JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2023!



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Mon Aug 7
    Log all food - 🙂
    1.5L of water. -👿
    Move 20 minutes - 😕
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂

    JFT - Tues Aug 8
    Log all food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    @clicketykeys - I like your new coworker’s saying. I hope you have a better Tuesday.

    Today was my first day of class, it Will definitely take some time to become used to this virtual learning. I don’t know how teachers and kids did it with no warning.

  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,043 Member
    Here we go with another week!

    JFT Monday 7th Aug

    Log everything no, couldn't guess evening meal
    Stay in the green probably not
    Foot exercises yes
    Back exercises no
    Clean the house, having visitors tonight yes
    Eat an orange (I'm too good at ignoring fruit after I buy it) no

    @Snowflake1968 Good luck today! I hope you find the online study enjoyable.

    I only logged until about 5pm, after that there was birthday cake :) I made an effort to have my house ready for the visitors, and at the last minute they changed it to their own house so I went there. At least the left over cake is not in my house!

    JFT Tuesday 8th Aug

    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    Foot exercises
    Back exercises
    Dog walk
    Eat the orange!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    edited August 2023
    🦋🐞 JFT: AUGUST 2023 🐞🦋
    July focus:
    📍31 poems for August
    📍Adhere to Solid Habits

    I need to get back to my writing so am making a date with my 🖊️ and 📖 and am resolved to write a poem each day in August.

    Poems so far:
    8 August - Progeny
    Family celebrations
    fill me with delight.
    Happy smiling faces
    are such a wondrous sight.

    The centre of the table
    filled with simple wholesome fare.
    Everyone contributing
    to the food we share.

    Laughter and conversation,
    music to my ears.
    Memories assail me
    of all the passing years.

    I have had the privilege
    if helping them to thrive.
    Because of me, these people
    are vibrantly alive.

    The thought of this achievement
    puts a smile upon my face,
    to see what I have added
    to the human race.

    7 August - Democracy
    “God save the King!”
    the waiting populace shout
    as all across the land
    bells and hun salutes ring out.

    But a few are not delighted,
    vehemently the sing,
    waving yellow placards
    they profess “Not MY King!”

    Though they are few in number,
    they have a democratic right
    to express opinions
    in full and present sight.

    6 August
    many hopes combine
    daydreams fill expectant soul
    future plans abound
    5 August - Vexation
    Summer is half over and
    despite my hopes and dreams
    there’s been too much precipitation
    Which is vexing to extremes.
    The weeds are growing rampant
    without their daily hoe.
    They’re choking out the lettuce
    that I would prefer to grow.

    4 August - Day’s End
    As the midnight hour approaches
    weary eyes are drooping fast.
    Put aside the daily cares.
    Let them slip into the past.
    Restful sleep rejuvenates.
    Each morning brings a bright new day
    filled with such exciting prospects
    that I can put into play.

    (C) 2023 - Terri Richardson
    3 August - Anton
    eschewing trauma
    honing synchronicity
    escaping into dreams

    suave debonair dancing king
    achieving balance

    © 2023 - Terri Richardson

    2 August - The List
    Early each Wednesday morning
    we set out to replenish our stores.
    We’re there at the local shopping mall
    as soon as they open the doors.

    We carry a list of requirements
    to make sure we get what we need.
    It helps us to maximise effort
    and accomplish the task with great speed.

    © 2023 - Terri Richardson

    1 August 2023 - Living NOW
    I have earned the right
    to do just what I choose.
    Ought to, must, and should
    are words I can, and do, refuse.

    Mindfully, I consider
    what serendipity brings my way,
    with body, mind, and spirit
    coming into play.

    Even mundane tasks
    can produce an awesome lead,
    if the spirit is willing,
    and the mind is freed.

    One never knows the minute
    when creativity will engage,
    and opportunity
    will stalk across the stage.

    I live with eyes wide open,
    alert for every main chance,
    to stimulate my mind,
    and change my circumstance.

    Happy and content
    to greet each new beginning,
    in the certain knowledge that
    waking up is winning.

