
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,814 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall.

    Start Weight (from July 31, 2023 ): 193.8
    Goal Weight: 189.8 (4 pound loss)

    End of Challenge Weight: xxxxx
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    08/01-193.6-(Trend Weight: 195.2)-

    08/08-194.6-(Trend Weight: 195.6)-

    08/15-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    08/22-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)- Very early travel today for routine mammogram and oncologist appt. 4 hour drive each way. Hopefully I am still in full remission. Diet & Exercise has been horrible. What I am doing is just not sustainable. I’ve got to rethink my MFP goals and tweak.

    08/29-191.8-(Trend Weight: 196.0)- I took my older friend out for dinner last night at a new little restaurant that opened recently about 16 miles down the road. It’s a little dive because it opened in a very old place that had been closed for 20 years. You can imagine the critter residue as it pretty much sits in the middle of the woods with nothing around it for miles and miles. It took a long time to get through all the inspections and water testing (new well) but it finally opened. In small towns like mine, we like to support small local business and each other so lots of people were there to enjoy and congratulate. It really is a little Andy Griffith-like in small towns like mine so, of course, we had to go. I chose my dinner carefully which kept the calories and carbs down. It was a nice evening. I finally inched my way back into a tiny bit of exercise yesterday after some potty/tummy troubles the last few days. I can feel my guts are still slightly inflamed but at least their not full! It’s raining and gloomy here today so handymen will be shifting gears and working inside. They were originally scheduled to replace a pipe on the roof. I won’t be able to exercise until this evening but will push myself to get it in. I’m usually so tired in the evenings, especially when it’s raining so heavily. It’s dark (need the lights on) and cold. I’m about ready to turn on the heat. Very strange weather in August, even for Michigan.

    08/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    July Start Weight: 293.6 (7/5/23)/July End Weight: 276.2 (-17.4)

    August Start Weight: 273.8
    August Goal Weight: 266lbs
    Short-term Goal Weight: 250lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165lbs

    August 1: 273.8
    August 8: 267.8
    August 15: 265.4
    August 25: 255.8
    August 29: 252.8
    August 31:

    @3rdtimelosesit I'm not really doing anything special. I just cut back my portions to the recommended amounts, eat a light lunch (usually a sandwich or salad) and a regular dinner. Not much snacking (and that's on low-cal stuff). And I go for a walk every day for about an hour or so (up to a little over 3 miles a day). That's it. I have been coming in way low on my calories, though. The site says I should eat 1350, but I seem to hit around 1150-1200 by the time I finish dinner and then I can never decide if I want one more snack or dessert before bed. Eventually, I forget about needing to choose something and then it's too late (I don't really like eating after 8pm).

    I always lose a lot of weight really fast whenever I start portion controlling/calorie counting. But even I'm a little surprised it just keeps coming off so fast. I'm almost at my main goal of 250 so I keep expecting it to get harder, but... still waiting, lol. I think the lowest I've ever gotten after having kids was 235 and once I hit that, I couldn't seem to lose any more. So we'll see how it goes once I get below 250.

    @Antara_Kld Thanks. I was a little surprised by the number as well.
  • Britgirl1953
    Britgirl1953 Posts: 20 Member
    August Start Weight: 174 (July 31st)
    August Goal Weight: 171
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    August 1: 174
    August 8: 172.5
    August 15: 172
    August 22: 173...bad week. Too many social gatherings
    August 29: 173 struggling but not gaining
    August 31:
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,809 Member
    August Goal Weight: 133
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    August 2: 135
    August 9: 134
    August 16: 133
    August 23: 135
    August 30: 134
  • jo_casey42
    jo_casey42 Posts: 119 Member
    SW: 235
    August GW: 228
    GW: 170

