
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,146 Member
    <3:'(Allie So sorry about Homer. He had a good life with you and Tom.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,002 Member
    Thank you Barbie,he had a great life with all 3 of us..and bless his heart he waited until Tom got back from Florida and was in fine form for a few weeks and just went downhill quick.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,162 Member
    Hugs Allie!!

    Pruned the large rosemary bush with the hedge trimmers. Glad I pulled out the 40V one. Worked through that chore quickly. Got the first of the Christmas decorations up out front. DH usually does all of it or we do it together(not lately) but I had a few new things that I wanted to get up. The tree is a star with long strands of lights that you stretch out to form a tree. It is hanging from the gutter in front of the kitchen window. I made sure not to block the faucet so he doesn't trip on them.
    I smell like the rosemary bush- guess there are a lot of other worse things I could smell like.
    Inside, I got the cat trees moved and I actually like them better where they are so after the tree comes down, they will stay where they are. I need to clear off the couch and then really start decorating in here.
    One of the big totes that is on there will go in my car on Friday. Full of 3D printed stuff. A friend is meeting me at mom's to pick up some things she ordered plus will get to see what else we have.

    Have an hour before getting changed for class.
    It is cooling WAY down so I put my extra fan that I have been hauling into class(2 of them all summer) up in storage. I will make sure I have my small one in case someone else grabs the big one that is usually in the back by me. I will set it so I get most of the air, the other ladies havent been turning it on the past few weeks.

    Got my list started on all the candies I want to make. Think I will do more variety this time and not so many kinds of fudge. 16 kinds is a bit much but fun to come up with new combinations.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,081 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,081 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 5min 29sec, 97elev, 2.91ap, 78ahr, 98mhr, 6.23mi= 619c
    Strava app = 764c
    Walk to donate blood, go to store then home- 39.59min, 41elev, 96ahr, 115mhr, 1.87mi= 196c
    Strava app= 230c

    Total cal 815
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Allie so sorry to hear about Homer.

    Annie in Delaware
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,211 Member
    <3 pg 72 done.
  • ginadacat
    ginadacat Posts: 122 Member
    My husband and I ended up going over to Pigeon Forge this past Sunday. Got back home this evening. It was a wonderful trip. We done a lot of shopping and a lot of eating. I dread stepping on the scale Friday. The way I see it tho, any weight gained is I lost it once and I can lose it again.

    I got a lot of reading to do to catch up on here. I did see a question for me from “exermom” about the treadmill routine. Here’s the link to the YouTube video and the workout.


    🔥 0:00 | Intro

    🔥 0:37 | Warmup: 2.0 MPH – 30 sec
    🔥 1:07 | Warmup: 3.0 MPH – 30 sec
    🔥 1:38 | Warmup: 3.5 MPH – 60 sec

    🔥 2:50 | Set 1: 3.0 MPH, Incline 2 – 30 sec
    🔥 3:19 | Set 1: 2.0 MPH, Incline 2 – 60 sec
    🔥 4:20 | Set 1: 3.5 MPH, Incline 2 – 30 sec
    🔥 4:59 | Set 1: 2.0 MPH, Incline 2 – 60 sec
    🔥 6:03 | Set 1: 3.5 MPH, Incline 2 – 30 sec
    🔥 6:30 | Set 1: 2.0 MPH, Incline 2 – 30 sec
    🔥 7:00 | Set 1: 3.5 MPH, Incline 2 – 30 sec
    🔥 7:30 | Set 1: 2.0 MPH, Incline 0 – 60 sec

    🔥 8:38 | Set 2: 3.5 MPH, Incline 4 – 30 sec
    🔥 9:12 | Set 2: 2.0 MPH, Incline 4 – 60 sec
    🔥 10:17 | Set 2: 3.5 MPH, Incline 4 – 30 sec
    🔥 10:46 | Set 2: 2.0 MPH, Incline 4 – 60 sec
    🔥 11:42 | Set 2: 3.5 MPH, Incline 4 – 30 sec
    🔥 12:15 | Set 2: 2.0 MPH, Incline 4 – 30 sec
    🔥 12:42 | Set 2: 3.5 MPH, Incline 4 – 30 sec
    🔥 13:14 | Set 2: 2.0 MPH, Incline 0 – 60 sec

    🔥 14:16 | Set 3: 3.5 MPH, Incline 6 – 30 sec
    🔥 14:46 | Set 3: 2.0 MPH, Incline 6 – 60 sec
    🔥 15:46 | Set 3: 3.5 MPH, Incline 6 – 30 sec
    🔥 16:14 | Set 3: 2.0 MPH, Incline 6 – 60 sec
    🔥 17:13 | Set 3: 3.5 MPH, Incline 6 – 30 sec
    🔥 17:46 | Set 3: 2.0 MPH, Incline 6 – 60 sec
    🔥 18:15 | Set 3: 3.5 MPH, Incline 6 – 30 sec
    🔥 18:46 | Set 3: 2.0 MPH, Incline 0 – 60 sec

