JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2023!



  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    What does JFT stand for?
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    ja20102004 wrote: »
    What does JFT stand for?

    Just For Today :)
  • nicolewhittier
    nicolewhittier Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! July 2 was the halfway point for 2023 and I started my journey to lose 23 pounds. I started at 141.4 and I am down to 138.4. I am hoping to log almost every day of the month with one off day a month for balance. I am learning to make the most of my 1300 calories in a day and make healthy choices.

    This morning I messed up and added too much protein for my smoothie so I need to be extra care full with my lunch and dinner! I want to stick to my calorie goal today.

    How does everyone keep adding to the same post? Is it okay to do a new post each day.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Hi! July 2 was the halfway point for 2023 and I started my journey to lose 23 pounds. I started at 141.4 and I am down to 138.4. I am hoping to log almost every day of the month with one off day a month for balance. I am learning to make the most of my 1300 calories in a day and make healthy choices.

    This morning I messed up and added too much protein for my smoothie so I need to be extra care full with my lunch and dinner! I want to stick to my calorie goal today.

    How does everyone keep adding to the same post? Is it okay to do a new post each day.

    Yes it's totally fine to make new posts every day.

    But to add to the post you can click the "quote" button and it will show up in the text box.
    This is also the way to reply to others specific posts :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    All goals met for yesterday - also prepped a ginormous amount of Indian Chicken stew in the slow cooker for next week's lunches, and DD21 loves a curry stew as well so she'll help me eat it...and froze about 12 servings too. ;) Today DH has requested baked ziti for dinner, so I'm gonna prep some more Zucchini Noodles with Creamy Basil Sauce for myself. This is so easy & good thought I'd share - when I prep just cook the zucchini till it's tender but still has some bite, then put in containers in the fridge (or freezer) - when I want to serve I zap it in the microwave to heat it up, then put it in a pan on the stove to stir in the cream cheese till it's melted. (I don't think cream cheese will re-heat well in the microwave, which is why I save this step till just before eating.) I top with about 1/4c fresh basil and 3 tbs of grated peccorino romano. I also usually add some pre-cooked chicken (we use a lot of Perdue Short Cuts because they're just so convenient.) It is super yum,

    Makes 4 servings

    1tspextra virgin olive oil
    1smalluncooked onion(s), chopped
    2clove(s), garlic, minced
    14 1⁄2ozcanned diced tomatoes (not drained)
    1⁄4tsptable salt
    1⁄8tspcrushed red pepper flakes
    8 cups spiralized uncooked zucchini, cut into 5-inch lengths
    4Tbs low fat cream cheese
    fresh basil, chopped
    grated Pecorino Romano cheese

    Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat; add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until light golden and tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic; cook, stirring, until fragrant, 30 seconds.

    Stir in tomatoes; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low; simmer 3 minutes.

    Stir in salt and crushed red pepper; gently stir in zucchini. Increase heat to medium high; cook, tossing frequently, until zucchini is tender, 5 minutes.

    Stir in cream cheese until melted; remove from heat. Stir in basil; sprinkle with Peccorino romano.

    The way I do it - with 3 tbs peccorino romano per serving (cause I love it and it adds so much flavor) it's only about 200 calories per serving, which gets bumped up to 300 with 3 oz cooked chicken. VERY satisfying and so easy and yum!! Fresh basil makes a big difference - go for that if you can.

    This sounds delicious AND healthy! Thanks for sharing! I’m going to try making it this week…I had made a commitment to myself to make a new plant-based recipe this week but hadn’t picked one yet. I don’t have any zucchini in the house but picked up a spaghetti squash yesterday. Do you think that would work in this recipe if I swapped it in place of the zoodles? I’m not much of a cook unless it’s pre-packaged but I’m trying to spread my wings and experiment with more spices and whole food recipes.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi JFT friends! Phew! I just got done reading past posts from the middle of May to today, and there has been a lot of stuff going on. I am sure I won’t remember everything, but want to try to comment on a few things.

    @clicketykeys An Opera?! Oh my! That is so cool! Congratulations! I would think that must have been one for the memory bank!

