Daily check in for support and accountability



  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm still eating without paying attention or logging. Life is going to start to settle down now so I'm going to make a plan to get back on track. I would like to refocus on my health starting with making better food choices.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Hey, there, ladies. This thread has gone kind of quiet, so I am going to re-energize it. I dropped off the face of the myfitnesspal earth in early July. I couldn't go for my walks because of my knee and my son was coming home mid month, so I bailed. Both just convenient excuses, I know. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself because of my knee and just adapt. You read through any support thread on MFP, and you are guaranteed to find someone who has a lot more to deal with than yourself! I need to try this again. My motto of "fake it 'til you make it" starts tomorrow. I will post my starting weight tomorrow (Wednesday), which is my weigh-in day. Let's do this!!

    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-In: 207.6

    I logged my food yesterday and stayed within my calorie budget. This morning I woke up really hungry. This is going to be something that I have to get used to again, as I haven't been "hungry" for almost two months!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Happy September, everyone! I just love this time of year!

    Myfitnesspal, in general, seems to be very quiet, not just in this thread. I am hoping that after Labour Day weekend, we all feel a sense of renewal and commitment and the chatter starts up again.

    I have logged my food for four of the last five days, and the scale says I am three pounds lighter because of it! I have been at work three times this week (for about 3 hours each time) and that has helped give me some more step calories without overdoing it. Going for intentional walks causes too much throbbing in the leg and knee. I do need to find some exercises that I can do; maybe more strength and stretching based for now. Maybe I could start doing some mini walks to build up endurance? I really don't know; I am just guessing at this point. My MRI isn't until early December. Today I take my 88 year old father to renew his driver's license. I fear it will not go well. He hardly drives at all anymore, but he drives fine when he does. He only goes places that he knows and they are usually close to home. Today's tests don't involve actual driving. It is the cognitive test I fear he will not pass.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    It went fine at the seniors' centre yesterday where my dad had to take some tests to be able to renew his driver's licence. It was way more Mickey Mouse than I thought it was going to be. The most difficult part was finding the building. Dad drives on memory and landmarks, not addresses! My husband had spaghetti for dinner last night and after the sauce was gone, there was still noodles. Normally I would have put some parm on those bad boys and gone to town, but I didn't! Eating a plate of pasta like that would have caused me to want to eat other carby foods, and plenty of them!
  • poluwai
    poluwai Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, jumping in here!

    HW: 213
    CW: 200
    GW: 130

    Will be 57 shortly!

    Been using MFP intermittently for several years. Promise to myself to be diligent starting 9.1.23 forward. Weigh in still Wednesday’s?

    Currently walking only, I live in the Southern part of the US and it has been a hot summer. Not even the dog wants to walk!

    Looking forward to supporting all who are here, we have got this!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Hi, @poluwai , I'm Lisa.

    Nice to have someone else on this thread. I went away for a couple of months only to come back and find that the thread had gone pretty quiet. I thought I would try to keep it going in the hopes that after Labour Day weekend some would return. The fall seems to be a season of renewal as far as habits and routines go, just not so much for nature!

    It is/was a very informal thread. Weigh-ins can be whenever you want or even if you want. I do Wednesdays because Weigh-In Wednesday has a nice ring to it! I am also 57 and I am from Ontario, Canada.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    So far, so good. I am currently "in the zone", making healthy choices, logging my food and staying under. I found pumpkin spice almond milk in the grocery store this weekend, so that was something to look forward to in my coffee this morning.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Time for me to get back in here, too. What i like about this small group (so far lol) I just noticed and didn't expect. It's that when some of us get distracted -- by unexpected injuries or guest season -- one of us picks up the ball and keeps the thread alive with no judgment or anything but happy thoughts of holding down the fort until the others get back. I noticed it was someone different every time. I think that's neat.

    So now the heat is letting up in Florida and I'm ready to get back outside for activity. Ready to log because like Lisa I also lose when I log. Psyched for fall y'all. Let's gooo.

    I'm gonna try to remember Wednesday weigh in. I don't feel obligated by that. I'm always happy after I've shared with you sweet ladies. I'm gonna use that. Putting a reminder in the calendar.

    Welcome poluwai!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    "If you build it (keep it going), they will come (back)."

    So glad to see you back here, Anne. Or is it Ann? Sorry, I don't remember, but I want to get it right. I am excited that you are excited about the fall, too!

    My husband and I washed some windows yesterday and I am so sore today. Just goes to show you how out of shape and inactive I have become. Maybe I can/should build on yesterday and keep the activity going?

    Have a great Labo(u)r Day, ladies!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Yesterday was an quiet day. My husband and I did go for an easy 28 minute walk. I "felt" my knee the entire time, but I wasn't exactly in pain. I don't feel any worse for wear this morning. I think I will try another easy walk today. Hope everyone reading this has a wonderful first normal day of September after the long weekend!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-In

    August 30th: 207.6
    September 6th: 203.6

    First week water weight drop. Hoping I can sustain a two pound drop per week for the next little while.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All
    So nice to see folks back on this thread :smiley: It has been a nice non-judgmental group. I have been off the grid for awhile. I haven't logged consistently and that has definitely led me to not pay attention to what I'm doing. I have been indiscriminately grazing.
    My goal for today is to log everything- not necessarily sticking within any calorie limit.
    Have a great day, Dianne
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Wednesday weigh in
    HW 234
    CW 191, also last week
    GW 159

    Yikes. I wrote a whole draft and gone gone gone.

