Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 236



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,007 Member

    I had a pre-diabetes scare with my bloodwork increasing dramatically towards the diagnosis (I was getting bloodwork every 2 months at this point trying to pinpoint). My doctor told me all the things I knew NOT to do with diabetes. It's so scary the people who believe so thoroughly that the healthcare system is here to actually try to help/heal you... they could be helping you dig your own grave depending on the diagnosis/issue and it's heartbreaking. I listen to them and then do my own research, always. Second, third, and sometimes many more opinions.

    ⬆️ 💯%THIS! ⬆️ YES. We have to do our own research. Pray on it and step out on faith in TMH.

    I'm glad you and your husband made it work and came out healthier despite the false information provided by the docs. You're truly an inspiration.
    Thank you! @CamandJarvis It's an ongoing battle, but I'm up for it.

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,905 Member
    edited September 2023
    BTW, SHE is overweight.

    I’m not surprised! Suggest she read The Obesity Code and/or The Diabetes Code by Jason Fung, MD. Doctors are so misinformed!
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,905 Member
    @deepwoodslady Donna, you’re doing so well this round!!! STAY STRONG!!!
  • SModa61
    SModa61 Posts: 2,883 Member
    @SheilaBoneham tomorrow, the tour is heading to Stirling Castle. Curios if we will pass the town.
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    If you're hating the journey to a healthier you, that isn't healthy - even if you hit your goal.

    Round 236

    Age: 37
    Height: 162.5cm | 5'4
    SW: 95.65kg | 210.87lbs
    SBF%: 41.3%
    RSW: 90.35kg | 199.18lbs
    RSBF%: 40.1%
    RGW: 88.0kg | 194.00lbs
    RGBF%: 39.5%

    Daily Weigh In:
    Tues.19.09: 89.30kg | 196.87lbs | 39.9%
    Weds.20.09: 89.45kg | 197.20lbs | 40.0%
    Thurs.21.09: 89.70kg | 197.75lbs | 40.0%
    Fri.22.09: 89.30kg | 196.87lbs | 39.9%
    Sat.23.09: 89.10kg | 196.43lbs | 39.8%
    Sun.24.09: 88.50kg | 195.11lbs | 39.7%
    Mon.25.09: 88.60kg | 195.33lbs | 39.7%
    Tues.26.09: 88.10kg | 194.23lbs | 39.6%
    Weds.27.09: 88.4kg | 194.89lbs | 39.6%
    Thurs.28.09: 88.25kg | 194.56lbs | 39.6%

    Daily Details:
    3 full weeks and a couple of days into logging everything, everyday. Of being consistent. I haven’t met all of my goals, but that’s okay. I haven’t been consistent with anything for more than two weeks for the past 7+ years. Because I hated it. I hated everything I tried. I hated not seeing the scale move fast enough. I hated being miserable, without results to show for it. This time around is definitely different. I feel good, I have energy, and I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself of anything. And I’m not just waiting for something to happen that I can use as an excuse to go get junk/comfort food. I’ve been a bit too far under my calories some days, I’ll put effort into making sure I’m not below 1400, but I’ll let everything else sort itself out and not stress over macros, they seem to generally be okay and I’m meeting my protein target in grams and carbs are rarely over 30% of my daily total.
    I’ve been so focused on getting what I’m eating right that discipline is lacking in the fitness area. This round my goal is 30 minutes of exercise EVERY DAY. Whether it’s a full workout, a cruisy walk, or stretching, it doesn’t matter. 30 minutes of intentional movement.

    Yesterday was good. 20 minutes of walking in as we got to my daughter’s appointment early and had nothing better to do! Not 30 minutes, but at least it’s something.

    Busy day yesterday, shopping in the morning, and gardening all afternoon. Did stop and get Maccie’s while we were out. May or may not have affected the scale today. I did get a longer walk in last night so 30 minutes in! My watch counted the gardening as active minutes as well, which I guess it is.

    Yesterday was good. Eating on plan, albeit a bit under target calories, and got a workout in. I don’t know what the scale’s doing so I’m just record-keeping for now. Maybe after a few months I can have a look at any patterns that arise.
    A few little NSV’s, my resting heart rate is averaging back in the high 40’s, where a month ago it was mid to high 50’s. And many of my clothes are fitting better or are too big. It was 33c (91.4f) here yesterday so I broke out my comfy shorts and while they were previously tight-ish around my thighs and bum, they’re noticeably more baggy. I’ve decided to put $20 for every kg I lose into a sub-account, so that I have it to splurge on new clothes when I need them. For now, most of my clothes are just fitting as they’re all from my “usual” weight of around 86kg/190lbs (once I started gaining I just wore clothes that would still fit like fitness leggings, elastic-waisted linen shorts/pants, and dresses - I didn’t really buy any bigger clothes apart from one pair of jeans). By the time I’m needing new stuff I should have a nice little stash to spend! This is helpful as well because as a mom I tend to put everyone else first and feel guilty getting things for myself. I do measurements weekly, and this coming Monday will be a full month, so it’ll be interesting to see the progress from my starting measurements.