    @TerriRichardson112 Glad to hear you are on the mend! I trust everything went well? You sure are active in a lot of social groups. How did you find them to join? I’m finding retirement to be pretty lonely and boring but haven’t a clue how to go about finding social things I might enjoy. I think I’ve gotten very introverted since Covid and I’m finding it hard to get back to my old sassy outgoing self. Oh, and I love the photos of your garden and of you! I love this time of year. You look as kind and sweet in your photo as I always imagined you would.

    @pridesabtch CONGRATULATIONS on the new job! I am thinking today is your first day? Can’t wait to hear how it went. How’s the grandpuppy doing? How’s your husband’s shoulder?

    @mytime6630 Beautiful quilts! I especially love the scrappy one. Looks like you used mini charm squares? Is there a pattern or did you make it up? The crayons are adorable too! I don’t remember when your husband is going back to the doctor but I will add you both to my prayers that his PSA numbers go down and that they can control/fix the aortic aneurysm. Those run in my family and apparently are genetic, so I had to be checked for it. I don’t have one but all my uncles have had to have surgery for it. Also, congrats on losing weight! Nothing wrong with trying other tools. Sometimes we have to shake things up to get back on track. I’m just grateful you started JFT all those years ago because I always come back and have found this thread to be amazing year after year…. ♥️

    @Snowflake1964 I’m so sorry to hear things have been so rough for you! Stress to the point of being physically sick, on top of mental exhaustion, is just unacceptable. I’m so glad you have a doctor who understands and has gone to bat for you. Being off until September will be such a blessing! How is the weather by you? Are you able to get outside and take a few walks just to get out in nature and heal? Maybe use this time to get back into crafts? Get back to swimming? Take care of you! I see you’re posting and hitting your goals! Go get it, my friend! 💞

    @Bex953172 Holy crap! I’d say that’s a bit of drama! I don’t blame you for cutting off that friendship. That’s drama I sure wouldn’t want in my life! 😱 Are you and Ash still taking walks on those pretty trails you shared photos of? I wish Tim would take walks with me! How’re the girls?

    @teigansdad how are things going now with your hand? Did it end up being a fracture?

    @littleblackskirt I always chuckle when you comment about your grandson and how much better he behaves when his father isn’t around. I have a 10 year old grandson who is exactly the same! I’m exhausted when they leave!

  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 455 Member
    Nutritionist has me following an elimination diet (cut out a bunch of stuff and then reintroduce things very slowly) to try and pinpoint IBS triggers, but I was forced to break it today because I ended up having to spend way more time at the office than planned and pretzels were the only food available to me. So now if I get any digestive symptoms I won’t know if it’s from the pretzels or from the granola bar that I reintroduced yesterday.

    Work is super hectic right now, and one of my coworkers is leaving and part of her duties are getting passed on to me. I’m on the edge of burnout already, so I really don’t know how I’m going to handle this. But all my job applications keep getting rejected, and I can’t figure out how to make a full-time living off of writing, so for now I’m stuck with the **** I’ve got.

    I just want some level of control over my stomach symptoms or over my life in general, so it’s frustrating when that control keeps getting ripped away.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having a wonderful day and enjoying summer! I have a terrible habit of allowing life to overwhelm me and then getting depressed and eating my emotions & isolating. It’s time to pick myself up, brush off my knees and get back to it! I love seeing all the familiar friends on here…feels like coming home in a way. I just love this group!

    JFT Monday, June 10th
    • Make a 24H Plan. Assess yesterday’s 24H plan. ⭐️ Done
    • Drink 60+ oz water before 7 PM
    • Close activity rings on Apple Watch
    • Journal every bite and close food diary at the end of the day.
    • Clean and prep veggies and fruit for an easy-to-grab refrigerator salad bar.
    • Declutter one area on my declutter list and check it off as complete.
    • Listen to podcasts - Half Size Me, JM, NoBS, Physician’s Committee, LL&LW, Mel R, Dr Ray
    • Listen & reply to Marco messages. Text or Marco E!
    • Get ready for the No BS Busting Excuses virtual camp weekend.
    • Journal/gratitude journal. Readings. WT at 3:30 PM.
    • Bedtime routine.

    WOTY 2023: Serenity. In 2023, I will stop worrying about what I cannot control and work toward accepting & changing the things that I can! I will strive for peace inside.