    © 2023 - Terri Richardson
    Current Solid Habits


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    edited August 2023
    Can’t remember when I had such a busy week during summer break. 😝

    I’ve read the posts I’ve missed. Continued with my Solid Habits. How else would I be able to maintain? 😂 New habit for August. I had got a bit lax on the writing. I’ve put the poems in a solo let, so that you can skip over if it’s not your thing.

    🤗 🤗 🤗 if you need them.

    We are off out as it’s a beautiful day. We are visiting the King’s Coronation Garden on the other side of Belfast Lough. I’ll try to remember to take photos.

    💕💖💕 Terri
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 968 Member
    Today I'm squeezing in a day trip to with my daughter and the boys before heading down to the beach for a concert. I'll try to catch up later.

    Recap - Monday, August 7
    Log - :)
    Healthy food choices - :)
    Under calorie limit - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Exercise - No

    JFT Tuesday, August 8
    Healthy food choices
    Under calorie limit
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,445 Member
    Found out my tooth ache is actually and abscess that will require a root canal to fix. Not looking forward to that! Totally blew off work yesterday after going to the dentist. The weather was awful and I didn't feel like sloshing into the plant. It's about 1/3 mile from the parking lot to my office and the rain was horizontal. I figured I'd go home and work from there, but I just didn't. Instead I ran a few errands and hung out with the dogs.

    When Tim came home, he squeezed in a quick run, then we went out for Mexican and had a couple of drinks. This week is pretty low key, but starting Saturday things swing into high gear. Saturday, well actually Friday evening, we are going to Akron to watch Sierra run a race at 6:30 Saturday morning. It's about 2.5 hours away so we are going up the night before. We'll watch her run. Probably feed her and then give Gia (her not so little puppy) back to her now that she has been spayed and healed a bit. After that, Vanessa is going to drive on to Kent to meet one of her roommates, and Tim and I will head home and get ready for River Trails & Ales Festival. We are missing the river and trails portions this year, but have VIP passes for the Ales segment... Sunday - Tuesday will involve helping V pack for school & doing last minute shopping. Wednesday we mover her in and then will drive to South Carolina for Michele's service on Thursday. We are going to drive 6 hours of the trip Wed evening and the rest the morning of the service. We may spend another night, but not sure yet. Either way, I took Friday off. Saturday will be filled with party prep for Michele's in town Celebration of Life. Still waiting to get a head count before planning anything specific. I was going to take Monday off as well, but too many work commitments for that.

    All in all my healthy lifestyle is not happening. I keep saying "tomorrow" then "tomorrow" comes, and I find an excuse or life knocks me down a notch and bam it's a free for all... For today my goals are simple. Eat healthy during the day and have a normal dinner. That is certainly better than what I was doing. Baby steps, right?

  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,445 Member
    JFT - Mon Aug 7
    Log all food - 🙂
    1.5L of water. -👿
    Move 20 minutes - 😕
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂

    JFT - Tues Aug 8
    Log all food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    @clicketykeys - I like your new coworker’s saying. I hope you have a better Tuesday.

    Today was my first day of class, it Will definitely take some time to become used to this virtual learning. I don’t know how teachers and kids did it with no warning.

    Virtual learning is a skill for sure. You will get the hang of it. I hope your teacher is engaging. If not, it makes for long classes.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    edited August 2023
    JFT for 8/8/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today, but can have sugarfree or no sugar added. (Can have dessert at restaurant if I really want it.)
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, peeps, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies). None of the Chips Ahoy cookies
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 8/6)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 8/10
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 8/1). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last 7/17)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 7/30)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 8/4)
    11) Only 1 ice drink today.
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • ryfit626
    ryfit626 Posts: 21 Member
    edited August 2023
    I'm so happy I found this thread! I've been trying to approach my fitness from a one day at a time approach.

