Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Superb September!!!

🍁Happy September, ladies!🍁

🍂What are your goals for this month and do you have any big plans for fall? Is there anything you're looking forward to over the next few months or, conversely, anything you're worried about?

🍁 Summer wrap up: How was this summer for you? Did you accomplish what you'd set out to do? Were there any great triumphs or any stumbling blocks?

🤎 If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM! you're one of us.

🤎 In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🤎 All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🤎 Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🍂Let's be sensational and have a suberb September!🍂


  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, can you believe it's September?! My goals:
    - To start going for an hour's walk every morning before work so that I'm getting some regular exercise
    - To continue losing steadily - I'd like to aim for another 4 or 5 pounds in September. This is really low compared to the 13 I lost in August, but I think it will be way harder now that I'm back at work (I work in a school so have had the summer off)
    - To lose that last pesky pound so that I have hit a stone lost.

    Summer wrap up - huge success in terms of building a healthier lifestyle losing 13 lbs in 5 weeks - woo hoo!

    So my goal for this week is to maintain. That might sound like a rubbish goal, but I'm spending the weekend with my brothers. I love them to pieces but our time together revolves around food and booze. I will try to eat as well as I can but I want to enjoy myself, not sit at the table with a salad while they plough through 3 courses. Wish me luck!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi, I'm back for my third month.

    I'm a 46yo SAHM of 5 (mostly grown) children and I take care of my grandson when my daughter has to work. I've struggled with my weight my whole life as a compulsive overeater. But after seeing the scale topping 290lbs in July, I got back on track despite a medication I take making me hungry all the time and gain weight. Apparently, I am able to lose weight while on it so my weight gain was probably more to do with constantly feeling hungry so always snacking (on the worst stuff no less).

    The last two months have been great for my health. I've lost over 40lbs and comfortably fit into size 20 jeans again. I can even see the difference looking at before and after photos. I'm now at the weight (250) that I have been most of my adult life after my children were born. But I'm looking forward to finally getting and staying below that.

    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose about 10lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    September SW: 252.4
    CW: 251.2(9/2)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    9/2 update: September is off to a good start so far. We're getting close to the rainy season out here. Had my first taste on the 31st and was absolutely soaked after 15 minutes so my plan on rainy days is to walk 10 minutes to our HOA clubhouse where they have a gym where I can use the treadmill. My husband got me some bluetooth earbuds and the clubhouse has free wifi so I can listen to Japanese lessons while I work out there. But I still plan to walk the neighborhood whenever the weather allows for as long as I can.
  • shenwjames1972
    shenwjames1972 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all, looking for friends to keep my accountable and to engage with day to day. Not able to add friends for some reason so fee free to add me 😊
  • kseaman2022
    kseaman2022 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m a 51 year old mom of 3. I’ve taken of so many over the years and now find myself at 215, my heaviest, and not loving my body and everything aches from the extra weight. I’m June I was at 206 almost below the 200 mark… and then we vacationed, I was on a high from my weight loss progress and I rebounded. Hard. I need help and accountability. I’m starting today. I need to walk, lift and eat better. I can do this. My goals is 170. I want to be fit for the day grandkids arrive!
  • serenecompassion2663
    54 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW: 199
    UGW: 140

    @justanotherjen13 : I think it’s awesome that you are making plans to work out even in bad weather. I have also used Overeaters Anonymous. I find it helpful to name goals specifically: right now I’m trying to add veggies to every meal, which gives me at least three servings of veggies I didn’t previously eat. I’m also wanting to cut down on my sugar, so my first goal is to eliminate candy and ice cream, etc from the apartment. I’d like to talk with my dietitian about how to safely do a sugar detox.

