Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 232



  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,604 Member
    Round 232 (my 67th)
    August 10, 2023 - August 19, 2023
    Female, 5’7”
    HW: 181 pounds (Dec 30, 2019)
    Previous Rounds:
    R164 SW: 164.7, EW: 162.3
    R165 EW: 161.2
    R166 EW: 157.4
    R167 EW: 157.0
    R168 EW: 153.7
    R169 EW: 154.3 - Thanksgiving week
    R170 EW: 149.9
    R171 EW: 151.0 - Travel almost the entire round
    R172 EW: 149.7 - Christmas holidays
    R173 EW: 148.6
    R174 EW: 146.8
    R175 EW: 145.5
    R176 EW: 143.5
    R177 EW: 142.4
    R178 EW: 140.2
    R179 EW: 139.6
    R180 EW: 137.6
    R181 EW: 135.6
    R182 EW: 136.2
    R183 EW: 134.9
    R184 EW: 134.9
    R185 EW: 135.4
    R186 EW: 132.7
    R187 EW: 132.1
    R188 EW: 133.2
    R189 EW: 133.8
    R190 EW: 134.3
    R191 EW: 132.5
    R192 EW: 132.9
    R193 EW: 132.5
    R194 EW: 133.4
    R195 EW: 132.7
    R196 EW: 133.6
    R197 EW: 134.9
    R198 EW: 132.3
    R199 EW: 130.7
    R200 EW: 130.5
    R201 EW: 130.7 (last weigh-in before traveling)
    R202 EW: 134.5
    R203 EW: 132.9
    R204 EW: 134.0
    R205 EW: 132.7
    R206 EW: 133.2
    R207 EW: 134.0
    R208 EW: 134.5
    R209 EW: 134.3
    R210 EW: 131.8
    R211 EW: 131.3
    R212 EW: 132.9
    R213 EW: 131.6
    R214 EW: 132.5
    R215 EW: 132.5
    R216 EW: 132.9 (last weigh-in before traveling)
    R217 EW: 130.3
    R218 EW: 132.5
    R219 EW: 130.7
    R220 EW: 131.0 (last weigh-in before traveling)
    R221 EW: 131.2 (DD wedding/travel)
    R222 EW: 130.5
    R223 EW: 133.4
    R224 EW: 132.9
    R225 EW: 132.9
    R226 EW: 132.7
    R227 EW: 132.9
    R228 EW: 132.5
    R229 EW: 133.8
    R230 EW: 133.4
    R231 EW: 134.0
    RSW: 134.0 pounds 8/9/23, EO Round 231)
    RGW: < 135.0 pounds
    UGW: 130-135 pound range

    8/10: 132.9 - Post travel drop
    8/11: 132.5 - Hope to keep it at this weight or below the rest of the round and not yo-yo.
    8/12: 132.1 - Meals were pretty much a repeat of the day before, so easy to track. Got my workout in late in the day.
    8/13: 131.8 - Usual lunch and trying to use up garden zucchini for dinner. Got my workouts in, but not so great sleep.
    8/14: 132.9 - Taco party
    8/15: 132.3 -
    8/16: 131.8 - Hot day yesterday, but got my workout in. Pizza night at home.
    8/17: 131.8 - Another hot day, but got a full workout in. Black Bean burger salad for dinner
    8/18: 132.1 -
    8/19: 132.1 - Holding steady.

    Total round weight loss/gain to date from EO last round: - 1.9 pounds
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Hi again! I'm Amanda, 38F in Virginia.

    SW Round 232 - 129.8
    R232 GW - 128

    8/10 - 129.8. I'm back again. I'm in a weird place where I don't necessarily want to focus on the number on the scale but it's the best way for me to think about what/how much I'm consuming. I've still been running a lot and lifting. My muscles are sore and tired today, TOM arrived this morning, and we went out for Mexican for dinner, so I'm holding on to some water for sure. But I still need to make better choices! Today I have a treadmill run and strength training scheduled. And today will be alcohol-free. I had margaritas at dinner and it messed up my sleep, ugh. Anyway, looking forward to the round and hope to actually see it through this time!