    JFT 8/8
    Hit My Calorie Goal
    Eat 150 grams of protein
    Walk 10,000 Steps
    Write a Gratitude List
    Don't Weight Myself Until 9/1
    Fill up my water bottle first thing in the morning
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    JFT for 8/8/2023 (today)✔️
    1) No dessert today, but can have sugarfree or no sugar added. (Can have dessert at restaurant if I really want it.)✔️
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, peeps, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies). None of the Chips Ahoy cookies✔️
    3) No peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 8/6)✔️
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 8/10✔️
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 8/1). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.✔️
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last 7/17)✔️
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.✔️
    8) No beef jerky today.✔️
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 7/30)✔️
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 8/4)✔️
    11) Only 1 ice drink today.✔️
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)✔️
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    JFT for 8/9/2023 (tomorrow)✔️
    1) No dessert today, but can have sugarfree or no sugar added. (Can have dessert at restaurant if I really want it.)
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, peeps, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies). None of the Chips Ahoy cookies
    3) Peanut butter ok today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 8/6)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 8/10
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 8/1). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last) (a little in honey mustard ok)(last 7/17)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts. Some of fruit stand mixed nuts ok.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 7/30)
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 8/4)
    11) Only 1 ice drink today.
    12) A few tic-tacs as needed everyday. (No max for now, unless it's a problem)
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Can’t remember when I had such a busy week during summer break. 😝

    I’ve read the posts I’ve missed. Continued with my Solid Habits. How else would I be able to maintain? 😂 New habit for August. I had got a bit lax on the writing. I’ve put the poems in a solo let, so that you can skip over if it’s not your thing.

    🤗 🤗 🤗 if you need them.

    We are off out as it’s a beautiful day. We are visiting the King’s Coronation Garden on the other side of Belfast Lough. I’ll try to remember to take photos.

    💕💖💕 Terri

    Terri, I love your poems! Thank you so much for sharing them! You are very talented and I loved getting a peak into your world... :heart:

    I hope you had a lovely day at the King's Coronation Garden!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @ryfit626 Welcome!

    @pridesabtch You sure do have a lot going on. I haven't gotten caught up yet, but it sounds like you lost a loved one. My condolences to you and your family. How is Gia doing? Is she doing well living with Sierra? Take care of yourself during these upcoming busy days!

    @Snowflake1968 How often do you have class? How long is the class? Did you quit your job, or are you attending school during the time your doctor wrote you off for? I'm excited for you!

    @clicketykeys I love the Monday saying! LOL! 🤣 (I'm not happy you had that kind of a Monday though. Hope Tuesday was better!)

    @littleblackskirt I think it should be a rule that we never have to log birthday cake! 🤣
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Monday, 8/7/23
    * Make 24H Plan and Assess yesterday's :)
    * Drink 64+ oz water :(
    * Close activity rings on Apple watch. :)
    * Show my home some love...dust, laundry, bathroom :#Husband asked if I wanted to take a road trip to a little beach and pier on Lake Michigan that we love visiting, so housework pushed off to another day.
    * Aldi run for fresh produce today or tomorrow. Cut up cantaloupe, honeydew & watermelon from downstairs fridge. :(Will go on Tuesday
    * NoBS Weekly plan and assess, Meal Plan for this next week. Listen to a NoBS Replay or HSM podcast. Journal. Marco to AG and to Eva. :(Didn't do any of these...took a ride to Lake Michigan instead.
    * Bills/Balance Checkbook :)
    * Pick one thing off Joy List & do it :)Trip to Lake Michigan and walked the beach.
    * Evening routine and lights out by 10:30 PM :(I might have to change this to 11:00... ;)

    Habit Changes
    This week's small change is that I will eat at least four 1/2 cup servings of vegetables every day. I will keep track by filling out a Habit Tracker every evening.
    8/6/2023: :) 1 corn on cob, 1 svg of fresh produce in Italian dressing (cucumber, peppers & onion) and 8 cherry tomatoes freshly picked from garden.
    8/7: celery & hummus. side salad for dinner with romaine, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.

