my accountability thread Day one



  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! Weighed in yesterday. Down 1#. I had already walked an hour by 8 a.m. this morning.
    Glad I don't know what those Crumbl cookies are! At 600 calories a cookie they must be awesome!
    Always nice to check in and see my fitness pals working towards the same goal.
    Welcome to VRTC1960.
  • VRTC1960
    VRTC1960 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm still figuring out these threads - I started one of my own and it says there is one comment - but I can't see it.

    I have done better the last few days, staying within the calorie limit but working on upping the protein and reducing the carbs (prediabetic and trying to get my A1C back below 5.5) I'm struggling with exercise, though I discovered that gardening is a HUGE calorie burner! All that squatting and standing, pulling (weeds) and lifting (pots and soil and wheelbarrows) I guess. My yard is overrun with horseweed, so I'm putting in some weed-pulling time every day at lunch and after work. It's very satisfying to see my lawn emerge from the field of weeds, then the "calories burned" number when I log it is even more rewarding! The scale is creeping downward and my hips actually shrunk in just a week, so doing the happy dance!

    My primary goal is to log in and track food and activity every day for at least three weeks. Tracking actually makes me behave better, so I'll take that benefit!

    Hope everyone else is doing well too, I haven't caught up reading yet. Happy August, we had two sunny days in a row here!
  • VRTC1960
    VRTC1960 Posts: 20 Member
    @Marla86336 - I love your alliteration! Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday - can't wait to see the rest of the week!
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome VRTC1960. I am rather new to this group, but in the few weeks I have joined I feel it is where I need to be.
    I went to a restaurant yesterday with friends and felt I did very well. I even had my favourite chocolate turtle pie. But, I fell short when watching TV, I had a small bowl of chips before bed. I am like a baby that needs its last bottle feeding. I was not hungry, just emotional eating.
    Does anyone find that you don’t get understanding from other people either restaurant eating or pot-lucks when you are trying to eat
    Today is a new day; a clean slate. I need to push myself to go for a walk; today I cannot use the weather as an excuse 🤗
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterday: Stayed within calorie allowance and walked for 1hr+.
    Walked for 1+hour today before the rain begins again. Food is logged and planned for today.
    Planning grilled tuna and vegetables for dinner. One of my favorite dinners.
    VRT: Glad you have committed to 3 weeks. It takes a few days to create your new healthy routine.
    Sweetheart: Try brushing your teeth after dinner as a message to your body that today's food is over until tomorrow morning. Try telling your eating out friends that you have allergies to whatever food you are avoiding. That has worked for me in certain situations.
    Keep doing whatever is working for you.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All and Happy Saturday! I love your suggestions @Marla86336 - the brushing the teeth works for me as well. Also sometimes when I am hungry (and shouldn't be) I will set an alarm for 30 minutes and by that time the urge has passed.
    I went to a potluck yesterday and ate normal! Today invited to a barbque! So many temptations. I am going to walk today before it gets too hot.
    Thanks all for chiming in on the posts and I hope you all have a great Saturday!!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning! 21 consecutive days of staying within my calorie goal. I've been saying the mantra: What if I didn't quit?
    Sarah, I too use distraction when I want to eat and I'm not really hungry or need food. I mess in the garden, clean a sink, crochet etc. Within 15 minutes sanity has returned and I no longer have the urge to eat! You have a very busy social life. That is a real win when you are in a social situation and you resist temptation.
    Enjoy your walk. I will be out the door for my walk in a few minutes.
    Here's to a healthy week and a little less of all of us!
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Looks like this thread petered out last spring. Anyhow, if anybody is still around, could use a check-in/accountability thread. This *kitten* gets tedious after a while.
    I'm 67, and I've bounced up and down from a low of 168 to around 183. My ideal BMI is about 172. Above that I carry an extra three or four inches around my belly. A while back I got out of hand, snacking and eating out of boredom, and went right back up to 182. Been tracking for about a month now. I got down to 174, but it's creeping back up. 176.4 today. *kitten*, what's it going to take. The main success is my "appetite switch" seems to kick in much stronger now, and I honestly don't crave a bunch of snacks after a full meal at night. Sit down, eat, and basta.

