Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 233



  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    @SheilaBoneham Is Roger still feeling okay?
    Carl did something to his back and the doctor gave him a referral to PT. He can’t get in for 3.5 weeks!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Round 233
    August 20 – Aug 29, 2023

    61 year old female, 5’5”. I am married, semi-nomadic (we live in three states, Mass, Maine, Florida).

    SW WW Sept 29, 2001 - 168.8 (initially lost 29.8, became staff, then weight up and down 18 years with low of 126.8)
    SW MFP Sept 14, 2020 – 153 (lost 40, then stress took off another 2.2 lb with low of 120.8, then stress became gain)
    SW current MFP Jan 1, 2023 – 146.6
    GW Maintaining between 124 - 126

    Continuing to figure out maintaining, and to work on best nutrition and exercise.

    Harry and Han are our cats, who travel with us. Have two “kids”, who are very much adults, a DGS, and second GS on the way. We have three parents, 88(father), 86(mother), 84(MIL) still with us, and I have logically been needing to help them more as they age. I got my act in gear during COVID, somewhat inspired by NOT becoming my parents. I lost 30 lbs and was exercising daily. Unfortunately, I am an “all in or not” person. Hubby and I seeing our family home and downsizing distractions, plus medical incident with my father and all their new needs, became an excuse. A year and a half later, I gained 25 lbs and lost all my athletic improvements. I need to figure out balance and how to make health be a daily priority for life!

    Round 126 153.0 equivalent 9/14/20
    Round 127 149.2 9/24/20
    Round 128 147.2 10/4/20
    Round 129 145.8 10/14/20
    Round 130 144.4 10/24/20
    Round 131 142.2 11/3/20
    Round 132 139.4 11/13/20
    Round 133 137.2 11/23/20
    Round 134 136.4 12/3/20
    Round 135 132.6 12/13/20
    Round 136 132.0 12/23/20
    Round 137 132.0 1/2/21
    Round 138 131.0 1/12/21
    Round 139 128.2 1/22/21
    Round 176 138.2 1/26/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 177 134.8 2/5/22
    Round 178 137.0 2/15/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 181 138.2 3/17/22 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 182 137.8 3/27/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 183 133.4 4/6/22 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13 oz
    Round 184 136.0 4/16/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 12.5 oz
    Round 185 136.8 4/26/22 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11lb 13 oz
    Round 186 136.0 5/6/22 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 187 137.8 5/16/22 Harry 10 lb 14.0 oz Han Solo 11lb 11.5 oz
    Round 188 135.8 5/26/22 Harry 10 lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 210 146.6 1/01/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12 oz
    Round 211 144.4 1/11/23
    Round 212 146.6 1/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 213 143.4 1/31/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 10.5 oz
    Round 214 142.4 2/10/23
    Round 215 140.0 2/20/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 216 138.0 3/2/23 Harry 10 lb 11.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6.5 oz
    Round 217 136.0 3/12/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 6 oz
    Round 218 134.0 3/22/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 7.5 oz
    Round 219 133.8 4/1/23 Harry 11 lb .5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 220 131.4 4/11/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 221 130.0 4/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 222 128.2 5/1/23 Harry 10 lb 15 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 223 128.4 5/11/23 Harry 10 lb 15.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11 oz
    Round 224 127.2 5/21/23 Harry 10 lb 14 oz Han Solo 11 lb 11.5 oz
    Round 225 125.8 5/31/23 Harry 10 lb 12 oz Han Solo 11 lb 9.5 oz
    Round 226 124.2 6/10/23
    Round 227 125.8 6/20/23 Harry 10 lb 8.5 oz Han Solo 11 lb 12.5 oz
    Round 228 125.8 6/30/23 Harry 10 lb 13 oz Han Solo 11 lb 13.5 oz
    Round 229 125.8 7/10/23
    Round 230 122.6 7/20/23
    Round 231 125.0 7/30/23 Harry 10lb 10.5 oz Han Solo 12 lb .5 oz
    Round 232 123.6 8/9/23 Harry 10 lb 10 oz Han Solo 12 lb 2.5 oz
    Round 233 125.8 8/19/23 Harry 10 lb 10 oz Han Solo 12 lb 1.5 oz

    Exercise & Supplements

    8/20 - nope


    SW: 125.8


    8/20 - 124.6

    8/21 – 124.8 Yesterday was within reason. Not perfect, but a sign I can get back on track.