    This week, I will do ONE THING every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. Pick any little thing and DO IT afraid. Answer the sentence... Today, I got out of my comfort zone by:
    8/6/2023: finally wearing the strapless teal and black sundress hanging in my closet for 2 years.
    8/7/2023: not snacking on our road trip - waiting for dinner.

    This month I will work on getting healthier by drinking 64 oz of water every day. I will do this by filling my pink 20 oz stainless steel container as soon as I place my coffee cup in the sink and I will have it by me all day. I will make sure to fill it two more times before 7 pm.
    8/6/2023: :( Only 40 oz. Tomorrow I will fill my water bottle earlier.
    8/7/2023: :( 50 oz. Better than yesterday but not quite there...

    Just for Tuesday, 8/8/23
    * Make 24H Plan and Assess yesterday's
    * Drink 64+ oz water
    * Close activity rings on Apple watch.
    * Mom's for AQ video.
    * Aldi run for fresh produce. Cut up cantaloupe, honeydew & watermelon from downstairs fridge.
    * Podcasts. Journal. Bible Plan. Marco Polos.
    * Admin Tasks
    * Pick one thing off Joy List & do it
    * Evening routine and lights out by 11:00 pm

    Habit Changes
    This week's small change is that I will eat at least four 1/2 cup servings of vegetables every day. I will keep track by filling out a Habit Tracker every evening.
    8/6/2023: :) 1 corn on cob, 1 svg of fresh produce in Italian dressing (cucumber, peppers & onion) and 8 cherry tomatoes freshly picked from garden.
    8/7: celery & hummus. side salad for dinner with romaine, radishes, carrots, tomatoes.

    This week, I will do ONE THING every day that takes me out of my comfort zone. Pick any little thing and DO IT afraid. Answer the sentence... Today, I got out of my comfort zone by:
    8/6/2023: finally wearing the strapless teal and black sundress hanging in my closet for 2 years.
    8/7/2023: not snacking on our road trip - waiting for dinner.

    This month I will work on getting healthier by drinking 64 oz of water every day. I will do this by filling my pink 20 oz stainless steel container as soon as I place my coffee cup in the sink and I will have it by me all day. I will make sure to fill it two more times before 7 pm.
    8/6/2023: :( Only 40 oz. Tomorrow I will fill my water bottle earlier.
    8/7/2023: :( 50 oz. Better than yesterday but not quite there...

    2023 Goal: I want to get healthier in Body, Mind and Spirit so I can feel ALIVE and not just exist. #BitchGotGoals #StartSmallStartNow #BuhByeAnxiety

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Tues Aug 8
    Log all food - 🙂
    1.5L of water - 😕
    Move 20 minutes - 😕
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂

    JFT - Wed Aug 9
    Log all food
    1.5L of water
    Move 20 minutes
    Gratitude Journal

    Class is kicking my butt and we had stuff to do this afternoon so running late. Will respond tomorrow.
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,043 Member

    @PackerFanInGB Isn't it lovely to be able to have an impromptu day out?!

    JFT Tuesday 8th Aug

    Log everything yes
    Stay in the green yes, just
    Foot exercises yes
    Back exercises just a few
    Dog walk 50 minutes
    Eat the orange! nope

    I didn't eat the orange, but I did have fruit at breakfast, and for the first time in ages I made myself cook veg for evening meal. I have been very lazy about that this summer.

    JFT Wednesday 9th Aug

    Log everything
    Stay in the green
    Foot exercises
    Back exercises
    Only one snack
    Dog walk?

    Weather forecast says we will have 2 completely dry days so I need to do as much outside painting as my foot will allow. I really don't want to, I hate the prep work! I'd like to leave it until later, but we have had a very wet summer and there's no guarantee it will improve.
    I also need to go into town to collect an order this week, not sure when to go as there's a cycling competition on which has closed some roads and may make parking difficult.
    Can't decide, I'll just get off here and go and do ...something, anything!