    @kseaman2022 : I’d love to have a lifting-strength training accountability partner!! I know my body composition will change for the better if I can just start.
    I’d encourage you to look at your goals and pick one from each area to write out specifically. Turn “eat better” into something you can track. Make “lift” a measurable goal: “I’m going to work with weights twice a week.” This will help you see progress and help motivate you.😊

    Blessings to you all.😊
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @serenecompassion2663 Right now, for me, it's the idea of getting out of the house for an hour or more that's keeping me motivated to hit the gym at the clubhouse. I've really enjoyed my walks alone where no one is interrupting me every few minutes wanting my attention. The thought of going back to just sitting in the house seven days a week except the couple times I get to go grocery shopping each month doesn't sit well with me anymore. Depending on how it goes, I might have to just wait around until my husband gets home from work (if he continued his schedule he has now where he gets home at noon) to drive to the clubhouse so I'm not soaked by the time I get there. I plan to do some weightlifting while there, too. I want to get up to at least 4 miles of walking every day (about an hour and half or so for me) by the end of October. Depending on when I have to babysit my grandson, I might end up having to wait for my husband to get home anyway because I wouldn't be able to bring my grandson with me to the gym.
  • serenecompassion2663
    54 years old

    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW: 199
    UGW: 140

    9/8 Update: I don’t weigh in for another 10 days, but I had a loss that has affected everything. My ex-husband died on August 31st. I’m surprised at the grief. I am sometimes not eating at all, sometimes bingeing. Not sleeping worth a crap. I’ve reached out to my doctor and am on two antidepressants temporarily, with short-term counseling available if I need it. I’ve developed a muscle tremor in my right arm due to muscle spasms in my shoulder and back. I’m on an anti-inflammatory relaxer for that. Despite the setback, my doctor believes once I get through this, I will be on track to discontinue All of my psych meds.😊 I never thought I’d ever hear those words back in 1998 when I had my first diagnosis and started looking for the perfect “cocktail “ of meds for my symptoms.😊

    🍂What are your goals for this month and do you have any big plans for fall? Is there anything you're looking forward to over the next few months or, conversely, anything you're worried about?

    In September I will be continuing to attend 5-6 AA meetings/week. I have two AA events to attend: a workshop here this weekend, and a Conference in Des Moines, IA at the end of the month. I have my Public Housing Recertification next week. And I’ve signed up for a self-defense class.

    The one thing I’m worried about is attending Kevin’s funeral. I’m not sure how I will be received by the family.

    Major success: I took a pair of linen pants in to be altered…..it is amazing to see how much fabric they took in just from my losing 25#!!😁

    In October I’ve scheduled two days at the salon to continue my transformation to naturally grey, and to celebrate my continued weight loss. The salon was to be my treat for hitting 199#, but I’m hoping I will be close.I will also be participating in the public library’s Community Read events in October and November, about the book “Maid” by Stephanie Land.

    🍁 Summer wrap up: How was this summer for you? Did you accomplish what you'd set out to do? Were there any great triumphs or any stumbling blocks?

    I have not yet successfully started strength training.

    Blessings to you all.
  • Jtilly37
    Jtilly37 Posts: 4 Member
    How do I add you? This is awesome, and I would love to join you in this journey!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose about 10lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    September SW: 252.4
    CW: 247.2 (9/9)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    9/9 update: The weightloss has finally slowed down. I'm going up and down by fractions of a pound most days. I used to only weigh weekly so never noticed those fluctuations, but since I've been weighing daily... it's a little frustrating to see but I'm working on getting over that disappointment. I still like weighing daily just to see what's going on. And in the end, I'm still losing each week so that's good even if it's a little slower than before. I'm now under 250 and still losing, if slowly, so I'm satisfied.
  • serenecompassion2663
    @Jtilly37 : I will send you a friend request.☺️
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    @justanotherjen13 well done for all the weight you have lost. It's great you are able to see a difference. I can feel a slight difference in my clothes but not see it yet. But I've only lost 14 lbs rather than 40! You are doing great! How are you getting on with your aim to walk when you can?

    @shenwjames1972 I will try to send you a friend request when I've finished replying to this as I could also do with more weight loss buddies! I've also had issues making it work though, so who knows?!

    @kseaman2022 - good luck with your weight loss and fitness journey, hope to see you in here more!

    @serenecompassion2663 I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can completely understand why it has hit you so hard. Grief is a journey and everybody's experience is different. YAY to getting your pants altered and so much material gone! My current goal is to hit 20 lbs lost but after that my aim will be 26 because that's 10% of my starting weight, so its interesting to hear what kind of difference I might expect.

    @Jtilly37 I will try to add you as well, the more support the merrier!

    My 10 September update (sorry I'm a Brit and we do our dates the other way round so today is 10/09 and I don't want to confuse anyone!). I have stuck to my new regime of walking in the mornings - I get up at 545 now. The dog loves it and I'm actually really enjoying it too. The only thing is, the days have already started to draw in so I'm not sure what it will be like when it's dark and pouring with rain lol!! I also successfully lost one pound this week to take me to a stone in 6 weeks! Just the other 6 stone to go...

    Went to a party last night and stuck to diet coke and had one small fairy cake, but tbh as a result did not enjoy myself all that much! Making healthy choices all the time is hard. We are also out for dinner tonight too, so that will be full of hard choices too. Weekends can be so tricky.

    Keep fighting the good fight everyone!
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Tried to add as friends but got a message saying the requested page could not be found. I added a fair few friends back when I first started so I don't know why it's not working now??
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @Shoppie2023 Yeah, I'm definitely feeling a lot better. I still feel like I look pretty fat but the fact my clothes fit better says a lot. So far the weather has held so I've been walking every day still. It's actually been getting pretty warm during the day so I'm back to early walks except the one day I missed the early walk and had to wait until 7pm when it cooled off again. Apparently, it's not supposed to rain again until next week. Hopefully the rain holds out until October so I can get a lot of walks in this month.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose about 10lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    September SW: 252.4
    CW: 245.6 (9/15)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    9/15 update: Been kind of stuck in the upper 240s for a bit. Just yo-yoing up and down between 246-247 and now 245-246. Frustrating but not the end of the world. I knew eventually the weight loss would slow down and get more difficult. It usually happens right around this weight too. But I'm still determined to keep going and get to my next short term goal (235lbs). I've been a little more depressed lately which is making things somewhat more difficult. It's hard seeing everyone eat extra helpings and food I can't have that sounds so delicious. It makes me want to binge comfort foods. So far I've maintained control though. I'm hoping to get down to around 242-243 by the end of the month. Two more weeks to go so hopefully I'll make it.
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    @justanotherjen13 That's interesting as I have been stuck around 247/248 for 2-3 weeks. I have still lost 14 lbs overall in 7 weeks so trying to focus on that bit. I'm sorry you've been feeling down, that definitely makes it harder to make good choices. The fact that you are mostly succeeding is BRILLIANT - keep going!

    @Ms_Heffalumpy welcome! I'm so sorry to hear of your stroke. Well done for bouncing back to fight again. I'm sure you will achieve your goal of onederland - I also dream of that!

    I have had another difficult week. I went to a birthday party last Sunday and stuck to diet coke and only ate one fairy cake and I was so BORED. Food is such a big source of pleasure for me. Then the next day we went out for dinner and I ate all 3 courses including a cookie dough dessert. Funnily enough I have maintained this week. I'm probably lucky it wasn't worse. I'm going to just keep it up though as it has been working for me. We don't have any plans this weekend which should mean I can just focus on my eating and try to do a whole week without any rubbish. Wish me luck!!
  • serenecompassion2663
    54 years old
    SW: 235
    CW: 210
    GW: 199
    UGW: 140

    Heading to my ex- husband’s funeral and burial today. The past month has been stressful: not eating well, not sleeping well. My face decided to break out in cold sores Monday. Two weeks ago I developed a tremor in my right arm…which is due to muscle spasms in my back and shoulder. I’m on medication to help relax that. Weigh-In is Monday.

    Hoping and praying I can walk through today with grace and compassion.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @Shoppie2023 Unfortunately, I succumbed to the stress last night. After my late walk that I had to cut short because it got too dark and creepy, I opened up my bag of Ritz crisps and started eating right out of the bag which I haven't done in months. I always measure out a portion or half portion of whatever I'm craving and that usually satisfies it. But it was just such a long, stressful day, I started shoving them in my mouth without caring. I stopped after a bit and logged it as at least 2 portions. Weirdly enough, my scale says I'm now 243.8! (I weighed twice to be sure.) I know I skipped lunch yesterday (there were reasons... probably stupid reasons, but reasons nonetheless), but I had a big dinner and then all that snacking. No idea why my body will randomly decide to jettison a large amount of weight when other days, I come well under my goal, and it's like, nah, you gained .4 pounds. Stupid body, lol. Now to see if this big drop sticks or I go back up tomorrow. Maybe walking late at night confused things. I usually walk early in the morning and then don't do anything else until I cook dinner at 4pm.

    @serenecompassion2663 Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear about your ex. That must be hard even if they're an ex. And all the other stuff starting up. It always seems like those things just pile on top of others once they start. ((hugs)) if you need them.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Thank you @RavenStCloud for doing this :heart:

    I've been on a work trip, and those are absolutely terrible for weight loss, lol. But I'm back now, and determined to end out the year at 175 or lower. This time of year has historically been very difficult for me losing weight, so I have to strike while the iron is hotter (before Halloween, because after that is SO difficult).

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 9/1: 174.4
    9/9: 175.6
    9/16: 177.8 (average 176.3)

    🍁 September Goals! 🍁

    🍂 September GW (average): 175

    🤎Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    🤎Log everything in grams ❌
    🤎 Shut down the house every night❌

    So, in service to The Reboot, I'm doing meal prep and planning today for the week. Breakfasts and lunches worked well just before I left for the trip, so they'll be:

    Pre-Work: Cold brew with almond milk, 2 pecan sandies, vitamins (~200 cal)

    Breakfast: 1 "packet" (I make my own mix and measure out a packet) of brown sugar cinnamon oatmeal with 1/3 a bag of riced cauliflower, a couple of preserved figs on top (~260 cal)

    Lunch: 2 chicken sausages with mixed vegetables (~200 cal)

    Midafternoon snack: big ol' apple (~100 cal)

    So dinners and desserts for the week need to be a combined 700-800 calories.

    Today: spaghetti and meatballs (add squash to bulk up pasta a'la @pamperedlinny )
    Sunday: lentil-mushroom stew over potato parsnip hash (https://dishingouthealth.com/lentil-and-mushroom-stew-over-potato-parsnip-mash/#recipe)
    Monday: white chicken chili
    Tuesday: sausage tray bake (https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/pesto-sausage-traybake)
    Wednesday: teriyaki salmon rice bowls (https://www.eatingbirdfood.com/teriyaki-salmon-bowls/#wprm-recipe-container-34195)
    Thursday: butter chicken (https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/easy-butter-chicken)
    Friday: pizza (for me, a homemade one on a low-cal tortilla)

    This is... a lot of cooking, but I've got the hankering to cook, since I didn't have to all last week, so I've got to ride that wave while it lasts. We'll see how expensive this shopping ends up being, compared to buying more convenience foods.

    Desserts this week will probably be greek honey yogurt and fruit, which sounds great after the indulgent week I just had.

    Gym-wise, I'm performing in front of the gym two weeks from now. I have the routine figured out, now I've just got to practice, practice, practice. It's going to be chair acrobatics, I'm very excited.

    Tag party time!
    @Shoppie2023 sounds like you're aware of both future challenges and what is challenging you right now, but what I am most jealous of is that hour long pup walk in the morning! Sounds amazing.

    @justanotherjen13 you're doing amazing. And yes, weight loss does often look like that yoyo- you'll be bouncing between seemingly the same weights, until you realize that actually, you're bouncing between the lower weight and next lower weight, and so on. I'm sure you already know, but in case you don't: libra app or happy scale will give you the trendline of your loss, which I find much more motivating. :smile: I love hearing that your hubby is supportive of your efforts.

    @shenwjames1972 hi! hope to see you around here a lot. :smile:

    @kseaman2022 you absolutely have already started getting a handle on it, and we'll be with you every step of the way :smile:

    @serenecompassion2663 deepest sympathy for your loss. Just because he was an ex doesn't make him any less of an important figure in your life, at one point. Take good care of yourself. I'm excited to hear about your salon visit, and your weightlifting!

    @Jtilly37 you can also hit the little end-of-ribbon looking button up at the top right corner of the thread, and you'll get notified about every new post. :smile:

    @Ms_Heffalumpy I 👏 love 👏 seeing 👏 you 👏 here 👏. You have been through a lot, and I love the energy you're bringing to your own self-improvement. I have no doubt you can do it. Keep checking in here, it really does help to have a community of people to talk about struggles and successes with.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Ms_Heffalumpy
    Ms_Heffalumpy Posts: 42 Member
    edited September 2023
    Happy Saturday to everyone and thank you for the welcome😊

    I'm sitting here sipping on my 'pitcher' of coffee 😂 🤣 and reading through everyone's comments playing catch up.

    My coffee cup isn't quite 'pitcher' size, but it might as well be as I fully intend of filling it up a few more times, LMAO.
    I'm still at the 👉>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SHHhhh!! line on my glass cup.

    With the other two lines being
    👉>>>>>>>>>>>>>> almost!
    👉>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now you may speak!😂 🤣

    I'm the same way at this time of the year starting around Halloween.
    I love to bake all kinds of goodies up, and when the entire extended family get together, we EAT and enjoy the day. Thanksgiving & Christmas holidays you will find me in my kitchen baking up everyone's favorites. Every weight loss journey I've been on, these 3 months set me back...usually by January, I will have gained, easily, 20 lbs.

    I have a plan. 😝

    There is NO way I'm going to stand in my kitchen for hours on end, baking up all sorts of goodies, and then just sit back and watch everyone else eat them... oh hell no!! 🤬

    I'm re-instating my 'once-a-month' YoLo days!
    During my last weight loss journey (pre stroke) these 'yolo days is what kept me sane.

    No guilt trips on these days, or the day after, and I can enjoy eating, or nibbling, on whatever I like throughout the entire day. I follow it up with a 24 hr fast, and then it's right back on track with my plan.

    Surprisingly, it just worked for me back then...and I'm happy to say it seems like it's working for me again this time around. (I just had my first 'yolo' day on Thursday....fasted all day yesterday, and back on plan today, feeling good)

    I have already scheduled my 'yolo' days through the end of this year, so My husband's birthday (Oct) Thanksgiving Day (Nov), and Christmas Day (Dec)...they are all covered. 👍

    Gotta go for right now...will check back later on.
    Just a heads up, it's very rare that I'm home on weekends so if I seems MIA on any given Saturday or Sunday, it's just because I'm out and about and away from my desktop.


    EDITed to add...

    Gosh, I got to 'rambling' up above and completely forgot to jot down my goals for the two weeks left in this month.

    I don't really have set weekly weight loss 'goals.'
    At this point in my journey, I'll take any 'loss' I can get and run like hell...🤣

    My biggest issue is EXERCISE. 🤢 (I actually get a little nauseated just thinking about that 'dirty' word)
    I'm a huge procrastinator and, if given the chance, I'll talk myself out of doing it every time and try to JUSTIFY it with some BS excuse.

    No worries, I have a PLAN! (it's a two-parter) 😝😝😝

    The first part of my plan is to exercise first thing in the morning, very early...before my brain figures up what I'm doing and tries to talk me out of it. 😂 🤣

    Secondly, (backup plan) I joined another daily discussion; this one is a daily exercise discussion..
    "What Was Your Workout Today"
    I'm hoping that this will keep me accountable and help me with my procrastinating tendencies.

    This past week I accomplished ALL of my exercise this past week. 💪💪
    Apparently, my brain isn't quite with it until after 10:00am 😂 🤣 (good to know 😜)

    So that's my goal thru the end of this month.
    Exercise, 4 day per week, Monday thru Thursday, minimum 10 minutes each day.

    I'll stop rambling now 🤪