    Dealing with my parents issues and puts me in a place where I can forget self care. Friday, I find my father has been mismedicating my mother in two says which explains her request for new/additional pain meds, and the recent onset of bowel urgency. This public discovery by me then set him up to be combative the rest of the day. 2022 taxes are still not finished. So I have tasked him to spend ONE HOUR over the weekend to finish it. Saturday night (I have been calling at least twice a day for the past month), I check in at 7:15 to remind that is the time for the night pills. My mother says “I already took them at 7. We decided to change it to a whole number.” Now, does 15 minute matter? Likely not. But combined with the fact she already made me move them from 7:45 to 7:15, and then learning of wrong medications the previous day, AND no sign my father has done anything productive, just set me off. Oh, and she refuses to mute the TV that is 3 feet away from her while talking to me, but wants me to call MORE. She was happily controlling the TV while my father was in the hospital once I taught her, now she refuses. I am not proud, but I am radio silent for a bit. Efforts are not reciprocated. Sorry for the rant. Siblings state platitudes when I share what is going on.

    Has anyone heard of the Benjamin Franklin Effect. From a reddit discussion (set off a lightbulb for me): “The sad psychological fact is, people like you more after they do favors for you, and like you less after you do favors for them… counter-intuitive but true.” This might explain my problem.

    I hope everyone has been doing well!!

    PS DGS#2 has decided to show up late. He older brother came on his due date, so we are a little surprised. Still waiting for him to show.

    8/22 – 124.8 Ate perfectly yesterday and caught up on a lot of things, but no exercise. Happy enough. AND DGS#2 surprised me by arriving at 3:01 this morning. I was still texting my daughter at home at 11:30 last night. No real details yet. In a few, I am driving to their house to pick up the cats to babysit them for a couple weeks. Will be four kitties in our home and NO they do not all get along. But have done it plenty before.

    8/23 – 124.2 Hairballs and humans got their weigh in. I did this also on January 1st when cat sitting also, and was “day 1” for me returning to better choices.

    Milo Jan 14 lb .5 oz Today 14 lb 10 oz
    Minka Jan 11 lb 3 oz Today 11 lb 4 oz
    Harry Jan 10 lb 15.5 oz Today 10 lb 8.5 oz (I want him over 11 lb)
    Han Jan 11 lb 12 oz Today 12 lb .5 oz (I want him under 12 lb)
    Sherri Jan 146.6 Today 124.2

    8/24 – 125.8 Huh? No explanation. I would have expected no, if any, change. Tomorrow will tell me what is real.

    8/25 – 124.8 got distracted this morning and almost forgot to post today. So number is back down to typical.

    8/26 – 124.2 (Renpho 124.0) Was at top end of my maintenance calories, but was in range.

    8/27 – 124.8 Well, I need to stop buying french’s fried onions to make my daughter green bean casserole. I have eaten two cans, yet the beans have never become a casserole.

    8/28 – 125.6 Day was on track until after 9 PM, and I got into the peanut butter jar. Why is making good choices while maintaining, so much harder than when losing?

  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Jen; 46; 5'4"

    About Me:
    This is my fifth round and really appreciated having someplace to stay accountable.
    Thanks to a medication I'm on for my mental health and an overeating habit, I managed to gain a lot of weight in the last year or so. On July 4, I stepped on the scale for the first time since I started the med (that is known to cause weight gain) and decided enough was enough. I buckled down and started actually recording my food for the first time in over five years and started walking every day. Now I need motivation to keep going.