  • emgracewrites
    emgracewrites Posts: 478 Member
    JFT 8/9
    - log food and water
    - Work
    - Doctors appointment (new specialist, pretty anxious that she’s going to find yet another problem I have to deal with)
    - laundry (desperately need to get this done)
    - Dishes (also a desperate need)
    - Set aside one hour for writing-related tasks
    - look into career counseling services

    Still feeling overworked and under-appreciated but the total burnout I was feeling has calmed down a little. I’ll take it as a victory.

    I actually had someone who used to work at my company reach out to me last month from his new company with a job opportunity. It caught me completely off guard so he said he would call me back in a day or two. He never did, and next thing I know the coworker I was closest with has that job instead, leaving me feeling torn between jealous and betrayed.

    I think it might be time to cave in and ask for help with my own job search. I know my local library offers some stuff for free so I think I’ll start there. I’m really getting desperate to find something new, that maybe won’t destroy my mental health.

    Trying to take it one day at a time. To steal from something someone else posted, lately I’ve just been living but I want to feel alive.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    JFT Wednesday - no treats after dinner!
    1. Check on guests for podcast.
    2. Print grammar practice. Update class website. Print rosters for sub folder. Reply to 5-day feedback. Still need a 9th benchmark I can see.
    3. In class: get folio, set up name cards. Choice reading. Grammar Lesson. Grammar practice. Check on survey, NRI, and CL. 5-day feedback. Mark off who has turned in survey, who has completed CL and NRI diagnostics. Draft spreadsheet with different tabs.
    4. Planning - Write back to all blocks; put feedback forms in portfolios. WRITE SUB PLANS. Get directions to doctor office. Check about endorsement with principal.
    5. Get in touch with whoever it is at RESA. Is there a key to the cabinet in the classroom? Get together with the other 10th teacher to discuss which standards for units and what to include on benchmarks. Which standards go with what unit? Where does Russian literature fit? Discuss ideas for thematic units.
    6. Check in with union members. How did we develop "an army of subs" before???
    7. Create sheets with members names & contact info - including room locations!
    8. Evening: Photo shoot? livestream. Run lines. Dinner: Pizza! Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    9. Bedtime: Gratitude journal. Update IG. Therapy exercises: crunches, push-ups, squats, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Update JFT.
    10. Upcoming: Set up digital portfolio. Get elastic for shoes & take to shoe repair. Discuss Clois & Stuffy. Check in w parents regularly. Get stamps! Need to rs testing to after primary visit so it doesn't get mis-billed AGAIN. NEED TO RUN LINES. Need to begin making calls home. Recycling next weekend. Need to return the Dolly wig. Need to turn in receipts.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of 2020: 187.4
    End of 2021: 194.4
    End of 2022: 201.2
    Today: 201.2

    Long-term goals/progress

    1. Professional / read current research. 2. Professional / present at conferences. 3. Professional / publish scholarly articles. 4. Professional / observe student needs and develop supports. 5. Professional / complete a doctorate. 6. Personal / retire comfortably. 7. Personal / renovate house. 8. Community / local progress. 9. Community / time with friends & family. 10. Family concerns. 11. Medical/fitness.

    1. Research: Five paragraph essay. How student attitudes affect standardized test results; student surveys.

    2. Presenting: Promote YT channel. Invite guests. Record mini-lessons.

    3. Publishing: Read one journal article weekly; respond in a blog post. Clois for CWG. S&F for YT channel. Goodreads purchase list for McKay’s. Weekly blog series: Weekly Wishes (Monday) and Weekly Wins (Friday).

    4. Observed student needs: Changing words between parts of speech (vocabulary/grammar). Synthesizing info from multiple sources, drawing conclusions (RI/W). EFFECTIVE transitions (W). Every day v everyday; any one v anyone (grammar). Sub/obj pronouns & structure (grammar). Poss v pl nouns (grammar). Short nonfic from Lat Amer/Africa/Asia (World Lit).