    August 01: -
    August 08: 235
    August 15: 232.4
    August 22: 230.8
    August 30: 231.2
    August 31:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,716 Member
    edited August 2023
    Thank you, @enlightenme3 !
    I'm Chris - 73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 150.0
    UGW: 145.0
    August Start Weight: 151.1
    August Goal Weight: 148.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140.0
    August 01: 151.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 mins w/trainer
    August 07: 151.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 mins w/trainer
    August 14: 151.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 mins w/trainer
    August 21: 152.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 mins w/trainer
    August 28: 150.7 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 mins w/trainer
    August 31:
    Good luck everyone!
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 313 Member
    August start weight: 225.50
    August goal weight: 219
    Ultimate goal weight: 190 (to start)

    August 1:225.50
    August 8: 224.50
    August 15: 223.50
    August 22: 221.50
    August 29: 221.50
  • Stuv46
    Stuv46 Posts: 396 Member
    August Start Weight: 134.6
    August Goal Weight: 132
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125

    August 1: n/a
    August 8: 134.6
    August 15: 133.9
    August 22: 133.6
    August 29: 133.6
  • Original start weight: 15st 9lbs

    June loss: 5.5lbs
    July loss: 8.5lbs
    Aug loss: 5lbs

    Total loss to date: 1 Stone 5lbs

    August Start Weight: 14st 9lbs
    August Goal Weight: 14st 2lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 10st

    Annoying to end the month with a gain because I have stayed in track but never mind. 5lbs loss in Aug - not quite as much as hoped but going in the right direction 👍

    August 1: 14st 9lbs
    August 8: 14st 8 3/4lbs
    August 15: 14st 6lbs
    August 23: 14st 5lbs
    August 29: 14st 3.5lbs
    August 31: 14st 4lbs
  • Losingit8305
    Losingit8305 Posts: 307 Member
    August Start Weight: 130
    August Goal Weight: 125
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120

    August 1: 130
    August 8: 132.4 (TOM)
    August 15: 131.8
    August 22: 131
    August 29: 129.8
    August 31: 130.6

  • UpNorthPat12
    UpNorthPat12 Posts: 1,046 Member
    edited August 2023
    August Start Weight: 165.5
    August Goal Weight: 163.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-150 range

    August 1: 165.5
    August 8: DNW
    August 15: "
    August 22: "
    August 29: "
    August 31: 163.8

    It's going in the right direction... :) Let's do this again next month! It helps keep me accountable. Thanks to all who participated this month!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Age: 53
    Height: 5’7”

    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 2.1 pounds
    July weight lost : 1.3 pounds
    August gain: 1.1 pounds

    January 1st starting weight: 224.5
    August start weight: 199.6
    August goal weight: 195
    Ultimate goal weight: 185

    August 1: 199.6
    August 2: 199.4
    August 9: 199.6
    August 16: 199.3
    August 23: 198.4
    August 30: 199.6
    August 31: 200.7
  • okay_fine
    okay_fine Posts: 5 Member
    5’9 F
    SW (May 1): 223
    GW: 170

    (July 31: 204.1)
    August 3: 204.6
    August 10: 206.7 (ugh!)
    August 17: 204.6
    August 24: 206
    August 31: 205.6

    August loss: +1.5
    Total loss (4 months:) -17.4

    It’s alright, i had a very eventful and stressful month. lot’s of social gatherings + less gym. I’ve also been so lazy with tracking…I’m telling myself that this was a “maintenance month” 😂 i was up and down between 203.6 and 207. I have a wedding 10/5, so I hope to buckle down in September and see what I can do to be closer to 199 by then.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,924 Member
    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    July 29 (Starting Weight): - 152.9 (10-day average 152.9)
    August goal - Get closer to the middle or lower end of maintenance weight.
    Ultimate goal - Range between 143 - 153

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I post on Saturdays.

    July 29: 152.8 (10-day average 152.9)
    August 5: 152.6 (10-day average 151.4)
    August 12: 149.2 (10-day average 150.2)
    August 19 18 (away from scale on normal day) : 152.2 (10-day average 150.3)
    August 26 28 (away from scale on normal day): 150.2 (10-day average 151.3)
    August 31: 150.8 (10-day average 151.7)
    September 2:

    Total loss for August Unofficial weigh-in last day of the month; one more check-in on Saturday. For now it looks like another week of gain instead of loss or maintenance. Still down about just over a pound for the month. I had a river trip last week. I was surprised that I actually lost a little bit. Then I ate the leftover snacks that I didn't eat on the river.... Still, I should be fine with losing a pound this month. Sure is better than a gain, and I have two days left to improve that!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,814 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall.

