VERTICAL CHALLENGERS! Home to all shorties out there. (OPEN)



  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you leader-type ladies! :)

    Is the three pounds by October 14th (that started September 14th) still an official challenge?

    Hiya! So pleased to see you and all the others here!! Our family is growing and coming together...let's hope that's the only thing that grows while we're here (apart from lusciousness, confidence, abs etc. Although I would be mega chuffed with a bit of height growth, I think I've missed the boat).

    YES! The challenge of losing 3lbs by October 14th is still going from the original thread. How is everyone doing on that score??
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    5'1.5" I am in!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Yay! So good to see some familiar and new faces. Welcome :happy:
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Can I also ask you ladies that if you know a shorty from the old thread to please pass on the link to them? We need to make sure no one gets left behind!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I'm here! And I met the challenge and have actually lost 4lbs since Sept 15!! I'm gonna try for 3 more by October 15 :D

    Thanks for 'officializing' our shorties thread!

    I'm 5'1" and working from 147 down to 115. Feel free to add me. I definitely need some short girl support.

    Also, love to hear success stories and weight loss tips from those who have gotten down to their goal weights (or close!)
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Woo hoo! I'm here as well. Vertical Challengers unite!!! =D
    My NAME is Ariel born and raised in Northern California. I am 4'11 3/4" and currently 144. I would like to get down to 115. I love being short. I Just don't like being FAT and short. Not a good combo. =P I joined MFP sometime around July 27. Since then I've had a few family gatherings that I believe has definately stalled my weight loss. I find I eat more when there's a lot of family, because my family loves good, homemade food. we are a Hispanic family so there's always tortillas, beans, enchiladas, tacos.. all the deliciousness of our culture. lol . It has been a challenge itself for me to recognize my eating habits and purposely attempt to change them. I CAN DO THIS THOUGH! i will NOT give up.

    Anyway, Hope all you ladies are doing fantastic and working on our challenge! Kudos to u all. I shall check back in a bit to see and greet any new comers.
    Have an awesome day!!

    Oh, and a big shoutout and thanks to the "leaders" of the vertical challengers for bringing us all together! you guys (girls) rock!
  • I'm 5'2, does that count?
    If so, I'd love to join!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Haven't lost a whole pound since the challenge started, but not giving up!!!
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    5'0- I'm in! Thanks for setting this up!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member

    Feel free to introduce yourselves with more information. Anything you may feel comfortable sharing. I can start us off.

    I live in Indiana but am also a "frequent flyer" to the Windy City of Chicago. I don't actually fly out there, but might as well live there :bigsmile: I started MFP the summer of 2010, thanks to a friend, but only lasted a day. I restarted my journey again on Aug. 15th, 2011 and have lost 11 pounds so far. My starting weight was 139, I'm at 128 and want to get to 115 or 110. I don't have a set time to do so but feel slow and steady will win this race. Also I’m at 5’1, which definitely qualifies me as a Vertical Challenger. One reason I jump kicked my weight loss was for my wedding in September of next year. How long has everyone else been working on their goals?

    Now on to some more logistics, we may have more co-leaders added to the group. We are working behind the scenes to get things together. In addition, a previous roster was put together that had over 100 members. However, we definitely need to put together a new one. Hopefully that will be put together as soon as we figure how to do so. As MrsBlobs indicated before, we definitely look forward to hearing from everyone on their ideas. This forum is to all vertical challengers whether you want to be a part of the challenges are not. We look forward to hearing success stories, tips, frustrations, and anything on your minds!
    To new members, our previous challenge which was started Sept. 14 is to attempt to lose 3 lbs by Oct. 14.
    New members, feel free to add the “vertical challengers” signature.
    ***Please forward the message to any former vertical challengers about the new location****

    WELCOME AGAIN AND GOOD LUCK! Looking forward to getting to know everyone! Don’t be afraid to add members as friends as well, including myself.

    ~Laloquita21 (Lisa)
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I'm 5'2, does that count?
    If so, I'd love to join!

    Cor! You're massive! (joke).
    Of couse :bigsmile:
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you leader-type ladies! :)

    Is the three pounds by October 14th (that started September 14th) still an official challenge?

    Hiya! So pleased to see you and all the others here!! Our family is growing and coming together...let's hope that's the only thing that grows while we're here (apart from lusciousness, confidence, abs etc. Although I would be mega chuffed with a bit of height growth, I think I've missed the boat).

    YES! The challenge of losing 3lbs by October 14th is still going from the original thread. How is everyone doing on that score??

    I'm down 1lb so far! However, I doubt I'll make 3lbs since I'm almost at my goal, but here's hoping :)
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Haven't lost a whole pound since the challenge started, but not giving up!!!

    You keep hanging in there! I'm sure you've probably lost some good inches though!
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm here! And I met the challenge and have actually lost 4lbs since Sept 15!! I'm gonna try for 3 more by October 15 :D

    Thanks for 'officializing' our shorties thread!

    I'm 5'1" and working from 147 down to 115. Feel free to add me. I definitely need some short girl support.

    Also, love to hear success stories and weight loss tips from those who have gotten down to their goal weights (or close!)

    AWESOME! Don't you just love dropping those numbers. I as well have met the 3 lb challenge yesterday but look forward to losing at least another pound or two by the end date.
  • MissD89
    MissD89 Posts: 102
    Haven't lost a whole pound since the challenge started, but not giving up!!!

    Just keep working at it. The scale will budge, Keep drinking lots and LOTS of water . You can do it!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I'd like to join! I'm 4'11". How do I get the badge for the "vertical challenge" that you all seem to have? Don't know about losing the three pounds by the 14th considering the late date, but want to try anyhow!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    My Turn

    This is my second losing attempt and I'm hoping to make it my last - my last because a) I don't want to yo-yo, can anybody actually afford the clothes of doing that anyway? But also, b) I'm at the age where I just don't think my skin or health will take another stretching after three kids as well.

    I got way up previously just through gluttony really, being a stay at home mum after working for years and years was also a bit of a shock, lots of food scaps to clear up, lots of takeaway etc. It wasn't pretty.

    I stayed down after the weight loss untill last year when my mum was diagnosed with dementia. It really was a manic year and we (my sister and I) just bounced from one crisis to another. I comfort and convenience ate my way through the whole year and managed to put almost all of my weight back on.

    Largest ever: 181lbs
    Current: 156
    Goal: I'm not sure. I've put down what the BMI recommends but basically will get to target when I'm comfortable, not necessarily based on a number or recommendation. I'm sure I'm not the only shorty that goes '105lbs? Yeah right, like that's ever going to happen'.

    I want to lose weight mainly for vanity (there, I said it!). I want to wear nice clothes that fit and let's face it, it's hard enough at this height...with the extra baggage it's impossible!

    Part of my plan this time is to study my emotional responses to food as well. I'm an emotional eater and not only am I looking at that habit/link that I've formed, but also looking to find and learn better coping strategies. Things with my mum have settled and we are somewhat 'in a groove' now. So it's my time to pay attention to myself.

    So - 'Hello' Now I've intoduced myself...your turn :smile:

    Blobs x (aka Liz)
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    Regarding the signatures I'll get TooFatToFit to come give a tutorial