my accountability thread Day one



  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Greetings all! I did stay on track yesterday and feel better today although not much sleep. We are going on a road trip to MI and the thought of eating out at restaurants scares me. I always tend to over do it. I like how some of you bring your own food and that makes sense to me. Even the scale! I like that to be held accountable. Thank you all for checking in all give me encouragement!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Stayed on track yesterday. Wednesday is weigh-in day for me: down 1.1#. Now within half pound of my 1st goal. I've been at this since March 1st. The older we get, the slower the pounds release but eventually they do.
    SARAH: travelling is a challenge. Sitting in a car is boring. Think about ordering a salad with balsamic vinegar and a grilled chicken breast or a bowl of soup. Maybe not perfect but a better choice than most things on a menu.
    SWEETHEART: MFP food tracker is not the most friendly app in the world. If you continue to be challenged by it, go the old fashion way and keep a journal on paper. You can Google each food and then keep track of the calories that way.
    We are doing great! Keep it going!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @Marla86336 Way to go on being down 1.1 pound!! Excellent. I am feeling so much better after a decent night sleep and healthy eating. Yes, traveling will be a challenge. I am kinda of dreading it but hoping for the best. Have a great Wednesday y'all!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    @Sarah7596….it is very difficult when traveling and restaurant eating. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip. I have had many years of navigating this issue and still don’t have it resolved. I try to focus on healthy choices; if the portion is too big, divide in half, put it in the cooler and save for another day. Maria’s suggestion is good. 🤗
    @Maria86336 congrats…. I agree the pounds do not come off easily, but slowly, I believe the pounds will stay off. Thank you for your suggestion in regards to tracking my progress 🤗
    My challenge is coming up with healthy snacks while watching TV. Yesterday was a stressful day and broke down and had some chips, but managed to just have the required amount.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello Friends!
    Marla86336 wrote: »
    Hello! Yesterday was another on track day. 9 days in a row!
    I heard this on a weight loss channel yesterday. "If you can lose 1#, you can lose 100#.
    I don't need to lose 100# but when I reworded it to reflect my situation, I liked the way it sounded.
    Got out for a 30 minute walk yesterday between rain storms. It felt good. It's going to pour rain all day today so my exercise will be the rebounder.
    Beverly - sounds like you are doing well. My husband and I travel with 2 scales. His and Hers. We're each others support team. We drive xcountry 2x a year. We bring our own food so that we aren't tempted by restaurants. We started this doing this during the pandemic. It worked so well, we continued to do it.
    Keep going everyone!
    I like the way that sounds too. If I can lose 1 pound this week, I can lose 1 pound next week. Do you travel with 2 food or body scales? Where do you travel to and from? Sounds assume and exhausting!!!

    Welcome Sweetheart299!
    sarah7591 wrote: »
    Greetings all! I did stay on track yesterday and feel better today although not much sleep. We are going on a road trip to MI and the thought of eating out at restaurants scares me. I always tend to over do it. I like how some of you bring your own food and that makes sense to me. Even the scale! I like that to be held accountable. Thank you all for checking in all give me encouragement!
    Have fun on your trip Sarah. I wouldn't worry too much about eating out at this time. Just get back on track when you get back. I bring my own food on trips but with an apple or banana in the car when we stop for gas I still want an ice cream bar instead!

    I will check back later; I've run out of time. I think I must be the slowest reader ever, and I get sidetracked!~

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

    Oh Sarah, have you had your birthday yet? Happy Belated or Pre Birthday!!!!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning…hope everyone is doing well; I also don’t sleep well, but often have to get up to go to the bathroom and then find it difficult falling back asleep; I am also have a lot of stress which causes me to be anxious which causes me to become out of control and overeat. I am not certain why, I even become stressed when trying to loose weight, which causes me to become discouraged and fall off the path. I have my granddaughters today and having pizza for lunch. My challenge is to have 1-2 slices and then fill up salad and fruit.
    Have a great day! Be strong…
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Greetings all! @SweetHeart299 You sound a lot like me with the anxiety and stress that gives me insomnia. It's crazy some nights I lay awake and think of things that I did that bothered me years and years ago. crazy.
    BeverlyW1108 thank you for the early birthday wishes (20th) so thoughtful you! Your trip sounds so amazing. I like your tips of bringing healthy snacks in the car. I plan on doing that.
    Well we are leaving this morning and I have so much to do yet. Thanks all for listening to me and being my support! You all are the best!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! Over ate calories yesterday by 150. Got out on the road for a 90 walk. Pretty close on track day.
    Beverly - we drive from the west coast in June to the east coast (NY) and return in October every year. It's a wonderful trip. Every state is so different. We bring 2 body scales. We each have our favorite. Only one food scale for me.
    Sweetheart - enjoy the day with your grand daughters. Pizza sounds yummy. Build it into your daily calorie allowance and you will be fine.
    Sarah - enjoy your trip.

