LESS Alcohol ~ AUGUST 2023 ~ One Day at A Time



  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    Hello LA friends!
    I haven’t posted here for what seems like an eon and I have missed checking in. We have been traveling and sightseeing in different states and we’re now in Glacier Nat’l Park until Wednesday. I am seriously way off my goals for the first time since February so I am posting for accountability sake. My AF numbers are completely backwards from my regular monthly posts, ugh!

    Keeping track each day in my log book, I am choosing LA overall - bought lower A wine content (6-9 %) and keeping to serving size limits until last night. Had Merlot with a rib eye steak and did enjoy it after a 5-mile moderate hike to a spectacular lake (with elevation gain) and look out point. Last week I found the 85 calorie, 9% A, 3 carbs low calorie Kendall Jackson Chardonnay to be surprisingly good. Also was happy to find the Stella Rose at 6.5% for the first time at a little grocery store here so mixed it with sparkling water (1:1).

    The hikes have been incredible so I’m burning calories and enjoying the great outdoors of our amazing country!

    Totals: AF Days - 8
    A - 18
  • zensome
    zensome Posts: 104 Member
    10 AF
    16 A

    Was on vacation this past week and had drinks every day! Back on track starting today.
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    xbowhunter wrote: »
    24 AF
    2 A

    Passed a huge test yesterday. Attended a wedding reception yesterday with an open bar. I didn't have drop of alcohol. So nice waking up this morning without a hangover.. :)

    WAY TO GO! That is great!
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,082 Member
    25 AF
    2 A

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,714 Member
    tmbg1 wrote: »
    19 - AF
    8 - A
    This has been a great LA month. Hope I can keep it going through September!

    You’re on a roll, you absolutely can!
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,714 Member
    lobrooks65 wrote: »
    My first day here and currently living in West Virginia. I was a very heavy drinker in the past but have slowed down. I realized over the weekend that working out will help my health but drinking will not and I feel like it totally wrecks what I am doing to be healthier. Today I plan to not drink at all. I'll check in tomorrow and let you know. I loved everything that I ready from May. I think this group will help me to stay accountable.

    Welcome! This is a great group of wonderful, supportive people. We all have our ups and downs with our goals, but lots of understanding here.
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,714 Member
    I did well on the LA front this weekend, but my weight is already up from when I came home from vacation! I blame the delicious Reuben I had for lunch Saturday and my husband’s homemade Bolognese sauce over pasta for last night’s dinner! Haha!

    Tonight through Wednesday, my goal is to be AF. I need to rein in this creeping weight, and eliminating / cutting down alcohol will go a long way towards helping that. Plus, making better food choices. Back to chicken and fish!
  • Michieb125
    Michieb125 Posts: 685 Member
    This month has really flown by for me.

    AF last night. A better choice after another long hike day! Not to mention that I feel great this morning and slept well.
    Taking off for kayaking and hiking to fully enjoy our last two days here.

    Totals: AF Days - 9
    A - 18
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,873 Member
    Goals for August!
    Self-care and positive vibes ~ One day at a time
    Zig-zag calorie count - Daily Average 1400
    Success = No more than two glasses of wine per night.

    Current Streak - AF = 0~

    @mfowler883 ~ I am playing catch up so just reading your post from 8/15 and we are in the same boat. I hope you've had success getting back on track. I'm trying to get my focus back. So sorry for your double loss. I miss my pet baby too!

    @xbowhunter ~ amazing weight loss. I really like statement too... "I gave up drinking to gain my health back". That's kind of a bummer to not have spousal support. You got this!!!

    @rockinrobyn672 ~ seems several of us have hit a rough patch this month. I hope that you've been successful as well

    @Womona ~ So glad you had a wonder trip to German. Sounds awesome! Too bad they have to end!

    @tlbell1970 ~ that's a great goal!

    @lobnrooks65 ~ Welcome and much success to you!

    So....one day at time for me...as this thread say. August has been a struggle. No drinking alcohol tonight. Just do it... I think I just need to abstain for a bit.

    My house is listed on the PNL (Private Network Listing) until I'm ready to release for all to see. Meanwhile, cleaning and decluttering.

    A townhome became available this past weekend that was amazing! I fell in love and put in an offer but apparent they received a better, cash offer. It would have been tough to sell my home and meet the deadlines.

    I opted for a new (smaller) home in my same development. It won't be ready until April - June of next year which seems like a really long time.

    Success Days #
    Bonus Days #

    AF = 0
    A = 11

    The Month recap to stay accountable
    8/1 ~ 🍷🍷 Husband mad at me because I said that he wasn't taking care of health.
    8/2 ~ 🍷🍷Husband went to visit his daughter and mother so I had the evening to myself. I got dinner from Portillo's, got chocolate cake (and I really don't like cake). Watched the Bachelorette, ate my Italian sausage and only had two bites of the cake and threw the rest away.
    8/3 ~ 🍷🍷🍷 Had good intentions. Was going to make salmon and a salad, try for 2 glasses of wine and relax. Instead, had a craving for Popeyes, didn't really feel like cooking, so I had Popeyes and 3 glasses of wine. It's kind of ironic that I was talking about my husband and now I'm going down that slippery slope.....
    8/4 - 🍷🍷🍷 Struggling in the first few days of August. All I want to do is eat and drink...not a good combination, especially with my desired goals.
    I'm somewhat of an emotional wreck while processing a lot of information.
    8/5 - 8/11🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

    My 2023 Stats...

    AF = 53%
    A = 47%
    AF = 29%
    A = 71%
    AF = 0%
    A = 100%
    AF = 14%
    A = 86%
    AF = 23%
    A = 77%
    AF = 27%
    A = 73%
    AF = 0
    A = 100
    AF = 0
    A = 100
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,421 Member
    20 - AF
    8 - A
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    Planned A day yesterday, nothing left in the house now. AF today. I think that makes 6 AF, 6 LA and 16 A.

    Caught up with my friend last night, so that was good. Should be set for a while.


  • zensome
    zensome Posts: 104 Member
    12 AF
    16 A

    This includes today.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,082 Member
    AF 26
    A 2

    So far so good... :smile:

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,714 Member
    AF last night, and it was actually easy! Plus my scale went down a little this morning great motivation!

    @itladyee sorry to hear you missed out on the townhouse. However, time will fly and your new house will be done before you know it!!!!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,421 Member
    21 AF
    8 A
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    AF today - 7 AF, 6 LA and 16 A.

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,714 Member
    AF last night!