    It’s the weekend again already, so another busy day. Did my meal planning for the week and grocery shop already this morning, and need to get out and weed the garden this afternoon. No workout yesterday, my hips are really sore for some reason. I worry about my hips because they’re constantly popping and cracking and I haven’t even hit 40 yet! Hopefully getting healthier will take some of the strain off so I don’t need to be worrying about hip replacements before 50 (or ever) 😅

    Pizza AND ice cream yesterday. Pizza was planned (and homemade), ice cream wasn't. Doesn't fit in the "limit added sugar", but I wanted it and I knew if I didn't have it, that I would end up trying to find something else to fill that want, and it wouldn't have been satisfying. So I had it, and it was delicious. Had less pizza and added salad to dinner to stay in my targets. With October almost here and the holidays coming soon after, I might do a no added sugar challenge (and no substitutes either) for myself. The exception, as always, will be my dark chocolate. I think I'll start with October and see how I feel about extending it.

    Did my weekly measurements this morning. Down 10cm in my waist, 5cm in my lower abdomen, 8cm in my hips and 3cm in the thigh and 3cm from my calf. Smaller losses for my arms and bust, which is expected as I usually hold my weight in my bum and thighs. All together I’m down 33.5cm (13.19”) in 4 weeks from my various measurements. I think a large part of that was just bloating and inflammation.
    Got in a 4.3km walk with my daughter yesterday evening. We’ve been going after dinner and the sun still isn’t staying up too late and it’s been dark when we go, so we’ve been sticking to shorter walks but did a slightly longer one last night. Enjoying the cooler weather we’re still getting in the afternoons and evenings, summer will be here before we know it with high temps, crazy humidity, and afternoon storms.

    I woke up HUNGRY this morning (530am), which is definitely not normal for me. I managed to wait until 9am to figure out what I actually wanted (a java chip protein smoothie). So I ended my fast 2 hours earlier than usual. I’ll likely skip dinner and close my window early. My daughter’s going to her boyfriend’s house to make ravioli for dinner, and my partner will be happy enough with chicken nuggets. Skipping dinner means I can get my walk in earlier too, since I don’t want to go in the dark by myself (daughter has been coming with me lately). Or maybe I can convince my partner to come, but I doubt it. He’ll have to be up at 430am tomorrow.

    It doesn't bother me, but it's weird that even if I'm in a deficit the scale doesn’t consistently reflect that. Didn't have the healthiest food choices yesterday, but there were things I was wanting so I had them. It was actually interesting to see the effect on my stress (physical, not emotional - measured by my garmin watch) that the less healthy foods had. My average stress yesterday was 37, typically it is in the low 20's. And the higher peaks were within 10 minutes of eating said unhealthier choices.

    Didn’t make my goal this week, that’s okay though, it was a bit ambitious to expect to keep losing at the same rate. Learned a few things this round by letting my eating “take care of itself”. I still need to meal prep. Just because I know what I typically eat will fit in, doesn’t magically give me more time to make it. And I’d rather spend an hour once or twice a week doing everything at once than doing it every single day. Also, just because the numbers of something “fits” it’s not always the best choice. I’ve never noticed an issue with gluten in the past, but I’m really not that big of a bread eater. If I was having bread/pasta/gluten it was typically alongside other things that weren’t as healthy (usually meals out, either restaurants or fast food). This round I did notice bloating associated with higher-sodium days, as well as days that I had gluten. Add to that an off feeling in my guts. Not sick, not sore, just not… comfortable. So going back to being a bit more strict with what I eat next round, and sticking to rice and quinoa for my carbs rather than burger buns and pizza crust. Because I like them anyway, and they make me feel better.

    My Info :
    Working with a dietitian and my doctor to get healthy, feel great, and set a good example for my girls!
    Starting Weight as of 28.08.23: 95.65kg | 210.87lbs
    Progress at Start of Round: -5.3kg | -11.68lbs
    Daily Calorie Target: 1400-1600
    Diet: Mostly Mediterranean; focus on whole foods; no alcohol; limit added sugars
    I meal prep and make most things from scratch, avoiding packaged and highly processed foods wherever possible.
    Macro Breakdown: 40f/30c/30p
    Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 (for now – hopefully back to ADF in the future)
    Workouts: Cardio and/or circuit training 6x per week

