Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 227



  • BringIt2023
    BringIt2023 Posts: 72 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ - you sound like my husband. :) We've been married nearly 40 years, I've been golfing with him twice.

    @quiltingjaine - same issue in my home. I feel like I am always deciding what's for dinner. DH tells me it is because I am the one with the food limits... but he eats crap most of the time. He should have some food limits - LOL!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,551 Member
    39flavours wrote: »
    F42, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    RGW: 140.8lbs
    UGW: 140lbs (trend)
    UUGW: 122.4lbs

    Past Rounds
    R160 SW:162.8 GW:164.0 EW:DNW
    R161 SW:162.0 GW:159.5 EW:158.2 (-3.8)
    R162 SW:160.2 GW:156.5 EW:154.6 (-5.6)
    R163 SW:154.4 GW:152.4 EW:152.4 (-2.0)
    R164 SW:151.8 GW:151.0 EW:150.2 (-1.6)
    R165 SW:149.0 GW:148.4 EW:149.0 (-0.0)
    R166 SW:148.4 GW:147.0 EW:147.0 (-1.4)
    R167 SW:148.2 GW:146.5 EW:146.6 (-1.6)
    R168 SW:146.6 GW:144.0 EW:146.2 (-0.4)
    R169 SW:143.6 GW:143.0 EW:142.0 (-1.6)
    R170 SW:143.0 GW:140.0 EW:140.6 (-2.4)
    R171 SW:140.0 GW:139.6 EW:138.6 (-1.4)
    R172 SW:141.4 GW:138.6 EW:145.0 (+3.6)
    R173 SW:145.2 GW:142.8 EW:141.0 (-4.2)
    R174 SW:141.0 GW:139.6 EW:142.2 (+1.2)
    R175 SW:141.6 GW:139.6 EW:140.0 (-1.6)
    R176 SW:139.6 GW:139.0 EW:138.4 (-1.2)

    R177-R210 DNW regained 26.6lbs 😵 Never again!
    R211 SW:165.0 GW:163.0 EW:160.8 (-4.2)
    R212 SW:161.4 GW:159.0 EW:157.6 (-3.2)
    R213 SW:158.0 GW:156.0 EW:156.8 (-1.2)
    R214 SW:154.4 GW:153.4 EW:154.4 (0.0)
    R215 SW:153.4 GW:152.4 EW:151.6 (-1.8)
    R216 SW:150.8 GW:149.8 EW:151.6 (+0.8)
    R217 SW:151.6 GW:150.6 EW:150.2 (-1.4)
    R218 SW:150.2 GW:150.2 EW:148.8 (-1.4)
    R219 SW:149.2 GW:148.2 EW:151.4 (+2.2)
    R220 SW:150.2 GW:149.2 EW:148.4 (-1.8)
    R221 SW:149.0 GW:148.0 EW:146.8 (-2.2)
    R222 SW:147.2 GW:146.2 EW:145.6 (-1.6)
    R223 SW:146.2 GW:144.6 EW:145.0 (-1.2)
    R224 SW:146.8 GW:145.0 EW:146.2 (-0.6)
    R225 SW:145.6 GW:144.6 EW:141.4 (-4.2)
    R226 SW:142.6 GW:141.0 EW:140.6 (-2.0)
    R227 SW:140.8 GW:140.8 EW:


    6/19 142.6 (trend 142.9)
    6/20 140.6 (trend 142.6)
    6/21 140.8 (trend 142.3) Glad to see yesterday's new low weight is sticking around more or less. I've set my goal this round to maintain, but in reality I'll be glad if my trend weight doesn't go up. Didn't leave the house yesterday as I was packing and organising all day, plus, as musicsax mentioned, we had torrential rain for a large part of the day. Eating was ok, although there was a bit of stress-snacking going on, but I stayed below, just! Woke up relieved to see my fake tan hadn't been a disaster, phew! I'm a notorious over-packer and am now trying to decide whether I can fit the iron into my suitcase or if I can bear spending the next 9 days a crumply mess...
    Having pizza tonight at a local restaurant, as it's the only place that will still be open when we get to the apartment, so I'll eat light today to allow for it. Old me would be looking forward to some fast food at the airport but I'm going to be good and bring a small snack instead.
    Yesterday was no walk or gym, calories good, alcohol free.
    STEPS 5,001

    6/22 DNW The pizza last night has left me very bloated and dehydrated today.
    The flight was delayed so we ended up eating at 11.30pm which meant sleep was not great.
    STEPS 9,500

    6/23 DNW We cycled to the fish market and bought prawns, clams and monkfish, then to the fruit and veg market and bought loads of stuff, the veggies here are massive! It was a good chance to practice my Portuguese. I made arroz de marisco, which is similar to paella, very tasty! I've never cleaned prawns or cooked clams before, so it was good to learn a new skill. In the evening we cycled to the beach and played frisbee, then to the marina for a few drinks. Lots of wine so a bit of a sore head today.
    Steps were low as I was on the bike most of the day.
    STEPS 6,918

    6/24 DNW We visited Portimão and did a walking tour then stopped for lunch, I had tuna salad. Picked up a watermelon and some sacks of oranges for juicing from a roadside vendor. Back at the apartment we went for a swim, then an evening walk and cocktails. We finished off the rice from yesterday for dinner.
    STEPS 10,361

    6/25 DNW We drove to Tavira and did another walking tour. Lunch was cod and chickpea salad with egg, very high in protein! In the evening we went to a lovely restaurant between some cliffs, right on the ocean, it was idyllic. We shared grilled ocean perch and a bottle of wine, then back to the apartment for a game of cards and an early night.
    STEPS 9,040

    6/26 DNW We spent the day on the beach, we had planned to go to a water park but decided we wanted rest rather than adrenalin! Lots of swimming and cycling low on steps as it's too hot at 34° for doing much walking. We took tuna salad sandwiches and watermelon for a packed lunch. In the evening we walked along the marina and had dinner at a restaurant in a small square, I had grilled sardines with boiled veggies and white wine.
    STEPS 5,635

    6/27 DNW In the morning I cycled to the fish market and picked up a dourada fish, which I think is sea bream, and bought veggies and bread. OH was working all day so I pottered about and prepped dinner. We went for an evening bike ride to a nature reserve then back home had baked fish with garlic roasted potatoes, onions and green peppers, with steamed veggies. Steps are low again but I cycled for 2.5 hours.
    STEPS 4,651

    6/28 DNW OH was working in the morning so I picked up some supplies for a packed lunch and made salted cod and chickpea pasta salad, which we took to Marinha beach with half a cantaloupe melon each and some cherries. Lots of swimming and sunbathing. After the beach we visited Albufeira and had a stroll about, looking at all the touristy stuff. Back home in Vilamoura, we went out for a late dinner at a tennis club and had pizza and sangria.
    STEPS 10,340


    STEPS 61,446/100,000 round goal

    Love sangria !!!!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,551 Member

    @quiltingjaine - same issue in my home. I feel like I am always deciding what's for dinner. DH tells me it is because I am the one with the food limits... but he eats crap most of the time. He should have some food limits - LOL![/quote]

    I always decide on dinner too, if I ask DH what we should have he always says "what do you fancy ?" !!!!!!!!!!!!!