    8/11 - 129.8 again. I ended up running outside and postponing strength training yesterday. I signed up for this run training app for a two month trial and I felt really overloaded this week. It seems like you either do 5 runs a week or 3 runs a week with no in-between. I decided to switch over to 3 a week and then will add something on my own when I want to. I am so excited for this weekend. My friend is getting married at the same venue where my husband and I got married almost 7 years ago! We're spending the weekend in a cabin with them and some of their other friends. There are a bunch of hiking and biking trails, kayaks and canoes for rent, etc. The couple is driving from 4 hours away but it's only an hour away from us (ironically it was across the country from us when we got married there; we were living in Colorado at the time!). I'll be MIA and not weighing for the weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    8/12 - DNW
    8/13 - DNW

    8/14 - DNW. Back from the cabin/wedding weekend. I snacked a lot but I was fairly active at least. I did a 6-mile trail run yesterday for my weekly long run. It was slow but I felt like I had plenty of endurance for it. My ankle-adjacent stabilizing muscles are sore since I don't usually trail run. I think that's a lot better for me in the long run than road running, though. Joints tend to tolerate softer surfaces for longer. Today I'm doing strength work and focusing my effort on the kitchen. And water. Lots and lots of water.

    8/15 - 130.0

    8/16 - 130.0 Ugh. My weight is not bringing me joy. The kids were home yesterday and we went out for donuts and ate generally unhealthfully all day. I did go for a 50-minute easy run (some walking to keep my heart rate down in the heat). Today I will eat better and drink a lot of water. I have legs and core strength on the docket, but I'm having my house cleaned and I always feel weird going to work out while they're here.

    8/17 - 128.0 okay! My efforts from yesterday showed up on the scale. I started feeling some existential angst yesterday and hopped on the Peloton for 20 minutes for a "Mood: anxiety" ride with an instructor I like and it sort of snapped me out of it. I feel like my husband and I have a grass-is-always-greener perspective on working vs. staying home with our small children. I think some recent changes at my sons' daycare are making me feel like I don't know what they're up to all day. I was a SAHM with my first for a couple of years and I don't think it allowed me the breathing space to be a patient/exceptional mom, and having a job gives me breathing room and a purpose outside the home (though I still think my most important purpose is at home). It also financially enables us to save money and go on fun family vacations without spending every penny we bring home. The flexibility of my job also allows me to do a lot of household chores while the kids are at daycare so I can spend high quality time with them in the evenings and on weekends. However, often, it just feels like work is pointless and I'm missing valuable time with my kids. I started therapy last week and I'm hoping to get myself sorted out and have a better understanding of my own values. Whoops, this went off on a major tangent.

    My run training today is 70 minutes with "MAV Shuttles" toward the beginning. MAV stands for Maximum Aerobic Velocity. They are 20 second sprints with 20 seconds of recovery in between, 8 efforts twice, with a 3-minute recovery in between the 2 sets. Then I have to still jog for another 40ish minutes. Whew. Going to try to do it before it gets too hot.

    8/18 - 128.0 again, surprisingly. Last night's Mexican dinner might show up on the scale tomorrow, though. My mom is coming to spend the night and watch the kids in the morning while my husband does a big gravel bike ride and I go pick up one of the dogs from the intensive board and train she's been doing for two weeks. She's bringing pulled pork, coleslaw, and corn on the cob for dinner. Won't be the healthiest but at least it will be homemade! I have strength training on my workout schedule today, triceps and back. It's beautiful outside so I might sneak out for a mountain bike ride. I don't have a ton of work to do today, just ushering through some documents I need to get approved. Anyway, happy Friday everyone!

    8/19 - 129.0. Darn. Didn’t keep my round goal weight. Part of it was the lousy night’s sleep I got last night thanks to the 2 year old. Going to try to behave today and get this weight back off. Saw my arms in my friend’s wedding photos and really want to get them smaller despite building muscle there. See everyone in the next round!
  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    I am about 12 kg along the way to lose 32 kg. I use multiple tape measurements (cm) around my body because they aren't affected by salt intake. Apparently I've been trying to lose weight since September 2012, the last time I was at goal weight. Let's see if stopping eating sugary food is going to change things.

