Anyone given up soda?



  • Gum was a big help for me. Chewing fruity gum and guzzling water when I got the craving got me away from soda. I was at two liters a day and not having any in the house helps a lot too. On occasions where I would want some, I would have to go out to buy it and would only buy one 20oz bottle. I think once you start drinking more water, you start to notice that you feel better. Eventually, soda will make you feel heavier and uncomfortable. I recently started drinking it more but as of today I'm done again. I find my cravings have to do more with it being off limits than because it tastes so amazing when I do drink it.
  • I used to drink diet coke like crazy, until one day I ended up in the ER with a horrible and painful kidney infection, it was hard to quit, but I started slowy, I was hooked on the caffeine, I was able to get it down to 1 per day, then I switched to caffeine free, and now I don't even crave it!

    I might have it on weekends, but to tell you the truth it doesn't taste that good for me anymore :)
  • I'll have one diet coke only if I'm eating out (maybe a couple of times a month). I ask for it once my food arrives and after I have had at least a glass of water. I never buy it at home and generally try to stay away. It leaves me very, very bloated. Tastes GREAT but just doesn't play nice with me.
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    I'm so happy I gave up soda.

    I used to sit in front of the computer or tv all day and drink 6-8 cans of Mountain Dew while downing a half bag of sunflower seeds. I used to joke that it was a breakfast food, because it had orange juice in it. You know what makes a Chipotle burrito with extra rice go down real smooth? 32 ounces of Mountain Dew. I tried to quit over the years, many times, but I've seen alcoholics give up the booze with more success than I had with the sugar and salt. However, when I finally decided that this was it, that I was going to give this my all with no more justifications, rationalizations or excuses, I knew the soda had to be the first thing to go, with the chips and sunflower seeds and fast food fast behind. I cut myself down to 3 cans a week that first week, while starting to drink water (something I had never drank very much of) - just two cups a day at first. Then, the next week, bolstered by the high of actually losing weight (and seriously, how could I not by cutting so much pop and junk, while actually getting off my butt?), I dropped to two cans and four cups of water. I bought myself a water bottle and began carrying it with me. The next week - one and six. And I started to notice that I didn't want that one can sometimes, because 170 calories could be better spent elsewhere. Then I was done and at eight cups of water. I lost 9 pounds the first week, 21 over the course of the first month and it was all lifestyle changes. I also used to live on Zantac and now I never take it. I figured my reflux issues were related to stress or weight, but the stress sure hasn't gone down and while the weight has, I'm still obese. Clearly my dietary changes have had an effect. The money I saved more than financed my switch to healthier choices. I do miss the carbonation a bit, so I like to drink some sparkling water as a treat.

    I'm lucky - I can't drink Diet Mt. Dew because the aspartame makes my nauseous and gives me headaches. If I could, I might have justified it to myself that because it was 'diet' it wasn't that bad, Of course it is. It's empty chemically calories that makes you crave more sugar and dumbs down your taste buds. 1 L of aspartame flavored beverages produce up to 56 g of methanal... aka, formaldehyde. And since I decided to stop killing myself slowly, I shouldn't be embalming myself slowly either. My syrupy drug of choice wasn't a cola, so it wasn't eating my bones like cola does, but it was eating my teeth.

    I like this infographic:

    And now I'll jump down of my soap box.
  • i have not had a soda in a year and its still hard to not drink it
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I've given up dark Soda. I use to drink Sprite then I realized it wasnt much better. I found Sierra Mist 0 Calories which has been a big help. I've been dark soda free for almost 2 years. I dont even miss it. I tried to taste one every now and then but i cant stand it. I even tried with root beer. Blah.

    Even with the Sierra mist 0 cal, i only drink a can every now and then with my dinner.

    Soda is one thing to give up. It has no benefit for you and it adds a lot of calories because the sugar (carbs) cause your body to want more. It's the bad carbs in the drink.

    This comes from someone who when working in Pizza Delivery had drank a 2 liter of soda without any problems every day. I also drank more sugary drinks and sometimes the 2 liter wasnt enough. That was a few years ago and now I have a fixed job for the past 6 years thats more of a sit down. I still felt like drinking 2-3 cans of DP a day and bring a 20oz to work "for energy." I'm just saying, if i can, anyone can. If you need for the boost, I love the Blue Monster energy drink. Not the import one.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I was extremely addicted to my Diet Mt. Dew - it was the ONLY thing I drank unless I ran out, and if I didn't have enough each day I suffered headaches and fatigue. It was a 2-liter+ a day habit. Ridiculous. I finally got fed up with 'having' to have it all the time and cut it cold turkey. I had a headache for DAYS. I do not like plain water so I flavor it with drink mix packets that are sweetened with Truvia (I think they taste better than the ones that use aspartame). I went without it completely for about a month, except 2 days that I got headaches I allowed myself to have 1 diet soda b/c the caffeine helps clear my headaches. Now I usually allow myself to have 1 per day - absolutely no more than that b/c I don't want to get in a situation of having to have it all day long to feel alright again. Now if I don't have it, I'm fine, and if I do have it I can enjoy it without feeling like I'm getting my 'fix'. LOL And I feel like I do not crave sweets nearly as much now that I've stopped guzzling the diet soda all day, which is a bonus on my weight loss journey. :)
  • saw it mentioned, but most important step for me was just to stop buying and having it around, and then its not so hard. lots of water and milk. i was surprised that a lot of teas are basically the same as a soda as far as calories/sugars go. havent noticed a big difference in how i feel but its a lot easier to keep a reasonable calorie count each day without drinking them.
  • pandasand
    pandasand Posts: 133 Member
    I have never really liked any soda. However, I think a good substitute for regular/diet soda would be Zevia, which is an all-natural, 0 calorie soda sweetened with stevia. If I do drink soda (which isn't very often) it's always Zevia. :smile: Also, I guess sparkling water would be a good substitute as well.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    Soda is one thing to give up. It has no benefit for you and it adds a lot of calories because the sugar (carbs) cause your body to want more. It's the bad carbs in the drink.

    It has a benefit: It tastes good :) Account for the calories, and know when to stop.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    For me personally, I do not find it beneficial to completely CUT OFF any type of food or drink. Having changed my lifestyle to healthy eating, I find the foods I WANT are the healthy ones because they make me feel good, not just that they taste good in the moment. However, those cravings do still pop up now and again, and (I've found) that not letting myself ever indulge in those cravings just makes me want it more and more until I can't take it anymore and when I finally let myself have whatever that craving is, I totally over do it!

    My advice is this: Cut off the soda until it's not all you think about anymore, but when you get a craving, allow yourself ONE soda. That's what has worked for me and I find that helps a lot with all those other naughty foods that I used to think I couldn't live without. Hope this helps!
  • also do not drink diet drinks that have aspertame in them look it up is horrible for you