    Previous Rounds:
    round: end weight; change from RSW
    234: 91.6kg; -2.9kg | -6.4lbs
    235: 90.35kg; -1.25kg | -2.76lbs
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,353 Member
    65 yrs young F, 5ft 4 Round 235 (my 165th). Thank you @quiltingjaine for the new round, so grateful.
    Starting this round still on holiday, so will now be weighing until get home; fly back 22nd, so ready to fill commit again from 23rd, in the meantime trying to make sensible choices in order to maintain, but still enjoy the holiday.
    Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and then gradually gained between 7 and 11 since then & didn't want to gain any more, it’s taken me 75 rounds to achieve my under 130 target; back to maintenance!! But then I crept up again, so need to get back to around 134. A healthy lifestyle must be a permanent way of life.
    End of round 69 134.2 lbs
    End of round 70 133.6
    End of round 71 132.4
    End of round 72 133.2
    End of round 73 132.8
    End of round 74 132
    End of round 75 131.4
    End of round 76 130.2
    End of round 77 132.4
    End of round 78 134.4
    End of round 79 132
    End of round 80 133.6
    End of round 81 133.8
    End of round 82 132.4
    End of round 83 133.4
    End of round 84 133
    End of round 85 131.6
    End of round 86 133.0
    End of round 87 134.8
    End of round 88 132.8 (2 pounds lost)
    End of round 89 138.2 (5.4 pounds gained)
    End of round 90 135 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 91 132.8 (2.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 92 133 (0.2 pound up from end of last round)
    End of round 93 135.6 (2.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 94 135.8 (0.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 95 134.4 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 96 134.4 (no loss no gain!!)
    End of round 97 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 98 133.4 (1.6 down from end of last round)
    End of round 99 134.4 (1 up from end of last; not bad for Christmas period!)
    End of round 100 133.4 (1 down from end of last round)
    End of round 101 137.2 (3.8 pounds up)
    End of round 102 136 (1.2 pounds down from last round – not bad considering Dad unexpectedly passed away 3 days before end of round & I went totally off plan & no walking!)
    End of round 103 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down from last round – better!)
    End of round 104 – 135 (0.6 up from end of last round)
    End of round 105 – 133.6 (1.4 down from end of last round)
    End of round 106 – 133.6 (same as last round)
    End of round 107 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 108 – 134.2 (0.6 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 109 – 135.6 (1.4 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 110 – 133.2 (2.4 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 111 – 133.2 (same as last round)
    End of round 112 – 133.6 (increase of 0.4)
    End of round 113 – 132.8 (0.8 down from end of last round)
    End of round 114 – 136 (3.2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 115 – 134.8 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 116 – 133.4 (1.2 pounds down from end of last round)
    End of round 117 – 135.4 (2 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 118 – 136 (1.6 pounds up from end of last round)
    End of round 119 – 133.4 (2.6 pounds down)
    End of round 120 – 135.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 121 – 135.2 (0.2 pounds down)
    End of round 122 – 133.2 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 123 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 124 - 134.8 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 125 - 135 (0.2 pounds up) – get a grip!!!
    End of round 126 - 135 - same as last round
    End of round 127 - 133.8 (1.2 pounds down
    End of round 128 - 133.4 (0.4 pound down)
    End of round 129 - 134.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 130 - 133 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 131 - 133.6 (0.6 up)
    End of round 132 – 134 (0.4 up)
    End of round 133 – 134 .4 (0.4 up)
    End of round 134 – 132.2 (2.2 pounds down) see what not binging can do!!
    End of round 135 – 131.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 136 – 132.8 (1 pound up – happy for Christmas period, lower than at this time for many years!)
    End of round 137 – 134 (1.2 pound up ugh!!)
    End of round 138 - 131.2 (2.8 pounds down)
    End of round 139 – 130.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 140 – 132.4 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 141 – 131 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 142 – 129.8 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 143 – 130.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 144 – 130.2 (0.6 pounds down)
    End of round 145 – 132 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 146 – 133.8 (1.8 pounds up – again!!)
    End of round 147 – 133.2 (0.6 down)
    End of round 148 – 132.4 (0.8 pounds down)
    End of round 149 – 132.4
    End of round 150 – 133.8 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 151 – 135.8 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 152 – 134 (1.8 pounds down)
    End of round 153 – 135.4 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 154 – 132.2 (3.2 pounds down)
    End of round 155 - 133.6 (1.4 pounds up)
    End of round 156 - 134 (0.4 pounds up)
    End of round 157 - 133.6 (0.4 pounds down)
    End of round 158 – 135.4 (1.8 pounds up)
    End of round 159 – 134.4 (1 pound down)
    End of round 160 – 135.2 (0.8 up)
    End of round 161 – 134.2 (1 pound down)
    End of round 162 – 133.6 (0.6 down)
    End of round 163 – 136.2 (2.6 up)
    End of round 164 – 136 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 165 – 135.8 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 166 – 136 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 167 – 138 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 168 – 135 (3 pounds down)
    End of round 169 – 134.4 (0.6 pound down)
    End of round 170 – 133 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 171 – 135.4 (2.4 up)
    End of round 172 – 135.6 (0.2 up)
    End of round 173 – 137.6 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 174 – 135.2 (1.4 pounds down)
    End of round 175 – 138 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 176 – did not complete (away on family holiday)
    End of round 177 – 138
    End or round 178 – 137.8 (0.2 down)
    End of round 179 – 139.4 (1.6 pounds up)
    End of round 180 – 137 (2.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 181 – 139.2 (2.2 pounds up)
    End of round 182 – 135.6 (3.6 pounds down)
    End of round 183 – 138.2 (2.4 up)
    End of round 184 - 136 (2.2 pounds down)
    End of round 185 – 136.4 (0.4 gain)
    End of round 186 – 136.4 (same)
    End of round 187 – 138.4 (2 pounds up)
    End of round 188 – DNW (away for Queen's platinum jubilee celebrations)
    End of round 189 – 139.2
    End of round 190 – 139.8
    End of round 191 – 139.8
    End of round 192 – 138.8 (1 pound lost)
    End of round 193 – 138.2 (0.6 lost)
    End of round 194 – 136.4 (1.8 lost)
    End of round 195 – 139.2 (2.8 pounds up)
    End of round 196 – 138 (1.2 pounds down)
    End of round 197 – 138.2 (0.2 up)
    End of round 198 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 199 – DNW (on holiday in Crete)
    End of round 200 – 138.8 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 201 – 138.2 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 202 – 137.8 (0.4 pounds lost)
    End of round 203 – 137.6 (loss of 0.2)
    End of round 204 – 135.8 (1.8 pounds lost)
    End of round 205 – 135.6(0.6 pound lost)
    End of round 206 – 135.4 (0.2 pound lost)
    End of round 207 – 136.4 (1 pound gain) (Caravan Christmas Party Rally)
    End of round 208 - 137.2 (0.8 pound gain)
    End of round 209 - 137.4 (0.2 pound gain) (Christmas period)
    End of round 210 – DNW (Lanzarote holiday)
    End of round 211 – 138.2
    End of round 212 – 139.8
    End of round 213 – 139
    End of round 214 – 138.2 (1.2 pounds loss)
    End of round 215 – 139.2 (1 pound up)
    End of round 216 – 136.6 (2.6 pounds lost)
    End of round 217 – 137.8 (1.2 pounds up)
    End of round 218 – 140.4 (2.6 pounds up – need to reverse this trend!)
    End of round 219 – 139.8 (0.6 down)
    End of round 220 – DNW
    End of round 221 – 140.8 (1 pound up)
    End of round 222 – 139.8 (1 pound down)
    End of round 223 – 140 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 224 – 139.2 (0.8 pound down)
    End of round 225 – 139.4 (0.2 pound up)
    End of round 226 – 141 (1.6 pound up)
    End of round 227 – 139.8 (1.2 pound down)
    End of round 228 – 139.6 (0.2 pound down)
    End of round 229 – 140.2 (0.6 pound up)
    End of round 230 – 139.8 (0.4 down)
    End of round 231 - 138.2 (1.6 pounds down)
    End of round 232 – 140.6 (2.4 pounds up)
    End of round 233 – 138.8 (1.8 ponds down)
    End of round 234 – 140.2 (1.4 pound up)
    End of round 235 – DNW – on holiday