    5. Doctorate: Research programs, requirements, resources, cost, timeline.

    6. Retirement: Update name on JSSB acct. Check investments. Theater CV. Entertainment experience. Duolingo/Lang8.

    7. House: Floor joists. Siding. Gutters. Floors.

    8. Local progress: Library. Theater. PC2V. City/county govt. Community kitchen. She Should Run vision statement. Ed assoc. Ugly Christmas sweater. Prison abolition; reduce / re-allocate responsibilities dumped on cops. Push for diversity. Turn left!

    9. Friends & extended family: Organize photos. Write postcards. Call weekly! Look for activities to do with friends. Purchase doll with long hair; practice French braid. Dance: tap, salsa, samba. Rhythm nation.

    10. Immediate family: Clean room; work toward sleeping in room. Clean up behind desk. Make appointments for hearing, sleep study, vet. Keep track of plans for Rock City (Friday?) and Disney. Drive white car together; practice solo driving. Work on staying home solo when dark.

    11. Medical: YMCA classes. Lift @ lunch. Maintain @ 155 w defined muscle tone. At 189, 1pr black 1pr white leggings; purple All-Stars. 179, 2 Svaha Rachel dresses. 169 suit - Indochino? 159 swing dance lessons. Talk to PCP about feet (cannot do calf raises, pushups, planks, mountain climbers, etc.) Also back and shoulder pain. Why can’t I sleep better? Is ADHD a possible factor? ADHD testing Aug 10 2P and Aug 15 2P. Therapy Wed Jun 21 3P. Dentist April 19 11a. Biometric Th Aug 24 9AM. Annual exam Oct 11 9A check calendar; ask about migraines? Massage Aug 19 6P. Need to RS colonoscopy and check on ADHD testing.

    13. Therapy thoughts: Prioritizing is hard. There is so much that feels important. I need to talk to my parents about end-of-life plans (particularly funeral arrangements) and I'm not sure how to go about it. I do somewhat trust that they are capable of deciding when they need assisted living but should probably offer help in finding out what sort of place would be best BEFORE it actually becomes necessary.

    14. Just for fun: Start sketching dragon on a pile of books, offering one to the armored knight, & banner that reads "Treasure should not be hoarded / It should be shared." Use AI for ideas.

    WFTY: Priorities. Swordfighting choreography is fun but exhausting, especially on top of the start of the year at a new school. OOF.
    2020 WFTY: Progress. 2021 WFTY: Persistence. 2022 WFTY: Focus.
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 968 Member
    I had a such a wonderful day with my two older grandsons and their mom in the part of NY where I grew up. We started at the zoo, drove through my old neighborhood, had pizza and Italian ices at my favorite places, and took a long walk through the park, stopping to poke around in the brook. The kids loved it, and I had to promise to take them back soon for what the younger one called "the best pizza i ever ate" and more adventures. Then back to NJ where my husband met us at the beach for a concert. Such a perfect day - even the weather was fantastic!

    Today is my last day of summer classes, so I need to post my goals and get going. Hope you all have a really good day <3

    Recap - Tuesday, August 8
    Log - :)
    Healthy food choices - Too much sodium, but otherwise not bad choices.
    Under calorie limit - :)
    Hydrate - :)
    Exercise - :) Lots of walking!

    JFT Wednesday, August 9
    Healthy food choices
    Under calorie limit
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,644 Member
    Hey all!

    I didn't really post or do anything the way I'm supposed to do throughout the summer. So, now I'm back and trying to start fresh again. School is back in session so my daughter isn't home to bug me while I work. My husband is in the office. No out of town visitors scheduled through August. I have no excuse for not being back on the wagon. Since I've been more off than on for a while I'm putting really simple goals to start back up. I need to ease back in without being too crazy all at once.

    ☑️No coffee until 8am
    ☑️No food until 10am
    ☑️No food after 8pm
    ☑️Drink at least 90 oz of water
    ☑️Stay under 1800 calories
    ☑️At least 5000 steps on Fitbit
    ☑️Try to put a dent in work emails
    ☑️Make dinner (pasta tonight) for the family
    ☑️Don't forget to check blook sugars throughout the day
    ☑️Read at least 2 more chapters of Crane Pond