    Have you tried the various "bedtime stories for adults"? There are various channels on YouTube. I pick one each night. Turn it on when I get in bed or wake up during the night and then fall asleep in a few minutes. Since our brain is listening to the story, there is no room to think about something else. Try it, it might help. I use my phone to do this.
    Take care everyone!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! All is well here. Stayed within my calorie limit. Poured rain with lightning and thunder so no walk again yesterday. Planned my meals for today. Looking forward to dinner: grilled swordfish with sweet potato and broccoli. Have a healthy day!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning everyone. I got off track yesterday, I did go out for a walk which helped for me to not be off track too much. I do feel energized first thing in the morning, but by evening I do not have any energy. Back track today….new day, clean slate.
    Ladies enjoy your trips; and everyone else enjoy your weekend. It lifts my spirits when the sun shines and the sky is blue…I wish I eat it up:)
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Friday Morning All!
    I have been waking up at night and I eat because I think it will help put me back to sleep. I am going to try those adult bedtime stories Marla talked about.
    Have a Nice weekend and reminder to myself: Put first things first! This week lose a pound is first!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! Stayed on track yesterday. Did a 30 minute walk after dinner. I saw a neighbor also walking who I haven't seen in 2 years. As she walked towards me I wasn't sure it was her. This lady has lost 100+ pounds!!! What a difference!!! She did it with calorie restriction and walking. That certainly was a motivation for me.
    Beverly I don't think eating to sleep works. It just gives your body another job to do instead of sleep. Good idea to focus on losing a pound this week. Even if it's not one pound just keep at it. Consistency will bring the results you desire. If you restrict your calories, it is chemistry, it has to work.
    All the best to everyone.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Saturday evening and just got in from a walk, I am certainly not young, as the arthritis expresses itself and I have to slow down. I am grateful I can still walk even if it is just for a short distance. I am not a morning person and so often find it difficult to get online. Usually I have a nap in the afternoon, but then find myself not ready to go to bed; I stay up late and then I don’t want to get out of bed. Proud of everyone and it is encouraging that we all are in this journey together.
    Beverly…I struggle with sleep as well; I usually have a snack in the evening which is challenging to know what is healthy. My portion has gone from a whole bag of chips to just the recommended amount. I think this is helping me to be more mindful of what I put into my mouth.
    Marla…I think it is wonderful that you got out for a walk; and encouraged by your neighbor. Often we need others to spur us onto our goal and finish line.
    Have a great rest of the weekend! 🤗
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Monday Morning!
    This is a New Day and I am feeling good! I have been eating healthy and not overeating, because I can overeat healthy also. The past few days we have been enjoying our shorter hikes and not pushing myself as hard on my runs, just enjoying and being grateful for life. When I push too hard I get hungry and my mind thinks I deserve way more calories than I actually need. I just bought an audio book called Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley & Henry Lodge. Looking forward to hearing what they have to say.
    Marla, thanks for your input on eating at night. Sometimes I logically know things but don't do what I'm supposed to!
    Sweetheart, Hubby and I have quiet time every day we're home after lunch. I will play on my phone but I almost always fall asleep for about 30min-1hr. It works out ok if I did something like a hard run or hike in the morning. I usually fall asleeep at night without a problem. But if I don't exert myself during the day or if I have tea at lunch then my sleep is disturbed. Again, I know what to do and not do, I just have lapses of senility!!!

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a Marvelous Monday, one day at a time.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Marvelous Monday is almost over. I too always sleep better if it has been a day of at least 1 hour of walking or something else. I have been staying within my calorie alotment for several weeks now. I have a few meals I repeat every few days. My mantra is: if I did it today, I can do it tomorrow too!
    Here's to a Terrific Tuesday and a good night's sleep for all.
  • amreing
    amreing Posts: 17 Member
    OMG, here I am, back again. Lost a week or more? to birthday celebrations etc and then next thing I knew, I was WAY off track again. 😏. Try, try again. Back to my initial goals.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone….I am certainly struggling. I was feeling great yesterday, but today, Tuesday morning my weigh in morning ; I gained.6 so discouraging. However it is not enough for me to throw in the towel as I have done in the past. As a friend told me once long ago, don’t quit. I am going out for lunch with friends, and already have perused the menu. I have also been told through a weight loss program that it is good to preplan meals even for restaurant meals….
    Amreing: I can relate to your comment; summer time eating is not the greatest, but when is it a good time when you have to constantly watch what goes in the mouth…speaking more so myself. Be encouraged and stay the course…🤗
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! i just got caught up reading everyone's posts. You all have such good advice. So happy you are all here and it just starts my day off good to read this post. We got back from our trip late last night. Of course I am ashamed to admit I went off the rails! Oh well back to day one! I am here and plan to make the rest of August healthy. I am just getting too old to keep doing this. Thanks all for being here. You all are the best and I am blessed to have you all participating in this and keeping me going!
  • VRTC1960
    VRTC1960 Posts: 20 Member
    New joiner here - I've struggled with my weight since the summer I turned 13, and I'll be 63 next week. Doc says that with my metabolic syndrome I'm doing great to be just over 200, but that doesn't help much when I look in the mirror! I was doing great until a few months ago - had lost 20 lbs, was exercising fairly regularly (6000 steps a day, nothing crazy) - but I care for my mom at home and she was hospitalized, now diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I went totally off the rails for a few months. I only gained back 6 lbs, but my "numbers" really tanked at my annual physical so I'm taking that as a strong wake-up call. I've tracked for a week and did OK, though my well-meaning ex brought home Crumbl Cookies from a work dinner last weekend. I held out for more than two days, then devoured 2 cookies (600+ calories each!) in one sitting. My body revolted, of course - I could only eat a few bites of dinner.

    I'm holding on to the fact that I've been well under my calorie goal the rest of the week, and overall only over by 100 that bad day so the damage shouldn't be major on the scale - but my morning blood sugar wasn't pretty. Yesterday is gone and today I am back on track. No mental beatings, they only make things worse!

    I'll see you all tomorrow ...

  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @VRTC1960 is nice to have you hear. God Bless you for taking care of your mom. You are a wonderful daughter.
    Ugh....I know what you mean about Crumbl cookies....those things are addicting!!
    Yes, yesterday is gone and today is a new day. I know exactly what you mean about mental beatings! Sometimes I don't know what is worse the physical or the mental beating myself up. I am on day two and feeling sooooooo much better after eating healthy. Today we have to go to this 4 course meal though....ugh....I mentally have to prepare myself to eat minimal. It will be hard but I have got to get through it. I can do it!
    I'm glad you are here@VRTC1960 we are happy to have you on this journey. One day at a time.