    Previous Rounds:
    RND 229 - SW: 287.8; FW: 280.4 (-7.4)
    RND 230 - SW: 280.4; FW: 276.0 (-4.4)
    RND 231 - SW: 276.0; FW: 267.2 (-8.8)
    RND 232 - SW: 267.2; FW: 262.0 (-5.2)

    * track food every day
    * walk for at least one hour and/or 2.5 miles

    Round 233
    heaviest: 294 (7/4/23)
    SW: 262.0
    GW (short term): 250
    RGW: 257

    8/20 - 260.0 - 2.93 miles - Today was kind of a rough day. Wore my new shoes and all seemed fine for a while and then a little over halfway in, my knee just started aching and by the time I got back to my own street, I was hobbling along. Then the site I do my daily journal on has been offline for days which has put me on edge because I had nowhere to vent my frustrations. Then my husband brought home a carrot cake (my fave), apple pie (also a fave) and two bags of chips (my trigger food). I wanted to cry because I told him last night I was suddenly feeling very "snacky" and having trouble distracting myself from binging on junk. And he wanted burgers with bacon and hot dogs for dinner. Ugh. So I ate way more than I should have (had a burger with no bacon which made me sad, half a serving of mac & cheese and a serving of french fries. I feel blah now and still craving potato chips and pie. According to the site, I'm still under my calories for the day (just barely) so I can't really eat anything else. It's going to be a long night of trying not to think of all the junk in the house I want to eat. I'm so close to my first major goal (250lbs)--I don't want to do any more backsliding with cheat days until I get below 250.

    8/21 - 260.8 - 2.76 miles - Been a tough day. My walk wasn't great and I had to eat up the rest of the pork roast so I had a big lunch and big dinner and don't have room for dessert or a snack and all I want to do is snack on everything. All of these yummy things (apple pie, carrot cake, hot dogs, potato chips) taunting me all day long. Ugh. This is going to be a long week.

    8/22 - 260.4 - 3.29 miles - I think it's conclusive that wearing my old, beat-up Sketchers that are nearly worn all the way through the bottoms means I can walk farther and faster. And not come home in so much pain I can barely move for hours. So frustrating. I'm going to continue breaking in the new Sketchers, but not sure what to do about the other sneakers. I guess I could wear them for shorter walks, but I'm trying to build up to more than 3.5 miles. Anyway, made chicken tortilla soup tonight. The recipe calls for heavy cream (or half & half like I usually use) to make it super creamy. I did not put any cream in. It was still delicious with a half cup of rice, some reduced fat cheese and reduced fat sour cream.

    8/23 - 259.8 - 3.34 miles - forgot to post this yesterday

    8/24 - 257.8 - 3.46 miles - Wore my new Sketchers and no new blisters. No old blisters either. My one toe was rubbing on the front and going numb but for the most part they were comfortable and I got a long walk in. Hopefully, I'm finally breaking these in.

    8/25 - 255.8 - 2.43 miles - Had to cut my walk short. I had to watch my grandson this morning and he refused to go on the walk so I had to wait until someone else woke up but then my daughter called and wanted to talk to him and next thing I knew it was noon and already 85F outside. I made it like 48 minutes and almost 2 1/2 miles but the last few blocks were miserable. I was so hot, sweaty, dehydrated (at that point, I only had a few sips left in my bottle and it was so warm I could barely stand it) and felt sick from the heat. Thank god for air conditioning. I also missed dinner last night (long story) so I had breakfast this morning and it kind of threw my whole day off since I don't normally eat until 1pm. My head started hurting while I cooked dinner earlier. Not sure if it's heat related from earlier or just a random headache.

    8/26 - 255.8 - 3.19 miles - Got out a little bit late for my walk so it was sort of hot. I skipped a lot of my normal turns that draw out the walk because of it. Then I had a light lunch and made lemon pepper chicken for dinner. I had enough calories leftover to have a nice bowl of Life cereal for dessert. Still hot tomorrow so I'll try to actually get out at an early hour to beat the heat.

    8/27 - 256.8 - 3.12 miles - Thankfully, it wasn't super hot when I went for my walk and I got to do my usual route. It was awfully humid though which is weird for the area I live in.

    8/28 - 254.2 - 4.39 miles - I decided to walk to the grocery store today for the first time in years. It was cool and drizzling so better than the super hot weather lately. It's about 2 miles from the house which is fine. I normally walk three miles during the day. The problem is coming home where the last mile is all uphill and part of that is pretty steep. I was doing fine until that point (other than having bought too much and the bag was digging into my shoulder). I got up the super steep part but was out of breath so I stopped at our HOA clubhouse to get more water and sit down for a bit. I ended up spending an hour there reading a book. It was nice and quiet with no one interrupting me every few minutes. I also got some Subway while I was out (first time in a couple years) which was a nice treat that I've been craving for a while, but sadly, I forgot to have them toast it. :(

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 581 Member
    “Why is making good choices while maintaining, so much harder than when losing?”. Isn’t that the $10 million question? That’s why my 🎢 is still in business… Gosh I wish I knew the answer! Your observation is 💯… Maybe we give ourselves just a little extra leeway…
    Also, you had me cracking up LOL with that “French fried onion rings no green bean casserole” comment. 🤣.
    💪🏻You can do it!!
  • meaganmama
    meaganmama Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2023
    SW 340. 4
    8/20 338.6 -
    Very very hot today. Also a very stressful day. But with deep breathes and loud music I got through it. So happy I got to end this day with snuggles on the couch with my 9 year old. Best way to end any day.

    8/21 340.4 -
    I'm thinking this is a result of too much sodium and not enough water... Wish there wasn't so much sodium in everything I like. On the plus side I hit my first goal for exercising a total of 60 minutes. I know it doesn't seem like much, but for me it is a great start.

    8/22 DNW -
    Today was such a crazy day from start to finish I kind of forgot to weigh in... But I am setting a reminder on my phone to weigh in tomorrow. Right now I'm just exhausted and ready to call it a night. Today I am starting my second exercise goal. I want to get to 90 minutes, I'm not putting a time frame on these because I don't want to pressure myself and think I have to do it for so long at a certain time.
    8/23 - 341.6

    8/24 - 340.2
    Today was another busy and very stressful day. I've gotten creative in finding ways and times to exercise while I'm working. I bought a sit to stand desk so I'm able to stand and dance while I work, which I have done quite a bit. I also ordered a pedal bike to go under my desk while I'm sitting. I'm so excited that I have already reached my second exercise goal. Makes me feel very good because I honestly thought it would take me a bit longer to reach it. I'm planning on starting my third exercise goal tomorrow.

    8/25 - 341.6
    This has been such a long hard week. I'm so glad that it is the weekend. Today my kids only had a half day of school due to the extreme heat. So this evening I got to spend a lot of quality time with my youngest. My 16 year old was given the position of Head Editor for the high school year book. I'm so very proud of her. Part of that title comes with more responsibilities than she had last year on the yearbook. She is excited and looking forward to the challenge. Of course this means that every Friday night she will be busy with football games until the end of the season. I started my new exercise challenge today I made it quite a bit more difficult for myself this time. This one will take a bit longer to achieve. Unfortunately due to the heat I wasn't able to exercise as much as I would like. My knees and ankles seem to swell really bad when it gets super hot and it makes just normal moving around painful. I swear sometimes my body feels like I'm three times my actual age. I guess that is payback for all of the trauma I endured during my younger years. I just realized I'm writing in this thing like a journal. I don't think that is the actual point of this, but it I guess that is how I'm doing it today.

    8/26 - 342

    8/27 - 341.4

    8/28 - 339.2
    Over the weekend I didn't post on here but I did weigh myself. I didn't really do much exercising except for the bit that comes with cleaning. Weekends are my time to clean. During the week by the time I've finished work, made supper, gotten my youngest ready for school tomorrow and ready for bed I'm exhausted. So I only end up doing the bare minimum. On the weekends it's like cleaning spree. I know we always did that when I was growing up, which is probably why I do it the same way. We had some excruciatingly hot days this weekend. Thankfully today was a little cooler. I finally got my exercise bike in that goes right under my desk so I can pedal while I work. I did it a few times today and really enjoyed it. I was sitting at my desk working up a sweat while I was doing my actual work. Right now I'm thinking this was a genius idea. Really hoping that this will help me reach my exercise goals and help me continue to drop some weight. I'm already thinking about the next round. Ways I want to try to improve and things that I can do to motivate myself.



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,382 Member

    📆 2015–2023
    Feb. 2015: highest weight 218.2h
    2015: end weight running average 178.2n
    2016: end weight running average 147.7
    2017: end weight running average 148
    2018: end weight running average 137.2.
    Extreme elimination diet (doctor prescribed) for diagnostic reasons, very low calories, then boom! Gained 40 pounds.
    2019: end weight running average 176.1
    2020: end weight running average 183.8.
    2021: end weight running average 179.4.
    2022: end weight running average 178.6

    2023 Rounds
    R209 01/01/23: end weight 178.6. Ave calories — who knows? I didn’t bother with the holidays.
    R210 01/11/23: end weight 176.2 (-2.4). Ave calories 1102. No after-dinner snacking!
    R211 01/21/23: end weight 176.8 (+.6).
    R212 01/31/23: end weight 177.6 (+.8).
    R213 02/10/23: end weight 178 (+.4)
    R214 02/20/23: end weight 178 (+/-0).
    R215 03/02/23: end weight 180 (+2 ☹️)
    R216 03/12/23: end weight 178.8 (-1.2)
    R217 03/22/23: end weight 178.8 (+/-0).
    R218 04/01/23: end weight 182.8 (+4).
    R219 04/11/23: end weight 183.4 (+.6).
    R220 04/21/23: end weight 182.2 (-1.2)
    R221 05/01/23: end weight 183.2 (+1).
    R222 05/11/23: end weight 184 (+.8).
    R223 05/21/23: end weight 184 (+/-0).
    R224 05/31/23: end weight 184 (+/-0).
    R225 06/10/23: end weight 183 (-1).
    R226 06/20/23: end weight 183.6 (+.6).
    R227 06/30/23: end weight 183 (-.6).
    R228 07/10/23: end weight 184 (+1)
    R229 07/20/23: end weight 183 (-1)
    R230 07/30/23: end weight 185 (+2 😡)
    R231 08/09/23: end weight 185 (+/- 0)
    July-Dec. 2023 goal — lose 20 lbs—GW 160-163. UGW 130.
    R232 08/19/23: end weight 185.8 😡
    R233 goals—calories 1100-1200, walk at least 60 minutes/day, NO SNACKING.

    Day, Weight, Calories, Comment

    8-20 - 185.8, 1320
    Yesterday was good food wise. I didn’t feel great — got my flu and RSV shots Thursday and I always react a bit, I’m such a delicate flower 🤪. The weather has been lovely but this week, starting today, is supposed to be hot hot hot. Off to water, then walk. Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!

    8-21 - 185.6, 1765
    I oversnacked last night. Why do I do this? I don’t know. I feel like I need to put a big CLOSED sign on the kitchen after dinner. It’s really nuts.

    8/22 - 186.8, 1823
    Gaaa! Not only have my calories been high the past two days, but I feel bloated, although I haven’t been eating extra salt, at least. Do antihistamines cause water retention? I’ll have to look that up. I had/have an injection site reaction to my flu shot—red, itchy, inflamed—and I’ve been taking diphenhydramine (Benadryl) on advice of pharmacist. But why am I snacking so much, knowing I’m just undermining myself? A symptom of something else going on?

    8/23 - 185.8, 1536
    I did have some cheese last night as a snack, but did better—I weighed it and nibbled slowly and stuck with that. My arm is a lot better thanks at least partly to the Benadryl, but still red and slightly itchy. I’ve never reacted like that before. I’m meeting a friend for lunch — already checked the menu and I’m getting a grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side. DH wants brats for dinner, so I’ll have one and forego the bun. Now to stick with the plan! Off for a walk before the heat sets in—heat advisory for the next three days. Stay cool and safe, everyone.

    8/24 - 186.6, 1800ish
    So much for sticking to the plan. Actually I did at lunch—resisted the personal pizzas and enjoyed my grilled chicken salad. But at dinner I ended up eating 2 brats with buns and a boiled new potato, and I ate some ice cream later. Ugh. I’m starting journaling today to see if I can get a handle on why I’m doing this to myself. Rebellion? Depression? Something else?

    8/25 - 185.4, 1642
    Ok, a little better. I still ate more than planned, but all healthy food. Happy Friday, all!

    8/26 - 184.4, 1287
    Yay! Not my happiest weight, but at least I’m moving a bit in the right direction, finally. Today we slept late, and had French toast for breakfast (mine with no sugar/sweetener raspberry preserves, and I pour extra egg mix on my toast while it’s cooking) and DH is making pork fried rice for dinner. I’ll probably skip lunch, or just have a sliced tomato, since I ate big and late. All good! Now off to water and weed. Have a great Saturday!

    8/27 - 184.4, 1483
    Working not to stress eat today. Struggling with dog & DH issues, and forgive me, but this feels like one of the only places I can vent this stuff. Yesterday puppy Booker, who is now 60+ pounds at almost 10 months, pulled DH over and got away from him on a walk, wanting to play with another dog. DH is 88 years old, so this is not a good thing. He did manage to get him under control and home, and didn’t get hurt but for a few bruises, but it could have been much worse. Aside from the immediate hazard issue, I feel a bit trapped, unable to leave DH to care for the pup if I need/want to be away for any length of time. I’ve put a lot of work (and money) into this puppy—he already has multiple competition titles—and had lots of goals and dreams for training and competing. But safety is first, so I’m on the horns of a huge dilemma. And I’m more than a little ticked off because when I was looking for another dog after Rory died last year, I wanted to go smaller. I’m 70, and after 30+ years of training and competing, I knew a smaller dog than our many Labs and Aussies would be a better choice, although *I* can handle this puppy. But no, DH wanted a Lab. Now he’s surprised at the energy and physicality of this pup. I now realize that what he wanted was our last Lab, Lily, who was almost 15 when she died and his quiet, gentle walking buddy for her last years. He’s forgotten how she (and the others) was as a puppy/young dog. But if I return this pup to the breeder or place him with someone who will nurture his brains and energy, I’m the one—not DH—who will take the flak from people (and trust me, there will be plenty). So they’re off for a walk as I write this, and every time they do this now I will worry. DH thinks he’s a better dog handler than he is, and has always declined to take any classes over the years, which I used to suggest, because dog training classes are about people training. He doesn’t anticipate situations and isn’t proactive about redirecting canine attention. He spends no time training the pup, I do all that, and then he wonders why the puppy doesn’t do what he (DH) tells him. Duh. Ok, done venting. This is weight related because it all makes me crave stupid things like Fritos. I’m resisting.