    Round 236
    9/19 DNW - a more sensible temperature of 29⁰ yesterday, 12.65 miles walked, still at a leisurely pace.
    9/20 DNW - holiday, 9.31 miles walked.
    9/21 DNW - holiday, 9.85 miles walked in-between yesterday's rain. At one point used the treadmill in the hotel gym whilst the rain was torrential!
    9/22 DNW - fly back from holiday, 11.39 miles walked yesterday, all packed & ready for the airport, holiday is over again 😪, had a lovely time.
    9/23 143.6 – so there is the holiday damage, lets get cracking and lose it before it settles! 5 miles walked yesterday. Developed a bit of a worrying health symptom whilst away but will have to wait until Monday before I can get Drs. appointment; time seems to be standing still!!


    9/24 141.6 – busy day yesterday, grocery shopping, washing, ironing, tidying up garden, visiting MIL, hence no structured walking & calories 200 over, but good to be back eating self-prepared meals, at least I know what’s in them!!
    9/25 140.6 – DD invited us up for Sunday lunch, DS & family came too, lovely to all be together. She cooked a delicious roast dinner & a wonderful passionfruit, raspberry & white chocolate roulade = loads of calories. Wasn’t hungry at evening mealtime so just had water, a pear & a banana, 200 calories over.
    9/26 140.6 – 10.18 miles walked, 40% exercise calories eaten back. Got to see Dr. she thinks my problem is caused by indigestion and not anything more sinister, started the medication prescribed, hope it solves the problem.
    9/27 140.6 – headed out for a walk before meeting up with my sisters for the day including lunch, 25 minutes in the sky changed, thunder, lightning & rain, heavy rain, turned round and went back, only 4.12 miles walked hence 260 calories over. Want to try to stay well within calories today, meeting a friend this morning, but only for coffee – she may want a cake, if she does, I will try suggesting we share a piece (she is trying to lose weight too!).
    9/28 142 – that’s disappointing, was hoping for another drop, but on to the next round. 11.2 miles walked yesterday, 50% exercise calories eaten back. No cake yesterday.

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE & I AM WHAT I EAT!!!!!
  • Losingit8305
    Losingit8305 Posts: 263 Member
    9/19 129
    9/20 129.4
    9/21 132
    9/22 131.2
    9/23 129.8
    9/24 129.6
    9/25 129.2
    9/26 129.6
    9/27 129.8
    9/28 130.2 It was not the best round for me. I had a bunch of good days but a few bad ones so it sort of evened out and I didn’t hit a new low. I need to work hard today and then join the next challenge!

  • Chapter_3
    Chapter_3 Posts: 548 Member
    edited September 2023
    My 6th Round

    Good luck everyone! You inspire me!

    F, 5’6”, almost 65 😉, Married, Retired. MawMaw Proud!

    Starting R236 at 137lbs - (⬇️ 8lbs from 145 mid-July.) Not bad.

    Goals: Relax, TRUST the process, Celebrate making healthy choices. Taste buds are overrated. NEVER let the ⚖️ impact my mood or determination.

    UGW: Make choices to weigh 128 again & MAINTAIN.

