enlightenme3 Posts: 2,618 Member
๐Ÿ˜€ Welcome all new first timers to this challenge and "Hello again" to those returning for another month, another year, another round. ๐Ÿ˜€

I joined back in September of 2021, which was my first month back on MFP. In the first 9 months, I lost 40 pounds and use this challenge as motivation to stay on track. It is nice to have a medium-term goal that gets broken down into manageable chunks.

Pick your own goal, check in once per week, and at the very end of the month. Let's keep encouraging each other & staying focused on our individual goals.

You can change the dates to suit you, but try to keep it weekly as it shows off the weekly progress better๐Ÿ˜€

Pick whatever unit suits you -- lbs, kgโ€™s or stones.

Feel free to copy & paste the chart:

December Start Weight:
December Goal Weight:
Ultimate Goal Weight:

December 1:
December 8:
December 15:
December 22:
December 29:
December 31:

For those unsure how to do your weekly weight input:
When you want to do your weekly update do a search for your original post, copy and paste as a new post in the add post box then you can edit in your new weekly weight. A lot of people also maintain their post in a notes application on their device and just cut and paste into a new post.

Itโ€™s not a race go at your on pace, imagine where you could be in 6 months time!๐Ÿ˜€

Best of luck to everyone - have fun! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

Remember to bookmarkโญ๏ธ this group- makes it easier to find ๐Ÿ˜€


  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    Will start December 1st ๐Ÿ˜€

    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:
  • Alyssa1770
    Alyssa1770 Posts: 10 Member
    Challenge Accepted!! :)

    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    November 27: 154 lbs
    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:
  • Lessennan
    Lessennan Posts: 2,961 Member
    Start -2
    Getting ready by planning forward
  • toniiaa28
    toniiaa28 Posts: 92 Member
    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 666 Member
    Looking forward to finishing up 2023 strong

    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,387 Member
    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    December 6
    December 13:
    December 20:
    December 27:

  • Mtmoonkitty
    Mtmoonkitty Posts: 5 Member
    Iโ€™m in.

    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:
  • ronicaw57
    ronicaw57 Posts: 117 Member
    Female, 6 ft.
    [MFP Highest Weight: (8/20/18): 264.4]

    December Start Weight: 167
    December Goal Weight: 165
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 155-160 (Maintenance)

    December 1: 167
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 31:

    P.S. I don't do 10,000 steps at all. I don't have rolls everywhere because I took my sweet time because I was hard headed. I do Leslie Sansone 15 minute 1 mile workouts, 3 times a week maybe. I do the indoor track, but haven't been since November 14th. My weight loss is calories in, calories out. Yes I eat everything, but I track daily every single bite, drink, condiment, etc. Exercise helps but I can't outrun my fork. Yes, I have stairs in my house, this helps a lot. I am a senior citizen so yes weight loss is a little slower. Yes I did WW, the last was on the blue plan and I gained weight on it. Now it's strictly calories in, calories out. I love the concept of Keto, but still love bread, Keto works yall. Intermittent fasting works too, and yes I still do it.
  • dwell81
    dwell81 Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2023
    December Start Weight: ~100kg (180cm height)
    December Goal Weight: 95kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: <85kg

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31:

    I keep a daily deficit of ~500kcal and workout 6 times a week in the evening (3 split - push, pull, legs) and do just low intensity stuff (walks, slow running, moderate session on the crosstrainer for 30 minutes) in the morning maybe 3-4 times a week.

    I also make sure to eat as clean as possible and aim for >150g protein a day. The last weeks I lost in average 1.3kg a week which I'm quite happy with.
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 309 Member
    December start weight:
    December goal weight:
    Ultimate goal weight: 190 (to start)

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,364 Member
    December Start Weight:
    December Goal Weight:
    Ultimate Goal Weight:

    December 1:
    December 8:
    December 15:
    December 22:
    December 29:
    December 31: