✨Kickstart Birthday Challenge✨

Hi there 🙋🏻‍♀️
I’ve finally decided to give myself a birthday present which is: to lose weight and build muscle.

Here’s the challenge:

I’m giving myself 11 months to go from being 207 pounds and tired to being 170 pounds and having energy to keep going.

All i have in my mind is:
Be at a caloric deficit and start working out.

Does anyone have any tips or advice on this?


  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,364 Member
    Follow the MFP guidelines, and make sure you log everything and do it consistently. It works really well if you follow the plan it gives you. You have 37 pounds to goal, so setting at 0.5 (to 1) pound loss per week will likely get you there in the 11 months and allow for strength gains.

    Good luck. Make sure you weigh your foods.
  • laurenthecarts
    laurenthecarts Posts: 41 Member
    Whoopwhoop! Happy birthdaaaaaay!

    I'm also here since my birthday in March, less of a gift to myself, more of a 'come on, 32 is the age you stop being a heffer' - 3 months going strong 💪

    I personally find birthdays a way more successful starting point than the new year cliche - so wishing you the best of luck with it!

    My golden rule and thus tip, don't let anything past your lips unless you've weighed it accurately/ it's clearly portioned & pre-calorie counted. (It's the little nibble here and there that is many people's downfall!)
  • alexhomeandcoffee
    alexhomeandcoffee Posts: 33 Member
    @pridesabtch @laurenthecarts

    Hi guys! Thank you so much!!

    I will make sure to follow the plan and track my food!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,364 Member
    @alexhomeandcoffee how goes the effort?
  • alexhomeandcoffee
    alexhomeandcoffee Posts: 33 Member
    Hey there :) it’s going okay, I’m down 2 pounds now after putting myself in a setback 🤦🏻‍♀️ I went from 207 to 210! Now I’m 205. I’m back on track and have been seeing non-scale progress (my waist and face are thinning, i have more energy and strength). I’m a little discouraged about the one pound per month thing happening so far, but I’m pressing forward
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,364 Member
    The patience part is difficult. I've been going the wrong way lately as well. Think I finally have my head screwed on straight.