    8/28 -
    8/29 -

    Sorry I'm late catching up on posts & someone may have already suggested this, but have you considered a haltie for Booker when DH is walking him? I'm feeling for you and really hope you come up with a workable solution for you all <3
  • jspecies11
    jspecies11 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Round 233
    SW 133.8# end of round 232
    Goals: Strength training 4-5x/week; follow nutrition plan, daily log, hydrate. RGW 133.0# or under
    8/20 133.2# todays plan: walk, strength train upper body, hydrate, eat per plan, no alcohol
    8/21 132.4# Not sure about this measurement. Reached my goals yesterday. On to Monday - Hamstrings.
    8/22 132.0# What an unexpected drop. The body always keeps you guessing. Finished today’s training early since I’ve been up since 4:30.
    8/23 132.4# Finally a good nights sleep! Rest day today with just a walk. NSV - moved my belt one notch tighter this morning unexpectedly!
    8/24 132.0# last summer riding lesson today. I’ll need to find a place to continue to feed my horse addiction, the next session just doesn’t fit my work schedule. Eating and training are on track, but need to push water better.
    8/25 130.8# I jumped off and on but that’s today’s reading. It’s just a number. For me this journey and effort is really about health, energy and how I feel, not a scale reading.
    8/26 131.6# Happy Saturday everyone.
    8/27 131.6#
    8/28 132.0# The weather was beautiful yesterday so I got an awesome bike ride in. Lovely late summer weather here in New England.
    8/29 132.2# on to the next round
  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 581 Member
    edited August 2023
    F 65, 5’6”

    233RG:Focus on PROCESS
    Daily Goals: IF, H2O, Calories(under 1200) Macros 5-60-30, 10k steps, 500+ activity calories, Journal. Weekly: Strength training 3x, 12–3–30 4x and face the ⚖️ 3x !

    R233 SW 139.4
    RGW 136.4 !!!!
    UGW 128

    8/20 139.4 🫣🫤
    8/21 DNW
    8/22 139.2 - MFP weekly
    8/23 DNW
    8/24 DNW
    8/25 138.6 🫣🤷‍♀️
    8/26 DNW
    8/27 DNW
    8/28 DNW
    8/29 137.8 😳🤬😥

    -1.6 ?!?#+?!%# in 10 freaking days?!$&@“?!

    8/29 This is my 🎢 . I’ve been high on life keeping with the process and the ⚖️brought me down. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Way Down. (OK I could’ve said “weigh” down, but I’m not in the mood to smile) When am I going to realize that busting my butt and eating air is the new normal? Serving a life sentence? Ngl -There is NO positivity this morning. A “watched scale” never loses?!? My only guess is that my activity has increased so much that I’m gaining a little muscle while loosing a little fat. Was it worth it this round? Sure. Absolutely. No doubt. But my God, this is hard as hell. 15k steps yesterday. TONS of water. 2 hrs of tennis…. Slept like a brick last night. Pumped a little iron. Right now laying in bed recording this and I figure by the time I pick myself up and brush myself off, I’ll FORCE a positive, can-do will-do attitude today. God I hope so. I’ll spend a little time journaling, find some positives and NSVs to jump fast and hard into R234.
    COME ON!

    PS- My ears are clean - no wax build up… Maybe it’s sinuses?

    Today’s mantra is fake it till you make it….. 🤓 see y’all in 234
    Can I do this?!
    Yes I can. 💪🏻🙌🏻

    8/28 Yesterday: ✅ 10k, macros, cal 1359 (ate back 159 of 600+ exercise minutes). 12-3-30 (Plan to ⬆️). Overall feeling positive and still determined! (Heat index was 115 yesterday but it cooled off pretty quickly with a brief thunderstorm!)

    Todays plan: IF today. Also doctor appt. today to get my ears checked… My left ear is stopped up and who knows why? Balance seems off. (I haven’t been to the doctor in YEARS! [2018 pneumonia] Don’t get me going here - I know, I know, I know that’s unusual, but I have personal reasons). Get in 10k today and tennis tonight. Strength train today while watching US Open. Food planned ✅. Get to see my grandson this afternoon! Blessed day!

    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻

    8/27 Yesterday: I hit my 1200 calorie goal. Enjoyed an excellent grilled shrimp salad last night. 500+ active calories. But only 8k steps. Stayed inside most of the day. Relaxed. I did have two small squares of dark chocolate. My husband said it wasn’t going to kill me.