    Heaviest ever 1st Jan 2021, goal+31.8 kg

    March 2022, started measuring system 867.0 cm total

    Here are my measurements, bolded means a column number has dropped by 0.5 cm from a previous bolded number, and the number is used to sum the total measurement

    101.5 92.0 102.0 56.5 46.0 55.5 46.0 102.0 91.5 102.0 10th August
    100.0 91.0 102.0 56.5 46.0 56.0 46.0 100.0 93.0 103.0 11th
    100.5 91.0 101.5 57.5 46.0 56.0 46.5 100.5 91.0 102.0 12th
    100.0 90.0 101.5 56.0 46.0 56.0 46.5 101.0 91.0 101.5 13th
    100.0 90.0 101.0 57.0 46.0 55.5 46.0 101.5 92.5 103.0 14th
    100.0 91.5 101.0 57.0 45.0 56.0 46.0 101.0 93.0 102.5 16th
    100.0 90.0 100.5 56.5 45.5 56.0 46.0 99.5 91.0 102.5 17th

    Total is 785.5 cm, a loss from the last round of 790 cm.

    This round has gone alright. I've decided to give myself a 500 day challenge - get to goal weight. Mark your calendar, 31st December next year. Is threewins at goal weight? I hope so. It's all theoretically possible but realistically, if I'm still having sugar, it's not going to happen.
  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    Round 232
    Starting Weight- 147
    Current weight- 136.4
    10 Day Goal- Same goal as previous round. Get up and get moving! 10,000 steps at least 5/10 days. No eating out. Drink lots of water. Take vitamin. Stay in the 130's!!!
    Ultimate Goal Weight: Sub 130
    8/10 135.9 Think this weight is due to dehydration. 68 minute walk, 11,317 steps, Under Calories, Need more Water
    8/11 DNW 70 minute, 11,084 walk, steps, Under Calories, Water pretty good
    8/12 137.1 80 minute walk, 15,341 steps, Under Calories, Water intake better
    8/13 137.1 67 minute walk, 14,368 steps, Under Calories, Great Water intake
    8/14 136.6 No exercise, 1,972 steps, Under Calories, Water intake was pretty good
    8/15 137.3 65 minute walk, 10,290 steps, Under Calories, Need more Water
    8/16 136.6 45 minute walk, 10,946 steps, Under Calories, Pretty good Water
    8/17 136.4 30 minute walk, 10.270 steps, Under Calories, Low Water intake
    8/18 136.6 50 minute walk, 10,476 steps, Under Calories, Decent Water intake
    8/19 136.9 84 minute walk, 10,493 steps, Under Calories, Water
    I am really disappointed in the weight gain this round. It's really hard when the scale just doesn't cooperate with your effort. Plan is to keep at it.
    SW RND 224 147 lbs. EW 148 lbs.
    SW RND 225 145.9 lbs. EW 143.2 lbs.
    SW RND 226 143 lbs. EW 142.1 lbs.
    SW RND 227 142.1 lbs. EW 142.4 lbs.
    SW RND 228 142.4 lbs. EW 140.6 lbs.
    SW RND 229 140.6 lbs. EW 141.3 lbs.
    SW RNG 230 141.9 lbs. EW 139.5 lbs.
    SW RND 231 139.2 lbs. EW 136.4 lbs.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Yes, another round!

    Jen; 46; 5'4"

    About Me:
    This is my fourth round and really appreciated having someplace to stay accountable.
    Thanks to a medication I'm on for my mental health and an overeating habit, I managed to gain a lot of weight in the last year or so. On July 4, I stepped on the scale for the first time since I started the med (that is known to cause weight gain) and decided enough was enough. I buckled down and started actually recording my food for the first time in over five years and started walking every day. Now I need motivation to keep going. So far I've been doing great despite a lot of stress in my life. I had one "cheat" day on my son's 13th birthday because I made homemade pizza and enjoyed three slices of it. I have felt no need to "cheat" since then which makes me very happy. I keep telling myself I'll eat a bag of chips when I get to X weight, but that weight comes, and I feel no need to eat the chips and want to continue eating healthy to lose more weight. Amazing for a carb junkie.

    Previous Rounds:
    RND 229 - SW: 287.8; FW: 280.4 (-7.4)
    RND 230 - SW: 280.4; FW: 276.0 (-4.4)
    RND 231 - SW: 276.0; FW: 267.2 (-8.8)

    * track food every day
    * walk for at least one hour and/or two miles

    Round 232
    heaviest: 294 (7/4/23)
    SW: 267.2
    GW (short term): 250
    RGW: 262

    8/10 - 265.8 - 3.04 miles - I had planned to work in the yard laying more mulch and shoveling rocks, but as I got close to home after my walk, I started feeling really queasy. I'm not sure if it was the heat (it was only in the mid-70s) or something else, but I decided to just go inside and rest instead. This weekend is supposed to be super hot so I'm not sure how much I can get done. The plan is to get to bed early today so I get up early tomorrow and get out for my walk in the early morning so I'm working in the yard before the heat sets in. We'll see how that goes.

    8/11 - 264.8 - 2.37 miles - Worked for an hour in the yard shoveling rocks again and finished laying mulch on that side of the yard (YAY!). Then went on an hour walk when it started getting really hot. Didn't feel very well after that but it passed eventually. Then I spent 2.5 hours making homemade pizzas for the family so today was a cheat day. Last one was July 14 when I made pizza for my son's birthday. It tasted so good. Wish I could have more but I came in under my goal (barely and that's just an estimate). I'll make it up in the next couple of days so it's not a big deal.

    8/12 - 264.2 - 3.29 miles - Went over on my calories today because I just couldn't resist having pizza for breakfast this morning (what is even the point if you don't eat it cold the next morning?). But I'll make it up in the next couple days--it's not the end of the world. I didn't do any yard work either because of the heat. I did go on an extra long walk by exploring some culdesacs along the route that I don't usually go down. We are now under a severe heat advisory or warning (can't remember which). It's supposed to be nearly 100F tomorrow so I doubt I do much and will get out for my walk really early. Same with Monday and Tuesday. Then my grandson is back so not sure what I'll do. Feeling good despite the stumbling with the pizza (I just cannot resist pizza; it's my favorite food).

    8/13 - 268.2 - 3.06 miles - Four pounds! I'm not sure what to think about that. I made sure it was clean under the scale and reweighed myself. It didn't change. I'm not sure how eating 2 slices of pizza, half a sandwich, half a salad and a cup of pasta equals 4 pounds. According to my numbers I was only about 140 calories over my goal (not including exercise). Very strange, but not the end of the world. It just sets me back a few days I guess. I resisted eating any more of the pizza today and even passed on mac & cheese with dinner (had the burger and some fries, though). That gave me the space to have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich (man, I love those things). I also pretty much finished the mulching of the yard. I have one bag left and have laid 18 of them. I still need to pull up some grass growing where it doesn't belong but it's looking much better. Thankfully, I got it done before the heatwave hit (supposed to be in the 100s all week I think). And with that heat, I need to be in bed early to be up early to do my hour of walking before the heat sets in for the day. So, I'm off to bed now.

    8/14 - 266.4 - 3.01 miles - Got up a little before 7am and was out the door before 7:30 to get my walk in. By the time I got home around 8:45am, it was 74F and the sun was blazing. So glad I skipped coffee and just walked this morning because when we ran to the store at 3pm, it was 108F. I felt like I couldn't even breathe, it was so hot. Now there's apparently a fire across the river outside of Portland and blowing into town so the sky is kind of orange. Hopefully, it's not too bad in the morning. I hope to be out by 7:30 again, but not sure I want to try and push for three miles again with the even that early.

    8/15 - 265.4 - 3.19 miles - Was out the door for my walk right after 7 this morning to avoid the heat again today (it's 100F at 6pm). Had a teledoc appointment at 10:30 to check my meds--am doing much better on this new regiment so sticking with it for three months (see her again on Halloween). And I finally got around to making the zucchini cake my son has been wanting since his birthday a month ago. I ended up just using a boxed carrot cake with added zucchini to it instead of making it from scratch (like I used to). Unfortunately, I did not leave myself enough calories today to enjoy a piece of it, especially with all the cream cheese frosting. I'm debating whether I'll try to fit it in tomorrow by eating less for dinner and scraping most of the frosting off. It smelled so good. I'm just going to have a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich instead.

    8/16 - 262.6 - 3.19 miles - Had to use my miles from yesterday because my app went haywire and my route was all over the place and not where I actually walked which was the same route (in reverse) as yesterday. I also allowed myself half a piece of zucchini cake this morning but then tonight, I just got the munchies and allowed myself another half-serving of Veggie Straws. Had to force myself to stop there because I really just wanted to mindlessly finish off the bag. First time I've had a bad craving like that in a month and a half.

    8/17 - 262.8 - 3.39 miles - Today, I managed to leave for my walk around 6:40. It was already in the low-70sF but it was much more pleasant. Now my problem is my walks are taking longer and longer to do the same amount. I got new shoes last week that I thought would help, but they've only made it worse. Within 20-30 minutes, my feet are aching in the new shoes. They start cramping up all over and my toes go numb. Then by the one-hour mark, my knee is aching and the pain is climbing up into my hip. It used to take me about an hour to walk 3 miles. Now it take me an hour and a half and by the end, I'm in so much pain I want to cry. I tried the other new shoes I got one day (new Sketchers slip-on walking shoes) and they gave me blisters. I guess I could go back to my old Sketchers that are worn almost all the way through. Yeah, my feet would get sore, but nothing like the pain I'm having now. If I don't switch back, I'm going to have to cut back my walk to 30 minutes again and I don't like backsliding.

    8/18 - 262.8 - 3.66 miles - Didn't lose any, but didn't gain any either. I wore my old worn-out Sketchers to go on my walk today. Walked for 1.5 hours and went 3.6 miles. My feet were sore, but none of the cramping and pain in my knee and hip (I assume because my feet are cramping so I start walking oddly to help with the pain and that messes up other parts of my body). I think tomorrow I'm going to try the new Sketchers again but maybe bring a bag with my old ones in case they start rubbing. I have a huge blister on the bottom of my foot from the first time I wore them. Maybe as I lose more weight, the others will fit better and be more comfortable. Anyway, had a petite sirloin steak for dinner (was getting bored of pork roast). Made with a little butter and garlic and mushrooms on top. Yum.

    8/19 - 262.0 - 2.99 miles - So I tried the new Sketchers again today. At first, everything seemed fine. There was a little rubbing at the back of my heel but it wasn't bothering me. And then BAM, like 15 minutes from home, I could feel it rubbing on the same blister on the bottom of my feet. Now I'm not sure which shoes to wear tomorrow. I made my goal weight for this round, too. This was a tough ten days with a lot of temptations and setbacks. I felt like I really fought for those five pounds. I have a feeling I've gotten to the point when I no longer lose quickly. It usually happens the closer I get to 250 and then I plateau. Hopefully, I'll get over this hump this time, though.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    edited August 2023
    @justanotherjen13 @SheilaBoneham I got this tip from my daughter when her son was playing basketball. My big toe always got bruised until I tried this - the lace “pulls” the toe of the shoe up.

    I don’t know if there is a way to eliminate the rubbing on the bottom of your foot. I used to get blisters on my heels. My dad said it was because I didn’t wear socks but socks never helped - only made it worse!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,410 Member
    Thank you, @quiltingjaine !
    73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 140.0
    08/08 - 151.3 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing!!!
    08/09 - 152.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then my trainer for 60 mins
    08/10 - 151.8 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then nothing!!!
    08/11 - 151.9 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then my trainer for 60 mins
    08/12 - 150.5 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.81 miles in 111 mins
    08/13 - 150.2 at 7:00 a.m. ...5.64 miles in 106 mins
    08/14 - 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then my trainer for 60 mins
    08/15 - 150.2 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading!!!
    08/16 - 150.6 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading!!!...trainer sick
    08/17 - 151.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading!!!
    08/18 - 150.4 at 6:00 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then reading!!!...trainer sick
    08/19 - 152.0 at 6:00 a.m. ...3.56 miles in 75 mins w/DH then DDD & oldest Grandson's b'day celebration!!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Jmarques63
    Jmarques63 Posts: 7 Member
    SW Round 232
    8/10. 177.6
    8/11. 177.6
    8/12. 177.2
    8/13 177. Usually I hate the scale on a daily basis but this has been pretty good so far. It’s a win no matter what when it’s headed down!! 👍
    8/14 DNW completely forgot 😤
    8/15. 176 yaaaaasssssss!!!
    8/16 DNW
    8/17 175.0
    8/18 DNW
    8/19 174.6
    Whew. This was not too bad as far are the anxiety of the scale every day. 2 lbs in one week is crazy good for me ! Wish everyone the best on their continuing journeys !❤️
  • Lwayne
    Lwayne Posts: 18 Member
    Female, 63 years old. 5'4"

    Looking for accountability partner(s) so grateful to have found the thread.
    Ten days – I can do ten days – great idea.
    Lifelong dieter struggling with post-55 low metabolism and stressful job that I often let take priority over self-care.

    Focus is low cal, low carb, and increasing my cardio and strength training.

    HSW: 175 lbs
    CW 174 lbs
    GW for the 10 days 171 lbs
    UGW 140 lbs

    SW Round 232
    8/10 : 174 lbs – let’s do this!
    8/11: 174.5 - eee gads, salty peanuts at the ballgame? Skipped the beer and hot dogs!
    8/12: 173.9 – whew, guess it was the peanuts
    8/13 – camping WITHOUT the scale
    8/14– camping WITHOUT the scale
    8/15 –174.2 - limited camping menu defeated lots of exercise
    8/16 – 174 – six days later and back to square one, GW looking distant
    8/17 – 173.2
    8/18 – 173. 7
    8/19 – 173.5 – half pound total... at least it’s the right direction
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,329 Member
    In maintenance
    JGM10Ds Round 232

    🐞🦋🪲AUGUST 2023
    • In Maintenance since July 2019
    • Smart BMI - optimal weight.
    • Muscle/Fat %ages in normal range
    Just because Covid restrictions aren’t compulsory doesn’t mean they’re not necessary.
    😷Take care! Stay safe!😷
    July focus:
    * maintain weight < 140 (I have been maintaining since July 2019)
    * Maintain Daily Solid Habits
    I liked this so much I'm borrowing it.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180's; 170's; 160's; 150's; 140's; 130's

    🔹Posting weight and comments each evening.
    Terri: Female; 77; Northern Ireland; married > 57 years; ex Maths teacher; volunteer group leader for U3A (University of the Third Age - life-long learning charity)
    SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    LW: 130.9(14 March 2023)
    GW: < 140
    I am - MINDFUL - of making heathy choices
    to - MAXIMISE - the achievement of my goals!
    Giving up is NOT an option! I KNOW I am doing this!
    JGM10Ds ROUND 232
    Round 231: EW: 134.2
    10/08: 134.5: Daily Habits🫶
    11/08: 134.2: Daily Habits🫶
    12/08: 134.3: Daily Habits🫶
    13/08: 134.3: Daily Habits🫶
    14/08: 134.2: Daily Habits🫶
    15/08: 134.4: Daily Habits🫶
    16/08: 134.2: Daily Habits🫶
    17/08: 134.4: Daily Habits🫶
    18/08: 135.2: Daily Habits🫶 I look thinner in the mirror, so I think this may be a combination of working on muscle tone and too much sodium yesterday.
    19/08: 135.1: Daily Habits🫶
    Daily Habits - 2023
    Update - August 2023 >
    1. Log ALL CI/CO (Daily) s
    2. Stay under goal (Daily)
    3. Balance macros/micros (Daily)
    4. Hydrate adequately (Daily)
    5. Choose healthy options (Daily)
    6. Steps > 5500 (Daily)
    7. Stretch before/after workouts
    8. 15+ minutes Cardio > 5 days a week
    9. 15+ mins Strength > 5 days a week
    10. 15+ mins Flexibility > 5 days a week
    11. Fitbit Zone minutes > 25
    12. Practice self-care (Daily)
    13. Stay up to date with accounts (monthly)
    14. Mindfulness Practice/meditation ((Daily - morning/evening)
    15. 1 > 15 mins Declutter sessions (Daily)
    16. Be creative
    17. Purchase essential items only
    18. Read a book > 15 mins
    19. Work on ongoing craft projects
    20. Learn something new
    21. Develop Healthy Habits
    THERE ARE NO QUICK FIXES OR SHORTCUTS to achieving permanent change.
    REMINDERS: One or two thoughts which might give heart to some of you.
    • Daily weight fluctuations are normal, and can be as much as 2 lbs a day for no apparent reason.
    • A general downward trend is what we are looking for.
    • Eating out can cause apparent weight gain because of high sodium levels, but usually goes quickly. Drinking extra water helps with this.
    • The human body does not react instantly to what we do to it. Sometimes it can take several days to see results.
    • Plateaus are a normal part of the process. The body is consolidating and adapting to your new way of eating/exercising.
    • The closer you get to your goal weight, the more difficult it becomes to lose weight, as your body becomes more efficient at using what you feed it.
    • When you exercise you build muscle, which takes up less space than fat, so use measurements as well as weight to assess your progress.
    • Getting/Staying fit and healthy requires a lifestyle change for most people.
    Stick with the process. It DOES work! But it does take time, effort, and most of all, patience!