    Last, I'm in pretty good shape, but it's 90% diet as far as ideal weight and body fat. A big discouragement is putting in so much effort on dumbbell presses, curls, dip station reps, long bike rides, etc. and still looking embarrassingly chubby and soft.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @Marla86336 21 consecutive days....way to go!!! That is my goal. Keep up the good work. @gregphopkins we are all still here and fighting the fight! Keep positing! You seem to be doing well. It seems those last 10 pounds (well with me) are the hardest to get off.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Greg! we're still here! Hi Sarah! We often hear that last 10# is the most difficult to remove. That is a common rumour. It's never been scientifically proven. People just give up because they get burned out and are so close to their goal. Let's stick together and get it done!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Marla86336 wrote: »
    l. Let's stick together and get it done!
    THIS!! Let's get those last 5-10 pounds off !!
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    On track yesterday! Yes, let's just not quick until we complete our goal.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    I am feeling discouraged; I know what I ought to be doing, but do not have my heart into caring anymore. I don’t have energy to move this body. I get tired of continually having to push myself. I have an ablation procedure scheduled for the end of September. It is also the time of year that little by little there is less sunlight, and I often become depressed. I am sorry to be such a Debbie downer. I appreciate everyone for your inputs
    I am still logging my meals and feel great about that.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @SweetHeart1299 I am sorry you are feeling this way. I understand this and when I am not eating healthy I tend to get very depressed. It is a very hard cycle to break. I don't have much advice for you but I wanted you to know I feel your pain and am sorry you are feeling down. I try to take it one day at a time. When I get some momentum (a week or so) it seems like my fog/depression will start to lift. It is hard to exercise and eat healthy when feeling down. I am kinda feeling like this today as i had a restless night with insomnia.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Wednesday is my weigh-in day. Down 2.8#. On track. I like to plan and log my food into MFP. That seems to help me monitor what I'm eating. I remember years ago our WW Leader would always say: "If you bite, write it". Still rings true today.
    Sweetheart: I think most overeaters deal with depression. That's our go-to for comfort. Have you tried eliminating sugar for a week to see if that helps?
    Sarah:I can relate to feeling like crap when a peaceful night is not to be had. It just makes for a very challenging day.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Marla86336 wrote: »
    Wednesday is my weigh-in day. Down 2.8#. On track. I like to plan and log my food into MFP. That seems to help me monitor what I'm eating. I remember years ago our WW Leader would always say: "If you bite, write it". Still rings true today.
    Sweetheart: I think most overeaters deal with depression. That's our go-to for comfort. Have you tried eliminating sugar for a week to see if that helps?
    Sarah:I can relate to feeling like crap when a peaceful night is not to be had. It just makes for a very challenging day.
    Way to go Marla on losing 2.8!! Is that in one week time? I am down one pound but I think it may be water weight. Still struggling with sleep. It is so crazy when I am eating healthy (less junk food and less carb) I struggle with insomnia. When I eat terrible...I sleep well. Like a sugar coma but I know it is not healthy.
    Sweetheart I like Marla's idea about eliminating sugar for a week. I know that helps me. Wish you all he best and hoping you feel better soon.
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Sarah - yes, 2.8 in one week. However, I had very serious alergy related food poisoning on Monday night. I'm sure you know what happens with that event. It was a loss but I expect a gain next week when my body regains hydration etc.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Congratulations Marla! A loss is a loss. By logging and planning, you may not gain it all back.
    Sorry Sarah that you are dealing with insomnia. I can also relate. Last night I did not have a snack and I slept well just not enough; I feel good because of it, but I have been awake since 5:30 and hungry. I will have break-fast shortly. I seem to go in cycles where I can go without sugars….it is like my body still functions to my hormones. Or for some the moon cycle. I am feeling some better. I was told years ago to get out for a walk cloudy or sunshine which helps the endorphins. I did that yesterday and it helped. I think a lot of my problem is I compare myself to 10, 20, etc. years ago.
    Blessings and continue to be strong and courageous 🤗
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello Friends! Ya'll are great encouragement for me. We have been gone for 6 weeks traveling, not all bad eating because we rented a VRBO and grilled and steamed a lot of our meals. But it seems to be impossible to stay within a calorie goal when eating out. Grilled shrimp and mixed veggies at Outback just didn't seem to fill me up. I got a side of rice and bam! Over goal! I will try to be more consistent in posting now that we are home. I'm hoping to do a half marathon in December, and I am debating spending way too much money to get a running coach, but I think that will also help me eat better.
    Sarah, I am so sorry you are still dealing with your insomnia. Have you had any sleep tests done. My son said his insurance paid for his. I hate it when I can't sleep but it doesn't happen very often with me.
    Tomorrow is my weigh in day so I will see what I gained while I was gone. Not going to be pretty.
    Marla, I like the mantra, What if I didn't quit. Thanks for sharing. I'm stealing it!!!
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Good Friday Morning!
    It's weigh in day for me. I weighed myself the day we left for our excursion even though I know I ate way to much the night before: Thursday, July 14 - 129.4 (Wed-126.4, Tues-126.4, Mon-126.8). Today is weigh in day for me: Friday, August 25 - 129.0. So, I gained a few pounds, but I am going to get those few off soon. Then I hope to lose the 5-10 that have been hanging around my belly!
    Going to they gym to run on the dreadmill this morning! With a few stretches and abs thrown in!
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and DO NOT USE THE WEEKEND AS AN EXCUSE! (Reminder to myself)