    Oh, I did give up (suspended) IF when the temperature reached the 100+ (about 7 to 10 days ago…) I just felt like I needed food before I left for the tennis court. Once the temperature drops, I’ll return to I F.

    I’ll get my 10k steps today and will also complete 12–3–30. Routine going well.

    NSV: My hiking pants zip comfortably… Hoping they will fit PERFECTLY in 5 weeks! (Loose!) I’m feeling a whole lot better - more energy. It’s a huge difference.

    Part of my personal 🎢 Is that I have size 4 to 10 in my closet. Can anyone relate with multiple sizes? Can’t I just have two sizes in my closet? I was a single mom for 17 years, and I had closets full of MANY different sizes of clothes… I don’t want to live that way. All I want is max two sizes. My entire adult life I’ve had up to five sizes in my closet. I must embrace the FACT that staying fit is a personal commitment and takes a LOT of proactive actions. It will never come natural to me. But then my inner-voice tells me “never say never”.

    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻

    8/26 Yesterday was a really good day! BUT …The heat has WORN ME DOWN…it’s been between 110-115° (heat index) all week. Today will be same.

    I’m proud of myself for deciding to eat more calories… And trusting that information. Yesterday I only walked 8k steps but burned 800 exercise calories. (long tennis match). I had my usual egg breakfast and then for a late lunch I had a chicken breast/tomatoes/cucumber/Greek yogurt salad that was actually, pretty tasty. I knew I was strong headed into the party last night…

    Oh my WHAT a spread! Luckily, there was so much protein to choose from (Beef tenderloin and smoked salmon) I wasn’t too tempted by the charcuterie, cheeses, pimento cheese, chaffing dips, (Although I did have one taste of the hot crab meat!) … I actually passed up the bread pudding, and doberge (sp?) cake! I even skipped alcohol! Skipping that land-mine was not difficult because it was so damn hot! (The bar was outside and it was just too hot to venture out… So I drank divine water and it was DELICIOUS!) So I was able to stay way under my net calorie goal because I had worked out so much… I feel great this morning! I probably had 6-8 oz of tenderloin, & 5-6 oz of the salmon, and I was good to go!

    I actually feel “light” this morning. I actually want to jump on the scale, but I’m not because I don’t want to take this feeling away. I’m more proud of yesterday than I am of anything the scale could possibly report! I’m going to stick to my plan…. DNW!

    I think what I’m most proud of about yesterday was knowing that I was going to the party and having a plan …. And I came out on the other side, feeling victorious instead of feeling defeated.

    One more quick note: The party last night: one of my lifelong friends (my age 65) threw a surprise birthday party for her 70yr boyfriend. She has been divorced for about 20 years, and met the love of her life two years ago. They are precious together. The party was so positive and uplifting! She was so happy! Seeing their joy has given me such a boost.

    It’s early yet I may stay inside all day or I may venture out… I’m looking forward to another good day!

    I always look forward to reading everyone’s post and each, and everyone of you inspire me… Good luck today!

    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻

    8/25. No whoosh but I’ll take it. Not even a pound. But better ⬇️ than ⬆️. Thank God I’m not going to weigh till the 29th! I might even wait until the 31st. I know that I’m on my plan and so I’m just gonna stick with it. Yesterday I bought a protein supplement - I don’t think I’m getting enough calories or protein. I had a gorgeous piece of wild sockeye salmon last night for dinner so my proteins were enough yesterday. 12k steps…. 600+ active calories, (no tennis) keep moving. I don’t see myself doing any additional work until the heat gets back to normal. I have another competitive tennis match this morning, so the treadmill will once again be delayed.

    I’m thankful for so many things in my life… I just have to keep focused and control my thoughts. Going to a big party tonight so I’ll be prepared! Looking forward to seeing friends I haven’t seen in a long while.

    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