    Start Weight (from July 31, 2023 ): 193.8
    Goal Weight: 189.8 (4 pound loss)

    End of Challenge Weight: 191.8
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    08/01-193.6-(Trend Weight: 195.2)-

    08/08-194.6-(Trend Weight: 195.6)-
    08/15-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    08/22-DNW-(Trend Weight: DNW)-

    08/29-191.8-(Trend Weight: 196.0)- I took my older friend out for dinner last night at a new little restaurant that opened recently about 16 miles down the road. It’s a little dive because it opened in a very old place that had been closed for 20 years. You can imagine the critter residue as it pretty much sits in the middle of the woods with nothing around it for miles and miles. It took a long time to get through all the inspections and water testing (new well) but it finally opened. In small towns like mine, we like to support small local business and each other so lots of people were there to enjoy and congratulate. It really is a little Andy Griffith-like in small towns like mine so, of course, we had to go. I chose my dinner carefully which kept the calories and carbs down. It was a nice evening. I finally inched my way back into a tiny bit of exercise yesterday after some potty/tummy troubles the last few days. I can feel my guts are still slightly inflamed but at least their not full! It’s raining and gloomy here today so handymen will be shifting gears and working inside. They were originally scheduled to replace a pipe on the roof. I won’t be able to exercise until this evening but will push myself to get it in. I’m usually so tired in the evenings, especially when it’s raining so heavily. It’s dark (need the lights on) and cold. I’m about ready to turn on the heat. Very strange weather in August, even for Michigan.

    08/31-191.8-(Trend Weight: 195.2)- 2 lbs down this month. I’m posting late due to the travel to the endocrinologist today for my diabetes. His scale showed that I was down a couple of pounds from my last visit. He was happy to see my glucose numbers on my monitor were better. He reminded me that excess sugars in the blood are stored as fat and when I keep my numbers better, I maintain much better and even lose weight. I needed that reminder. I left feeling very inspired and able. I ate most of my Chicken Alfredo at the restaurant for lunch today. It was so so good. I will finish the rest tonight for dinner so I will be 100% back on plan tomorrow. I will not be snacking tonight since it is already getting late. Tomorrow I have a huge bow window being put in my living room to replace the old picture window that was flanked on each side. I also have to start getting up early on Fridays to drive my kindergarten grandson to the nearby bus stop by 7:20 am. I have to get him up and get him ready for school since I always babysit on Thursday nights and Fridays. Then I will pick him up from the bus stop at about 4:00 pm. I am not looking forward to getting up that early since sleep is already so elusive. It’s not that I can’t handle the 6:30 part (which is when I’ll need to get up). It’s that no matter what time I get up, I seem to need about 2 hours to chill, drink coffee and get ready to see other human beings and be nice. Ah well. Nice round everyone! See you in the next.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    July Start Weight: 293.6 (7/5/23)/July End Weight: 276.2 (-17.4)

    August Start Weight: 273.8
    August Goal Weight: 266lbs
    Short-term Goal Weight: 250lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165lbs

    August 1: 273.8
    August 8: 267.8
    August 15: 265.4
    August 25: 255.8
    August 29: 252.8
    August 31: 254.2

    Total lost in August: 19.6lbs
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 682 Member
    August Start Weight: 297.9 lbs
    August Goal Weight: 290 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 175 lbs

    August 1: 297.9 lbs
    August 5: 295.8 lbs
    August 12: 295.8 lbs
    August 19: 295.8 lbs
    August 26: 295 lbs
    August 31: 294.4 lbs

    Weightloss for August: 3.5 lbs 🎉 not my goal but I'll take it 😉