Friends over 40

kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
edited October 2023 in Introduce Yourself
I turned 50 this year and have a history of night time binge eating. I have health/ medical issues. I've learned that I have control over what I eat, not my emotions. I'm on day 2 of getting back to healthy and cleaner living. I feel that it will also help alleviate some of my symptoms. If you are anything like me and my struggles, I'd like to be friends for encouragement and accountability.


  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you Abner for all that input. I agree that if it's not in the house I can't eat. My husband brings home "bad " food all the time from bakery and store. I keep telling him to stop because I end up eating out all. They're no hiding food in this house; I will find it.
    Stephen, thank you for your kind words.
    FYI. I'm on day 3 of eating within my caloric intake! I have to keep allowing myself to easy on myself and I have the control .
  • abnerchiang5574
    abnerchiang5574 Posts: 24 Member
    @kristinecraig5 Kristine

    You are welcome. Just an update: what I said above is still working for me so far. Today is day 2 without any junk food. I am really looking forward to standing onto the scale tomorrow morning.

    How are you finding your journey today?
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    Smbqt2, I think I need your @. I'm @Kristinecraig5
  • waxingturtle
    waxingturtle Posts: 34 Member
    Hello. I too liked to binge eat in the late evening or stressed out. I'm trying to just sit with the stressful emotions and wait for the craving to pass. I have chronic pain and fatigue issues.
    I've had trouble finding friends on here. Would you like to add me?
  • kkruck81
    kkruck81 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm new here also. I have some health issues as well and just trying to get back on track to a healthier me. Hopefully I can drop some weight too.
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    waxingturtle , yes please send friends request.
  • MacLowCarbing
    MacLowCarbing Posts: 350 Member
    Hello and welcome. The tools here are very helpful.

    I have struggled too with nighttime eating and binge eating. Finding a sustainable way of eating that works for you really helps. I found a way of eating I found satiating so I didn't get the munchies much anymore, and started intermittent fasting because half my battle is that i wasn't eating well in the daytime causing more hunger pangs at night. Having an 8 hr window for eating per day kinda forces me to get in all my nutrition, then when that window closes in the evening I have gotten used to staying away from the kitchen.
  • lunarlight76
    lunarlight76 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat and just started on here today. 47, health issues, binge eater in the evening and when emotional. Need the support of a community to turn to when things get tough. Please add me as a friend if you relate! 😊🙏
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone. I think I've learned how to do friend request now. I'm on day 5 and so far so good. I was able to work through not eating Vienna Fingers last night before bed! How are you doing this week? What was your accomplishment?
  • purplegoat78
    purplegoat78 Posts: 8 Member
    49 new , generally fit , been running for 6 years now but have a constant battle with eating well , need to lose about 1 stone to help the old joints during runs lol
    All help appreciated 😁
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    I had to look up the conversion of stone to pound. 1 stone equals 14 pounds. Extra weight pays alot on our joints, especially our knees!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 688 Member
    46 here...been a member since 2012 but had a lapse in 2022 when I had my first baby (at age 45). I'm getting back into it so I can lose weight to be healthier for my daughter and feel better...and to be able to chase her around lol. You can add me as a friend.
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    Craving ice cream.....having hot chocolate instead
  • waxingturtle
    waxingturtle Posts: 34 Member
    @kristinecraig5 that's a good alternative! I love chocolate! My one real weakness...

    I'm working on finding what works for me. I'm trying to find high fiber, high protein foods besides beans, I eat plenty of those. Any suggestions?
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    I like to eat medjool dates and prunes for additional fiber. The dates are also sweet, so they're good for a dessert. You probably know that green leafy vegetables are good. I add baby spinach leaves to my protein shake and I can't taste it.
    Nuts have a source of protein, fish and lean meats
  • kristinecraig5
    kristinecraig5 Posts: 16 Member
    Yesterday I had a root canal. I had 1 cup of ice cream with no remorse
    I earned it
  • waxingturtle
    waxingturtle Posts: 34 Member
    I like to eat medjool dates and prunes for additional fiber. The dates are also sweet, so they're good for a dessert. You probably know that green leafy vegetables are good. I add baby spinach leaves to my protein shake and I can't taste it.
    Nuts have a source of protein, fish and lean meats

    Prunes are SO good! Yummm! But I find that I have to eat a lot to get the 30g that i need in a day. And they have too much sugar for me. * I know to eat a variety of fiber filled foods but it is hard to get 30g in a day with out a supplement of some sort.
  • Sillycat1974
    Sillycat1974 Posts: 7 Member
    I too, am an emotional and binge eater. I’m worse in the evening closer to bedtime. I am a sweet food junkie! I’ve been at this for years. It’s a bad yo-yo effect for me. However, I joined a gym, and bought a WiFi weight tracking scale and that scale really opened up my eyes. I’m 5 days in. My problem with weight loss is I tend to see everything as black and white with no gray area. It’s either all in and being very strict or fall off and say to heck with it. I’ve got to let myself be ok if I slip up one day and tell myself it’s not the end of the world. That it’s only one day. You can send me a friend request! I am looking to meet new people 😊