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IBS & Stool Tracker

This could be a feature where you log your stomach pain and stool consistency/composition (I know this is disgusting but it’s just something that we need to keep track of). It could be on scales from 1-10 or it could be image-based (like emojis showing different levels of discomfort). The latter feature would also be image-based. Cara Care, Bowelle, and other IBS tracker apps have a feature like this. It could also show the foods that tend to give you stomach pain most often. I thought it was like the one thing this app was missing.
5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 923 MFP Staff
    I love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing. I'll bring this to the appropriate team to consider for a future update.
  • Costisch
    Costisch Posts: 1 Member
    One of the important features that is missing from the App. IBS patients need this feature to monitor trouble foods and to be sure to avoid them, it will help a lot to build a diet plan based on people tolerances.