    Adjusted Daily Goals:
    70-80💦, Cal (1225-1325) Macros% 5-60-35, (Ketovore) 12k steps, Burn 600+ activity calories, 90+ Activity minutes.

    R236⚖️: Let’s get the ⚖️ down 1.5- 2lbs to 135x! Relaxed but focused.

    😎💥MADE GOAL! 9/28 135.4!

    9/19 ⚖️ 137.0lbs 🤔(again!) Yesterday, 200+ exercise minutes, 1225 move calories, 18k+ steps. Crazy day. Woke up stiff but worked it out. Short walk this morning, then tennis again tonight. Probably will not reach anywhere near that activity today because I obviously overdid it yesterday. Trying to nap this afternoon - did not sleep well last night – too wound up. What do I need to keep doing or change while on this part of my journey?! I think I’m making progress, because the scale is not bothering me anymore… It is what it is I just have to keep focused and taking care of myself.

    9/20 DNW Good day yesterday. ✅ 103 active min, 780 move calories, ✅macros, 1258 calories. 🚫 steps-just 9k. Finally slept well last night. Today: not sure yet what or how…. but will hit targets. No tennis so I’ll go on a hike/walk and maybe go to the gym for 12–3-30. 🏋️‍♀️today! Hoping to have a motivated/ grateful day. Oh, Even though I thought I had enough electrolytes yesterday, I had BAD leg cramps early this morning before I got up… It’s been a LONG time since I’ve had cramps, so I have to make sure I get enough, magnesium, potassium, and sodium everyday.

    9/21 DNW Up too early. I had a crummy, crummy day out of nowhere yesterday. Not mindful or grateful. Just plain tired. NO 🚫 or few ✅. No gym. Overly tired still from Monday and Tuesday. A reminder to know my activity/exercise limits and to stay hydrated. Over-doing it Monday and Tuesday ruined my Wednesday but hopefully not today too. I hope I’m not petering out!!!! After lunch, I laid on the couch and vegged out. Zero energy. 1343 BAD calories and only 5k steps. My brain was also dead. I wasn’t prepared for the tiredness. At least I tracked my day. I want to have a better day today. Taking care of myself also means avoiding physical exhaustion. Feeling out-of-sorts but not terribly so. This morning: will reflect, journal and make a few positive plans. Just do it.

    9/22 ⚖️ 135.8 👀
    Is THIS my whoosh?! 😀I’ll take it! However… I’m experienced enough to know that it’ll disappear for the next ⚖️, so at least I’m slowly going in the right direction. Whoosh or no whoosh. Not feeling any kind of a “high” so that’s a form of winning and conquering the 🎢. Once again… I don’t want the scale to impact my emotions, commitment, or determination. Just keep with the plan and the process.✌️!

    Yesterday: 1213 cal, 120 active min, 682 move cal burned, macros ✅. Was still tired yesterday. Wow. But I did manage to get my exercise minutes and 8k steps. Will do more today as I have more time AND I’m more rested. Enjoying my coffee and hoping to push to be more active this weekend. Just moving! DH just left - will be out of town till late Sunday night so I can enjoy a couple of days of “me” time. Will head to the grocery store after tennis this morning to plan my eats for the weekend.

    9/23 DNW Almost forgot to post this morning so I guess that’s a good thing! Yesterday was just about a perfect day… attitude and discipline.
    1270 cal, ✅ macros, 132 movement minutes 817 Movement calories. 9k steps. My steps have been off lately because I just haven’t felt like going for a long walk… Hoping I meet 12 K today! I’ve decided to up my protein again… been reading a lot about it. While DH is away this weekend I’m going full carnivore. Yesterday I had a big juicy ribeye. Half for lunch and half for dinner. 100% satisfied… And that’s it for the day! This morning, two eggs over easy with grated cheddar cheese on top and two pieces of “healthy”bacon… I’m ready for the day! If I feel good, I may keep it going… Spending the day with my grandson at his soccer matches… We’ll walk /circle the fields to get in my steps!

    NSV- While the scale is not cooperating, as much as I had hoped, I can visually tell my body is changing… Not that much, but enough for me to notice. I’ve lost only eight or 9 pounds, but it looks like I’ve lost a little more… And I’m feeling really good!

    9/24 DNW Enjoyable day yesterday. Did not get my steps in because I mistakenly wore flip-flops for the soccer matches and did not pack any walking shoes… Registered 6k steps.

    I read up on health/nutrition yesterday, and I realize I am just NOT walking enough! I need to work walks into my day, 45-1hr in the morning and same in the evening no matter what my step count is in between … It’s just healthy! Will definitely pick up my strength training. Will try my best to do that this week and see how it goes! Yesterday I ate chuck steak, eggs, cheese & bacon = 1273 cal, 0 carbs, 40% protein, 60% fat. Feel 100% satiated and feel great! I enjoyed a wonderful day with my grandson! Hoping to weigh in the 135s tomorrow but if I don’t it’s no big deal… Sticking to my process!

    Oh, an old friend is coming into town from Australia and we’re hosting a small gathering for her. Will be about 12 ladies with tons of food, libations and temptation… I will be strong!

