Daily check in for support and accountability



    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    We went out to dinner for my mother-in-law's birthday. I pre-planned what I was going to eat and made sure it fit into my calories. I even passed up the chocolate brownie that everyone was having for dessert. I got questioned by my brother-in-law for passing up on chocolate. I just said no, I don't want any. I said no to my husband, too, when he was willing to share. The scale rewarded me this morning for my sacrifice. :)
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi everyone! May I join in? My name is Joan, I live in Chase near Kamloops BC, Canada.
    I have gained 20 lbs since my husband passed away in 2017. I am now 158 lbs at 5 ft 2 inches tall, and I will be turning 81 next month.
    I’ve been inconsistent in logging, but it does work when I do. I find that I get snacking cravings in the evenings and that’s when it falls apart.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Hi, Joan. Welcome. "Everyone" is two, maybe three of us, at most. I am so sorry that you lost your husband. It would be so easy to put on weight after that as you wouldn't really be paying attention. But you are right; consistent, accurate logging works. Try saving some calorie room in the evening for a snack that will satisfy you and keep the "snacking" to just that.
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    I'm having a hard day today. I am almost done my second 16/8 fast. Working from home and my husband made himself a breakfast sandwich. Because there isn't a door on the office, I could smell it. Only one hour left until I can break my fast. He noticed I was irritated and I told him that I was just hungry and he said, "Well, then just eat something, you can try again tomorrow." NO. NO I CAN'T. BECAUSE WHEN I TRY TOMORROW, THAT TURNS INTO TRYING FOR 15 YEARS.

    Sigh. Sorry. Just had to get that out.
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, Lisa! Well, I will try to be consistent both with my logging and my posting here. I hadn't weighed for a few weeks and that led to overeating. I get in the mindset that if I don't weigh then I'm not gaining! Lol Anyway yesterday I estimated 158 lbs, and when I weighed this morning I was 156.7. So I will log and weigh daily and hopefully that will keep me on track.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi All and welcome new folks

    @HASWLRS - nice job sticking to the plan on your mother-in - law's birthday. It's the choices that we make in the moment that add up. Preplanning is a great way to approach these special occasions.

    I'm still struggling with overindulging on desserts and snacks. I know I should not bring the stuff in the house. I've gotten into the habit of wanting something after supper. It would be fine if I just had a small treat but I'm eating quite a bit above my calorie goal. When I don't have the stuff in the house, I still want it but I'm usually not motivated enough to go out and get it. On these nights I eventually just give up wanting it. So note to self, don't bring the empty calorie snacks and desserts in the house!

    Ok- done with my rant. Have a good day All.
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I blew it again last night. I did well up to supper last night, but then i had 8 oz of pinot grigio, which led to eating toast and marmelade. So up to 158 lbs at morning weigh in. Anyway the bottle of wine is gone, so not buying any more

    Im sure I will be back down tomorrow, if i stick to my logging :(
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Well, I blew it again last night. I did well up to supper last night, but then i had 8 oz of pinot grigio, which led to eating toast and marmelade. So up to 158 lbs at morning weigh in. Anyway the bottle of wine is gone, so not buying any more

    Im sure I will be back down tomorrow, if i stick to my logging :(

    @joandumas42 Good job realizing you can't have wine in the house, at least not right now, when you are trying to lose weight. If we can learn from our setbacks, then they actually serve us well!
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I did a lot better yesterday. I logged everything and stayed within my allotted calories, and I was down a lb this morning. So was just water weight. I kept my starchy carbs to a minimum and so I didn’t feel like snacking in the evening.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Well, I did a lot better yesterday. I logged everything and stayed within my allotted calories, and I was down a lb this morning. So was just water weight. I kept my starchy carbs to a minimum and so I didn’t feel like snacking in the evening.

    Well done! Rinse and repeat....you got this!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    The weather, for November, has been so nice. We went for a walk on both Saturday and Sunday. Still logging my food, still staying under and still watching the ounces fall away each morning on the scales! I will go to work today to finish up the new file folders for the new fiscal year.

