Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Andeelynn45
    Andeelynn45 Posts: 29 Member
    Good Morning, add me , I need more friends and I can support you too, I don’t know how to add friends on here unfortunately 🤣
  • MattAttk2414
    MattAttk2414 Posts: 3 Member
    Been away for a while during my bulk, but I’m back and ready to lean out. The more friends the better. Send me a friend request 😊💪🏻
  • kqqpb8kq2q
    kqqpb8kq2q Posts: 15 Member
    I could use a few more friends and a little more accountability. I was down 13 lbs until the holiday weekend. I’m a bit afraid to step on the scale.
  • lookatbigern8282
    lookatbigern8282 Posts: 15 Member
    Let's be friends :)
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good morning people! Feel free to add me!
  • gooniesneversaydie71516
    Good morning MFP people! Runner and general mover here. I've had a good run slimming down logging what I eat every day and keeping the burn going. Would love to add to my friend group. Sent several requests this morning, so feel free to hit me up! :)
  • NewNelle94
    NewNelle94 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm here yet again after falling off the wagon and gaining all the weight back that I lost...

    I really want to get this right this time, so I'd love some friends to motivate me <3
  • jefflangello
    jefflangello Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, new to this. I think I started an account years ago but that’s as far as I got. Trying to get motivated to get back into running and lifting again.
  • laurabolton1
    laurabolton1 Posts: 15 Member
    41 year old looking for some fresh inspiration and motivation on my newsfeed. Lost 77lbs but had 2 holidays and surgery over summer and need to get some of those naughty lbs back off. Fire me a friend request and keep me accountable pleeeeeeease.
  • mikew4242
    mikew4242 Posts: 33 Member
    feel free to add me I been active here for several years!
  • Tracy_2023
    Tracy_2023 Posts: 1 Member
    New, but have been on this site before. Just connected with my Garmin app. Feel free to add. Let us lose fat together. :)
  • Pinkbananamilk
    Pinkbananamilk Posts: 2 Member
    I would love some motivational help and friends on here to cheer on!
  • MDJ_123
    MDJ_123 Posts: 1 Member
    Been here before and was highly successful. Trying again to get back to a better physical place as I was then.

    Looking for interactive and supportive friends!
  • Jg449
    Jg449 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All,

    Feel free to add me as a friend. Happy to cheer for you and exchange healthy light recipes 🙃
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Very open to new people to add and follow. Can’t promise I’ll be inspirational but I try my best 😂
  • AnnaBananananannannana
    Hello, I'd love to have some friends on here! Feel free to send me a request if interested!
  • Cocoa_Cari
    Cocoa_Cari Posts: 4 Member
    Hey All! I’m back on MFP after a long break.

    Feel free to add me. I could use some friends whom I could encourage and look to for motivation.
  • Jtilly37
    Jtilly37 Posts: 4 Member
    Needing new friends to help me stay motivated!
  • ThePurpleViking
    ThePurpleViking Posts: 43 Member
    Hello all 😊… Not used MyFitnessPal for a while but still on my fitness journey.
    Looking to add new friends for motivation, UK based Male