    9/25 ⚖️ 135.9 Yesterday I was strong throughout the party, but when my friend brought out the homemade Dolce Leche, I had to have one little bitty taste… Ended up having two tastes! So I’m Counting that as a win for calories, but I went off carnivore.
    Did not walk yesterday. Will get back on track today.

    NSV yesterday- My lady friends, “You look great… so thin”! I dressed right yesterday 😀😎🤣. Love my high-waisted jeans!

    9/26 DNW played tennis twice yesterday-4 hrs on court and another match this morn. Hit 12.5k steps and want that again today. Still haven’t done treadmill 12-3-30 for a while. Did 🏋️‍♀️-only 15 min yesterday. I get bored. I had to really push myself to eat 1200 calories yesterday. Eggs, Chuck steak, cheese, my ACV drink and hot tea. TONS of water. I feel stong and determined! Because of two tennis matches, I didn’t walk extra. ALSO, it’s hard to get “moves” in for more movement on days I play tennis….. I need to strengthen and stretch! Will do that today. I’m challenging myself to get an established routine for strength training to complement moves. I’ve been seriously lax and I need to do that for long-term health.

    9/27 DNW Yesterday: 13k steps ✅ 160 exercise minutes, burned 979 move cal, 1327 calories, macros in-line. Walked 2.0 mi with with DH after dinner. Did not work in extra strength training or 12-3-30. Too tired after tennis today. Still feeling strong. Hoping for some positive ⚖️ scale action tomorrow. Tennis again this morn then several days without…..Planning to get in 3-4 days of 4-5 mi walks, 💪🏻 🏋️‍♀️and 12-3-30! Then off to Ozarks. NGL- If no scale ⚖️ loss, I will definitely be sad, but not debilitatingly so.

    NSV: I’ve been tracking EVERYTHING since mid July… I’m very proud of myself! It’s a great habit to have. I don’t track water because I know intuitively how much I’m drinking and it’s between 70 / 80 ounces a day. Pretty sure I can maintain this lifestyle but I would definitely like to have a treat every now and then… I need to figure out what that treat will be… I’m realizing it does NOT need to be food or drink!

    9/28 ⚖️ 135.4. I made goal. 💃💥💃
    Yesterday: 138 Exercise minutes, 1200 move calories, 12.8 K steps, macros ✅ 1288 cal….
    Enjoyed lunch with an old friend after tennis. Grilled salmon Caesar salad with no dressing and only a squeeze of lemon and it was delicious! 2 eggs around 3pm cuz still hungry. ACV drink then Ribeye (weighed of course) for dinner. 3 mi walk after dinner. So I lost 1.6 lbs this round. I think my biggest scale win in 60 days. Took 60 days to loose 10 lbs…. Yes, without a doubt, my body has changed dramatically over the last 3 years. Younger women, beware! Will hit you HARD! 😀

    Looking forward to the next round… will try to implement a few things that are different. Hoping/Expecting 15-20k steps per day - (while on vacation). Headed to Ozarks to hike for 5 days…. 5-10th. No scale.

    NSV- I feel like I am conquering the roller coaster by not letting my emotions go wild… It’s a huge W!!!!

    SEE YOU IN R237!🫶🏻

    Let’s do this! 💪🏻🙌🏻
  • CamandJarvis
    CamandJarvis Posts: 2,059 Member
    You don't have to be perfect, you just have to be better than you were before

    31, 5'5"
    OSW: 164.2 164.5 164.9 Dec 31, 2022 165.5 Jan 5, 2023
    GW: 130-135

    Previous Rounds:
    R69: 158.1; R70: 156.5; R71: 156.3 R72: 156.3; R73: 155.2; R74: 155.4; R75: 156.1; R76: 155.6; R80: 153.2; R81: 154.3; R82: 154.1; R84: 156.5; R89: 156.7; R91: 160.1; R93: 159.3; R94: 156.1; R98: 154.5; R99: 155.9; R100: 152.8; R101: 149.7; R102: 149.0; R103: 149.0; R104: 146.2; R105: 146.6; R106: 144.6; R107: 146.8; R108: 147.7; R109: 148.1; R110: 150.1; R111: 154.3; R112: 152.6; R113: 151.7; R121: 153.0; R122: 154.8; R123: 153.9; R124: 153.4; R125: 155.6; R126: 152.3; R127: 151.5; R128: 151.0; R129: 151.0; R130: 152.6; R131: 153.9; R132: 150.6; R133: 151.2; R134: 149.3; R135: 149.5; R136: 148.4; R137: 147.9; R138: 148.4; R139: 151.9; R140: 150.4; R141: 150.4; R142: 144.0; R143: 144.2; R144: 147.0; R145: 145.7; R146: 145.9; R147: 145.9; R148: 146.5; R149: 147.3; R150: 146.8; R151: 147.9; R152: 147.7; R153: 147.2; R154: 147.0; R155: 144.7; R157: 146.1; R158: 146.6; R159: 146.3; R160: 150.2; R161: 146.7; R162: 144.6; R163: 146.2; R164: 147.3; R165: 146.3; R166: 148.5; R167: 147; R168: 148.4; R169: 151.4; R170: 148.9; R171: 144.8 R172: DNW; R173: 146.1; R174: 147.9; R175: 145.9; R176: 150.5; R177: 149.3; R179: 150.5; R180: 151.6; R181: DNW; R182: 150.2; R183: 152.9; R184: 153.4; R185: 151.3; R186: 152.3; R187: 151.8; R188: 150.9; R189: 152.6; R190: DNW; R191: 154.8; R192: 155.5; R193: 155.2; R194: 156.5; R195: DNW; R196: 155.7; R197: DNW; R198: 156.1; R199: DNW; R200: DNW; R201: 159.8; R202: 159.7; R203: 160.5; R204: DNW; R205: DNW; R206: 161.7; R207: 163.6; R208: DNW; R209: 164.5; R210: 163.9; R211: DNW; R212: 163.1; R123: 162.1; R214: 162.1; R215: 160.4; R216: 160.4; R217: 159.6; R218: 159.0; R219: 159.6; R220: 157.6; R221: 156.5; R222: 155.8; R223: 156.8; R224: 155.1; R225: 152.2; R226: 154.9; R227: 152.4; R228: 152.5; R229: 152.2; R230: 152.8; R231: 151.8; R232: 153.3; R233: 154.1; R234: 151.9; R235: 155.1

    Last weight
    09/18 - 155.1

    Round Goal: 152.x
    Workout: Walks with dogs daily, weather permitting - morning and evening, when possible. Run 3x/week (weather permitting) for 5k training. Kettlebell/strength 2x/week for muscle maintenance.
    Water: 90oz
    Day, Weight, Comment
    9/19 - DNW
    9/20 - 154.4
    9/21 - 153.2
    9/22 - DNW
    9/23 - DNW
    9/24 - 154.4
    9/25 - 152.9
    9/26 - 152.6
    9/27 - 152.8
    9/28 - DNW - It took logging on here for me to realize I didn't weigh in. Weird morning. I forgot it was Thursday (thought yesterday was Thursday all day, woke up thinking today was Wednesday) and the boys leave earlier for work on Thursdays. So I rushed to get dressed and investigate only to realize it was them. By then, all thoughts of my normal waking routine (brush hair, weigh, etc) are gone. Plus, I'm already in workout clothes and they're a pain to get in and out of so I'm alright with that forgetfulness. Yesterday I adjusted my eating plan to account for a much higher calorie breakfast and to allow for some evening apple cider as a treat. I measured everything and stayed within goal. I went for another run this morning - I took both dogs and we pushed the pace a bit more. Well, they did and I followed within reason. We ended up increasing to 1.5 miles in 20 minutes and they were quite well behaved. Only one issue this time. They're learning! BF comes home this evening and I have all my meals sorted, now to log them.

    Previous Day's Comments
    9/19 - I decided not to weigh since I woke up a few times last night very thirsty and chugged water leading to a possibly false high. Especially since we ended up eating out. We didn't go to the CPR class as the contractors didn't leave until after 630, the class started at 6 and it was 45 minutes away. Unfortunately, by the time we realized we wouldn't be going to the class, it was too late to thaw anything for dinner and we ended up eating out (didn't change much as we'd have to eat out if we went to the class since there was no time between work and having to leave to cook AND eat). Kettlebell workout today and walk planned for after dinner as contractors showed up right after 7am - our usual walk time. I have plenty of leftover cowboy stew which I made for lunch instead - I plan on roasting my leftover carrots and adding them into the stew to provide some veg since I don't count corn or potatoes for my daily veg count. Burritos for Taco Tuesday dinner tonight so need to stay mindful of my portions and overall intake, especially with only 1 walk and 15 minute strength workout.
    9/20 - It's a drop, though not as much as I was hoping for. This is making me believe, with 2 great days of over 100oz of water, that this isn't as much water weight as I hoped and is more actual gain than I'd like or had planned for. I was hoping, as a mini-goal, to get down into the 140s by my birthday (9Oct) and it's looking to be a real fight to reach that. Tonight's dinner is a bit of a calorie bomb but I'm focusing on portion control and being mindful of when and why I'm eating. I had a slip up yesterday - I ate BF's remaining lunch pizza (work exploded so he didn't get a chance to clean up and either save or toss it) AFTER I ate my own lunch. I wasn't hungry but my body said "pizza! no waste!" and down this human garbage disposal it went. Ugh. Run today with Smoke while BF walks Harley. We ended up walking after dinner yesterday to make up for not being able to in the morning (contractors showed up right at our walk time) and once again, BF joined me. It's really nice even though we don't really talk. I'm aiming for another walk after dinner tonight, as well.
    9/2 - What a sight to see! I wasn't expecting this at all. I drank over 100oz of water (again, go me!) and stayed mindful. I didn't finish my lunch or dinner portions (lunch was a restaurant so portions are bigger) as I felt satisfied (and I made myself content with not feeling full when I stood up from the table - I knew I'd feel it in time and I did. Especially at lunch. I was worried I'd be starving by dinner but I was not!). Got a good evening walk in after dinner once it cooled off a bit. I ended up running 2 miles without stopping yesterday so I'm a tad sore today. I decided to not overdo it and am skipping my kettlebell strength workout. I'm only walking the dogs here in a bit and stretching. Meals planned and logged except dinner but I have ideas/thoughts/plans to help me not go overboard at Thirsty Thursday or dinner out.
    9/22 - I was a tad late waking up as I was super groggy (I slept through my [silent] alarm for a whole extra minute!) and I knew BF was getting up to walk at 6 (giving me 45 minutes extra). I decided, since I felt incredibly bloated and fingers look puffy, to forego weighing as I know it's not accurate. I've pre-logged everything I know so far, including breakfast, lunch, and the protein for dinner. I'm unsure, as of right now, what starch and veg side we are having, but neither should put me over goals so long as I stick to my pre-logged plan. I ran with Smoke this morning while BF took Harley. We ventured on to the main road through the ranch. Smoke was found by a highway covered in porcupine needles so he's skittish around vehicles. We live on a deadend road with retired folks so we don't get traffic during our normal walks for training so this was good exposure for him to learn. He did better than I thought with the one vehicle that passed us though he is much better about riding in vehicles than being outside of them. Don't blame him. I want him to be cautious, but not try to dart away and harm himself. Only 1.5 miles ran as I figured we'd take it slow and easy and traffic would be picking up soon. Slow and steady, not only for my 5k training but for his vehicle exposure. Now on to catch up on 2.5 days of posts!
    9/23 - I did weigh but it didn't record in the app apparently. Oops. It was up - 154.x range. I do feel very very bloated this morning, though. Garlic salt from dinner, I'm sure. I drank 100oz at least yesterday so I'm not terribly worried. Calories were on the high end, but still in deficit. Today I'm not sure food plans but we're on our own. Working on the house so hopefully plenty of movement. Going to to walk the dogs first, though, so we can all get our steps in (: I'm planning on drinking lots of water and being very mindful about my eating today. Hope you have a fantastic and successful weekend!
    9/24 - Ouch. But I knew that was coming. We were working in the heat all day - why did the weather have to be the hottest its been in the last 2 weeks on the ONE day we have an opportunity to work on our house outside? Anyway, despite over 100oz of water, I simply could not keep up so I know some of this is bloat. Our friends invited us to dinner at a place we've talked about for years, but never been to (they had, we hadn't). I was so hungry I ate an entire burger and still felt hungry but I stopped myself from more. I did add lettuce, tomato, avocado and roasted garlic to get in some healthiness to it all (but also added calories I probably didn't need. I very roughly estimated the calories and was over by 139 for the day). Today we are supposed to go to Fam's but that may have changed - if we do, it's wings for "linner" with a veg tray for snacking otherwise it'll be wings for lunch and the steak bites & gnocchi I planned for last night's dinner before we were invited out. FamWife has to travel for her new promotion for the first time tomorrow! She has to wake up and leave super early (like 1-2am) so it's probably not likely we'll go but for a good reason! Super proud of her!
    9/25 - Not sure where this drop came from. My best guess is that I splurged on ice cream last night and took my lactose pill. It banished lactose AND all the other bloat, apparently. I was definitely way over on calories for the day and I barely got over 5k steps. Severe storms last night into this morning so no run and my back too stiff to do strength without causing too much pain so lazy day. Will try to walk dogs after dinner to make up for it. Still feeling bloated and have the calorie-bomb dinner of stromboli tonight on request. BF wakes up at 3am tomorrow to leave for business and will be back *knock on wood* Thursday dinnertime so he wanted one of his favorite meals of mine before he left. Will be careful the rest of the day. Planning a chicken & orzo soup (very much like chicken noodle) for lunches this week since I didn't plan/buy stuff and I have stuff to make that on hand.
    9/27 - I'm sore today, particularly my hamstrings and I'm guessing that's the reason for the uptick this morning. I did splurge on that ice cream (sandwich) for lunch and forgot to take my lactose pills until much later so that may also be a reason for increase as well. I'm getting ready to take the dogs (yes, both, I'm taking a risk this morning) on a very very very slow run together. I'm doing time-based at 20 minutes since I feel time-based are far more doable than distance-focused runs with 2 dogs. Wish me luck. Today I will have a slice of my apple coffee cake for breakfast (that's my dessert for the day), chicken and orzo soup for lunch, and garlic parmesan chicken pasta for dinner (as requested by the boys). I've pre-logged lunch and dinner, just need to input recipe into MFP to log breakfast and I'm set! I'm feeling pretty good about today and my progress overall this week. It's not ideal, but it's an improvement from last week and I'm happy with that. I have 2 days of posts to catch up on during my work breaks today so I'll be looking forward to that!
    MOUNTAINMERMAIDCO Posts: 636 Member

    👍👍This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE

    SW Round 236
    9/19 163.6
    9/20 163.4
    9/21 163.4
    9/22 164
    9/23 162.8
    9/24 164.2 🤬🤬
    9/25 163
    9/26 162.8
    9/27 162.8
    9/28 163
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,905 Member
    I tried the elliptical machine at the gym today because a guy was using the treadmill I wanted. OMG, that is rough. I made it about 2.5 minutes and was just dying. I pushed until I finished a full 3 minutes but I slowed way down.

    Jen, the first time I tried the elliptical it was so easy! Well that’s what I thought for about 5 seconds! I got on and started going full speed ahead and WOW - not even kidding - I slowed way down and lasted 30 seconds! Kudos for lasting 2.5 minutes!