    Have a great Monday, everyone!
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    Morning all! We're weighing in at work this morning so fingers crossed that the loss I'm seeing on my home scale translates to the work one..haha. I definitely have more energy so that's wonderful.

    Great job @HASWLRS and @joandumas42 !
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    @GenXMissusSpags Good luck on your weigh-in! Are you doing a weight loss challenge at work or is it for something else?
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member
    @HASWLRS My coworkers and I are doing a 10 week weight loss challenge and we're weighing in on Mondays.

    And I LOST 5 POUNDS this week! I was the biggest loser for the first week! I'm so excited (even though I know a lot of it was water weight but still..haha)!

  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    edited November 2023
    @GenXMissusSpags Congratulations on your 5 lbs off!

    @HASWLRS The weather here has been quite mild for November, too. No snow yet, which is unusual for this time of year in the BC Interior. I'm not complaining!

    I'm down another half pound this morning, so far so good!
  • GenXMissusSpags
    GenXMissusSpags Posts: 39 Member

    I'm down another half pound this morning, so far so good!

    Thank you Joan! Great job on your loss this morning!

  • kholl25
    kholl25 Posts: 12 Member
    Not sure how to post on this thread - so let me know? I would like to join. I have tried myfitnesspal for years now. Successful when I really stick to it - and then I fall away.

    I am 55 - almost 56 years old. Empty nester for the first time after having four daughters. My current weight is right around 210 which is absolutely ridiculous to me. Heavier than I ever was even during pregnancy! I have a ton of "excuses" - husband's cancer "journey" of three years started me down a path of emotional eating. Peri-menopause. Covid. Menopause. Depression. Multiple surgeries to try and alleviate chronic physical ailments that were part of depression. Couldn't run or walk for physical exercise for a really long time due to surgeries.

    All excuses - and I no longer have them. Can't run now due to excess weight! My husband and I started walking together and he took over the cooking in June - with the express goal of losing weight by mid-september when we had a Hawaii trip planned. Since I barely look in the mirror at myself and i refuse to have my picture taken...thought I was doing well! Just saw pictures last night that were taken of me BEFORE Hawaii (in Chicago) and OMG!! I have a long ways to go.

    I need some accountability people OTHER THAN my husband. When I told him this morning that I needed to cut calories - that I had seen photos of myself and realized, once again, that I NEED to lose weight - his response was "well, when you are serious about losing weight just let me know..." Implying that he is sick of me not being serious. Plus it's just not healthy for our relationship for me to know he is watching every bite that goes in my mouth.

    So - tell me how I should get started in this group? What you would like to see? What has worked for others? Trying once again...one of these times it should finally "click"?
  • kholl25
    kholl25 Posts: 12 Member
    Can I add this? For women in menopause - has anyone found anything that will "jumpstart" their metabolism? I don't eat a lot of calories - although when I am consistent with logging food I definitely see I eat more than I think.

    What is the calorie intake that you have found to be the right "number" when trying to lose weight?

    I have been to a nutritionist (two different ones over the last 3 years) - and found they really wanted to be "therapists" - I want to hear, for a menopausal woman, the calorie intake I should be striving for, the macros that I should be striving for...
  • joandumas42
    joandumas42 Posts: 32 Member
    @kholl25 Welcome! I see from your previous posts you have been here before. Did you set up your profile in MFP with your weight, height, age, activity level and target loss/week? This is what I did, and I am successful when I log my food every day and stick to the calories it gives me. We all have different calorie and macro needs, so what is right for me may not be right for you.

    Try that and good luck!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Yesterday was a good day. I finished up putting the new file folders in the cabinets at work and I got caught up on the filing, now that the invoices had a place to go! To finish up completely, I just need to make more permanent labels for the drawers themselves and the boxes full of 2022 files. Right now Post-it notes are doing the job.

    I was hungry yesterday, so I ended up eating all of my calories. Makes sense, as I had been leaving some on the table each night. Even though it was an absolutely gorgeous November day (around 55F/13C and sunny), I did not get for a walk. My legs absolutely ache when I have been at work, standing for three hours or more.

    I saw a new low number on the scales this morning (new since early summer) and now I am only two pounds from my first goal, Onederland!