    💥Food is to be used as fuel, not entertainment💥
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @cschmitz110515 You did the Bellin Run! All 10k’s of it! Yay You!!!! 💥 I thought of you that morning and wondered if you did it this year. How are you finding retirement? Are you enjoying it? Did you feel a bit out of sorts at first or did you adjust quickly? I think I would’ve adjusted quicker if I had retired by my choosing vs losing my job to Covid cutbacks. To be honest, I still feel sad I didn’t get to say goodbye to the people I worked with for almost 30 years. But who could’ve predicted that whole thing, right? 😱😬 Hope you’re enjoying summer! I’m hoping to get to the Farmer’s Market this week. I love this time of year!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Nutritionist has me following an elimination diet (cut out a bunch of stuff and then reintroduce things very slowly) to try and pinpoint IBS triggers, but I was forced to break it today because I ended up having to spend way more time at the office than planned and pretzels were the only food available to me. So now if I get any digestive symptoms I won’t know if it’s from the pretzels or from the granola bar that I reintroduced yesterday.

    Work is super hectic right now, and one of my coworkers is leaving and part of her duties are getting passed on to me. I’m on the edge of burnout already, so I really don’t know how I’m going to handle this. But all my job applications keep getting rejected, and I can’t figure out how to make a full-time living off of writing, so for now I’m stuck with the **** I’ve got.

    I just want some level of control over my stomach symptoms or over my life in general, so it’s frustrating when that control keeps getting ripped away.

    I hope you are able to pinpoint the triggers and get to feeling better! Burn out and stress don’t help either. I know what it feels like to feel like you’re getting knocked back down every time you try to get up. I seem to be diagnosed with something new every time I figure something else out. It’s depressing, but like the name of this thread says, one day at a time! You keep coming back and you continue to try…that’s what it takes! (((HUGS)))
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,737 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. Can still have my dose of metamusal. No desserts today.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,737 Member
    edited July 2023
    Hour commitment - After I finish my pita chips, I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    JFT for 7/11/2023 (tomorrow)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies, and pita chips).
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 7/10)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 7/13
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 7/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last)
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Not yet!!

    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 967 Member

    JFT Sunday 9th

    Only one snack yes
    Be mindful with food mostly, missed evening meal again
    Walk into town yes

    I forgot to post on Monday, no excuses. Ate a little too much. Also managed to get the lawn cut in between the rain. Weather has been very dismal this month, the heat in June is a distant memory!

    JFT Tuesday 11th

    Only one snack
    Be mindful with food
    Walk dog
    Pay tax bill

    My back is already aching because I stood talking to a neighbour, hopefully it will cope with a walk as well. I've just spotted a mouse in my garden, I don't mind one mouse, it's his large family I'm concerned about!

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,369 Member
    Had a really good first day yesterday. Really still getting acclimated, but I think I'll like it once I get into the swing of things.

    JFT Tuesday
    - Work by 8:00 :smiley:
    - Set up office a little more :smiley:
    - Request Accesses :smiley:
    - Try to move training around
    - Get a list of direct reports :smiley:
    - Protein bar for breakfast :smiley:
    - Light lunch
    - Log food
    - stay green
    - Bed by 10:00
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,737 Member
    JFT for 7/11/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies, and pita chips). Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 7/10)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 7/13
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 7/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last)
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Not yet!!

    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,737 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,737 Member
    JFT for 7/11/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.✔️
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies, and pita chips). Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.✔️
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 7/10)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 7/13✔️
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 7/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.✔️
    8) No beef jerky today.✔️
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last)✔️
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last)✔️Didn't eat today.
    JFT for 7/12/2023 (tomorrow)✔️
    1) No dessert today (last), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies, and pita chips). Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 7/10)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 7/13
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 7/10). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last)

    Hour commitment - After I finish my metamusal, I won't eat again until tomorrow.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Not yet!!

    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,798 Member
    edited July 2023
    JFT - Wed July 12
    1.5L of water
    Log all food
    15 minutes of movement

    Well I forgot again for two days to check in and I didn’t log my food either. I did keep up with the movement.
    I way overate though, as a matter of fact after having a peanut buster parfait from Dairy Queen I didn’t need tonight I then went and got a snack before logging in to read this thread tonight. 🙄

    I don’t know why I do this. I know I can do what needs to be done, but I’m struggling terribly to get back to it.