    I've been slacking unmotivated for months. I don't eat much and have managed to stay in Onederland (I can't remember who said that in here :smile:). But now that hubby got his clearance from surgery to swim and do whatever, I'm jumping in there too. I need structure to exist well. And hubby in recovery just wasn't giving me that. I wanted to be flexible for whatever he needed and not do stuff he couldn't and blah blah blah. It was only 6 weeks. But now I've lost any aerobic fitness I had. Tomorrow...we swim!

    By the way, anyone ever try Pilates? I'm thinking that might be a nice low impact strength thing. I'm interested if anyone has an experience to share.

    Happy to hear about your walks! They're so nice for communicating... Getting fresh air... Just good for lots of stuff. As long as doctor says you're good, why not?! Come on walking weather!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Hoping I can sustain a two pound drop per week for the next little while.

    2 pounds per week would be perfect, right?
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,
    I can relate to the need for structure. I'm trying to find some sort of balance but nothing is sticking. My goal was to log my food yesterday and I did manage to do it, but was way over. Today I'm going to log and try to stay within reason. I finally got on the scale and I'm up 5 after losing 15. I want to put the brakes on the continued gain. Glad to hear your husband is through surgery and able to start swimming. We are in the middle of a heatwave so swimming sounds like a great way to get some exercise.
    Two pounds per week sounds wonderful but I'll take a pound right about now. I at least want to stop the gaining a pound per week :blush:
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Good morning. Yes, absolutely, one pound a week would be awesome, but I figured that being 60 pounds overweight should allow me a faster rate to start. The faster I can lose, the faster my knee(s) will start to feel less pressure on them. I would love to use my community pool for aquatic fitness type classes because of my knee, but there are extensive renovations going on right now and the pool will be closed for a while. I can only go for a walk with my husband on the weekends, but it is nice. I have never done, well maybe once, a Pilates class, but I have in the past done classes that had Pilates elements to them. I would love to that again, once my knee is stronger. I got into the cheesy carbs last night. I had a lot of calories left on the table, but I didn't approach it correctly and I went overboard, way overboard. The scale is up a pound and a half this morning.

    @harringtona1 Enjoy the swim with hubby!!

    @dogwalker157 Good luck on logging and staying under today!!
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Imo, it's 100% fine for you to have gone over your first day (week or a little more) of logging. The logging IS the activity. You won't go over for long if you just log. I mean, that's how I try to approach it. I logged. Check. No "but."
    Meanwhile, these posts just reminded me to log. I'm doing it right now!
    But first, headed to get a legal pad.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    edited September 2023
    I agree- just getting back to logging is an important first step even if the numbers are not good.

    Ah the cheesy carbs... I have been going back and forth with sweet and salty snacks. I shopped yesterday and left most of the snacks behind. A few months ago when I was on a roll and eating well, I made sure to avoid having the tempting food in the house. Over the summer we had a lot of company and I felt compelled to have snacks in the house. That was a huge contributor to my recent 5 lb. weight gain. I did buy a cake for the hubby's birthday and I will have some, but will try not to go overboard.

    The weekend has its challenges. We are going out with friends on a few occasions and I have to make an effort to make good choices.
    Have a good day.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 602 Member
    September 8, 2023

    Good morning!
    I'm currently 49 years old. My highest weight was 180 lbs. Over the years, I put on a few pounds here and there. Then, January of last year, I quit smoking cigarettes and since, I have gained 20 more pounds and I'm back to my highest weight. My bad habit was going the whole day without eating, then, having a large dinner and binge eat the rest of the night. I have hypothyroidism and my limbs are always hurting. I feel losing weight will be helpful.

    I am on a mission to lose 40-50 lbs. by the end of the year. I need to drink more water and eat several small healthy snacks/meals throughout the day. I believe this is possible because about 10 years ago I lost 40 lbs. in 12 weeks. I was recently in another group, posting my daily check in, but there was no activity, and it felt like a ghost town...lol. So I'm here for tips, support, and a place for my check in, to blend in with y'alls....hehehe.

    I started my new journey on August 28th weighing in at 180 lbs. I don't own a scale, so Sunday at my in-laws, I weighed 177lbs. I'm feeling good, like I'm on track. I'm spending a lot of time thinking about food and planning. On most days, I don't meet my calorie goals. Although, I feel like I'm eating all day.(every 3 hours) Today, I pre-logged my food. I don't have a exercise program. I don't like cardio and ache too much for pilate and yoga. After I get a healthy food intake established, I plan to add it in. I didn't do much exercise during my last weight loss so I feel losing weight is more about eating healthy.

    ☺ Keep believing in yourself! 💪