Looking for weight loss buddies

akshemsley Posts: 1 Member
edited August 2023 in Introduce Yourself
Hiya I’m a 46 female living in the UK. I’m at 68kg and at 5ft3 I need to get to 58 - 62kg ideally. My plan is to start by losing 6kg and then maintain for 4-6 months before then trying to drop a bit more. I easily do 10 - 11k steps a day. I do resistance training once a week and need to add in a second session plus one jog a week. My calories target is 1800 a day with a focus on getting 100g of protein per day. I will do a bit of intermittent fasting as well.

If you are in a similar position I’d love to buddy up with you and help with motivation!


  • loubleuet
    loubleuet Posts: 4 Member
    hi ! i’m also (re)starting intermittent fasting, im from Canada & i walk/lift weights as well !
  • MambokadziTatenda
    Hi! I’m 44 from Zimbabwe, looking to lose 5kg. I’d love intermittent fasting buddies and accountability partners.
  • aus3218
    aus3218 Posts: 4 Member
    Goodmorning, im 43 years old and decided to actually give MFP a go, I live in the U.S. I'm looking for accountability partner. I am 5'3 and need to lose 30 pounds. I cycle and circuit train but I'm not 100% with getting them in. I walk 10,000 steps a day at work.
  • SamuLH
    SamuLH Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there! 2nd day newbie here excited to get started! Using IF-18/6-and a calorie target of 2000/day, with an emphasis on reducing carb intake. I am definitely looking for a support and encouragement community! Feel free to send friend requests! Thanks. (56 male usa)
  • JDun7646
    JDun7646 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, also from the UK
  • jcmuschette
    jcmuschette Posts: 3 Member
    Hello all - Is it too late to join this group?
  • kathryn0808
    kathryn0808 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm in a similar position 😀 Would really love a weight loss buddy to help me stay on track. I'm 31, 148 lbs, live in Ireland and looking to loss 10 lb in this round of weight loss. If anyone would like to help keep me accountable that would be amazing. I'll do the same for you.