    @Bex953172 - I had a friend that I found out too late was toxic. It’s always a tough situation to be in. Hope things die down for you soon.

    @PackerFanInGB - I am crafting, also sitting outside reading a lot. When I saw the doctor last week she prescribed more Grands time so I took her to heart. Jonah was here most of last week, Michaela this week.
    On Saturday I’m going to Kaitlyn’s for a girls night with Lauryn. Her backyard is this perfect little oasis. I feel like I’m on vacation every time I go there.
    Like you, I have been trying to think of more things to do.
    My problem is DH seems to want me around more than he used to and he has no interest in doing things with me. I haven’t figured that dilemma out yet.

    @emgracewrites - I understand work stress I hope things calm or you find a new job soon.

    @pridesabtch - glad you had a good day!

    @TerriRichardson112 - I think I need to make a screen off time.
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 223 Member
    All goals met for yesterday - also prepped a ginormous amount of Indian Chicken stew in the slow cooker for next week's lunches, and DD21 loves a curry stew as well so she'll help me eat it...and froze about 12 servings too. ;) Today DH has requested baked ziti for dinner, so I'm gonna prep some more Zucchini Noodles with Creamy Basil Sauce for myself. This is so easy & good thought I'd share - when I prep just cook the zucchini till it's tender but still has some bite, then put in containers in the fridge (or freezer) - when I want to serve I zap it in the microwave to heat it up, then put it in a pan on the stove to stir in the cream cheese till it's melted. (I don't think cream cheese will re-heat well in the microwave, which is why I save this step till just before eating.) I top with about 1/4c fresh basil and 3 tbs of grated peccorino romano. I also usually add some pre-cooked chicken (we use a lot of Perdue Short Cuts because they're just so convenient.) It is super yum,

    Makes 4 servings

    1tspextra virgin olive oil
    1smalluncooked onion(s), chopped
    2clove(s), garlic, minced
    14 1⁄2ozcanned diced tomatoes (not drained)
    1⁄4tsptable salt
    1⁄8tspcrushed red pepper flakes
    8 cups spiralized uncooked zucchini, cut into 5-inch lengths
    4Tbs low fat cream cheese
    fresh basil, chopped
    grated Pecorino Romano cheese

    Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat; add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until light golden and tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic; cook, stirring, until fragrant, 30 seconds.

    Stir in tomatoes; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low; simmer 3 minutes.

    Stir in salt and crushed red pepper; gently stir in zucchini. Increase heat to medium high; cook, tossing frequently, until zucchini is tender, 5 minutes.

    Stir in cream cheese until melted; remove from heat. Stir in basil; sprinkle with Peccorino romano.

    The way I do it - with 3 tbs peccorino romano per serving (cause I love it and it adds so much flavor) it's only about 200 calories per serving, which gets bumped up to 300 with 3 oz cooked chicken. VERY satisfying and so easy and yum!! Fresh basil makes a big difference - go for that if you can.

    This sounds delicious AND healthy! Thanks for sharing! I’m going to try making it this week…I had made a commitment to myself to make a new plant-based recipe this week but hadn’t picked one yet. I don’t have any zucchini in the house but picked up a spaghetti squash yesterday. Do you think that would work in this recipe if I swapped it in place of the zoodles? I’m not much of a cook unless it’s pre-packaged but I’m trying to spread my wings and experiment with more spices and whole food recipes.

    Definitely spaghetti squash would work! Love it! I use it all the time, sometimes in a combo with zucchini noodles. Another easy "pasta" recipe that's plant-based is just take a serving of frozen boca crumbles (or any plant-based "beefy crumble"), nuke it with 1/2 c of tomato sauce for 3 mins, then serve over either zucchini or spaghetti squash. Like a bolognese...ish. :smile:
  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 223 Member
    Work has been insane but I've been staying strong with the food & water...exercise is falling a little behind but these 14 hour days are killing me. Isn't it clever how they manage to get nearly two days of work out of me for the price of one? But I'm trying to ingratiate myself with this company because they do a LOT of work and not all managers are this dumb. Which is what it is - stupidity in not realizing how long things take - not malice. I just hate having to fight every deadline saying "this can't be done" so am starting at 6am hoping I can make this next dumb deadline. :/ Less than a week left before a break! Anywhoo...

    don't eat till 2pm
    stay within calories
    100oz water