Lost 35 pounds last year, then gained back 40! Starting all over again 🥲

boseph_ Posts: 1 Member
edited July 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hello community, I’m a guy in his 20’s here to work on losing around 30-40 pounds again because my last weight loss journey was wayy too unsustainable. So unsustainable in fact that my obsession with constant progress and total discipline eventually led me to developing a serious eating disorder 😬

Once I finally realized how much I was actually hurting myself (going through the cycle of complete abstinence to binging to hating myself and purging and back again) I decided to quit the diet for good and focus on my mental health. That was a year ago, and in the process I ended up falling back into bad overeating habits and gained back even more weight than i started with. Incredibly disheartening! I almost gave up on my weight goals, but after lots of time, research and professional help I feel that I’m mentally ready to lose weight again the right way.

In my last journey, I worked on weight loss for about a year and made great progress, but it was in a pretty unhealthy way! I’m aiming to be more kind and patient with myself this time, not rushing my progress. And things have been going pretty good so far!!

I’m currently down from 177 to 168, which took a while (I was inconsistent!) but I’m feeling comfortable with my new MFP plan. I am determined to use this app to keep me on track. I’m also hopeful that I can interact with some other people working to lose weight and/or gain muscle so we can support each other. The hardest part of my diet was probably fighting so hard for my goals all alone.

Anyways sorry that was so long lol, it’s not easy but I’m happy to be here!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,870 Member
    Congratulations on recognizing that you were going off a good track, then re-committing to find a healthy path. That speaks well of your self-insight and strength of character. I hope you have medical and emotional support that will ease this route for you!

    While I could hardly be in a different space of life (as a 67 y/o woman among other things), I wish you much success with MFP, and increasing happiness and personal fulfillment ahead.
  • fridalolitajones
    fridalolitajones Posts: 5 Member
    We are all together on this journey sending best of good vibes ✨️ 🙌 ❤️