    🔥 19:49 | Set 4: 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec
    🔥 20:18 | Set 4: 2.0 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec
    🔥 20:46 | Set 4: 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec
    🔥 21:17 | Set 4: 2.0 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec
    🔥 21:46 | Set 4: 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec
    🔥 22:19 | Set 4: 2.0 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec
    🔥 22:46 | Set 4: 3.5 MPH, Incline 8 – 30 sec

    💨 23:20 | Cooldown: 2.0 MPH, Incline 0

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,994 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,587 Member
    Today’s gratitude: Shadow and Tumble wildly playing chase, zooming around the house when Joe puts his walking shoes on. ;)
    Lanette thanks for the podiatrist recommendation of New Balance as well as Hokas. Would you remind me for how long you’ve been your spins around the house carring 3# weights? That’s great results!!!
    Annie hope you’re runny nose and sore throat are gone by the time you read this. ((hugs held extra long))
    Lisa thanks for the slip-on Hsyooes garden shoes link. Alas no offerings in size 6 and if they run large, 6.5 would be too big. Fingers X’d tor the gentler iron.
    Allie :cry: ((hugs held extra extra long)) :heartbreak:
    Rita ((gentle hugs)) That’s a big piece of news to process and a long time to wait for the specialist ((hugs))
    Rebecca :love: the jewelry tree. Glad the gum is healing!
    Joy thank you for all your hard work to produce organic wheat and barley. My friend who has belly issues from most wheat can tolerate bread baked from organic wheat. There really is a difference.
    Carol the Kroger app will really save you $$, but it makes me mad to see people who don’t have smart phones charged so very much more. Doesn’t seem fair. Grr.
    Michele it might not be the right reading. The website I use changed over to the next “year” two days early and I couldn’t get to Wednesday’s readings. Oops ;}
    Heather Have good foodie bits memories of the one time I was at M&S. Lots of yummies.
    Margaret so relieved you were able to clear the air with your friend in such a loving and supportive way.
    Debbie fresh rosemary is one of my favorite scents ;)
    Tracey three flat tires since June? Ouch! Hope these next ones hold up better.
    Gina well done on that workout!

    Today was the first time I tried doing my standing PT exercises since Thanksgiving. Was able to dance a little over an hour before shins started to ache a bit. Got the pups down to the powerline with no pain. So far it seems like easing back into activity and wearing compression socks (even to bed) does the most good. Ordered 3 more pairs ;)
    11/29: Move: sets PT w/, dogs to powerline, Steps:~6057
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=13 CI<CO net=193 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, library, Post Office. Wt: 131.0
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    November: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, start meditating. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,813 Member
    (((Allie))) Such a hard decision, but you gave Homer a good life.

    Gotta get going and sort out my group a/cs so that I can pay my hall rentals at Monthly Meetings this afternoon.

    I have to do my Latin translation for tomorrow morning as well. Then I have Parchment Craft after lunch.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Gina I am jealous! Pigeon Forge is one of my favorite places! Glad you had a good time. It is nice to getcaway before holiday crazy kicks in.

    Allie Losing our fur babies is so hard. I am glad you were there though. It is so much better for you and your fur baby. I have had to do that twice. It sucks! But I don't believe I letting them suffer either. My DH couldn't stay in with us. :'(

    Rori Not good news, but you ARE able to make any changes necessary. You have come a long way in the past year especially.

    Machka I totally see that in you. So many of my traits were borderline which I expected when I did the test. We are opposites. I need quiet but also need interactions. I work best under pressure, otherwise am easily distracted. A lot of the traits are dependent on situations. I had a friend once tell my mom that I would have more friends if I was the same at school as I was at home. I was a dedicated scholar with no time for antics, but enjoyed play at home. The pitfalls to avoid were right on point. I knew these to be challenges for me.

    I had planned on finishing Christmas cards last night.....nope. Yesterday morning I striped beds, got laundry started, cleaned out fridge, emptied, filled and ran dishwasher, fluffed part of the tree. After work went to grocery, worked on laundry, made and cleaned up dinner, emptied dishwasher, made up bed, then it was bedtime. This morning I have finished and put away laundry, read my personality test all the way through, and caught up with y'all. Will take DH to hunting spot, then get ready for work. I need to do some more paperwork there then work on Christmas decorations there. It is suppose to get warm, so would like to get the lights on the building at least. Rain tomorrow, so could work on inside then. Need to get done at home decorations too. Forgot I will be in Cincinnati Saturday evening, so need to make haste to get done before Sunday at 6 when friends are coming over.


    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio