200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    haha it was the next post.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    yay, Kendal!!
  • I really could use group support with my weight loss. I have made up my mind and I am going to do this!!! I just need some help figuring out the best weights to burn calories. The eating part... well obviously at 297 lbs im a pro at it. Ha, yea my downfall is cooking. I love to cook, and of course you want to taste your food. My main problem is sugar intake, I have a crazy addiction to carbs/sugar. I also DESPISE sweetner as a substitute for sugar, I can't stand the taste of it. Anyway, about myself--- I am 26 years old, college student, future skinny ***** :D

    I want to lose 150 lbs. That is a lot of weight, but omg I can't imagine how I would feel so much better. So if i can find a good team to keep my spirits up and comfort me when im struggling.. I really think that I can do this!!!

    Please feel free to add me and I look forward to this 6 week journey with everyone!!!
  • IceQueen327
    IceQueen327 Posts: 10 Member
    Bump ...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Now that I'm home, here's the last call out for those who haven't weighed in. Please do so by the end of the day. I'll post weights tomorrow morning. As this is week #2 of logging in, I'll start calling out peeps who haven't weighed in last week either, making this their second week with no weight, and I'm then dropping them from the chart.

    These are peeps I'm missing (or I missed your post):
    Lacey & Amy I'll give a pass, obviously, you globe trottin' divas!
    Sarah (rainvc)
    Christine <- last chance!
    Beth <- last chance!
    Monette <- last chance!
    Tammybishop <-last chance!
    Yamecita <- last chance!
    Shirley <- last chance!

    *cracks whip* get it together ladies!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
  • bump
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    ****weigh-in**** 201lbs.
  • Bumpity bump bump.

    Kristina, that list is insanely long, and those are just the people who haven't checked in?! You are a saint for tracking our progresses for us!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    It never ceases to amaze me that I do Jillian Michaels EVERY DAY and I still sweat like it's my first time. I now have one of those super-sexy sweat-head bands to keep the sweat out of my eyes. Never IN. MY. LIFE. did I think I would need that. In fact, I am pretty sure I made fun of people who wore them.

    Half-marathoners: I have done one half in 2008 and completed it in 3:11. I have only done one other race ever...and it was a 5k. i am experiencing some CRAZY anxiety about my race. I know I have done the work. I know I can do it. I have not slept in 3 nights thinking about it and it's not until 10/16. And, since I'm not sleeping, I am eating like I'm stocking up to hibernate. I need some help...please. My goal is to finish under 3 hours. Originally I wanted 2:45 or better, but as long as it's under 3...I'm going to feel like a rockstar. But I can not stop thinking about it when i go to bed. Help. Please.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Kristina, that list is insanely long, and those are just the people who haven't checked in?! You are a saint for tracking our progresses for us!

  • Sarah - you ran the distance last week. Take a deep breath... You can do this. What about making your goal to complete the race rather than in a time frame. This may relieve some of your anxiety. If you finish in less than 3 hours, it'd be icing on the cake!!! You will be ramped up on race day and run faster than you train by an ave of 1 min/mile. Good luck...
  • Kristina, that list is insanely long, and those are just the people who haven't checked in?! You are a saint for tracking our progresses for us!


    3 cheers for Kristina!!! Thank you!!!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    WiggleSarah - I hope your friend is able to pull through love! {{hugs}} You're such an awesome person for being there in such a huge way for her and her family!

    Megan - Yeah, Isaac and i make our own pizzas out of lebanese bread and they're AWESOME and way low in calories for the awesome pizza feeling you get while eating them!

    Annette - Yep, we call them Thongs. In the same way, we call the "thong" underwear "g-strings".

    Rikki - Way to go girlie!! You sure as heck CAN do this! A lot of the time we all feel very much like we're going one step forward and two (or ten) steps back, but stick at it and you WILL be able to do it!

    Nava - I used to not be into MMA, i thought it was completely stupid and just for total meatheads. Then Isaac was watching The Ultimate Fighter one day (The contest that UFC do to get more fighters) and realised that the fighters aren't all complete idiots. Then i started becoming fascinated by it, and now i absolutely love it! The most recent UFC, Jones vs Rampage, UNBELIEVEABLE fight! AAAAAAAH. Sorry, that's completely off topic from what you were saying, but gawd i love UFC! haha!

    Kendal - LOVE that pic, it's so true!

    Sheba - Family visiting is an awesome reason to not worry about logging. Just enjoy your time together!

    Navallez - Seriously, that's an awesome loss. The first few weeks you lose mainly water weight, then you get into the fat which is harder to move. You're doing great!

    Amy and Lacey - Hi girls!! Hope you're having an AWESOME time!!

    Spacegrass - welcome! That's a huge amount of weight to lose, way to go for not being daunted by it!!

    PHEW!! This thread is growing at a rate of knotts!

    Last night Isaac and i had a long chat about diet and exercise. See, he loves the IDEA of getting healthy, so he'll research an idea for ages and ages, and then just as he's saying THIS is the one... he'll find one he prefers, so he'll research THAT. Pleh. It's getting kinda old, and last night i said to him "You can research these things to your heart's content, but PLEASE choose one to start while you research the others!!!"
    I've been getting a bit of a bee in my bonnet lately that i'm still eating too much. I've stopped eating so much junk - last week's HJs was the first takeaway i'd had in over two months! - But my portion sizes are still too big i reckon. And due to our current cashflow-crisis, we've been eating a lot more pasta, potato and rice than i'd like, and les vegetables - just because they're too expensive!! But as of my payday friday the cash issues should be fixed (my work decided to do some stupid thing with our pay weeks, so we ended up with uneven pay amounts...) so BACK TO IT! My weight is going in the right direction, but not as fast as i think it could be if i were eating less.
    And isaac is unable to leave food on his plate. I've said a few times that he could just leave what he doesn't want to eat, but if he has food in front of him then he will eat it. However he said last night that he's got no issue with not going back for seconds if he's not hungry.
    So my plan now is that when i dish up food and look at my plate and thing "one more scoop..." - Don't do it. I don't need that one more scoop. Of whatever (except veg!). If i am genuinely still hungry after i've finished what's on my plate, that one more will still be there and i can go back for it.
    In essence, i'm trying to cut my portions of pasta/rice/potato in half. I think that would make a HUGE difference!

    I also want to get into resistance training.

    See, told you i got a bee in my bonnet!!

    Have a good one, ladies, i'm off to do my morning's Wii Fit and Wii Zumba. How the heck did i survive without the wii!?

    ETA - I'm so glad that i've started copying my posts before hitting "post reply" in case of computer failure... I just tried to post this on the last thread and got told it was locked... would have lost the whole damn thing!!!
  • Sarah - I actually KNIT one of those headbands so that I could put a pocket in the back for my mp3 player and cash, since I rarely had pockets at the gym and didn't like the idea of my stuff getting germy on a treadmill. :P

    Hosanna - I type mine up in the google search bar, then cut and paste. :P that way I can go back and edit as needed and still go through pages and pages of posts.

    I'm super excited! I think my baby brother and his friend, my older sister and her husband, and Nerd and I will be going to an Avenged Sevenfold concert in December! (I'm really meh about their music, but Hollywood Undead will also be performing, and I adore them.) I've never been to a concert before.

    I was going to say something else terribly brilliant, but I forgot. :D Maybe I'll enlighten you later on whatever it was.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hosanna, you are such a smart cookie!!

    Amy and Lacey, we miss you and can't wait to hear about your escapades!!

    Kristina, you are amazing, woman! I can hardly keep up with reading the thread, let alone tracking for everyone's weight on it.

    Kendall, Congrats on the flip!

    Jessi, after all you've been through and are on, I'm surprised you remember that you wanted to say something brilliant, let alone actually being able to do it...lol

    Well, we're still cleaning here and rearranging rooms. Makes for long days and night, and I miss the gym!!! Hopefully, I will be able to get there on Wednesday, and all this will just magically be done like waking from a dream!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Welcome, Spacegrass! This is an awesome group to be a part of. The ladies here are encouraging and open (REALLY open.)

    You will find a great home here on MFP and I rarely post anywhere else.

    Do not let your number discourage you. Just start where you're at, set a reasonable goal for the next 6 weeks and stick to it like glue.

    We are lucky to have you! Welcome.
  • Hosanna - do you weigh your food. I find it's the only way to know if I'm having an accurate portion size. Good luck.
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Kristina -

    I posted my weight last week but it must have gotten lost in the shuffle!
    It was 231.4
    this week: 228.8
    thx :)

    I'm way behind on posts and posting because I'm in the last week of studying for the LSAT. More or less living with my head in my books & practice tests and only taking breaks to eat, sleep, exercise, and check in on the mobile app. Its taking what little focus I have left over to make sure I eat enough & of the right things :grumble:

    Hopefully I can have my so-called life back after the 1st and have time to actually chat with y'all *waves*
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Welcome, Spacegrass! This is an awesome group to be a part of. The ladies here are encouraging and open (REALLY open.)

    Sometimes too much so? :tongue:

    Victoria - Yeah, i weigh everything. I just think i'm eating too much of what i'm weighing! :smile:

    Jessi - Easier way of doing it - open a reply page in another tab. That's how i think a lot of us do it.

    My Wii Zumba arrived yesterday, and i've just done my first proper workout on it... HOLY MOLY!!!! There is sweat pouring off me, my shirt is soaked, my hair is drenched, and i just burned 226cal in 20 minutes!! Wooo!!

    ... If only i didn't look like a caterpillar having a seizure while doing it...
    (clearly the reason that i chose Wii Zumba over going to classes... doesn't matter what i look like, i'm constantly moving and burning a buttload of calories!)