking, and my SIL told my MIL that she needs to lose a few more pounds to make her dress fit better and my MIL said that she had noticed that she had lost a few. No one has noticed my weight loss. To be fair, I am wearing the exact same clothes still and they are not fitted and I have only lost roughly 13 pounds. I think the number "they" say that others start to notice your loss is higher than that, but my motivator is a notice from my MIL!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    @dogwalker157 Welcome home from vacation! Hope you can jump right back into your routine!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I was talking to my friend about how I'm still wearing the same pants after losing weight. We had a good laugh at the fact that our jeans have so much stretch material now that we can gain 30 lbs. and not have to go up a size. Unfortunately, we don't seem to have to go down a size when we lose weight either.

    I did okay overall today but I'm definitely less focused than I was. I ate several servings of Jordan Almonds and ate them rather mindlessly. I just can't bring that stuff in the house. There are days that I can be fine and won't touch it and other days I throw caution to the wind.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Au contraire, my sisters. My boobs have shrunk. Which is great actually except that I always bought my shirts big to cover that belly. But it kind of looked like I bought them for the top, if you know what I mean. Now my shirts just look big and kinda hang on me until they get to my belly where they puddle up like jerks. So, be careful about complaining about clothes. This is not the change I wanted. 😂
    I can't believe how long it's taking me to get back into the swing of eating meals and logging meals. I almost never want a meal, I just want a snack followed later by a snack since I didn't eat a meal at mealtime. It's not easy for me to keep track of all that. But I'm gonna keep trying until I'm back in the swing. Today, I logged it all. But this was an easy day. Hope tomorrow makes day 2 of habit-forming.
    Good luck, ladies, being mindful of what we're eating again. There's nothing worse than eating something you didn't even want in the first place. But that happens. Hubby offers me food and is confused when I say no thanks. I had to explain a few times that, if it's easy for me to say no, I'm going to. Just go away lol. He finally understands and only asks once now. Be strong when it's easy. Then the harder ones will be slightly easier too, I think.
    Night night
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,

    Be strong when it's easy. Then the harder ones will be slightly easier too, I think. [/quote]

    I like that advice and am going to try to work it in.

    Since being away and not being as focused, I'm trying to find my routine again. In some ways I feel like I can ease up some of the intensity. I'm not exactly sure how to do this though. I feel like I need to continue logging.
    It helps keep me aware of what I'm eating and hopefully stops me from returning to old habits. Recently, I have also found myself not logging totally accurately- which is definitely counterproductive.

    Yesterday was pretty good, but I did overdo the candied almonds again. For now I am going to work on refocusing on my "healthspan" goals of eating healthier and moving more. Ideally I would like to lose about 30 more lbs. so I do need to pay attention to how much I am eating. After traveling abroad I am reminded of how serving sizes are quite a bit larger here in the U.S. Your brain gets used to seeing/eating that quantity. I need to make the shift to reducing serving sizes.

    Have a great day
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Silly thing, but... Are you eating on smaller plates with smaller forks? I've done that for years. I for sure don't eat as much as hubby does on his giant plate. Of course, he weighs slightly less than I do. Maybe not anymore tomorrow!
    NSV I use a different hole for my watch now. I need it lol.
    Second day of logging. Trying not to judge the usefulness or whatever. Just blindly doing it. Trust I guess. One good thing is that every once in a while, I'm too lazy to log, so I won't bother eating the thing. Yay lazy!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Oh speaking of accountability, I'm not walking. I'm just bummed and sleeping all day. I'll sort this out. It's work-related. And I know if I walk my mood will improve. 96 degree weather just doesn't call me outside. But I'll try tomorrow morning.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Wow- 96 degrees. It's been unseasonably cool here in Northeast U.S.

    I've been reluctant to go to smaller plates. I've heard of that strategy, but for some reason I just didn't think it would change how much I was eating. I'll give it a try...

    It sounds like you've got some good momentum going- even decreasing your watch size!

    Well, I'd like to say that my vacation and lack of focus hasn't set me back, but it does seem like it has. Not only do I feel it, but the scale has been up as well. I am also struggling with getting back into a healthier eating pattern. I'm over calorie budget by a few hundred every day and haven't been getting quite as much activity in. I'm going to just try to keep at it. I don't want to be right back where I was a few months from now :(
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    I did the same thing after vacation. It took a couple of weeks to even get where I am now which is logging but nothing rust. Maybe you're having the same lag. Be strong!!! It's not the end of the world. You be aiiiight.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    I am still alive, but I have fallen down a rabbit hole. I am not stepping on the scale this week; I will face the music on Wednesday. I have a wedding and Father's Day this weekend, but I will be back on Monday to try again.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I hear you about the rabbit hole. I'm trying not to let myself fall any further, so I can pull myself out of it a little easier. I haven't been completely successful with this but did have a slight drop on the scale this morning. I'm slowly going to turn this around. There's definitely a voice in the back of my head saying "just take a break for awhile and get back to it later." If I listen to that voice I'll be right back where I started from though.

    I have to remind myself how much better I feel when I'm making better food choices. Also, less fat means less inflammation overall, another goal I'm working on.

    Have a nice weekend All!

  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Whoo did I have a crappy food day, too! Gonna try to put in some movement this weekend to make some headway. I've been losing, so I think I was taking that for granted. But I think my body might've figured it out today. 😂 We'll see on the scale in the morning.
    Happy weekend to y'all, too!
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    edited June 2023
    Good morning,

    Well the weekend was a bit more celebratory (indulgent foods included) than I planned. On Saturday we took my 91 year old dad out for an Italian lunch followed up with an ice cream from the dairy. After vowing to do better on Sunday... I brought home donuts (the really delicious ones) for father's day. I was able to eat only half of what I might normally eat, so I guess that counts for something.

    When I got up this morning my first thought was to start back on making better food choices, but I'm trying to avoid the concept of starting over on Monday and avoid the "diet mentality thinking." Instead I'm going to chalk it up to making some indulgent food choices over the weekend. I'm hoping that being mindful and logging them will help me to be aware of how often I'm doing that and how that influences my overall goals of better health. It's a challenge for me to make those transitions in thinking because I have had a lifetime of doing it another way.

    I have also come to realize that the initial enthusiasm for working on improving my health has waned. This has definitely challenged my momentum. Although I have made some positive changes, I still need to strengthen them to become regular habits. When I'm not paying attention, the old habits creep right in. As an aging adult, my motivation for wanting to eat better and lose some weight is because I want to improve and maintain my overall health. I've gained and lost weight over my lifetime but I'm at a point where I understand that my future health, mobility and independence are dependent on my choices now.
    Have a great day All!